Revit :: View Filter For Curtain Walls
Oct 24, 2013How would I set up a view filter so only curtain walls are showing. Thew will not show up if walls aren't also checked, but I don't want the walls, just the curtain walls.
View 4 RepliesHow would I set up a view filter so only curtain walls are showing. Thew will not show up if walls aren't also checked, but I don't want the walls, just the curtain walls.
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to get the room boundary line in a curtain wall to be set to the inner face of the mullion instead of the inner face of the glass?
I have looked at the System family library but cant find a setting for changing this.
Also, setting the location line is greyed out. Why?
If I draw clockwise I get the location line on the inner face of the glass even if the greyed out location line setting in the options bar is set to center.Why?
I'm trying to get a curtain wall style working, where I would have panels with a clean joint between them, of a controllable size. I'm also working with system curtain wall panels as I expect the CW style will need to work with variable profiles at the top.
My attempt so far has been to do a U-shape profile to get the panels to stop against, but this means the U is seen, particularly at the + junctions of the panels, which is not desirable. I could locally hide the mullions, but this is time consuming and I'd rather do it using a style-based method.
I've also tried doing a filter based on the CW Mullion name, and making it not visible, but this doesn't work for some reason.
I am trying to export my floor plan to dwg file and I have curtain wall there which have panels as regular wall types. The problem is that exporting it will put those panels on the wall layer. I need them to be on curtain wall panel layer. I tried to use "Function" parameter in wall family by changing certain wall types to Retaining (since I don't use this parameter) and changed Wall/Retaining category layer to curtain panel in dwg export setup. But it seems it has no effect.I also noticed that walls inserted as panels into curtain wall do have a parameter under "Identity Data" with the name "Categorize as" where are two values - wall or panel. But this does not have any effect either since there is no category for it in export setup.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make some curtain walls with spider connectors
(see attachment)...
I've downloaded some families from internet, buy I don't understand how to attach them to the curtain wall.. they appear as cw panels.
I'm trying to figure out a small problem I have with creating a Blob-like form. I've created a mass by creating a form out of six (two per level) reference lines. The Form comes out nice, but whenever I divide the form, the two created surfaces don't align with each other. Therefore, when I create curtain walls or patterns on this form, they don't match up either.
I have attached two images and a Conceptual massing file with the mass inside.
Just what the title says. Walls dont appear when drawing in plan view but appear in the 3d view. how come??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm working in a project that has 4 different options setup. I would like to be able to view each option with all walls in black. Currently I see some walls grayed out ( the primary walls) and some in black ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have completed the structural form of my project including all slabs, columns and external walls. I have developed floor plans in AutoCAD so I have imported the plans into my plan views in lines and then drawn the internal walls on top of this. The internal walls I am using are basic cavity walls and show up in the plan view of the level I am working on. The base and top constraints have also been set appropriately. However, when I move to 3D view and hide an external view I can not see my internal walls.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating a two-storey single-family house. The exterior wall assembly is Core Boundary, 3/8" Stucco (we apply a Stucco material to our Sheathing so in Section we aren't showing a finish material on the exterior), 5 1/2" <By Category> (our studs), Core Boundary, Air Barrier, 1/2" Gypsum Wall Board. We draw the floor system to the face of our studs and extend our walls to the bottom of the floor system, then when we join geometry the floor cuts out the wall leaving only the wall sheathing extending to the face of our floor system.
My problem is when I create a 3D perspective view with the camera my floor system is showing through the walls. It seems to thin out/disappear the larger the perspective view is on the page, but I can only make it so big on C-size page.
Is there a way to hide what Revit shows detailed behind the face of a material?(I tried hiding the floor system in my perspective view but it stills shows the floor outline, I'm assuming because it is being cut out of the assembly).
I can't find the way to unmerge previously merged cells in curtain walls.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to apply a filter to a Floor Plan to color code my Walls by Unconnected Height for coordination purposes?
I want to disseminate which walls are currently modeled to deck and which ones stop short so I can selectively coordinate this.
This seems completely logical, but I don't see the option to allow this.
Why does Revit allow me to schedule the Length of a Wall, but not it's Height - am I missing something?
I want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to filter a selection (6 categories checked instead of 10) and make it as a view template?
