Photoshop :: Border Shapes And Pen Like Selections
Dec 11, 2004
1. Is it possible to quickly create a shape that just uses the border (at a definable width/etc.). Ie, if I wanted to create a curved rectangle (but just a border of it, so that the inside is transparent), I usually select the shape tool, change to curved corner rectangle, draw the shape, ctrl+click the layer to load it's transparency as a selection, do a select > modify > contract and guesstimate how many pixels in I want to contract (It would be nice if PS auto updated the selection when you changed the CONTRACT value, so you could visualize it), and when that is done, press the DEL/BACKSPACE key to make the inside transparent, leaving just a "border" of the shape. Is there an easier way to this?
2. Secondly, I often thought it would be nice to have a lasso tool that drew selections in the same manner the pen tool makes shapes. But I tried to think outside the box and thought "If I just make a shape with the pen tool, I can then, again, load it as a selection, goto the layer I want to delete/fill and do so, and then remove the pen-created shape. Am I taking the long way around? Are there quicker methods? Also, is there a way to draw with the pen tool so that it uses the border and not a fill? Or is that just how Illustrator does it, and not PS?
I'm using Photoshop CS6 now and there is one bad thing i'd like to change. If I "select all", I can not make the selection smaller (in my case 1Px) , the menu-command is grey. If I make a round selection, which hits the document-border, I can reduce the selection size but the area which hits the border still gets not reduced. Is there a possibility to change this?
How do you remove the border from the shapes tool? I draw a rounded edge rectangle with a gray foreground and black background and I can't see any options to keep the black from becoming a 1 pixel border around the image.
I even tried changing the BGcolor to the same gray and I still get a black outline.
I'm just guns blazing in Photoshop CS6 and enjoying every feature of it, but I have this on issue that I think Adobe has overlooked. Â In previous Photoshop when you create a shape and open the "Blending Options" window your shape would look like this (if you have the "shape" deselected in the layers palette. Â Example 1. But now in Photoshop CS6 I don't have the option to do so, I'm stuck with this shape bounding border, and it's a real pain when doing website mockups or other things for that matter. Â Example 2.: Example 3.: As you can see above if I wanted to add a 1 pixel inner shadow to work as a highlight, I can't see a proper preview of it. Unless I hit ok and deselect the shape.
I want to draw a semi transparent rectangle using the rectangle tool. i do this, and set the layer opacity to 40 or so. the rectangle goes transparent but the very edges of hte rectangle seem to be less transparent, as if they are drawn in with a white pensil. how do i create a rectangle with no edge?
I am trying to fill a selection in one picture with a selection from another picture. I am having problems scaling the selection to fit exactly. i still have an outline from the other (previous) selection.
I opened both images up side by side, Adjusted the view on both to 33%, made my first selection, hit control + c, made my selection on the other picture (Exact same shape), hit control + v + shift, then edit>transform>scale, then shift+drag.
Can't get it to line up. I also tried layering the two images then reducing the opacity of just the selection, but photoshop reduces the opacity of the entire layer instead of just the selection,
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
Using Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
I drew something up on a sheet of paper, scanned it, then traced it's bitmap as line art. I then proceded to edit the vectors to recover all the detail I lost with the tracing. It took forever!
Now that I´m done, I realised there is a problem... how can I color in the drawing, if the lines themselves make up the shape? Essentially, I´m left with blank spaces in between all the lines instead of solid individual shapes that can be colored in.
What can I do? I´m so desperate I´m thinking of creating a gazillion individual shapes with the colors, and slapping them underneath the lines to "improv" a fill. But that will take waay too long, so is there an easier way?
If I could "invert" the shape I have now, so that the blank spaces become individual shapes, and the lines become blank spaces.
I am operating a Dell Windows system, 2 gig's of ram and using Photoshop CS3. While using the erasure tool to convert background to checkerboard transparency so that image can be selected for transfer to another background, after saving and reopening, the background lost the checkerboard and became totally white. In this state, the image cannot be transfered. Any suggestion on how I can convert the background back to the checkerboard status to allow transfer of just the image?
is there any way to add shapes, in the "basic shapes" bar?
or maybe in any other locations.
I use a lot of predefines shapes, that are saved in various files. i wanna make a way to directly import these shapes, whithout open files and copy/paste the dsired shapes.
I purchased a big jpg file from an online stock image provider that has a collection of items (a collage of 200 fruits in this case). I now need to extract individual fruit images from this big collage. By using photoshop selection tools I was able to select all the individual fruits in the image and now want to create new individual png's for each of the selected fruits in the image. Is it possible to automatically create a layer for each of the individual selections so that I can use Script -> Export Layers To Files .I have been looking for a solution online but to no avail.
