Photoshop :: Can Switch Platform On CS6 Extended
Aug 5, 2013I have Photoshop CS6 extended for windows and I want to switch platform to mac, can I do this without upgrading to the new Photoshop CC?
View 7 RepliesI have Photoshop CS6 extended for windows and I want to switch platform to mac, can I do this without upgrading to the new Photoshop CC?
View 7 RepliesIf there is a way to switch between the eye dropper/brush tool fast.
On Photoshop there the "alt" key but on my mac it really wastes a lot of time for blending colors .
I've used Windows based computers for the last 8 years and recently switched to a new Macbook Pro. I own a copy of Adobe CS4 Web Premium, which I purchased back in 2008. I've also previously purchased a license for Adobe Photoshop CS3, and Dreamweaver CS3 back in 2007.
I've now changed over to a Mac, and lo and behold, after calling Adobe Technical Support, they won't let me cross-grade / switch platforms for my CS4 to Mac. I am incredibly saddenned and upset considering I've spent around $3000 for these products already. They also told me that I can't even pay a fee to switchover my product to the newest CS6 edition and move it to my Mac platform. What type of business does not allow you to pay a fee to change over?
I have decided not to go ahead with purchasing the Cloud monthly registration. So my only option left seems to be to sell my current windows based web premium license, and then purchase the newest CS6 web premium license for Mac.
Power Mac G5 crashed, we could not afford another, and he had just purchased CS5. So we could only afford the IMac now, we again needed to upgrade to CS6. The install alows you to use it on two computers, a computer and laptop.We tried explaining to the sales people when he finally got through, that we need an install for just a Windows laptop, we can not afford another Mac, we need a laptop for him in bed, if he will be able to do anything, he wants to work on his art.
They, Photoshop, were very unsimpethtic, we just purchased an upgrade for CS6, because of the IMac, yet, now we can not install and use our second choice on a Windows platform. Again, we would need to pay full upgrade price again. Yet, he only has it installed on Imac, they told him he would have to de-actiate it, WE KEEP COPIES ON A EXFAT32 harddrive too, and Mac, to share and show clients.
The people of Photoshop did not even care he is dying, literally, slowly,,, but he is keeping positive that all will be well, and survive.Timothy and Marcia Cannon we will no longer be a customer for Adobe.
I have ancient Mac photoshop and pagemaker files. i need best cross platform product for windows that can access these files. adobe photoshop is my primary concern. I understand the indesign cs2 will import old school mac photoshop 6.0.x but is not compatible with windows 7 ..
So in summary, need to determine which Windows 7 x64 version of Indesign CSxx will still open archaic Mac Adobe files (layouts, EPS, etc). Or is there a similar product that must be obtained. I prefer to stick to Adobe products
Also, if you know what I should obtain, does this product have a trial download option that I can test functionality before purchase?
It had been working fine up until today. I have not made any changes or updates with my computer. It is version CS4, I am on Mac 10.5.8
I tried de-installing and re-installing, did the 11.1 update, still won't open. It crashes before the photoshop template even appears.
Are brush sets platform dependant?
View 1 Replies View RelatedToday i called into adobe to preform a cross-upgrade from my windows Photoshop Cs3 to mac Photoshop Cs4. All this together would cost 200$. I gave them my serial number twice, they repeated it back to me and everything was correct. But they said they could not find the serial number in the system. My parents bought it on a website from Canada 2 years ago so we no longer have the receipts. I say this because they said they would need proof then i could go ahead and start the process. Is there another way of prooving i purchased it or something else i can do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have PSE12 installed on pc but have switched to Mac book Pro retina and want to change platform. How can this be done?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHave CS3 photoshop on Windows 7 platform that crashes when loading jpg from email. It installs fine and then on several occassions when opening an email photo, it will freeze and gives message Licensing for this product has stopped working You cannot use this product at this time and must remove and install again
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeen working on a project moving files from Light room 4 to Photoshop CS6 for final edits and experiencing recent files crashing PS CS6 when using the smart sharpen filter. I've processed hundreds of files in CS6 and never had this issue till lately. All other filters work fine, including other sharpen options, it's just the smart sharpen interface.
I over-installed/re-installed Photoshop CS6 thinking a driver might have corrupted for that filter, then installed all available upgrades but the problem persists. I can't figure it out, and it's a problem - I use smart sharpen a lot for final output. Am I overlooking something simple? Or, do I need to just uninstall PS CS6 and do a total re-install or is there another option?
restore the the ability of Photoshop to open with a preview on windows machines. That is; a single click on a file from within Photoshop gives a small preview image to tell you what it is you are opening. This is crucial to professional photographers in the industry working quickly with lots of images as I do in the medical/scientific photography field.
Every other version of Photoshop has had this feature and I can tell you a lot of power users like myself are not using CS6 just because a single click doesn't preview what you are opening. My company just spent $10,000 upgrading six machines and no-one is using CS6 for work - they are sticking with CS5. CS6 is only good for 'playing around' with photos, if production is key, then to save time, we need to see what we are opening on a single click - it's a no brainer! Check the forums to see this that is true, and if you are reading this and agree with me, write and tell adobe to fix this - pronto!
CC Applications PS, Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat Pro will not launch in newly installed Mountain Lion OS on Imac Platform. Attempts to launch and run CC applications results in Configuration Error: 213:5. Further, On board PS and Lightroom applications fail to Launch. CS5.1 install CD (DVD) ejects and will not install. The installed CS5.1 Photoshop failed. Attempted downloads. No luck still could not launch. Attempted to re-install from Adobe installation Disc ...Disc is ejected after 3 or 4 minutes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCurrently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
Do I need to re-purchase/recreate the presets?
