Photoshop :: Closed Pics Stay In Memory With CS2,...

Jul 21, 2009

Since there was a leaking condenstor at my motherboard, I had to buy a new PC. I bought a dual core machine, 4 Gb RAM, running under XP.I re-installed CS2. Problem is that CS2 is slowing down now when I am retouching a whole map of pictures.

As far as I can analyse (Windows Task Manager), I conclude dat while retouching dozens of RAW-images of a map one after the other, I see in Windows Task Manager that CS2 uses more than 500.000 Kb, meaning that CS2 keeps my images stacked in memory, even after being closed in CS2 ! Only when quit (and restart) CS2, the memory is cleared.

Although this is only 1/8 of my total RAM, it causes an annoying lag while handling new files in Windows. It can't be meant that I have to close CS2 periodically, besides, I didn't have the problem on my old PC. 

My PC-supplier concluded that the problem would be caused by Photoshop settings after re-installing, because other programs worked fast engough.This would point at Preference settings in CS2. However I can't find which and how. Does anyone of you know how to solve my problem?

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Photoshop :: Info Panel Will Not Stay Closed And It Just Keeps Flashing?

Jul 31, 2013

For some reason my info panel will not stay closed, and it just keeps flashing.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Won't Release Memory After Files Are Closed

Apr 5, 2013

The memory the program is using balloons over time because it does not release memory after you close files.  In the course of a day, the memory the program uses gets into the 8-10 GB range (we have very large files such as vehicle wraps and large full color signage).  The program will start and occupy under 100mb of memory and then when you open a file it will allocate the memory for that file (say 1 GB).  Then when you close that file, the memory isn't released or even re-addressed (it just seems to be in limbo at that point).  So after 2 dozen or so files the memory the app is taking up gets into the multi-gigabyte range....even without a single file open (the app is running with no open documents).

Now the system I am running has 12GB of ram, so I am not running out of memory yet, but it is still quite alarming to look and see only 2 GB of ram free on a 12GB system with no open files...

I cannot imagine why the programmers wouldn't have the app release the memory it's using.  That seems like really sloppy coding to me.  (programming 101: when your app is done with memory, release it.).

The system configuration is as follows:

Core i7 980X 3.33Ghz (6 physical cores with hyperthreading), 12 GB RAM, 4-way RAID-0 SSD HDD array, Windows 7 64-bit, Corel Suite x6 (updated to 6.3).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Not Releasing Memory When Assemblies Are Closed

May 24, 2013

I am having an issue with 2014 not releasing memory when assemblies are closed.

After a dozen saves the saving process is noticeably slower and a task will appear on the application bar (image 1). During the save all 4 cores will be at 100% (image 2). Eventually IV will have eaten 8 of my 12 gigs of ram and windows will inform me to "save open files and close application" due to insufficient ram. At this point I save (albeit slowly), close all open assemblies, and the allocated ram decreases by ~5%. Then restart IV to begin digging the hole again.

Edit: The assembly is large but not giant; 300 unique parts, 2000 components.

My coworker does not appear to have this issue. We are using identical application options and I do not have 'Quick File Open' enabled (App Options/File).

Running Win 7 (x64) and Build 170, Release: 2014RTM.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Closed Polyline Not Showing As Closed Section

Apr 10, 2012

I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.

I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Offset Outlines On Closed Or Non-closed Path

Sep 27, 2013

i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Saving Files With Big Memory Instead Of Small Memory?

May 6, 2011

I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE !  Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: High Memory Usage And Out Of Memory Error

Nov 4, 2011

I do have problem with my newly installed CorelDraw X5. Before X5 we used Corel 12 in our company.

I have project file (150 MB) with lots of text, bitmaps, vectors - about 100 pages. File opens but I can't save it. I always get OUT OF MEMORY error. I even tried to divide this file into 2 smaller parts but still doesn't work.

What I noticed - Corel X5 after clean start (without opened project) takes about 80MB of RAM in task manager. When I open project usage changes from 80MB to 1,2GB. While saving it takes 1,6GB of RAM and it crashes.

To compare - Corel 12 and after opening same project file Corel 12 takes much less of memory - about 770MB and it works without problem. 

Where from comes this memory usage difference?