I have the selection saved, I want to load another selection within while subtracting ? I tried the boolean methods, I searched the manuals, even AdobeTV for an answer, I know it can be done, I'm having a brain fart
I've been developing a script that uses 2 selections saved in a PSD file and have created various files with the selections saved while testing things. I would select an area in a tif, choose Save Selection from the Select menu and the dialog that displays allows me to name the selection into a new document. Select an area in a 2nd document, do the same thing and the dialog defaults to the same file into which the previous selection was saved. Worked great, many times. Earlier, however, I was all of sudden unable to save the two selections into the same document. When I created the two selections in separate documents and dragged a channel from one document to the other (to create the 1 doc with the 2 selections) Photoshop would then not allow me to load selections at ALL. Now, everything seems to be working as it should! I don't THINK I've changed anything and some of the files I used unsuccessfully earlier just worked!
I have been working on a piece of work in photoshop which requires me to make numerous selections and save them. So far I have made 20, and it will not let me save any more unless I overwrite old ones. Is their a way of increasing the amount of selections that can be made, or a way of deleting the uneeded ones.
I've got a pic son. I place a pic of a transparent CD on a layer on top of the son. I select the cd (that is a circle selection...) and I now want to sort of magnify what shows of my son within that selection...
I have been trying to figure out a way to add to a selection. What I mean is I draw a path with the pen and then save that and turn it into a selection and save that too. The problem is when I want to change the path of the selection using the pen tool it just gives me this funky path after the selection is made. When working on multible layers I need to use the same selection and due to the complexity of the object and impractibility of re-doing the whole selection again with the pen tool without the part of the layer that I don't want.
Would it be better to bring up the saved path, delete or move a few anchor points and resave the path? The problem with this is I believe it will discard the old path that I made first and I can't have that.
I am using CS3. when I am in a document (new or opened) I will make a selection and fill it. Even though I have 0 px for the Selection tool and 0.2 under Select/Modify/Feather, when I fill it it is feathered, quite a bit I might add. However, if I select the brush tool, make a few strokes with a hard brush somewhere, then make another selection and fill it, it's no longer feathered.
I just installed CS2, and I can only use the eraser tool to erase if what I'm erasing is inside a selection. Otherwise I click and try to erase but nothing erases. Even when I drop selection (ctrl D) and there is NO selection, I still can not erase. I have to select all (ctrl a) in order to erase anything in the workspace.
I have Photoshop CS3 and am having trouble with selections.
Let's say I just created a new blank document at 1024x768 pixels. I create a new layer and make a new randomly sized selection with the Rectangular Marquee tool. I fill that selection with black and now have a simple black box on a simple white background.
I press Ctrl-T for the Transform tool and in the Width box on the toolbar I type 800px and press enter. Now I expect my black box to be 800px wide. But when I select it and click the Info tool I see that my box is in fact 799px wide. Sometimes I try to change it to 800px again and when I look at the info tool the box is now 801px! Why is this?
Second question.. when I fill a selection using alt-backspace I notice that the edges are feathered even though I have feathering set to 0. If I alt-backspace several more times I get a solid fill, but I'd like to only have to do it once. Where is this setting?
Create a horizontal guide by dragging it from the ruler.  Now use the marquee tool to select the upper half of the picture, with the bottom of the selection snapping to the guide.  Result:Some times it happens that the resulting selection is different than the (logically) same selection made from the lower half of the picture to the guide and then inverted.Effectively this means sometimes when I use a snapping guide as the limit of a selection from one direction it is not border-to-border with one drawn from the other side. Then a line of one pixel height 'behind' the guide is not selected by either one of these procedures.  Expected Result:When the guide (which should have no width or height at all) forms the border of a selection from one side, it should be the inverse of a selection touching the guide from the other side.  System Information  Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.6.8 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:30, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 Physical processor count: 4 Processor speed: 2660 MHz Built-in memory: 16384 MB
Used to be if I made a path and converted it to a selection, only that part would be the selection.Now, in CS6 I'm getting a sort of compound shape effect. Say I make a path of a square in an image. I convert to selection, and now the complete image is selected and the square is not. Â Did the same in CS5 and got what I expected. Just the square selected.
I have a strange (might be small) problem in my PS (CS 5.5).. while selecting with the Select tools (Marquee) i cant see the running marquee lines any more (those dotted lines around) instead i have a solid line around the selection. How do I bring back the running line?
I would like to create selections for both A4 and A3 and save them. I need to crop a series of photos using these dimensions as they maybe printed and framed. Is there anyway to save a crop area?
I have had some trouble since installing Lion and CS6 with colours. A good example is 362 green. It is the client's corporate colour. The swatch book had cmyk values of 70c 0m 100y 9k. So did the swatch selection in InDesign CS4 and earlier OSX. The new values are now 73c 13m 100y 1k. Quite a different colour. On screen and print. Â I am tempted just to rename the colour as 'Client X green' and use the old values. I just wonder if I should say "Mr Client, Adobe and Pantone have changed your colour" and not interfere.I have tried using Pantone Bridge selections, but they are different again.