Photoshop :: Multiple Layers For Possible Different Final Images

Aug 6, 2013

I have layers for different possible end picture effects. eg text in different colors some of it on slopes etc.  I would like to send the client a few different choices without having to flatten or "merg visible" layers.  If I do that then I loose the possibility of changes that the client might want.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Load Multiple Images Into Multiple Layers

Oct 6, 2012

I have a series of pics (approx 80) that I'd like to load into Elements, with each photo going into a single layer.  I google'd a series of old posts where somebody used a "script", but the links are no longer working and that trails is dead.

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Photoshop :: Import Multiple Images Into Layers

Jun 1, 2008

Is there a quick and simple method of directly importing multiple images into separate layers of a single Photoshop document?

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Photoshop :: Open Multiple Images In One PSD As Seperate Layers

Mar 30, 2008

Is there a way to open multiple images in 1 Photoshop PSD, with each image in it's own layer? I thought it may be the quickest way to stick images. The images will be named consecutively.

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Photoshop :: Automate Multiple Images Into Seperate Layers In 1 File?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm an animation intern working for an animator who does things old school.

She gives me hundreds of animation cells to scan using her scanner into photoshop CS(nothing), using the scan utility in photoshop. the result, as we are doing it, is hundreds of separate image files. i then copy and paste each of these image files into another custom sized file as separate layers.

i know there must be a way to automate this or do it with an action, but i cannot figure it out. if you think this isn't possible with photoshop CS(nothing) i have CS3 available to me on my personal laptop.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Open Multiple Images And Retain Them On Separate Layers?

Feb 8, 2013

I have been unable to open multiple images and retain them on separate layers

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GIMP :: Exporting Multiple Layers Into Images

Jun 1, 2011

I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.

Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?

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Photoshop :: Saving Images Consistently (from One File To Final Modified One)?

Feb 16, 2012

I have been trying to save images from one file to a final modified one.  Two problems: 

1) Some images are unedited and save sometimes but not always.  Why?   
2) Some are a combination of an original plus a transformed close-up from another image.  When the finished edited image saves, it is much smaller than the few unedited images that did successfully save.  Why?
The images are digital photos of my jewelry.  In order to decrease the number of pages on my impending website, I am attempting to transfer, when one is available, a resized close-up to the other shot of  the full set (close-ups are what sell the work!).  Some of the images show 25% on the top bar but that doesn't seem to make a difference as to whether it will save or not.  Others (I notice they seem to be more horizontal images) are 16.7% ?  I tried to upload example images to illustrate what I am trying to do but kept getting an error message. 

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GIMP :: How To Import Multiple Images From A Folder Into Layers

Dec 19, 2013

I want to write a script that will import images from a directory and then place each image into its own layer.

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InDesign :: Place Multiple Images On Separate Layers?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm working with InDesign CS5.5 on a Mac and need to import multiple images into separate layers. The imprint project has a base layer template and several company logos that need to go into their own layer. Is there a way to bring all the logos in at once and have them create their own layer without manually creating each layer and placing images one by one? Can InDesign do this automatically or is there a script? I can't seem to find a way to automate this process.

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Lightroom :: Send Images To Final Cut Pro X From 3?

Jul 5, 2012

How do I pick up sorted images from Lightroom 3 in Final Cut Pro X?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Combining Multiple Surfaces To Create Final Surface

Nov 28, 2012

I am creating my Final Grading surface with from 2 surfaces - a proposed road surface and a proposed grading surface.  (Note of roads within the road surface)

The issue is that when I paste the proposed road surface (that consists of several looped sections) over the proposed grading surface, the proposed grading surface within the looped road areas dissappears.

I have tried several options using boundaries for the inner looped areas on my road surface, and has altered my order of opterations for my final surface edits, and many other things also. 

I have attached an image for reference.

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Lightroom :: Export Images To Precise Final Dimensions?

Mar 19, 2013

I'm trying to export images with lightroom but i need to have exact final dimension(s). I mean, may be I need *exactly* 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 pixel final jpg dimensions, so i need a way for having automatic black borders added to the image if it does not match proportions - as you probably have understood images have to be shown on different screen/monitors and I have troubles with automatic zooming fitting and proportions. ?
I can't do photo by photo due to the fact i have hundred(s) of images to export.

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Lightroom :: Differentiate Between Source Files And Final Edit Images

May 21, 2012

I have a system of labeling my images to differentiate between the source files and the final edit images, but sometimes I need to apply different labels if there is something that's not ordinary to my process. My problem is that when I go back through my archive to look for something, I forget why I lebeled something a different color. I've been creating JPG's in Photoshop with notes for that specific job, but that's getting to be a pain.
It would be great to be able to create a note within Lightroom that I can view while I'm thumbing through my images.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Selections To Multiple Layers Or Multiple Files With One Go?

May 26, 2013

how to convert multiple selections to multiple layers or multiple files with one go?