My PC:

Windows 7 - 32bit

4GB of RAM

Intel Core2Duo 2 x 3.0GHz

700GB free space on drive C:

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Photoshop :: 'Instruction At "0x1a3c4b6b" Referenced At Memory "0x00000028" Memory Could Not Be Read

Jul 22, 2009

when I try to open an existing file or create a new one -- the application will shut down unexpectedly and without warning.But I also experience application errors: 'Instruction at "0x1a3c4b6b" referenced at memory "0x00000028" Memory could not be read.

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Photoshop :: How To Stay Update?

Sep 14, 2005

I have got the job of my dreams and one of the things I want to do is to stay updated on software and the market in general (I missed the Adobe Macromedia merge for instance)

Is there any good news-site, blog or similar where I can get the info on such matters, Multimedia in general?

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Photoshop :: Opacity Won't Stay At 100%

Nov 18, 2005

Is there any reason the opacity won't stay completely opaque for the pencil and paint tools (and possibly other tools)? I have opacity set to 100% in the options bar at the top as well as the fill and opacity settings on the layers pallette. I can't see anywhere where opacity is being set to less than 100%.

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Photoshop :: Stay Away From Sandisk

Jun 13, 2008

I'm a professional photographers for 20 years. I 've had lots of customer service issues. I find Sandisk to be the worst of the batch. I recommend everyone not buy more from them.

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Photoshop :: Background Won't Stay Transparent

Feb 4, 2009

When I make a project with a transparent background the background becomes white when I export it for use in another application/program/etc.

When I create the project I set the background to transparent. I do not add a new background to compete with the transparent background.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Won't Stay Open?

Sep 14, 2012

......if it opens at all. laptop is above min spec for pse 10. sometimes it opens fine sometimes it gets to the selection screen and when you choose say ORGANISE, it shuts down sometimes it just doesnt open at all when it does it will only allow you to see a  3X2 view or lower in the organise screen, any more and you just get hour glasses this is a real bummer  i have paid £100 for this and premiere which does the same errors that elements does i have been  using elements since elements 3

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Scrubby Zoom To Stay Turned Off

Oct 10, 2012

try as i might i cannot get scrubby zoom to stay turned off when i reopen photoshop ? i have turned off the scrubby zoom check box in the top interface menu and have turned off animated zoom in the preferences menu.I have restarted multiple times and have the latest Photoshop patch

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Photoshop :: CS 6 Image Windows Don't Stay - Reposition Itself

May 16, 2012

I installed CS 6 yesterday.  My system runs 64 bit Win 7.  In Preferences > Interface, as I did in CS 5, I unchecked both Open Documents as Tabs and Enable Floating Document Window.  However, unlike CS 5, in CS 6 images 'insist' on positioning themselves in the upper left corner of CS 6 and will cover both the options bar and the tool bar.  For example, this will happen after opening an image if I try to move it or if I enlarge the image window (CTRL-0).  If I open two images and try to move one so I can see both at the same time, the one I try to move will not stay where I put it but instead will reposition itself to the upper left, and cover the options bar and menu bar.
this makes working in CS 6 difficult and inconvenient.  I assume this is a bug, and wonder if there are any workarounds or other solutions.  To this point, I have not yet uninstalled and re-installed CS 6.

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Photoshop :: Make Duplicate Windows Stay Up?

Mar 20, 2013

Right now, i am workin on my ultimate workspace for photoshop, but I have one more interest. I wanted to see if it was possible for me to use the window> Arrage>new window for feature and have it save as a permanent dock for my photoshop workspace. That way, when I open up a image on photoshop, I don't have to worry about going to window on my application bar and starting this feature.

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Photoshop :: Can't Make Mask Stay In Channel CS5

Aug 3, 2012

I follow a tutorial about making a pattern and she tells me to paste. I need to have the right channel marked. I do have the black dot in the right channel, and the channel is marked. I have a mask selected. I click paste, nothing happens.
It's a brick and I'm planning to have 3 channels for it. Light, dark and something in between recolorable. I even saved a selection and then loaded it onto the correct channel. I tried to delete the extra mask channels hoping it was still saved. Then all knowledge of any maskes seems to be gone. As you can see on this picture I have all the channels there with masks, but it's still not being saved. I load this into another program and channels is nothing but 3 different colors all over. There is no selection. When I'm trying to save this as dds It says I have 3 alpha channels, they are suppose to be red, green and blue! [URL] ........

