Photoshop :: Open Multiple Images In One PSD As Seperate Layers
Mar 30, 2008
Is there a way to open multiple images in 1 Photoshop PSD, with each image in it's own layer? I thought it may be the quickest way to stick images. The images will be named consecutively.
I'm an animation intern working for an animator who does things old school.
She gives me hundreds of animation cells to scan using her scanner into photoshop CS(nothing), using the scan utility in photoshop. the result, as we are doing it, is hundreds of separate image files. i then copy and paste each of these image files into another custom sized file as separate layers.
i know there must be a way to automate this or do it with an action, but i cannot figure it out. if you think this isn't possible with photoshop CS(nothing) i have CS3 available to me on my personal laptop.
I have an image which is all one layer. I want to seperate the text from the white background so I can place it over photographs without the white background appearing.
I have an image that i am trying to modify. The background is completely white, and it has features in the forground that are black, grey, and red. I want to be able to seperate it in to layers, one layer containing everything white, and the other layer containing ONLY the other features(everythign that isnt white). How can i do this? I am using Photoshop Elements 5.
I have a series of pics (approx 80) that I'd like to load into Elements, with each photo going into a single layer. I google'd a series of old posts where somebody used a "script", but the links are no longer working and that trails is dead.
I have layers for different possible end picture effects. eg text in different colors some of it on slopes etc. I would like to send the client a few different choices without having to flatten or "merg visible" layers. If I do that then I loose the possibility of changes that the client might want.
what im trying to do is open multiple images in Photoshop cs3 and then blend the images together. But the problem that i am facing is that i can only open one image at a time.
I'm doing a gif animation in PS and have five pictures that I need to have as layers on the top of each other. At the moment I'm opening them and copy-pasting them on one of the images to make layers, but this is slow and sometimes confusing with all the images open at the same time.
Is there any way to just tell Photoshop to open all the files so that they are automatically stacked on the top of each other as layers?
The option to edit in Photoshop CS4 from Lightroom 4 and return is just fine. However, the option to Open images as layers in Photoshop is grayed out as well as the option to open as Smart Object or Merge.
According to 'About Lightroom; this is what I'm running: <Lightroom 3.6, Camera Raw 6.6>
I used to 'merge to panorama', or 'open as layers' in Photoshop regularly, but today it no longer works. When I try, the message comes up: "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in version 6.6 for full compatibility. Please update the Camera Raw plug-in using the update tool available in the Photoshop help menu."
When I go to Photoshop Help Menu, 'no available updates at this time' is the message that comes up. I manually downloaded the Camera Raw 6.6, but to no avail.
When attempting to edit using PS, the program DOES open, but nothing happens... the files do not appear. They DO open individually when Edit in Photoshop CS4 is selected, but I prefer the 'open in layers' option, and often use the 'merge to panorama'...
I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.
Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?
I work on a Mac with three monitors. My primary monitor is in the middle. I often will drag images to one of the side monitors where they'll stay open while I'm working on other images. But Photoshop will open the next image I choose on the side monitors where I've got images open.
I want all new images to open on my primary monitor, always. Is there a way to define which monitor images will open on?
I'm working with InDesign CS5.5 on a Mac and need to import multiple images into separate layers. The imprint project has a base layer template and several company logos that need to go into their own layer. Is there a way to bring all the logos in at once and have them create their own layer without manually creating each layer and placing images one by one? Can InDesign do this automatically or is there a script? I can't seem to find a way to automate this process.
Basically what I need to do is capture a video shot, and place a play button on top of it. I thought the simplest way would be to just open each image as a separate layer but couldn't find a way to do that.
Eventually I made the screen shot the background image of an html page, and the play button the foreground image. Then I was able to position them just the way I wanted and capture a screen shot, then trim and edit in Gimp.
how do i open or drag multiple images onto the same window or blank background in elements 11? was easy in 2.0 as all images were available on same page. where is this option in 11?
When I double-click an image file name in Windows Explorer a new instance of PSP7 is opened for each image. What I need is to open multiple images in one instance of PSP when I double-click the image name.
I'm a bit of a Newbie to Is there any way to have multiple images open at the same time on ythe screen -- and to be able to select parts from one image and paste them in another -- that sort of thing?
I would like to use the Bash command line to open two images into GIMP, each image on a layer. The code below opens the two images into separate GIMP windows.
>> gimp image1.jpg image2.jpg
How can I open the two images into one GIMP window and two layers?
I have a task that I repeat all the time, where I have about 20 digital photos that are all taken of something the same size, at the same magnification, but not centered identically. I then need similarly centered, identical size and shape cropped images for all of the images. In Photoshop, a friend with the exact same task solves this by opening all of the images, making a rectangular selection of the appropriate size and shape by eye on the first image, and then dragging this rectangular selection from this first image into each other open images and hand-positioning in each image as he drags it in, so that all of the selections for cropping the images are the same shape and size, and can be individually positioned, rapidly. This exact solution is perfect for this task, and although it works great in Photoshop, selections can't be dragged intact from image to image in the same way in gimp 2.6.11 on ubuntu 11.04/gnome 2.32.1/linux 2.6.38-8 generic , so I am looking for a way to accomplish something similar.
How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?
I work in Animation painting Backgrounds. My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.
The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.
The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY. IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.
I have 2 adjustment layers up top. I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal. THey take on the colour change just FINE.
However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...
How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate!
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
I've just recently purchased PSP X4 since they touted that it was much faster loading and more stable (X3 was horrible about crashing). I continue to be amazed at how they (Corel) can just keep digging a hole instead of actually improving this product. I can see why they continue to lose market share.
1) I can no longer open mulitple images at the same time for side-by-side comparison. The work area now will only accommodate 1 open file at a time. 2) I miss not having the file size included in the data box that appears when you hold the cursor over a thumbnail. It was always handy when downsizing (resizing) photos for posting. 3) It is a pain now to have to go back and forth from the "EDIT" tab to the "MANAGE" tab to view full-sized photos (without having to open one at a time). They really screwed the pooch in X2 or X3 (can't remember) when they got rid of the old Organizer format. It was soooo easy to navigate; you had a screen full of thumbnails, you saw what you wanted and clicked it open....just too easy I guess!!! I was hoping they would go back to it for this version. I know in other forums, this change really rankled a lot of users. They just seem to bounce around trying different things. I wonder who the h*ll they use to test this stuff in-house.
I do like the faster speed, but don't know if I'll go for any more versions after this or not (been here since V.7 when JASC owned it). Big mistake selling if off to Corel. I've just about had it and there is some decent up and coming competition out there nowdays.
I'm going prematurely grey over it. Here's what I've done so far.I've opened the two files for the pics I want. One is for the backgound image the other has a quick mask I've applied for the foreground. I opened a new file and enlarged the canvas size. Then tried to drop & drag the background image into the new canvas. That doesn't work. However when I drop & drag the one with the qick mask it will co-opertate but the pic grows far too large in the new canvas.