Photoshop :: CS6 Memory Leak When Idle And Nothing Open

Oct 2, 2012

Photoshop CS6 runs away with memory after being used and then going idle. If I open up PS and leave it, it will be ok but as soon as I open any file it will go up in memory usage (which is normal) but when I close all files and hide PS the memory will stay high never goes back down. When I close PS and re-open (no files open) again it idles at 300Mb memory but when I open a file then close it and then hide/idle PS it raises and stays around 1.25-1.5 GB if not more.
I have tried to Purge All, and even hide all menus to no avail. I have even tried to close Suitcase (eliminate any font issues) and still same problem. I am running PS bone stock, no extra plug-ins. 
My Computer:
Photoshop 13.0.1
OS 10.6.8
CPU: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Mem: 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
HD: 300GB (30GB Free)

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Photoshop :: Memory Leak In CS3?

Jun 22, 2007

I am processing a few hundred raw images with a Photoshop CS3 action. It opens the files using ACR, does some minor adjustments, and then saves the files as JPGs. However, after a hundred or so files, the batch throws up a dialog box witth the following message:

Could not save as "K:Photos...IMG_9044.jpg" because there is not enough memory (RAM). Try saving without optimization or as baseline JPEG.

When I restart Photoshop, and run the batch again, it runs for a while, and stops again. This looks like a memory leak to me.

For what it's worth, I'm using the default RAM allocation on a system with 2GB of RAM, a dual-core AMD 64 X2 3800, and the PS scratch is on a dedicated disk with about 250GB free.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Memory Leak?

Jul 27, 2009

I have just gone from an 8MP to a 21MP camera and now my image files are large. When opened in Photoshop they run about 110 - 120MB. After processing 3 or 4 files having used multiple layers, in Windows XP task manager, I see Photoshop memory climbing to well over 1GB. Closing any other opened image files and purging history appears to have no effect. Eventually I start being denied certain PS functions (like creating a Black & White adjustment layer, for example) and can get error messages due to PS running out of memory. The only way out is to close PS and re-start it. I can't do large HDR or Pano processing using any more than about three image files at all. I am running Windows XP with 3GB Ram, lots of hard disk space. Windows virtual memory is set to "System Managed" and currently has about 10GB allocated. PS is set up with scratch disk on seperate drive (plenty of space). I currently have PS set for using up to 1400MB of memory (out of the 1600MB available to the process), 50 history states, and 2 Cache Levels. Iv'e tried setting the slider all the way up to 1600MB and it just takes a little longer but I eventually hit the wall anyway. I've considered setting the /3GB switch in boot.ini but am reluctant to try that. Besides, I'd probably need to upgrade to 4GB from the 3GB ram I currently have? I keep thinking it has to be a configuration problem but I haven't been able to find it.

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Photoshop :: New Memory Leak With CS4 Update?

Feb 27, 2009

I just downloaded the CS4 update last night, and was doing my normal photoshop work when I had to re-start the application due to what looks like a memory leak.

Windows XP, 3GHZ dual core ( 45 nm one ), 4 GB RAM, NVidia 9600 GT, no GPU enabled ( still comes up with that error even with newest drivers ).

128MB TIFF file was my source.

I had 3 layers, then copy merged all to another layer so I could liquify.

Liquify was getting REALLY sluggish when trying to zoom, but was usable.

After 10 minutes here, I clicked "ok" to return the results, then it said there wasn't enough memory to do it. So I had to cancel. Process was using right around 2 GB. I saved my PSD file ( around 256 MB ) and closed it. CS4 was still using around 2 GB with no documents open. So I closed CS4 and I had multiple errors pop up saying couldn't export or copy from clipboard because not enough memory.

Brought CS4 back up and loaded in that 256MB psd file, everything was fine.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Memory Leak In Area2D() And Length2D() Functions

Apr 10, 2011

Use of functions Area2D(Geometry) and Length2D(Geometry) for theme layer provokes memory leak. Memory usage increases continuously during pan and zoom. Shortly it causes fatal error: "Out of memory - shut down".

