I was trying to creating a bounding box, and I wanted it to be curved. I know how to do it with a selection, but I really don't want that because I want to have this as a vector. I need to use a shape. But when I use the shapes, they keep filling with a colour, and when I turn that off, I can't keep the outside border on.
I have 3d items exported from sketchup, that have extrusion vectors to them.the VLA-GETBOUNDINGBOX lisp function seems to return values from the block's coordinate system.
I need values as if there was no extrusion vector, in WCS.I am not clear on how to do this, as it seems like I want a fundamentally different box.Is there a way to recalc the box orthogonal to world coord system for each insert of the block? URL....
I am having a problem reducing the opacity of a photo. When i reduced the opacity i end up with a chequer board of white and grey squares all over the photo any ideas?
I tried to do that kind of sig, but I can't do this flipping (it this right word to describe this effect?) squares. I tried transforming, but it always looked weird... I know for sure that this was made in PS/ImageReady.
I searched on some forums, but I can't find nothing in tutorials that are similar to this... So, please, does anyone know how to make that flipping? Thanks in advance for anything, that can help.
I have created a ribbon in Photoshop and now I need to have the ribbon break into small squares at the end of the ribbon. I am looking for someway that will take a part of the ribbon and break it apart. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I hope this makes sense!
I am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.
I want the top squares to fit around the odd shaped circle, at the same time be able to edit them as if they were in a straight row and have the edits pass down to the squares around the oddly shaped circle.
I am in the business of 3d design, and have recently been learning a lot about the software I use. It works best with square textures (512x512 and maybe 1024x1024). Some of the textures i create for my models are tall and narrow, or short and skinny. For example, on a 600 foot skyscraper, my texture may be 1024x4096. What I normally do is manually cut this image into 4 textures that are 1024x1024, and apply them to their respective places on the face so the exporter doesn't diminish the quality as much. (The exporter I use takes the longest dimension of the face in the 3d model and reduces it to 512px wide, and so in this example the short dimension would become 128px, which is very low res, imo).
Is there a script that would better serve my purposes here, that would breakwhatever image i am editing in Photoshop into square chunks?
In the most extreme case, I had to take an image that was 1024x24576, and chop it into 8 different images, and i remember this process being difficult to accomplish seemlessly.
When I save my photoshop file as an .eps, I can have all the text from the Photoshop file remain vector, but a Vector Smart Object does not remain vector. Is there a way to have it remain vector?
I have been experiencing a 2" black or white square while zooming that stays on image at that zoom ratio. I use Topaz Adjust and NIK software. If I save file and reopen it's gone!
When I open a photo in Photoshop (CS5) the photo doesn't display in my window. It shows as if I had opened a new document with the grey and white squares. The thumbnail for the image in the layers palatte shows perfectly. If I click zoom the image will sometimes show, but then if I zoom in again it goes back to the squares or if I zoom out again it goes back to the squares. I've had this version of photoshop for a couple of years and never had a problem until this week. I've checked/run updates for everything I can think of and nothing is working!
simple way to do this with Photoshop (I have CS)? I need the nine separate jpeg images for the flash version, I understand this example is just one jpeg and is used in the standard html version of a template I have....
Curious is there is way that is automated to do this. I can rotate each section (image) as needed for the spot, but want to take a picture and cut it into equal squares.
How can I resize a photo in Elements 12, using the squares around the picture? I want to change the shape of the photo - in my old version, when I changed the size/shape, it would cut off part of the picture (which is what I want in order to get the size I want), whereas in Elements 12 it is just stretching and distorting the photo.
I am using this for a "scrapbook" photo page, where there are multiple photos and text on the page.
I ran the facial recognition software on all my photos, not realizing the several thousand faces that would be identified, and then subsequently gone through and labeled. I would like to remove all the "face squares" from the photos, but I have not been successful. I have created a new catalog, and deleted the old, I have removed all the photos from the program, and I uninstalled and reinstalled. When the photos are reintroduced, however, the “face squares” are still automatically there. Permanently, it seems. I’m assuming the information then is now either in the picture files or attached to the photos themselves. I’ve not been able to discover anything with Google or Bing, but it may be a matter of just not using the correct search words. With that context, Is there a way to remove the face identification squares?
Other than the 'show bounding box' check box.... is there any other reason I can't get my bounding box to show? It seems to be totally random. I can't get the bounding box to show.
I need a way to take images of a preset size and slice them up into seperate little image squares which are each saved with a sequential number starting with the first square (top left) but in a grid type pattern - so the first square would be saved as '1-1.jpg' and the one to the right of it would be '1-2.jpg' and the one to the right of that would be '1-3.jpg' etc. Then the next row would be like '2-1.jpg', '2-2.jpg', 2-3.jpg' etc. and so on.
Is there anyone who would possibly be able to help write an action to do this automatically?
I know it's a large request but I'm not so good with complex actions and don't know where to begin with this.
Please help if you can. The final 'diced' images are to be used in a website which is a college project of mine, I'm fine with building the website, I'm just not so good with actions and really don't want to have to slice a number images individually (I'm currently estimating there will be a large number of little squares per image - something in the region 300 or so...). If anyone can help I'll work out the exact figures and dimensions so it can be done.
I don't know if this is a bug or a new 'feature' that I downloaded during the last update... but I get bounding boxes on layer items. How do I turn these off, or is this a bug?
My PS CS4 crashed the other night and erased all of my settings. Now, when I have a layer selected, I can't see the bounding box. I have checked auto-select, layer and checked show transform controls. I have view>extras checked as well. All I see are little tiny squares in each corner of the layer and in the middle of each side. I used to have a dashed line around the object and it is gone. Here is a shot of how it looks with the word strip selected: [URL]
i have had an ongoing problem with dragging images over from photoshop to illustrator. whenever i drag an image over there is a white box around the image that is apparent on the other layers behind it. if someone could inform me on how to get rid of this bounding box i would be greatly appreciated.
I have a file that is 13 x9. In print dialogue box I used the bounding handles to shrink it to 9x6.
Now today I want to print at true file size. I open image size dialogue box and it is still 13x9. But when I open print dialogue box it still says 9x6? why? and it look 9x6 in the preview, not 13 x9 which is the real size of file -- so I'm confused.
If I type in 13 x9 or use bounding handles again to get 13 x9 am I now upresing the file??
I imported my photos into organizer. I don't see the pictures, all I see are grey squares. I have to open every single picture in editor before I can see it in the organizer.
With PS CS5.1, how do I turn off the bounding box display when i use the move tool to move a layer? There is this faint grey line that appears when a layer is selected. How do i turn it off?