I'm just guns blazing in Photoshop CS6 and enjoying every feature of it, but I have this on issue that I think Adobe has overlooked.
In previous Photoshop when you create a shape and open the "Blending Options" window your shape would look like this (if you have the "shape" deselected in the layers palette.
Example 1.
But now in Photoshop CS6 I don't have the option to do so, I'm stuck with this shape bounding border, and it's a real pain when doing website mockups or other things for that matter.
Example 2.:
Example 3.:
As you can see above if I wanted to add a 1 pixel inner shadow to work as a highlight, I can't see a proper preview of it. Unless I hit ok and deselect the shape.
How do you remove the border from the shapes tool? I draw a rounded edge rectangle with a gray foreground and black background and I can't see any options to keep the black from becoming a 1 pixel border around the image.
I even tried changing the BGcolor to the same gray and I still get a black outline.
1. Is it possible to quickly create a shape that just uses the border (at a definable width/etc.). Ie, if I wanted to create a curved rectangle (but just a border of it, so that the inside is transparent), I usually select the shape tool, change to curved corner rectangle, draw the shape, ctrl+click the layer to load it's transparency as a selection, do a select > modify > contract and guesstimate how many pixels in I want to contract (It would be nice if PS auto updated the selection when you changed the CONTRACT value, so you could visualize it), and when that is done, press the DEL/BACKSPACE key to make the inside transparent, leaving just a "border" of the shape. Is there an easier way to this?
2. Secondly, I often thought it would be nice to have a lasso tool that drew selections in the same manner the pen tool makes shapes. But I tried to think outside the box and thought "If I just make a shape with the pen tool, I can then, again, load it as a selection, goto the layer I want to delete/fill and do so, and then remove the pen-created shape. Am I taking the long way around? Are there quicker methods? Also, is there a way to draw with the pen tool so that it uses the border and not a fill? Or is that just how Illustrator does it, and not PS?
I want to draw a semi transparent rectangle using the rectangle tool. i do this, and set the layer opacity to 40 or so. the rectangle goes transparent but the very edges of hte rectangle seem to be less transparent, as if they are drawn in with a white pensil. how do i create a rectangle with no edge?
I have a problem with "new scroll feature" in Photoshop CS6 - I didn't find any discussion about that in whole internet (maybe I used bad keywords for the finding) How can I turn off this annoying horizontal scroll feature?
I over and over again do the same - by mistake scrolling horizontally instead vertically..
I need to make an transparent GIF of a sold banner that will go over object. Thing is when i save it as a GIF the edges are discolored to a whiteish light green. I've tried all different kinds of GIF settings but i get the same thing. It needs to be transparent..
I have so far made a vector shape with the shapes available and am trying to use the pen too to manipulated it. BUT for some reason when I try and drag a point I just get the curve handles but the point won't move, does anyone know what I could have accidently pressed to stop it behaving?
Is there a way to disable the ever so annoying hand toss feature (that makes the canvas glide as you pan it)? Actually refering to it as a feature kind of makes me cringe as there's no practical benefit of it what so ever.
I also find the movement of the new GPU-accelerated marquee zoom kind of jerky. Instead of moving straight in, it seems to use some kind of compound movement that feels rather unsmooth. Am I the only one annoyed by this behaviour?
how to get this problem resolved. everytime i use my type, when i click on my work area, a black dot appears on page before i begin to type. then no matter what font i use, there is a black line under all my type. how can i get just the black dot from appearing at first when i click, and that annoying line under all my type to dissappear! i'm veryy new to photoshop, and i have cs.
I'm tired of repeatedly seeing messages like this with no option to "Click Here if you don't want to receive this notification in the future." How do turn this one off?
I designed a text document in illustrator and it looks great...in illustrator. As soon as I export it to a PNG, an annoying outline around text appears.
Whenever a annotative dimension is selected, its text are displayed with virtually all possible scales simultaneously on the screen, blocking the view of other objects and make the screen all a mess. Have a look at the attached picture.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
Using Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
how to anchor the image down to the baseboard. I'm using a macbook pro and the image is constantly scrolling all over. This could have something to do with the two finger sensitivity of the touch pad. But this also comes into play when using the point to point (polygonal) lasso tool.
While going from point to point with the tool if I drift to the outer borders of my screen the image takes off in the opposite direction. This is the most annoying feature ever introduced to Photoshop.
Hit the spacebar cursor turns to hand and move the image. Is how I used to do it (and still can). Why add this auto scrolling? I'm tired of chasing after the image and constantly recentering it.
Other than the 'show bounding box' check box.... is there any other reason I can't get my bounding box to show? It seems to be totally random. I can't get the bounding box to show.
I drew something up on a sheet of paper, scanned it, then traced it's bitmap as line art. I then proceded to edit the vectors to recover all the detail I lost with the tracing. It took forever!
Now that I´m done, I realised there is a problem... how can I color in the drawing, if the lines themselves make up the shape? Essentially, I´m left with blank spaces in between all the lines instead of solid individual shapes that can be colored in.
What can I do? I´m so desperate I´m thinking of creating a gazillion individual shapes with the colors, and slapping them underneath the lines to "improv" a fill. But that will take waay too long, so is there an easier way?
If I could "invert" the shape I have now, so that the blank spaces become individual shapes, and the lines become blank spaces.
I don't know if this is a bug or a new 'feature' that I downloaded during the last update... but I get bounding boxes on layer items. How do I turn these off, or is this a bug?
My PS CS4 crashed the other night and erased all of my settings. Now, when I have a layer selected, I can't see the bounding box. I have checked auto-select, layer and checked show transform controls. I have view>extras checked as well. All I see are little tiny squares in each corner of the layer and in the middle of each side. I used to have a dashed line around the object and it is gone. Here is a shot of how it looks with the word strip selected: [URL]
i have had an ongoing problem with dragging images over from photoshop to illustrator. whenever i drag an image over there is a white box around the image that is apparent on the other layers behind it. if someone could inform me on how to get rid of this bounding box i would be greatly appreciated.
I have a file that is 13 x9. In print dialogue box I used the bounding handles to shrink it to 9x6.
Now today I want to print at true file size. I open image size dialogue box and it is still 13x9. But when I open print dialogue box it still says 9x6? why? and it look 9x6 in the preview, not 13 x9 which is the real size of file -- so I'm confused.
If I type in 13 x9 or use bounding handles again to get 13 x9 am I now upresing the file??
With PS CS5.1, how do I turn off the bounding box display when i use the move tool to move a layer? There is this faint grey line that appears when a layer is selected. How do i turn it off?
I was trying to creating a bounding box, and I wanted it to be curved. I know how to do it with a selection, but I really don't want that because I want to have this as a vector. I need to use a shape. But when I use the shapes, they keep filling with a colour, and when I turn that off, I can't keep the outside border on.
When I drag the box out to the size I want and go to type the insertion curser doesnt appear. when I type something nothing appears no matter what size or font of text I use.
I've tried making the picture bigger but it doesnt work. When I go to delete the type layer it registers that I typed something and askes ifI want to delete it but it never shows the text in the box.
Ive even onpen new windows and it does the same thing whether I use white, transparent or background layer settings.
I'm trying to create a website mockup in Photoshop. I'm trying to create a bounding box where I can place my text,. Can I do this in Photoshop elements 10 or just Photoshop cs5? If I can do it in Photoshop elements 10, what tool do I use and can i make the background transparent?
When you first click and drag the Crop tool, it snaps to pixels. Which is great. However, when I then need to resize the Crop selection I can no longer snap to pixels.
I fear that this is just a property of the Bounding box and cannot be changed.