Photoshop :: Two Seperate Pics Together On One Canvas
Sep 15, 2007
I'm going prematurely grey over it. Here's what I've done so far.I've opened the two files for the pics I want. One is for the backgound image the other has a quick mask I've applied for the foreground. I opened a new file and enlarged the canvas size. Then tried to drop & drag the background image into the new canvas. That doesn't work. However when I drop & drag the one with the qick mask it will co-opertate but the pic grows far too large in the new canvas.
I have an image which is all one layer. I want to seperate the text from the white background so I can place it over photographs without the white background appearing.
I have an image that i am trying to modify. The background is completely white, and it has features in the forground that are black, grey, and red. I want to be able to seperate it in to layers, one layer containing everything white, and the other layer containing ONLY the other features(everythign that isnt white). How can i do this? I am using Photoshop Elements 5.
I've got ton of 50mb tiffs I need to reduce to small jpegs and watermark.
But I made an action and the watermark looked great on some and microscopic on others.
The files that had a resolution of 4000 (from slides per scanner) were fine.
The files that were shot digital -- resolution of 240, watermark was microscopic.
So only solution is to make seperate actions correct? (what a hassle)
Seems so stange in that the files are all same size more or less in size and the resolution really only matters if you print the dang thing, which I'm not doing now!
I have a scanned image of an old letter. I want to know if I can lift, seperate, the writing layer from the background? If so, how would I go about doing this.
I have a picture of Jimi Hendrix that i'd like to take the black parts away from, to make 2 seperate pictures. One jus the black and the other the colour. So say if you printed them both out on acetate and put them together, it would look like the original image?
I have amassed a few plugins which i wish to use in CS2. When I copy the plugins into the "plugin folder" in Photoshop CS2, the result is a long list within the program itself under the Filter
I have been doing some work recently with stencils, which involves me using illustrator to do a cutout-type effect using the "live trace" function. It works very well for making stencils that I can enlarge many times. The problem I have encountered is with working with more than 3 layers- it is very hard to distinguish colors from each other, especially in more complex stencils, after they have been cut out.
I have been searching for an option (or seperate program) that would allow me to automatically separate the colors (there are never more than 15) onto individual layers, one color per layer.
Is there a way to open multiple images in 1 Photoshop PSD, with each image in it's own layer? I thought it may be the quickest way to stick images. The images will be named consecutively.
I'm an animation intern working for an animator who does things old school.
She gives me hundreds of animation cells to scan using her scanner into photoshop CS(nothing), using the scan utility in photoshop. the result, as we are doing it, is hundreds of separate image files. i then copy and paste each of these image files into another custom sized file as separate layers.
i know there must be a way to automate this or do it with an action, but i cannot figure it out. if you think this isn't possible with photoshop CS(nothing) i have CS3 available to me on my personal laptop.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
I have completed a project and I need to verify that, based on what I implemented, image should be resized but quality of image (both JPEG and GIF) should not be reduced.
My question is it possible to verify the result using photoshop or some other tools? How?
My college said it is hard to check if an image looks different because of image resizing or because of quality loss or because of both. He said I have to create some log files to trace the result. It is a little too much work for me.
I try to lay 2 pics together, the first one will lay down as a background, then I click on new layer and name it but when I try to pull the next pic up it creates a new background!! AARGH!! I can't seem to get them in the same layered project. I do however get the layer that I name but NOT the new pic.
how he got this guy to look so amazinly fake or animated. Its looks alomst painted. Any help would be great. P.S. His graphic is on a freeserver so may be down a couple times bare with it please
I am looking for someone who can create or combine two images. For example, I have pics of two different person. Now I want to create another image out of the pics that I have. its like, picking the best part of the face then creating another image. If you have any idea on this matter, inform me as soon as u finish reading this.
if you had 2 pics next to each other and blending them into each other. Some say to user layer masks and a brush, others say they use erasers and fading.
This has probably been asked a thousand times, but I am new to photoshop.! I am trying to take a pic of me and combine it with another one of my friend so it looks like we are standing beside each other.
I let me friend play with PS the other day and. I came to work with it today and found that every pic I would open had a grid on it. I dont know what he done, he didnt say anything bout it and now I dont know how to get the grid off does anyone know how?
I just got photoshop 7, and I want to bring two pics from my harddrive, one a jpg, and the other a gif, and stick one on top of the other, to make a sig. But I do not know how to bring two pics in at the same time, and edit them so that I can make one pic, out of the two.
I have some jpegs (72 dpi) of family that I wanted to print out and put in a collage for a family reunion. I would like to enlarge them, but of course this makes the pictures pixelated and bad quality. Is there a way to get around this and make them look better? I could swear I have seen a plug-in that does this (or simulates) and helps make pictures look better with more detail. If there is any special tips or tricks or even recommendations of plug-ins on how I can achieve this,