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Photoshop :: Apply Adjustment Layers To Multiple Layers That Have Different Blending Modes?

Sep 6, 2013

How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes  and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?
I work in Animation painting Backgrounds.  My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.
The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer  ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and  then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.
The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY.    IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.


I have 2 adjustment layers up top.  I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal.  THey take on the colour change just FINE.
However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...
How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration  and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate! 

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Photoshop :: Plugin / Action To Separate Multiple Objects On Single Layer Into Multiple Layers

Jun 24, 2013

Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?

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Illustrator :: Delete Multiple Layers By Selecting Multiple Object?

Jan 25, 2014

I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?

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Photoshop :: Sizing, Multiple Images, Huge Images

Nov 9, 2005

Hi, I am starting a new business making art prints for artists. I have purchased this huge printer ... just got it. I've been studying photoshop for months using "classroom in a book" and am finding out that I've probably studied the wrong thing.

I have three questions and thanks in advance for any of your expertise.

1. I successfully printed out a two foot by two foot photo I took of my husband with my 8.2 megapixel camera. Then, tried to print out another photo.... used the same photoshop settings, but the print was 6 inches by 6 inches...... I did notice that the second print was only 16. %... I wondered if that caused the difference in size? How do I set that to 100 % if that is what is needed?

2. I want to print out multiple small prints using this big paper and printer... I want to tile these various prints (all different) along the top making rows... I want them to be all different. I called Epson support and they said I could do that in photoshop. Do I use the browser?

3. I have a wide format scanner. It does up to 11 x 17 inches. If I have something larger to scan, let's say, I scan the bottom of the image and then scan the top of the image, how do I put them together?

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Photoshop :: Duplicating Multiple Sets Of Separately Linked Layers Results In All Layers Being Linked Together

Mar 11, 2013

I found an old thread from 2011 about the same problem and the mod reported it to the devs, but as far as I know no solution has ever been offered.(maybe in cs6? we are still using cs5)For one or two layers it's no problem to do it manually, but with say 40 layers with corresponding linked layers we need a better solution.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Multiple Text Layers Without Merging Text Layers

Dec 29, 2008

I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.

However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.

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Lightroom :: Selecting Images In Library Module When Multiple Images Are In View

Dec 3, 2012

I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.

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Lightroom :: Rating Individual Images When Multiple Images Selected

Jul 18, 2012

In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Crop Out Images On Pages With Multiple Images?

Apr 8, 2012

let's say I have a page with 6 images and 6 captions. is there anyway to crop out more than one at a time and save them? Currently I have to crop out all but one, then save that one, then reload the image and crop out another one and save etc over and over. is there a better way?

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Photoshop :: How To Drag Multiple Layers To New Tab

May 27, 2013

I want to drag multiple adjustment layers, typically four with default masks but no masking has been applied, from one document to another. I have read several articles about this, but no method works reliably for me. I running CS6.

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Photoshop :: Using Paste Into With Multiple Layers

Feb 1, 2012

I am creating a wood grain texture that has a diffuse and bump layer. I want to paste both layers "into" a selected area of a UV map. Can this be done with both layers at the same time using "paste into"? I have tried using groups and also tried linking with "paste into" with no luck. Once pasted I also want to be able to manipulate both layers at the same time. I have searched all over and haven't found an answer. I am using CS4.

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Photoshop :: Edit Multiple Layers

Feb 21, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to edit the threshold on multiple layers at the same time instead of editing one layer at a time. I am currently working on an animation which i import from imageready, and would like to apply the threshold effect. Is there a trick to make this possible?

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Photoshop :: Cant Select Multiple Layers?

Mar 16, 2011

All of a sudden, I cant use the CTRL+CLICK to select Multiple Layers. When I do, I get this little box at the point of the cursor and ""Load Selection" pops up in the History.

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Photoshop :: Working With Multiple Layers In CS 3?

Dec 22, 2008

In order to work with multiple layers in cs3, I first need to open few images to work with,and when I open few images it only shows last image that I opened.Frist images can't be seen in workspace, and when I open new document I can't see not even one photo I opened?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layers On One Slice

Apr 22, 2009

I have created a PSD file for my website. In the banner of the website I have 10 or 15 photos that rotate.

Normally, when I export the site from Photoshop I select the first layer of the banner export it; hide that layer (In Photoshop; To show the next image) and then export the second banner image. (I also change the file number, _1, _2, _3 etc)

And so on until I have gone through all 10 or 15 images.

My question:

Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to export to HTML 15 times? All of the banner images are located in the same folder and use a clipping mask.

I'm using CS3 Extended on a PC.

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Photoshop :: Moving Multiple Layers At Once?

Nov 3, 2005

Is there anyway possible to move multiple layers at the same time, the reason I ask is because I need layers to stay aligned with others. I don't want to rasterize them because I need to edit them after I move them.

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