Photoshop :: Cannot View Filter Settings Options
Jan 23, 2006specific settings for a filter (Brush Strokes to be exact) but I cannot view the entire window.
View 5 Repliesspecific settings for a filter (Brush Strokes to be exact) but I cannot view the entire window.
View 5 Repliessome of my filter options seem to be disabled when i was doing a few tutorials... i need this filter... i couldn't find a similarity between them thus,
View 4 Replies View RelatedI haven't seen this question exactly but when I Click Filter > Liquify, no options appear. What am I doing wrong?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI would like to Smart Sharpen the white type in a green 8-bit .GIF image.
I have Saved it AS a .PSD file but all the Filter menu options stay grayed out.
Photoshop CS2. Windows XP Pro SP2
The loupe view on the second screen used to display information about the photo. I double clicked on it and it disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back.
On the primary screen this can be added/removed or changed in Library Module by selecting the menu view->view options... which gets you to a settings window where you can set what shows. However, I cannot seem to find a similar thing for the second monitor.
i just got photoshop CS and at the beggining all the filter options workedbut now they dont anymore when i want to make some wind i cant because the button is like gray(cant press it)......
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to reset the filter settings to the default setting?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created the following design ( the first image ) but I messed with the "wave" filter settings and got this nasty burst effect on the outer edge of the "wax seal". No matter what I seem to try with the wave settings, I can't get back to the smooth "blob" shape that you see in the black and white outline below. I've tried all the combinations of generators, wavelength min / max and amplitude min/max. from the attached image .
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn the past I had created some preference settings for filter 'smart sharpen'. I always assumed that in case of reinstalling CS3, it would be possible to insert my old CS3 recepies from back-up.
But I seem to hit a brick wall;
Where does CS3 save its smart sharpen recipes?
I noticed search cannot find a recipe either by file name or inside a file.
What is the file name were filter settings are stored?
Can I just overwrite with previous CS3 preferences? (there are no custom preferences in this CS3 yet)
And is it possible to import old CS2 preferences for filters?
I would like to add some fields to filter on in the Library Filter section of Metadata. I do not see an option or a way to do this natively in LR. I am running Windows 7 64 bit with LR 4.2.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I use video filter Pan & Zoom and I change options want to change the filter options, then VS crashes. The other filters work fine. I doubt if I put a video with this error.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI recently noticed that Channels-settings in both Group Properties and Blending Options are lost when changing a file from 8bit to 16bit and vice versa.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have recently started working on a project in metric and have a weird (to me) issue when I try to plot. There are literally hundreds, of scale options in the Scale popup, most of which make no sense to me. I know that I need 1:25, or 1:100 to fit on the page I am printing to. How do I remove or filter out all of the others such as 1:100 3_1_1_1_1_1? I don't even know what that notation means.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn revit 2013, How do I control the Control File Save Options Settings globally. For example I want all files to save only one back-up file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedXref in attached on a layer. Layer is locked. On the screen it looks faded.
Is there a setting so it doesn't look faded in options or elsewhere?
I have tried the Fade control under tab Display, but it is not effecting it
Recently I downloaded the PSE 9 program from a disk onto my new computer. When I opened it to use I am unable to find under "Organize" the "File", "Edit", "Find", "View", "Window" and "Help" on the upper bar/area. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program but still do not see those options. I'm just begining to learn about PSE 9, so am new to all this.
What am I missing or not doing exactly right that I'm have dificulty trying to view and use the above? I can start to use the program with photos download on my computer, camera or external hard drive.
I am detailing a drawing with typical hole dimensions on a piece of steel angle. The drawing is setup such that the fabricator will have two options for each end of the steel angle. I have created two parts with the two options per end and have placed them outside of the page for reference.
I would like to reference each end of each piece, so that there are four pairs of views on the page (the two legs of the angle at each of the four ends), aligned in a grid. I have determined the best way to do this is with detail views. (Using breaks causes the break sign to appear huge, given the large gap I want between views. Using cropped views does not make it obvious that each end is a cutaway.)