So that next time I open up this view, only these 6 categories checked in the filter instead of re-doing the filtering again?
i draw up all of my walls, i connect them properly, cleanup etc. then i want to trim them with my roof slabs and what i see? i see my walls suddenly dissappear in 3d view but are still correctly shown on plan view? i know it has something to do with roofline because when i tried to project them automatically to ontu my roof slabs the walls dissappeared too!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working in Revit 2013 and built the curtain wall on all four side but i am only able to see it in north and south elevation view and not in east and west elevation view.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been added and removed specific mullions along curtain wall grid lines and now have the mullions where I want them. Unfortunately, some of the glass panels remain divided along the grid lines even though the mullions have been removed. Is there some way to join the two panels into one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to create curtain wall with Mullion and insert in to project.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to work up a standard curtain wall type for our office, and have hit a snag with a curtain wall panel.
I'm trying to make a panel which will feature a louvre profile, that will sit in the curtain wall opening nice and neat, and array the required height of the panel.
I've made up a generic object, inserted that into a CW panel, then got that into my CW OK, and it flexs fine, but if I try and do an array then it all falls apart?
As far as I've got attached, all I can get to work properly is to have the top and bottom louvre, if I turn this into an array it extends outside the bounds of the CW panels left/right reference plans.
I also have tried to do the array based on a division, e.g. 2000/50 = array number, but to do this I need a height, and when I try and put a height in it becomes overconstrained...
I've created a non-symmetrical curtain wall mullion profile. When I assign that profile to a vertical curtain grid line, it is flipped in the project. In the attached image, you can see that the brace on the right in the family plan view is on the left in the project plan view.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm placing a single glass door in my curtain walls, and they keep coming in upside down, with the door handle 4 feet off the ground. How can I make them right side up?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAre ther good sources available for learning about modeling curtain walls- complex curtain walls in Revit?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't load any glass curtain doors from seek or revitcity. They won't load as a component or door.
I can't place a door into a storefront wall. I get this error saying something like,"cutting surface doesn't not work" I tried to adjust the mullions so that the door would fit, but it still doesn't work.
Can I demension the interior side of a wall when the wall justification is centerline?
Is there a way to calculate the roof load in revit?
I'd like to select glass in curtain wall to put door in it , but it didn't select .......why? attach Jpg for it
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to design the border mullion of the curtain wall, in a way that its centerline aligns to the border gridline.
For default the border mullion aligns the external face of it to the gridline, but I would like it to act as the internal mulluon - aligning with the centerline.
Why would a curtain wall double door be symmetrical in the family editor but asymmetrical (always by 3") in the project.
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
I am having trouble placing a wall foundation under a curtain wall in my project. Revit says that a foundation has been added but it is not visible in any view. I've tried editing the visiblity properties but that didn't fix the probelm.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a small project: a 2 story single house.
There are some curtain walls in the house. Also, a sliding glass door within the curtain wall. I want the same window schedule covers both the regular fixed windows and curtain walls.
Is it better to convert the curtain walls to regular windows? Or there are other better options?
I have the general outline and form of my building designed but I'm having problems with patterned curtain walls.
I have created my own Patterned Curtain wall Family and applied it to a conceptual mass, I have not added any parameters as I'm not too familiar with this aspect of Revit. The corners of the building do not align allowing viewing straight into the interior.
I have attached the model in my dropbox so you can fully understand my problem..
Conceptual Mass - [URL]......
Actual Model - [URL]........
Curtain Wall Family - [URL]......
I am also interested in applying glass to some of the hexagon patterns instead of steel to act as windows. At the moment I'm just turning the transparency up on individual patterns .
I am having a problem with creating a curtain wall system. After selecting my mass surfaces and choosing "create system" I am unable to change the type of curtain wall system. It just comes up with a regular grid system on the mass, where as before I was able to choose triangles, rhomboids etc under the properties tab. Now however I see nothing except for the current curtain system and recently used files.
I have also created a custom panel which I want to insert into my project but am unable to do so? I have tried loading it into the project, however because of the above problem I am not able to change it to my custom panel system.
I am producing a infill on a shop and I have used curtain walls. See photo below.
I am not sure what would be the best way to do this would you make a mass or in place model.
I am not sure the name of the system but it is like insulation panels or like blinds.