Photoshop :: How Do They Make Self Pics Like This?

Feb 20, 2006

I've been surfing around these forums for a while and finally decided to register.

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Photoshop :: Blurry Pics - Make Picture Crisp With CS5?

Nov 13, 2013

how to make a picture crisp with cs5

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Paint.NET :: Make Wallpaper With Huge Amount Of Small Pics?

Jun 8, 2011

Just made this wallpaper, original size was 1440*900 Every avatar inside that pic are individual image file and I input them by Add layer > Import from a file, one by one = =''

Question is, how to make the job easier?

Like some plugin which allow you to select multiple image files and sorted it by some pattern...Does it exist?

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Photoshop :: Multiple PICs In One PSD

May 14, 2009

I have three pics that I want in one PSD file (project). How can I do this. If I lauch PS (CS2) I have to load them individually.

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Photoshop :: Branding Pics In PS?

Oct 14, 2003

how to brand an entire group of pictures in PS7 at one time? It takes me way to long to do an entire set one at a time.

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Pics To Layer

Apr 4, 2009

I try to lay 2 pics together, the first one will lay down as a background, then I click on new layer and name it but when I try to pull the next pic up it creates a new background!! AARGH!! I can't seem to get them in the same layered project. I do however get the layer that I name but NOT the new pic.

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Photoshop :: Animated Looking Pics

May 31, 2003

how he got this guy to look so amazinly fake or animated. Its looks alomst painted. Any help would be great. P.S. His graphic is on a freeserver so may be down a couple times bare with it please

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Photoshop :: Combine Pics

Mar 7, 2004

I am looking for someone who can create or combine two images. For example, I have pics of two different person. Now I want to create another image out of the pics that I have. its like, picking the best part of the face then creating another image. If you have any idea on this matter, inform me as soon as u finish reading this.

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Photoshop :: Blending 2 Pics Together

Jan 2, 2004

if you had 2 pics next to each other and blending them into each other. Some say to user layer masks and a brush, others say they use erasers and fading.

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Photoshop :: 10 Car Pics - Slideshow?

May 11, 2007

I just want 10 pics of my car to slideshow in one image for myspace.

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Photoshop :: 3 Pics, 1 Canvas...

Aug 8, 2009

i'm trying to take 3 pictures that i have resized into 8x10, and 2 - 3.5x5

I want to have the 8x10 in the middle, and the 2 3.5x5 on the left and right of the 8x10.

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Photoshop :: Merge 3 Pics Together?

Feb 16, 2004

I simply want to put three pics of three different people together so it looks like one pic.

How do you do it?

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Photoshop :: Colorization For 2 Pics

Oct 13, 2005

turn these b/w photos to color again? You don't have to do both,

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Two Pics Together?

Apr 15, 2009

This has probably been asked a thousand times, but I am new to photoshop.!  I am trying to take a pic of me and combine it with another one of my friend so it looks like we are standing beside each other. 

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Photoshop :: Asking About A Grid On All Of The Pics

May 25, 2003

I let me friend play with PS the other day and. I came to work with it today and found that every pic I would open had a grid on it. I dont know what he done, he didnt say anything bout it and now I dont know how to get the grid off does anyone know how?

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Photoshop :: Merging Two Pics

Sep 27, 2003

I just got photoshop 7, and I want to bring two pics from my harddrive, one a jpg, and the other a gif, and stick one on top of the other, to make a sig. But I do not know how to bring two pics in at the same time, and edit them so that I can make one pic, out of the two.

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Photoshop :: Cleaning Up Pics

Jan 9, 2007

I have some jpegs (72 dpi) of family that I wanted to print out and put in a collage for a family reunion. I would like to enlarge them, but of course this makes the pictures pixelated and bad quality. Is there a way to get around this and make them look better? I could swear I have seen a plug-in that does this (or simulates) and helps make pictures look better with more detail. If there is any special tips or tricks or even recommendations of plug-ins on how I can achieve this,

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Photoshop :: Uploading Pics Into A Template?

Nov 30, 2013

i think i set up a template (first time using) now i need to drop a pic in the box and can not figure out how?

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Photoshop :: Two Seperate Pics Together On One Canvas

Sep 15, 2007

I'm going prematurely grey over it. Here's what I've done so far.I've opened the two files for the pics I want. One is for the backgound image the other has a quick mask I've applied for the foreground. I opened a new file and enlarged the canvas size. Then tried to drop & drag the background image into the new canvas. That doesn't work. However when I drop & drag the one with the qick mask it will co-opertate but the pic grows far too large in the new canvas.

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Photoshop :: After Saving, Pics Are Blurry And Not...

Jul 3, 2008

used to use photostudio 5 but PS CS3 is supposed to be alot better so i got this and everytime i save it, (in mypictures folder) the preview and everything looks fine, but once i close the folder out and go back, it looks blurry and when i upload it to the web, its really blurry...

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Photoshop :: Merge 2 Pics So You Cant See Borders

Dec 5, 2006

I have 2 pics that are basically the same colour. I would like to merge them into one, on top of each other so you cant see that they are 2 separate pics.

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Photoshop :: How To Attach Pics To Messages?

May 18, 2004

how to add an image to my messages,I can see the img button, but don't get a choice to browse to insert the image,

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Photoshop :: High Resolution Pics?

Oct 20, 2005

I am producing 2006 calendars and require fillers for each month, for instance one customer has asked for ships etc.

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Photoshop :: Black And White Pics

Aug 22, 2003

I need to change this pic black and white without chnaging the other layers black and white.

Im tryna make it look like a picture from the old days.

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Photoshop :: Going Rate For Restoration Of Pics

Jul 14, 2006

I had someone approach me for restoration work.. It will be a easy one for me.. What's the going rate.. I was thinking of doing on rate for the restoration and if they order their prints from me giving them a little break but if they don't does anyone know what this type of work is going for?

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Photoshop :: Opened Pics Are Locked

Jan 9, 2009

Ive downloaded pics from my CF card from my CanonS1 IS to my laptop via a cardreader. When I open a pic in Photoshop 5, the pic is locked and can't be unlocked. Does anyone have a solution to this so I may get the pic unlocked. Photoshop will not unlock it.

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Photoshop :: Creating Infared Pics

Jul 9, 2005

how to convert digital photos so that they look like infared?

I have been told it can be done, but don't know how...

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Photoshop :: Correcting Mobile Taken Pics

Oct 4, 2005

how to correct images taken from nokia 6600 ?

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Photoshop :: Using Many Tiny Different Pics To Create One Pic

Jan 21, 2005

How to using many tiny different pics to create one pic. Something like this: (excuse the quality, the pic is really a composition of many tiny pics of his face).

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Photoshop :: Black An White Pics

Jul 8, 2003

I'm looking for a site that has black an white pics of super heros, so that I can color them in PS.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Get This Effect (pics Inside)

Aug 27, 2008

Can someone please help me find out what filter was used on the player on these boxes?

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