Photoshop :: Liquify - Return Of Alt-Scroll Wheel For Zoom?
Jul 14, 2012
While I most definitely love the addition of "alt-right-click-drag" for resizing the brush in CS6 Liquify , I must say I greatly feel the loss "alt-mouse-wheel" for zooming in and out.
(Alt-mouse-wheel is much better than ctrl-left-click zooming because you didn't have to go down to the zoom pop-up or ctrl-right-click to bring up the zoom dialog to go back to 100% or fit image.)
If it was brought back, then brush resizing and zooming in and out is all under the Alt key -
I have a CAD 2013 Arch user who is having a strange issue with zooming in or out using the mouse scroll wheel. It doesn't happen all the time which frustrates me because I never see it, but she does. Every now and then when she's working in a drawing she'll try to zoom out slightly, but the it zooms WAY out, so much that the drawing looks like a tiny speck. When she tries to correct it by zooming in, it zooms WAY in. Then for some reason, it starts working fine. This seems to happen to her multiple times a day and I'm sure what to or how to troubleshoot this. She's using a wireless mouse from Logistic and seems to have the current drivers installed.
I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it? I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.
setup PS so that the scroll wheel on your mouse changes the brush size? I use Aperture and this functionality is built in and I find it tremendously useful. When I export an image to PS I find it really annoying to have to reach up to the brackets to make that adjustment.
I've tried everything I can to adjust my mouse's scroll wheel to pan as opposed to zoom and I just can't seem to get it.Is that an option they got rid of?
Is it possible to adjust the behavior of Corel Draw X5 in order to have the scroll wheel of the mouse behave like the scrolling action on a web browser. I would like a vertical scroll to vertically scroll the design when I am zoomed in and some of the design continues beyond the current view. Also, I have a mouse that can scroll horizontally when the scroll wheel is nudged from side to side, so I would like to have a horizontal scroll as well, if possible.
Is there any way to change the annoying reversed zoom/scroll wheel direction? It would be nice if the zoom/scrolling functioned like MDT....and autocentered with the crosshairs like MDT while zooming too....maybe I should give it up.
I have a Logitech MX Laser 1000 mouse, love the mouse. But the Middle scroll button does not pan when you hold down the wheel. And when you double click the wheel it no longer does a zoom extents. When you scroll the wheel it does zoom in and out. My mbuttonpan is set to 1. Not sure if I toggled something on or off.
how to reverse the scroll wheel zoom feature so that it zoom in when you scroll forward and vice-versa? That way it will be the same as the default in AutoCad. I don't know why the changed them personally.
I've just started with Inventor 2009 and have found that you as default you cannot orbit around by pressing in the mouse scroll wheel, holding ctrl (or shift) and moving around.
This works in AutoCAD 2009 3D and all other 3D software I have used, so I'm assuming that there is a simple setting somewhere to activate this?
We have an older engineering in our office who is constantly double clicking his scroll wheel by accident and doing a zoom extents on his layout. He's running LT 2005. I don't see where I can change it. Its not part of the mouse button customization.
There are other discussions about scroll wheel zooming, but this is about scrolling. It goes too quickly in InDesign, though it's great in other products.
My scroll wheel no longer works after installing Lightroom 4.4. In all previous versions, I was able to use my Logitech scroll device to adjust the sliders in the development panel. In the 4.4 version, the scroll wheel no longer works and instead of adjusting an individual slider, it scrolls the whole development panel up and down. I did uninstall the mouse driver and reinstalled but that did not work. The mouse works just fine in all other programs. I think it is a bug with the 4.4 version. I am operating in Windows 7.
I used to have x4 . One of the features I like is wherever you place the cursor and use your the scroll wheel on the mouse, it will zoom in where the cursor is.
When i switched to x5 , it doesnt center to the cursor. Is that a glitch? is there a way im doing it wrong or any setting i need to fix?
When zooming in and out using the mouse wheel, the increments used in zooming are rather course.
I've tried changing the windows mouse options to no effect within Inventor. I've also looked around the application settings and could not readily find any options which adjusts zooming increment.
Is there even such an option, or am I out of luck on this one?