If it is possible, how do I go about it?
I am a long time user of LR and have the standalone LR4.4 on my Laptop and destop. I have just registered on the cloud for the full pacage and cannot download the LR5 from the cloud as a message comes up saying words to the effect. This platform does not support LR5.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWill 3D Studio Max/AutoDesk provide a path to the web? Is Scaleform that plan?
AutoDesk has concentrated on high-end cinematic and gaming markets, leaving lowly web productions to Swift 3D, Papervision and Away3D. I've looking for Autodesk's response for years. In my opinion it's Time to piggy back on the soon to be released Flash Player 11 3D Plug-in. Flash has a 99% web penetration and multi-platform delivery system (save the Iphone). But beyond the Flash Player 11 3D support, Autodesk needs to respond to Adobe.
Flash Player 11 codename Molehill has 3D baked in. This will give a 3D interface on multiple platforms. BTW, Adobe is also plunging into 3D, in it's graphics programs, e.g. photoshop - OK not the same I know. However, I can understand why AutoDesk wouldn't want to play with Adobe. Adobe has begun to seriously compete with other AutoDesk arena's (film editing).
But if AutoDesk has decided to not play on the web, or try to create a competing plug-in they’re making a strategic mistake. If you don't play you can't win. A competing plugin will never get the penetration -- just ask Unity3D. Which leaves working with Adobe. Which is kind of like practicing on the apposing team’s field. Waiting any further for hardware or HTML5 and SVG is just not smart.
Is there any news on porting Max content to SVG? I know Unity3D is porting their tool set. I read Unreal is also porting its engine.
I need to design a platform (total load 5 ton) that needs to be pulled up and lowered with one hydraulic cylinder that operates a cable system. The cable needs to go via wheels and other things to get in the corner of the platform. (I hope you can visualize what i mean with this task)
I wonder if there is a way to simulate cables (or ropes) in Inventor. And if so how can i do it.
I have Autodesk Inventor 2011 Simulation.
I have an computer that suddenly can only open an .PDF file in Acrobat, and not in Illustrator. We have art files that are in PDF format, and Purchase Orders that are in PDF format. We would just drag the icon over the software we wished to open the file. In this case Illustrator for the art file and Acrobat for the P.O. As of today, PDF's only open with Acrobat and that's it. I know it's probably a setting I'm forgetting.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm happy with the NX version, but if I want to upgrade to XT, how do I do it? I looked on the upgrade options for XT and upgrading from NX, is not there.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy computer was bought outside the US and has a non US XP installed. When I installed PS 8 (CS) I wanted it to be US english, but either it was automatically set to to laguage of XP or I accidently selected the wrong laguage. Anyway, now my PS starts in italian instead of english. I tried to uninstall and reinstall but it didn't work! For some reason it seems to remember the first settings. Is there a way to switch laguages in PS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to switch a color photo to B&W - novice CS2 user?
View 7 Replies View Relatedcant remember what i did but now my colors wont come out any different than grey
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, I just downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CS5 and its currently running the 64 bit version. I want to be able to make gifs so I need the 32 bit version. I've been scrolling through the forum and it seems that the sol given doesn't work since I have the trial version.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwe should be able to switch using teh Get Info and activate the 32 bit switch. It looks like it works, but every time PS starts up it starts in 64 bit. This is happening on both a SL and Lion version of OS.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have used Adobe Photoshop programs for quite a while now but I am running into a problem that I have never seen before it happens in Photoshop and Illustrator. When I go to use any tool that requires me to drag the mouse it causes the brush tool to make a single dot and it does not follow the mouse. Untill I switch windows with Alt + Tab and then back again, then it works fine.
I am on a Panasonic Toughbook CF-53 with a Second Gen i5 with a fresh install of win7 x64
Everything else on the computer drags just fine text, selections, even paint works the way it should.Even though it has never worked right, I have reset tools & preferences and reinstalled with no result
I want to switch out that black car with the red color with the same background (doesn't have to be the same red car as below, just a 2012 Red Nissan 370z (with same wheels as below if possible)).
View 5 Replies View RelatedBasically I have an image that I created that has 3 layers. 1 is a bunch of brush strokes that are red, one with strokes that are green, and 1 with strokes that are blue. What I want to do is take the red layer and make all its strokes green, and vice versa, basically just switching the color of everything on the layers. I would think there is some kind of setting I could just change.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst of all I want to introduce myself. My name is Joshua, I'm from beautiful little Switzerland (yeah, lot of chocolate and cheese here!), and I'm a webmaster (HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails) and programmer (C, Java, PHP, Ruby).
At the moment I have to rely on other guys to create nice website layouts, but now I want to learn it myself using Photoshop. :-)
My first question is quite simple: I'm working on Mac OS X Tiger and I'd like to switch between buttons in Photoshop dialogs using the tab key... So if I e.g. want to close an image and I'm asked if I want to save the file, then I can't switch to "No" using tab (as a programmer I don't want to use my mouse too often ;-) ).
Is there an option to activate this? In Mac OS X I have activated this option, but in Photoshop it doesn't seem to work...
I have successfully installed Photoshop CS3 onto Windows XP SP2. However, I do not want my install to be completely silent: I want to see a progress bar.
For silent install I use the following switch: setup.exe --mode=silent
The next line in cmd says"UI:Silent"
If I use no switches (only type in setup.exe), the next line in cmd is: "UI:Full" Also, "setup.exe --mode=gui" will initiate "UI:Full".
What are other install switches? I want a silent install with a progress bar only.
I don't really like having the little palette buttons show up on the right side with the newer versions of Photoshop. Is there a way to permanently switch those off?
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