Photoshop :: CS4 Animated Zoom Doesn't Turn Off...

Nov 1, 2008

CS4 animated zoom doesn't turn off. I have it unchecked in preferences but zoom still animates most of the time.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Turn Off The Animated Zoom Transition?

Aug 8, 2012

Is there a way to turn off the stupid "animated" zoom transition that happens during a zoom extents?

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Photoshop :: Animated Zoom Option

Oct 30, 2008

The animated zoom could have been such a good complement to tap tap-zoom. But I'm so bothered by the "1/2+"sec delay for anim to start that I don't use it.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Animated Zoom Variable

Dec 18, 2013

what the variable is that turns off the animated zoom all ?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - How To Turn Off Pan And Zoom

Aug 29, 2011

I am using pro X4 on windows 7. For my current project I am doing a slide show with added titles and audio. I decided to try pan & zoom. So on the menu bar I selected edit and then selected auto pan & zoom. This applied pan & zoom to all the photos (over 100). As I have previewed the results, I find the pan & zoom effects for many of the photos is not appropriate meaning faces are being cut off etc. I know I can go in and customize the settings for pan & zoom and even copy the attributes to all the photos. At this point what I really want to do is turn off pan & Zoom. I select auto pan & zoom from the edit menu with no impact. I select a photo and open the option window. The radio button for pan & zoom indicates that it is active. I can't deselect the radio button. how to turn off pan & zoom. I would like to do it to all the photos in one step like I turned it on.

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Lightroom :: Cursor Turn Into Zoom Tool With Photo Sized To Fit

Nov 1, 2013

Why did my cursor turn into a zoom tool with a photo sized to Fit;  and how can I make it go back to a normal arrow?
It is only happening when the photo is sized to Fit.   At other sizes, the cursor is normal.     

This just started after I finished using the Adjustment Brush.   I had used Cntrl +  to zoom a photo while using the Adjustment Brush.

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Photoshop :: CS4! 3D Doesnt Work

Nov 3, 2008

I can not make anything in 3D. I think in CS3 it doesnt work too. But in graphic programs like MAYA and 3DS MAX i can make 3D objects and others but in Photoshop not. In Photoshop CS 4 I opened new document, with brush i wrote "Hello" and clicked on menu "3D" but there is everything disable :-/. My graphic card is "Ati Mobility Radeon XPRESS 200 series.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Doesnt Let Me Save As

Apr 7, 2008

it allows me to save normaly, but if i want/need to change a file type, or name and i click "save as" the save as window pops up for a brief moment then disapears.and photoshop feezes. it doesnt really crash, it just freezes and i have to go into task manger to close it.

im a digital artist so my cs3 program is really important...i need it up and running again!! any help here?
ive already tried ALT+Spacebar and then M to see if the window was juust off screen, but it didnt work. ><''

besides the program lagging ocassionaly with big file loads/saves everything works fine. its just this problem that keeps me from workng!

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Photoshop :: CS3 Doesnt Open More Than One...

Aug 8, 2008

I have win XP + Adobe CS 3 Standard installed on my pc: when i open more than one photo at the same time with Photoshop CS3, the application immediately close.
I have two pc with the same configuration and i have the same problem. Note that i have Adobe CS2 installed + upgrade to Adobe CS 3. If i use Photoshop CS 2 i dont have trouble.

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Photoshop :: Ctrl + A Doesnt Work

Apr 5, 2005

my keyboard short cut for ctrl+ a doesn't work, for some reason. All the other keyboard shortcuts work, except for that one (At least i think so..). I read through numerous threads about why keyboard short cuts do not work. 1. they are cracked copies of photoshop, 2. they are using logitech keyboards.

But I'm not using a cracked copy, and I just upgraded my logitech drivers to the newest ones.. and the problem just started yesterday without any reason. But when I change my short cut from ctrl a to.. something else, say alt+ctrl+a. it works.. but I prefer the old ctrl A.

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Photoshop :: Right Click Open With PS7 Doesnt Work.

Oct 26, 2004

Right click open with PS7 doesnt work. Every time i select it, it opens in windows picture viewer. But i can open it in illusttrator 4 some reason.

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Photoshop :: Why Doesnt My Created Action Work

May 15, 2009

i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created :(starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recordingwhen i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.

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Photoshop :: Making Gifs W Jpgs Doesnt Work

Dec 16, 2002

I have a lot of jpgs and want to make an animated gif of them, but that doesnt work I ve read a tutorial somewhere and there it worked. But I just get an errormessage and the only files with that I can make an animated gif are gifs

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Photoshop :: CTRL+G Doesnt Layer Mask Anymore!

May 14, 2006

I haven't changed any settings but everytime I press CTRL+G it just adds a group instead of layer mask!