This problem exists at least from version 2008 till 2012.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashing While Idle

Dec 9, 2012

I leave my computer on all day.  This is a new system Windows 7 Pro, 6 core i7 64 bit, 32MB of ram.  Using CS 6 64 bit as well.  I've had two crashes happen while being away from the house when returning to my computer and logging back on I have a crash message from Photoshop and have to ok and let the application close.  I have to note that my Windows 7 system logs off by itself after a long time of inactivity and I just log on myself again.  I have other application open like Windows  live Mail, 3D Coat and DAZ Studio but so far no crash with those, the only one seems to be Photoshop CS6.  Here's the two reports from Windows Event Viewer:
1st crash: 12/7/2012
Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4f61c045
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp: 0x4ec4aa8e
Exception code: 0xc0000005

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Photoshop :: Open A File - Memory To CC?

Jul 3, 2013

I have Photoshop CC and when I open a file I have a notice about the memory and a URL to go [URL]... in order to solve the problem but when I go to that page I am told that it isn't available. What can I do?

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Photoshop :: Not Enough Memory To Open File

Jul 13, 2009

I am unable to open a 1.7 mb file in photoshop 6.  I had it opened about 3 weeks ago but made no changes.  I downloaded a new copy of the file thinking my version was corrupted but no luck. I am running windows xp, 2.8 ghz celeron and just installed an additional 2gb of ram.

  Naturally, photoshop is the only program i had running after a restart aside from the minimal startup windows nonsense.  Short of buying a mac or the latest version of photoshop, what can I do? Many thanks for any input.  On a side note, I am able to open a 4.8 mb companion file to the one in question. Both are .psd files.

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Photoshop :: Not Enough Memory (RAM) When Attempting To Open OBJ 3D File In CS5 (12.1 X64)

Jul 12, 2013

Here are the specs on my hardware;
iMac 27" (2011)
OS X 10.8.4
HD 2Tb (1.2Tb Free)
12Gb RAM
3.4 GHz i7 processor
No other applications running and Photoshop has access too 100% of the RAM.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Could Not Complete Open As Command Because There Is Not Enough Memory (RAM)

Sep 8, 2012

I'm having a problem with my recently installed copy of PS CS6 (with the latest update).

My system:  PC with Intel Core i3-540 (not over-clocked: 3.06GHz) and 4GB RAM running Windows XP SP3.  The graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD5450.
The problem: When I first launch Bridge and CS6, everything is working fine.  But after 10 minutes or so, ACR starts acting up.  Specifically, edits become increasingly sluggish and ultimately the image won't transfer into PS.  Instead, I receive the message: "Could not complete the Open As command because there is not enough memory (RAM)".
I do not have any other programs open (aside from Bridge) when this happens.I would have thought that 4GB of RAM would be a sufficient amount of memory.
I am not using the boot drive as the PS scratch drive.
Two more bits of information: (1) I have the Memory Usage slider set to 80%; (2) Cache value is 1,024.

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Photoshop :: CC Using 4.5GB Memory Without Any Files Open - Windows 7

Nov 6, 2013

I just tarted using Photoshop CC  - even without any files open - it was still using 4.5GB of memory! isnt this a "bit" excessive?
i am using Windows 7 Ultimate, with 8GB of RAM.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Open Virtual Memory File

Jan 16, 2013

I installed Photoshop CS6 64-bit on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.When it starts, these two messages are displayed: Unable to open a virtual memory file because the file is locked. You do not have permission or the file is being used by another program.
Unable to initialize Photoshop because the file is locked. You do not have permission or the file is being used by another program.

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Photoshop :: Can't Open CR2 Files In CS3 After Recovery From Memory Card Deletion

Nov 10, 2012

I accidentally deleted some photos from a memory card. I recovered them using software called "Recover My Files". This software recovered the files but now I can't open them in CS3. I took these with an old Canon Rebel DSLR and they should not need converting, they opened fine before I deleted them.

