I have a problem with "new scroll feature" in Photoshop CS6 - I didn't find any discussion about that in whole internet (maybe I used bad keywords for the finding) How can I turn off this annoying horizontal scroll feature?
I over and over again do the same - by mistake scrolling horizontally instead vertically..
I need to make an transparent GIF of a sold banner that will go over object. Thing is when i save it as a GIF the edges are discolored to a whiteish light green. I've tried all different kinds of GIF settings but i get the same thing. It needs to be transparent..
I have so far made a vector shape with the shapes available and am trying to use the pen too to manipulated it. BUT for some reason when I try and drag a point I just get the curve handles but the point won't move, does anyone know what I could have accidently pressed to stop it behaving?
I'm just guns blazing in Photoshop CS6 and enjoying every feature of it, but I have this on issue that I think Adobe has overlooked.
In previous Photoshop when you create a shape and open the "Blending Options" window your shape would look like this (if you have the "shape" deselected in the layers palette.
Example 1. But now in Photoshop CS6 I don't have the option to do so, I'm stuck with this shape bounding border, and it's a real pain when doing website mockups or other things for that matter.
Example 2.: Example 3.: As you can see above if I wanted to add a 1 pixel inner shadow to work as a highlight, I can't see a proper preview of it. Unless I hit ok and deselect the shape.
Is there a way to disable the ever so annoying hand toss feature (that makes the canvas glide as you pan it)? Actually refering to it as a feature kind of makes me cringe as there's no practical benefit of it what so ever.
I also find the movement of the new GPU-accelerated marquee zoom kind of jerky. Instead of moving straight in, it seems to use some kind of compound movement that feels rather unsmooth. Am I the only one annoyed by this behaviour?
how to get this problem resolved. everytime i use my type, when i click on my work area, a black dot appears on page before i begin to type. then no matter what font i use, there is a black line under all my type. how can i get just the black dot from appearing at first when i click, and that annoying line under all my type to dissappear! i'm veryy new to photoshop, and i have cs.
I'm tired of repeatedly seeing messages like this with no option to "Click Here if you don't want to receive this notification in the future." How do turn this one off?
I designed a text document in illustrator and it looks great...in illustrator. As soon as I export it to a PNG, an annoying outline around text appears.
Whenever a annotative dimension is selected, its text are displayed with virtually all possible scales simultaneously on the screen, blocking the view of other objects and make the screen all a mess. Have a look at the attached picture.
how to anchor the image down to the baseboard. I'm using a macbook pro and the image is constantly scrolling all over. This could have something to do with the two finger sensitivity of the touch pad. But this also comes into play when using the point to point (polygonal) lasso tool.
While going from point to point with the tool if I drift to the outer borders of my screen the image takes off in the opposite direction. This is the most annoying feature ever introduced to Photoshop.
Hit the spacebar cursor turns to hand and move the image. Is how I used to do it (and still can). Why add this auto scrolling? I'm tired of chasing after the image and constantly recentering it.
Running Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows XP Pro Version 2002 Service Pack 3
When I check the "Zoom with Scroll Wheel" box in Preferences > General:
-using zoom tool, scroll wheel will zoom out to the smallest size, but will only zoom in until image is slightly larger than the file window then slides the image left and right or up and down depending on size of file window. When image is slightly larger than the file window, zoom out doesn't work anymore
-using Alt + Scroll does nothing
-Ctrl + Scroll zooms image the way Alt + Scroll should
When I UNcheck the "Zoom with Scroll Wheel" box in Preferences > General:
-using Alt + Scroll scroll wheel will zoom out to the smallest size, but will only zoom in until image is slightly larger than the file window then will neither zoom in or out anymore
-using Ctrl + Scroll slides the image left and right
In either preference setting, using ALT key causes letters for menus in the tool bar to be underlined
I have no problem using the hand tool/spacebar to scroll around an image when zoomed into it, but as soon as I can see the whole thing I can't scroll around anymore and its just locked to the center I am a After Effects user so I find this a bit annoying that I can't do this, so I figure there MUST be a setting somewhere I could change to enable it.