My issue now is aligning the eight views. I know of the align options (horizontal, vertical, and in position), but they align to the "origin" of each detail, which is the center. With the angles being the same size, this works fine horizontally, but vertically, the pieces will never line up exactly, which is crucial to at least lining up the two legs of a single angle. The best I seem to be able to do is get the detail sizes as close to exact as possible so the centers come close to lining up. Even creating a projected view from a detail treats the cutaway end as part of the geometry, making it look a bit ridiculous.
way to precisely line up the views? I have done extensive searching and am confident that there is no inherent way to align based on a point or edge (seems like a deficiency on Autodesk's part), but is there a way to move the origin of a detail or something like that?
While creating a drawing yesterday, I noticed that the RMB Options to modify a detail view has disappeared?
- Cutout Shape
- Detail Boundry
- Connecting line
I am not sure how long this has been like this, What I do know is that I had a corrupt model, (Broke when it migrated to 2013) I restored from backup and tested the model in ver 2012.
I can not say if bouncing between the two versions of inventor has perhaps changed something, or of this option has not been available for a while?
Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2014 SP1 Build 222
Intel Core i7 (950@3.07GHz)
Windows 7x64 (Home) - 12GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1Gig - Ver:331.65)
what the check box in the options for 'section view as uncut' does ? see attached screenshot.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
What is the command line procedure to restore or reset the preset Isometric views. e.g. SW Isometric, SE Isometric etc.
Just want to create a lisp to set these views but I need to know the command line input.
Where can I turn on options on an image and get the file size and type?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with the secondary display (window, in my case; only one monitor). When I first open the secondary display, either with a keyboard shortcut or by clicking, all is fabulous. The display modes (Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey) are visible & clickable, as is thumbnail slider, file path. If I click or keyboard command to Loupe view, Normal, Live & Locked modes are available. However, if I close the window and then want to open it up later in my workflow, all of the aforementioned functions disappear. I'm able to bring up the Filter view, and can technically still work off the menu bar (and keyboard shortcuts, if remembered). But only if I restart the program do the full set of functions become visible again. The arrows at top & bottom don't collapse/expand to show anything more than a black border where the display & mode options once were.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere are no "initial view" options on PDF export.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn the process of trying to find out how to name virtual copies I came across Julianne Kost's blog which explained it very well.
However, I can't find the rather useful option of showing "copy name or file name" but rather just "copy name" or "file name" on their own. Since I'm using LR3 (Mac), is this a feature available only in LR4 or am I doing something wrong?
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow would I set up a view filter so only curtain walls are showing. Thew will not show up if walls aren't also checked, but I don't want the walls, just the curtain walls.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to filter a selection (6 categories checked instead of 10) and make it as a view template?
So that next time I open up this view, only these 6 categories checked in the filter instead of re-doing the filtering again?
how to filtering a part list use view by assembly drawing, with VBA editor or iLOGic code.
there is no class system in API for filter in partlist class use views filter.
i use autodesk inventor 2010, and get install use ilogic add-ons 2010
i want to get automation system for my inventor design.
Filter photos in the Filmstrip and Grid view?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn my template, is there a way to setup a layer filter or layer state to automatically plot a different viewport color when a new drawing is created and viewports are made? Note, my template does not have viewports premade.
I've set all my Existing and Proposed Utilities to use the WV Miss Utility colors, but I designated either pale (odd color#) for existing and bold (even color#) for proposed so that in model space there's a visual difference. See a few examples below:
V-SSWR-PIPE (color 91)
V-WATR-PIPE (color 151)
C-SSWR-PIPE (color 92)
C-WATR-PIPE (color 152)
Our Civil dept doesn't use colors, but our Utility dept does occasionally especially when Aerials are used.
When we create layouts/viewports in a drawing, it would be nice to have viewport layer colors automatically be set to plot black or gray or be on/off depending on existing conditions sheet or proposed site plan sheet. The only way I know of is if I would set up viewports inside my template with VP Color Overrides preset and/or VP freezes for certain layers, which I'm hesitant in doing.
When I save layer states overrides for a certain view port and mane it e.g. "K", in layer state manager current layer state is shown as "K", but when I change layout and come back to this one, in layer state manager current layer state is shown as *UNSAVED* again!!!
This results in a great problem. If I update layer state "K" it does not update all view ports that should have layer state "K" automatically so I have to go trough all of them again and apply "K" again and again after any change to "K" is made.
Link to other thread: Apply Layer State Overrides to view ports using filter which, if answered could bypass the problem.