I've installed Illustrator CS6 recently and found the behavior of panning with the scroll wheel annoying. When I have low zoom values (e.g. 75%) the scroll wheel lets me pan U-D, L-R at normal speed, but if I zoom in (200% and up), the panning slows to a point where it is unusable at 600% and up. I use [Shift] to speed it up but at high zoom levels it's not enough. This wasn't the case for Illustrator CS5 or 5.5 where panning with the scroll wheel worked at the same speed at any zoom level.
Running Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows XP Pro Version 2002 Service Pack 3
When I check the "Zoom with Scroll Wheel" box in Preferences > General:
-using zoom tool, scroll wheel will zoom out to the smallest size, but will only zoom in until image is slightly larger than the file window then slides the image left and right or up and down depending on size of file window. When image is slightly larger than the file window, zoom out doesn't work anymore
-using Alt + Scroll does nothing
-Ctrl + Scroll zooms image the way Alt + Scroll should
When I UNcheck the "Zoom with Scroll Wheel" box in Preferences > General:
-using Alt + Scroll scroll wheel will zoom out to the smallest size, but will only zoom in until image is slightly larger than the file window then will neither zoom in or out anymore
-using Ctrl + Scroll slides the image left and right
In either preference setting, using ALT key causes letters for menus in the tool bar to be underlined
I just purchased a new Lenonvo Thinkpad w520 and bluetooth laser mouse and am running auotcad 2012. I can not seem to get the scroll wheel to zoom in/out. A regular corded USB mouse works fine..tried scrollwheel setting, mouse is set to middle button....? Lenovo says it is an application issue
Since a few days I have a trial version of new CS6 and there I miss the possibility to zoom in / out with scroll function of mouse, where is it hidden ?
I just switched to a mac from PC and I was used to zoom with my mouse scroll and hold shift to zoom in even increments to keep the image as crisp as possible. Now on a mac I still haven't found a way to do this. When the zoom with mouse scroll is enabled (I use Apple's Magic Mouse), I'm only able to zoom in and out getting uneven values such as 88,7%, 97,6% etc - the same action as in Photoshop WITHOUT shift pressed. I've also tried plenty of different keys with mouse scroll zoom.
Is there any way to zoom in even steps with Magic Mouse on a mac? This is driving me crazy, as now I have to select the zoom tool and use it to zoom in and out, which significantly slows down my work flow.
I'm using CS6 on windows 7-64bit with a keyboard and a mouse. I have a problem with the default functionality of the "Alt" key in windows 7. For those of you that are familiar with the default functionality of the alt key in windows 7, please skip to the next paragraph. For those of you not familiar, pressing the alt key in most programs in windows will highlight the toolbar so that you can use the keyboard to make selections within your "File", "Edit", "View", etc. toolbars if your mouse goes dead.
My problem is that I use the Alt + Mouse Scroll for zoom all the time. I rely on that feature probably more than I should. Yes, I could use cntrl + or cntrl - for zoom but that means I have to take my right hand off my mouse and I use photoshop 8+ hours a day some days. Time is of the essence to complete projects by the deadline.
I've tried disabling the default alt function in windows 7 (didn't work because you can't without third pary openware). I've tried duplicating the shortcut in the Edit - Keyboard Shortcuts menu (didn't work because it doesn't recognize the mouse scroll).
I found an annoying bug using photoshop cs6 with win 8 pro.
It only happens when i'm working on a file with layer. When I zoom in or out with the mouse wheel the background suddenly changes from gray to black or "trasparent" multiple times.
Already tried updating vga drivers and disabling gpu acceleration, with no results.
Occasionally when I try to zoom with the mouse wheel it just won't let me to. I have to pan around and then it'll let me zoom again. That's extremely irritating. I've never encountered such problem in previous versions of Max. I have the service pack and both hotfixes installed.
Is It possible to Zoom In/Out with Scroll Mouse In Lightroom, just like you can do that In Photoshop. Also, I noticed Inside the Library you can Zoom In and Out with the Zoom Slider In the Bottom of the page. But there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode, Why there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode ?
Is there a way to change the zoom on the mouse wheel? Currently to zoom out I scroll toward myself. I would like it to be the opposite since other programs I use are set up in this fashion. It would be easier if all were the same.