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Lightroom :: Why Is Hard Drive Clicking When Idle

Jan 7, 2011

It seems this only happens in Lightroom. There is a constant click, like a hard drive head seek, once a second. I don't have Lightroom doing anything in the background like building thumbnails, but instead is just sitting idle there for hours. When I close LR, it stops imediately.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can't Open Particular DWG File - Out Of Memory

May 10, 2012

I've recieved a drawing from a customer and i'm unable to load it. When I open it, it asks to be recovered because of a damaged file. I hit the recover button and starts to load the file but after a while comes up with an error saying "FATAL ERROR: Out of memory - shutting down." Is the file just corrupted? My memory isn't even being used. Specs are i7-2600 3.40 ghz, 16gb ram and sli nvidia 570 gtx cards. 

I've also tried the recover command, but it did the same thing.

There was a second drawing they sent me too, but it comes up with a fatal error 0x0050. I've attached both drawings.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Using 98% CPU When Idle In Print Preview

Jun 29, 2012

I'm currently working on an XP 32 bit system with AMD Athlon 64 3200+

CorelDraw is displaying a print preview but is otherwise completely idle. It has finished displaying the preview, so it is just waiting for user action but has nothing else to do.

Photopaint in another window was running extruciatingly slow so I checked task manager. CorelDraw.exe was showing to be using 98% of the CPU.

On further investigation, this happens only when the print preview is on the screen. I close the print preview, return to CorelDraw design screen and CPU is 0% when idle. I do another print preview -- 98% CPU again.

I'll try it later on a quad core system, but it seems that print preview should not be hogging the CPU when idle waiting for operator action.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 :: Open File That Is Frozen - Out Of Memory

Nov 2, 2013

I've been working on an image for about 4 hours... (PHOTO PAINT X4) The screen is now frozen with a small box saying ''out of memory'' I haven't saved the file for a few hours. Or has all this work now gone. I now also have this message with no text, what it might be and which button I should press!? Or is there some sort of shortcut to save.

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Edge Animate CC :: Find Correct Code To Make Idle Timeout

Feb 20, 2013

I have a touchscreen project that I am using Edge Animate to create. So far its working great, but I am trying to find the correct code to make an Idle Timeout after 3 minutes to go back to the stage frame 1 or the label "StageStart" that I have created. I have tried attaching the following code as a 3 second test to the function "touchend", but it doesn't seem to work:

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AutoCAD LT :: FATAL Error - Out Of Memory / Automated Recover Files Won't Open

Jul 9, 2013

When I try open a saved CAD LT 2013 file I get an Error message saying 'FATAL ERROR: Out of memory'..The file had crashed while I was working on it and the automated recover files won't open, says: 'drawing file invalid'

I can open other files.What does this mean and can the file be recovered?

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Lightroom :: 5.0 Fails To Automatically Open Import Dialog When Memory Card Inserted

Jun 16, 2013

Lightroom 5.0 fails to detect memory card and open import dialog. This has always worked fine in Lightroom 4, 3,and 2.  Same cards, same camera, same iMac using OS X 10.8.4. Manual importing works OK, card is detected just fine.

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Photoshop :: Memory Storage When Photoshop Is Open Up.

Jul 23, 2006

I am working with files in photoshop through my extrenal hard drive. The files that I am working with are 460Mb each. One of the problem I usually get when I create more than one layer is that my scratch disk is full.

My laptop hard drive free space is only 5 Giga. I wonder if I can preform an action in photoshop saying that my temporary work will be stored on my external hard drive and not on my laptop hard drive.

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VideoStudio :: Adding (film Burn) Or (light Leak) Effects To Clips While Editing In X4?

May 9, 2013

I'm trying to find a way of adding "film burn" or "light leak" effects (which give a faded, colour distorted, 70s look) to clips while editing in VSProX4. I'm working with SD avi clips, in a 4.3 aspect ratio (made with Mpeg Streamclip). find something like a "grunge" effects plug-in, compatible with VS ProX4, that is not too expensive.

My OS is windows vista, 32 bit with a 98G hard drive and 4G of ram (on Toshiba Satellite Intel duo laptop).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Saving Files With Big Memory Instead Of Small Memory?