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Photoshop :: CS4 Won't Stay Open For Longer Than 5 Seconds

Jun 16, 2012

I had photoshop CS4, and it's been working fine since I've gotten it, but yesterday I started having this weird issue. I open it, it opens fine, then windows tells me photoshop has stopped working. I've restarted, re-installed and tried over and over, but it won't stay open for longer than 5 seconds. My mother gave me CS6 to replace CS4.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Tool Options Stay Displayed?

Jan 18, 2013

When I click once on a tool to choose it, the tool's options (ex. the 3 options of the lasso) stay displayed so that I have to re-click (anywhere) before I can use it. This by opposition to the normal behavior of PS that is when you click on a tool it is choosen and you can use it right away. I must have change a preference but I can't find wich. Photoshop CS3 extended (10.0) on Mac

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Photoshop :: Ruler Tool Not Stay Visible?

Mar 20, 2013

The problem with the ruler tool is that when I select another tool the former DOES not stay visible. something I need.
For example, I make a measurement with the ruler tool, then select the move tool and the mesurement made dissapears from the document

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Photoshop :: CS2 - Layers Window Won't Stay Open?

Jul 22, 2012

I've been using CS2 Photoshop 9 for some time on an iMac running 10.4.11. all of a sudden, the Layers window will not stay open. It'll open with F7 but as soon as I click on the image I'm working on, the Layers window closes! All the other windows seem to work OK. Did I mistakenly hit something to cause this to happen? It's almost like an automatic window closer.

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Photoshop :: Saving Window Don't Stay Opened

Jul 17, 2013

Since I updated all the drivers on my laptop, the saving window where I am supposed to choose the format (jpg, gif, etc.) of copies of my file don't stay opened long enough for me to save in another format than PS. How to fix it?

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Will Not Stay Open

Jan 1, 2013

My PSE 11 organizer will not stay open.  My PSE 9 was working fine for a couple of years, but then for no reason I can determine when I hit the organizer button it started to open then closed down.  So I uninstalled 9 and purchased 11, but same issue.

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Photoshop :: Files Left Open Don't Stay Changed

May 14, 2013

I've noticed an annoying fact about PS CS6 that never happened in earlier CS versions: If I have a few files open at the same time, and I make a transformation in an image, then move on to antother image, maybe to edit something out of for the first one, when I return to the first image, the change I made is undone, and the image is back to where it was before the transformation. I haven't hit "undo" or any other command in hte interim-I just navigated to a different file and didn't touch the first one for a few minutes. Simply put: if I make a transformation such as rotating something or changing scale, then click on a different file, make changes there, then go back to the first file, it's as if I had never made the last transformation. I ddin't save the file, but why should I have to? I simply left it momentarily. It doesn't happen consistently, and it isn't a deal-breaker, but why does it happen at all? And how can I stop it?

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Photoshop :: Image Won't Stay Still In Full Screen Mode

Aug 31, 2012

In CS6, full screen mode, the image keeps moving up, down or to the side if my cursor gets too close to the edge of the screen. sometimes I'm not even at the edge of the screen but in the middle of the screen, I move the cursor right, the document goes to the left.  In the old days the window stayed put unless you used the handtool to move it around.  Is it possible to go back to this mode?

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Photoshop :: Multiple PICs In One PSD

May 14, 2009

I have three pics that I want in one PSD file (project). How can I do this. If I lauch PS (CS2) I have to load them individually.

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Photoshop :: Branding Pics In PS?

Oct 14, 2003

how to brand an entire group of pictures in PS7 at one time? It takes me way to long to do an entire set one at a time.

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Pics To Layer

Apr 4, 2009

I try to lay 2 pics together, the first one will lay down as a background, then I click on new layer and name it but when I try to pull the next pic up it creates a new background!! AARGH!! I can't seem to get them in the same layered project. I do however get the layer that I name but NOT the new pic.

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Photoshop :: Animated Looking Pics

May 31, 2003

how he got this guy to look so amazinly fake or animated. Its looks alomst painted. Any help would be great. P.S. His graphic is on a freeserver so may be down a couple times bare with it please

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Photoshop :: How Do They Make Self Pics Like This?

Feb 20, 2006

I've been surfing around these forums for a while and finally decided to register.

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