I have misplaced my Photoshop book and I have a project in which I need a tool and I can't remember what it is. It is a particular type of brush, I belive, that grabs the colors from the surrounding pixels to blend color. Does this brush indeed exist, and if so, where can I go about finding said brush?
I choose black, make some text and accept the outcome.I then click in the file to do it again, and the text box color at the top reverts to white. CS5?
Experiencing problems with the dimension tool since upgrading to Corel Draw X6 at this end, which hasn't been resolved with the updates.
I work in mm. The system doesn't remember the default settings if I change my preferences for it to measure in mm via the customisation window or the toolbox as it used to in previous versions. When I open the program again or start a new document, the measurement default keeps changing back to ["] (inches). Sometimes, it will jump back to inches after I change the default to mm when I'm working on the same document.
Same problem seems to be happening with the other units of measure available as well.
Current workaround - the only time it seems to remember my settings is if I change the default to mm and then save a document.
I can fwd a video screen capture which shows the problem if that would work.
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
File settings have been moved to the printer settings. Each time I go to printer settings and specify the paper (heavy glossy in this case) and/or number of pages to print...
I get only one page printed. Each time must reprint AND reset the paper type.
Settings are NOT remembered as Adobe says after clicking either the Done or Print button.
This is CS5 32 bit Extended v 12.0 on HP color laserjet 2605dn (duplex printer. HP only makes a universal driver now, this is the latest version on Windows Pro 7.
I'm recovering from a crash and trying to install PhotoFrame 2.0 into PS7. Remember the problem?, the PhotoFrame wants to install in folder: Photoshp.exe (dropping the O because they were limited to 8 letters?. Newer os allows full name. I think Erik, you are familiar with the problem and the fix. But do you remember?
Hope some ones does. I did install the program in old PS5 and used Erik's technique of having plugins on C drive and making a shortcut to PS7's plugins but can't see to get the whole program to move over.
Found one more problem with Save For Web in Photoshop CS6.
1. New Document 2. Choose - Save for web 3. In dialog window Photoshop CS6 offer to save in - os My Document Folder 4. Ok, every time I don't really need to save in os folders - I save files to my folders. So, change folder ...for example to disc D 5. Create another New document 6. Choose Save for web 7. And.... - Photoshop CS6 offer to save my file in os My Documents AGAIN !!!
So, in fact it's real uncomortable!!! ...if I save different files for web frequently ....I need every time change My Documents....it makes me nervous.......Here - compare with CS3: CS3 remember "old" folder location even at another session (for example - after reload os)
Is there any fix this problem?
p.s. Testing on: OS - windows 7 64 bit cs6 - 64 bit extended cs3 - 64 bit extended
How come my page size keeps changing back to the default (Din A4), even thought I've changed it and clicked either 'done' or 'print', even on the very same document? How can I have Photoshop CS5 remember the page size and the other variants?
I just installed PSE 11 on my Mac (OS X 10.8.2). My previous version (PSE 6) would re-open all files that had been open when I quit the app last time, but this version always opens with a blank screen. I can't find any preference in PSE to affect this, and the overall Mac setting is set properly. How can I get PSE to remember what files I was working on?
AutoCAD Mechanical, using the <<VANILLA>> variant.
Click open icon. AutoCAD pops up the file open dialog box, in the wrong directory. I select the directory where my files are and open a file.
Then I click the open icon again. AutoCAD pops up the file open dialog box in the same wrong directory. I have to change directories every time I open a file. Yes, I have the directory I want set in the places. But that's never been how AutoCAD works.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014 Dell Precision T1650 Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82 Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
When I select tools>Autolisp>Load Application from the menu, the default folder it shows is a random folder (same one every time) and I have to navigate to where my lisp routines are. In 2012, it opens up directly to my lisp folder. The command it is executing in both circumstances is "appload". Or how to select a default folder?
My copy of Inventor 2014 will not remember the customizations I perform to the ribbon. I simply added the PDF command to the Drawing/Vault/ ribbon, and when I save and close properly and reopen, the customization is gone. It did remember all my custom keyboard commands, just not the ribbon command.
I used to have an Illustrator action that selected all shapes with a similar fill and stroke. But since actions are completely broken in Illustrator CC, I've tried getting used to the Magic Wand tool, which basically does the same thing. Except in order to make it only select shapes that have the exact same stroke and fill like I want, you have to select all the checkboxes in the Magic Wand palette and set the tolerance values to zero. I don't mind doing that once, but Illustrator keeps reverting the tolerance setting to 32 and unchecking every box except "Fill Color" every time I restart Illustrator. I even tried setting the panel the way I want it in each New Document Profile and saving the files, but that had no effect.
The quick color selector in the main toolbar (fill and stroke) always resets their thumbnail sizes whenever I quit Illustrator.
I use a 27" monitor and prefer large thumbnails in my fill and stroke palette in the toolbar - but is there no way to make Illustrator "save" the settings when I change it to large thumbnails?
if you have ten or twenty sets of HDR pictures in some particular folder, that the dialog could remember what folder you've been in all day, instead of moving you back to My Pictures each and every time? I spend half my workflow effort on repeating the same folder navigation steps over and over.
And why do I have to browse from there at all, instead of being able to select pictures in the organizer, or drag-and-dropping them?
Even when I load one picture that doesn't fit with the others, and try to exclude it... the only thing that works is to re-browse. Otherwise the Align button remains unavailable. Likewise if you adjust the sliders a bit wrong and hit okay... to try other settings, it's back to the folder navigation again.
How can I make Illustrator's layer-panel remember the opened/closed sublayers? I have a file with hundreds of layers, and it's a pain in the *** to do the sorting and opening/closing certain sublayers each time I open the file. Why isn't it remembering how I have set it up?
Every single time I start AutoCAD 2013 my Properties Pallete's columns reset their size.
I've tried re-saving workspace to a new one. It won't work. It also doesn't matter if I open application using shortcut or by double-clicking DWG file.
Since Lion or Mountain Lion, we have had an annoying problem where the last folder location is not remembered in Illustrator. For example when updating links on multiple files, would like for the folder location to return to the last one used, but this would go to some folder 3 levels higher/
URL....Also the software seems to not have bneen updated in a long time, adn don't wnat a solution that won't last. Am on 10.8.2.
like in AutoCAD there is REMEMBERFOLDERS can u tell me if i use syntax with getfiled and i want the path to be remember next time what should i do or what syntax i use for that.
When I click File the drop down menue at the bottom has five entries for recent jobs. The most current is a file I worked on three or four days ago. How do you make Corel remember what was the last job opened?
When printing a series of images, all the same size, CS2 will "remember" your first shot and keep those print settings until changed. CS3 makes you jump all those settings hoops with every print. Same for other aspects in PS where it used to remember... HOW do I get CS3 to do that?
In ps7 editor I can have 2 pictures cascaded and using the marquee tool and the move tool insert a section of one picture into the other. I cannot do this in ps11, what am I doing wrong?
The brush tool loses the outline of the tool as the diameter gets larger. e.g. at 175px there is a fill outline of the tool. At 200px only a semi-circle is shown.
I only had Adobe Photoshop for about 2 months now. I have been using the Low Key tool in guided alot. Here recently I went to edit a photo and my reduce effect button tool will not work. I tried everything from restarting my computer and the program. I love using this tool but I can not get the reduce effect to work.