May 6, 2011

I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE !  Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: High Memory Usage And Out Of Memory Error

Nov 4, 2011

I do have problem with my newly installed CorelDraw X5. Before X5 we used Corel 12 in our company.

I have project file (150 MB) with lots of text, bitmaps, vectors - about 100 pages. File opens but I can't save it. I always get OUT OF MEMORY error. I even tried to divide this file into 2 smaller parts but still doesn't work.

What I noticed - Corel X5 after clean start (without opened project) takes about 80MB of RAM in task manager. When I open project usage changes from 80MB to 1,2GB. While saving it takes 1,6GB of RAM and it crashes.

To compare - Corel 12 and after opening same project file Corel 12 takes much less of memory - about 770MB and it works without problem. 

Where from comes this memory usage difference?

My PC:

Windows 7 - 32bit

4GB of RAM

Intel Core2Duo 2 x 3.0GHz

700GB free space on drive C:

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Photoshop :: 'Instruction At "0x1a3c4b6b" Referenced At Memory "0x00000028" Memory Could Not Be Read

Jul 22, 2009

when I try to open an existing file or create a new one -- the application will shut down unexpectedly and without warning.But I also experience application errors: 'Instruction at "0x1a3c4b6b" referenced at memory "0x00000028" Memory could not be read.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Not Seeing New Memory?

Jun 25, 2012

Just upgraded to 32gigs vs the 16 I had and it's working, tested with system reporting programs, etc. And They all show the 32gigs of memory. Went into PS to preferences to change memory usage by PS and it still only shows 14769 of available memory.
Do I need to reinstall PS or what to get it to see the new memory total?
This is on Win 7 64, PS 64

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Photoshop :: Memory Etc

Mar 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion 730. I have purchased the upgrade to CS4 and it has been working for a while. Now all of a sudden, when I open the program, the computer goes "boink" and a message comes up that says:

The instruction at "Ox77e78804" referenced memory at "0x0at1a1470". The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate or click cancel to debug program. No matter which one I do, it shuts down CS4 totally?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Memory

Sep 30, 2008

I have been working on a large group of DNG's and I'm noticing that as I proceed through the edits my computer memory seems to be 'not releasing'. Example: Select photo, process it in RAW, open it in Photoshop CS3, edit, save and CLOSE the image. My computer memory does not seem to be refreshed when I close the image and eventually, after several images, I have to close the application to retrieve the memory. I am running on a PC Vista with 3 gig of memory (max my operating system will work with).

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Photoshop :: Not Enough Memory

Oct 3, 2008

I made a javascript which has to convert and edit 18000 PDF's (pages) to arround 103.000 small images. I use ExtendScript Toolkit 2 to load a small file with all the file locations. Then each file will be opened and edited (one by one). This works fine and there are no real peaks in memory usage.

I let photoshop use arround 1500MB from the 1600 available RAM (Preferences -> Performance). I've never seen the whole system use more then 1200MB (2000MB available).

Despite that there is enough memory, the script stops working with the text "General photoshop error occurred ... this functionality because there is not enough memory (RAM)" in the status bar from ExtendScript.
When I restart the script, it will continue where it stopped and the next file will be converted without a problem.

The PDF file is not the problem and memory usage in general is not a problem.

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Photoshop :: Memory Etc

Mar 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion 730. I have purchased the upgrade to CS4 and it has been working for a while. Now all of a sudden, when I open the program, the computer goes "boink" and a message comes up that says:

The instruction at "Ox77e78804" referenced memory at "0x0at1a1470". The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate or click cancel to debug program. No matter which one I do, it shuts down CS4 totally?

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Photoshop :: CS3, XP Pro, 4GB Of Memory But I Don't...

Feb 14, 2008

I've got a Core2Duo Dell with 4GB of RAM running 32 bit XP Pro. My copy of CS3 sees about half of that RAM. I understand there is a "switch" in XP's Boot.ini that allows PS to read more then the 2GB.

I've read the above MS page & I can't figure out what to do.

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