I use the pencil/brush tool and hold down shift and draw my line, It works great for small lines, but when I have to go off my current screen space, photoshop will FUCKING FLY down to the end of the document, leaving a line through the whole thing. The area where it doesnt move the document to where it shoots down is so sensitive.
if there is anyway to change the scroll speed, so i can make my lines in peace.
how to adjust the scroll rate when you zoom in on an image? Back in version 5, PS used to automatically adjust the scroll rate when you zoom in on a pic so you're not scrolling really fast past the area you're trying to work on, but now (using PS7) when I zoom in on an area of a picture, the scroll rate doesn't seem to change so when I try to just slide a few pixels horizontally or vertically, it quickly jumps to the far end of the picture.
In one of the Photoshop view mode (if you press F)..you can scroll beyond the border of the image. I love this feature, but I cant do this in the normal view.. is there any way to enable this?
Not sure if I exlpained it clearly.this option enables you to slide the red square (in the nav box)..outside of the viewer.. normally it stops when it hits the border..
i just installed CS6 on a mid2009 17" MacbookPro and am experiencing an annoying issue with scrolling to zoom. I use a magic mouse, and do not have this problem in CS4. Whenever I scroll the mouse "wheel" to zoom in, it zooms in at like 20% or so levels everytime, instead of smoothly as it did in CS4.
I checked preferences, and I have animated zoom enabled. I have a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB video card. Also, here are other details:
Since a few days I have a trial version of new CS6 and there I miss the possibility to zoom in / out with scroll function of mouse, where is it hidden ?
I'm sure I'm not the only person who has a multi-layer template that switches out 30 plus layers. There must be people that have 50-100 layer files.
When I save out a particular layer on multiply on top of the bottom template layers into a JPG, the layer window scrolls back to the top, at least most of the time.
Other times it doesnt, but what it does not is stay at the selected layer, so I can just pop up to the next one. Ctrl or Command seem to do nothing to change this. I have to keep scrolling from the top every time because the layer window scrolls back to the top every time after saving.
I just switched to a mac from PC and I was used to zoom with my mouse scroll and hold shift to zoom in even increments to keep the image as crisp as possible. Now on a mac I still haven't found a way to do this. When the zoom with mouse scroll is enabled (I use Apple's Magic Mouse), I'm only able to zoom in and out getting uneven values such as 88,7%, 97,6% etc - the same action as in Photoshop WITHOUT shift pressed. I've also tried plenty of different keys with mouse scroll zoom.
Is there any way to zoom in even steps with Magic Mouse on a mac? This is driving me crazy, as now I have to select the zoom tool and use it to zoom in and out, which significantly slows down my work flow.
how do I make a page and then roll the top adn bottom so it looks curled toward the center.. tryin to make a scroll effect and place information on it......
When I choose the hand tool and in options Scroll ALL. I'm supposed to click and drag to see the other open files (photos). What am I overlooking? PSCS2 Wxp
How do I control the scrollbars in Photoshop Elements? I have my picture zoomed to 100%. I cannot scroll around the picture to see the places I want to see. The scrollbars jump only to locations preset by Adobe!! I WANT CONTROL OVER THE SCROLLBARS!!
While I most definitely love the addition of "alt-right-click-drag" for resizing the brush in CS6 Liquify , I must say I greatly feel the loss "alt-mouse-wheel" for zooming in and out.
(Alt-mouse-wheel is much better than ctrl-left-click zooming because you didn't have to go down to the zoom pop-up or ctrl-right-click to bring up the zoom dialog to go back to 100% or fit image.)
If it was brought back, then brush resizing and zooming in and out is all under the Alt key -
setup PS so that the scroll wheel on your mouse changes the brush size? I use Aperture and this functionality is built in and I find it tremendously useful. When I export an image to PS I find it really annoying to have to reach up to the brackets to make that adjustment.