Photoshop :: Effect Of Little Squares Net For Background?
Jul 12, 2004background
i want to make something like that
i want to make something like that
how to create this effect, the background texture and the blending of the picture and the background texture.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need some help in recreating a background similar to the one on the Japanese poster for the Grudge as attched here. I want to duplicate the red and black background.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to create this effect?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to know how we create this background effect on trees?
View 10 Replies View Relatedhow to make text look like glass?
also a background for a website?
how to do a professional glassy effect.
how to make text look like glass? aslso a background for a website?
I have looked for days but the tutorials and such a like are not really good.
I need a tutorial that explains how to do a professional glassy effect.
I am using Production Studio Premium CS2.
i was thinking it was a simple blend mode....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI Made a cool glowing effect with my name in it and i want to make it my desktop background. How do i do it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to create a dome wireframe effect for use in a background?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I make the faded line effect and the background color elements.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically, I want to be able to create a glass effect on a square icon tile. I want the glass to be translucent so that the image behind the square icon tile is blurry (hence the translucency). I know how to create effect if I want it over some user-defined background layer, but what I am trying to do is a bit different. I need to import a PNG file into a theme program, and it uses this glass tile. I want the glass tile to have the translucent effect, but the problem is, I can only get the effect to work if I create a layer over a user-defined background layer. What I want is to have the translucent effect over whichever background is used in my theme program. I am not sure if this is possible to do with a PNG file, or even possible at all. If anyone could shed some knowledge on this I would greatly appreciate it.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to make the twisted grid effect in the background of the below picture. I am talking about the structure in the background the one starting orange on the right fading into pink than blue .Am using photoshop CS6.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have this image here and as you can see, I took a screenshot but all I want from this is the blue effect and none of the background contents. It's a single layer. Is there any way I can remove the back?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to remove a white background from a logo image.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a very simple PSD, so i'll try to explain this super simply..
 one transparent layer, with just a pair or eyebrows, with the only added blend effect as 'multiply'
one background with a face, no eyebrows.
the layer blends the eyebrows in to the background face perfectly.
i want to save the layer as a separate file keeping the tranparency and including the result of the multiply effect, without the background.
the reason why i want to do this may confuse things, but basically i want several different eyebrow colours to be interchangeable over this face in an application that doesn't recognise the blending link with the background, so i want to save it in PS !
I'm trying to reproduce the effect in an old Windows background (attached). How to do this?
I've looked through many tutorials, but guides for creating water ripples are the only things I could find.
Is there a plugin or tutorial on how to do something like this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have text with an arc effect. I want the text to knock out of a background and stay in arc. I tried making a compound object and pathfinder but the text straightens out. How do I do it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem reducing the opacity of a photo. When i reduced the opacity i end up with a chequer board of white and grey squares all over the photo any ideas?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI tried to do that kind of sig, but I can't do this flipping (it this right word to describe this effect?) squares. I tried transforming, but it always looked weird... I know for sure that this was made in PS/ImageReady.
I searched on some forums, but I can't find nothing in tutorials that are similar to this... So, please, does anyone know how to make that flipping? Thanks in advance for anything, that can help.
I have created a ribbon in Photoshop and now I need to have the ribbon break into small squares at the end of the ribbon. I am looking for someway that will take a part of the ribbon and break it apart. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I hope this makes sense!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want the top squares to fit around the odd shaped circle, at the same time be able to edit them as if they were in a straight row and have the edits pass down to the squares around the oddly shaped circle.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was trying to creating a bounding box, and I wanted it to be curved. I know how to do it with a selection, but I really don't want that because I want to have this as a vector. I need to use a shape. But when I use the shapes, they keep filling with a colour, and when I turn that off, I can't keep the outside border on.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere are a couple of tiny grey squares on the upper left corner of my files. One has a "01" and the other one a symbol which I don´t know what it is.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am in the business of 3d design, and have recently been learning a lot about the software I use. It works best with square textures (512x512 and maybe 1024x1024). Some of the textures i create for my models are tall and narrow, or short and skinny. For example, on a 600 foot skyscraper, my texture may be 1024x4096. What I normally do is manually cut this image into 4 textures that are 1024x1024, and apply them to their respective places on the face so the exporter doesn't diminish the quality as much. (The exporter I use takes the longest dimension of the face in the 3d model and reduces it to 512px wide, and so in this example the short dimension would become 128px, which is very low res, imo).
Is there a script that would better serve my purposes here, that would breakwhatever image i am editing in Photoshop into square chunks?
In the most extreme case, I had to take an image that was 1024x24576, and chop it into 8 different images, and i remember this process being difficult to accomplish seemlessly.
when i save my psd file i get these random black squares all ovr my picture.. what in the world can i do to remove these? i use photoshop cs6 on a mac
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to Gimp and would like to ask if there is a way to make a good worn out effect more or less like this on a black logo. The problem is that they are using a fork for it and I am a student and can't afford a fork.
The aim is to make a black print on transparent background with transparent scratched "holes". Are there any tips how to do this?
When I open a new blank template on PS, it has squares and grids all over it. How do I get rid of it? and end up with just the blank white template?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way in PS5 to chop up an image into squares via a grid and rearrange them? Other than making a bunch of little individual images?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been experiencing a 2" black or white square while zooming that stays on image at that zoom ratio. I use Topaz Adjust and NIK software. If I save file and reopen it's gone!
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