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VideoStudio :: X4 Burned Movie Doesnt Fit TV Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.

when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.

why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4

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Photoshop :: Zoom: No Anti-alias ( Pixel-exact Zoom)!

Feb 15, 2006

I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.

Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.

Is there a way to change this zoom?

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Photoshop :: Zoom Tool Defaults To Zoom Out

Feb 21, 2008

recently my zoom tool changed from default zoom in + to zoom out -

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Intersection Osnap Appears On Zoom Out But Disappears When Zoom In

Feb 22, 2012

The AutoCAD doesn’t show the “intersect osnap” at certain zoom!

The “intersection osnap” between a “hatched rectangle” and a “DASHDOT2” line appears and disappears depending on the amount of zoom!

As I zoom out the “intersection osnap” appears but when I zoom in, it disappears

Why the "intersection Osnap" should disappear as I zoom in?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Middle Mouse Button (wheel) Set To Zoom All / Zoom Extents Double Click

Feb 27, 2013

I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it?  I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Assign Keyboard Zoom + / - Key To Zoom A Drawing In / Out

Jan 8, 2013

My keyboard has a zoom key with + and - selections.  I use to use this key in drawings to zoom in and out when in the AutoCAD application when we had Windows XP.  Now that I have Windows 7 I can't do this.  I can't find out how to assign this key on the Microsoft Keyboard interactive software either.  I have the other keys assigned as desired.

Can I still use my keyboard zoom key to zoom in and out in drawings?  If so, how do I set this up in AutoCAD, or do I need to do this through a Microsoft keyboard application?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Zoom / Pan / Rotation At High Zoom Level

Apr 5, 2013

I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.

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3ds Max :: Zoom About Mouse Pointer And Zoom Speed

May 27, 2012

I can't find in new max (2013) settings for zoom. I want to set Zoom about mouse pointer and adjust a bit zoom speed (now it is too much for one mouse wheel step).

I can't find zoom settings in 3ds max 2013. Where they are? I think that in previous max it was in Customize -> Viewports tab. But now it is not there.

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Photoshop :: Zoom In/Zoom Out In CS

Jan 3, 2004

I tried searching the forums for this topic but the search thing didn't seem to work.

A friend of mine installed Photoshop CS for me (an upgrade from 7.0) and for some reason I can't use CTRL + and CTRL - to zoom in and out, I have to use the mouse with the zoom tool which slows me down quite a bit over the course of 20 or so photo edits.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I checked Keyboard shortcuts in the preferences menu and they were correct. I've made no other changes to the program.

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AutoCad :: Random Veiwports Turn Off As Turn Others On

Apr 20, 2011

20110421veiwports turning off.jpg AutoCAD isnt being nice to me lately another hassle i have is the viewports randomly turn off ( they dont show anything) and when i turn those ones on, others turn off.

i dont know how to change the topic to "solved" however a collegue told me to enter MAXACTVP at the command line the value was 16, i was told to set it to 64 ( i had 21 viewports ) and they all came on.

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif To BMP

May 14, 2013

*tl;dr- Easy way to take the frames of a GIF and change them to a BMP (there are about 40 frames per Action) So- My friend was learning Java to build a game on Android while I would create the graphical resources. It will be a fighting game- so I went ahead and made animations for the moves and all the characters.

understanding the language so I thought I would go ahead and teach myself as well. I read faster than him- and I got to a point where I find out that graphical resources have to be in BMP (or so the author tells me) and that each frame in gif is a seperate BMP. So- is there an *Photoshop CS6 Willing to get on the cloud or something for the other CS programs.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIF In CS5

Feb 26, 2012

I want to have my website and phone number rotating on the x-axis as an animated GIF.  Is there a simple way to do this in Photoshop that I'm just missing? 
I'd like to be able to insert the GIF in a movie project I've started in Sony Vegas.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIf's

Aug 10, 2004

I know there are probably countless topics regarding animated gifs and i search for them but couldn't find what i was looking for. I want to make a AIM Buddy Icon. I'm semi-experienced with Photoshop but I realize i need image ready to make animations.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIF

Oct 24, 2006

I am trying to make an animated gif where an object starts at one end of the logo text and moves across and back. During the across and back I want to use the motion blur filter to simulate motion on the image.

I want the at symblol below to move across the logo text and then back. On the far right image and the far left image I want it to look regular (no effect) then all the tween ones I want to have a motion blur.

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif On PSD

Feb 7, 2007

I have a video (.mov) and I opened image ready, made the animated gif. So i have a functioning animated gif of a hockey fight. I also have a pre-made .psd for my signature which includes a background, and another image. I have several problems.

I can transfer the gif over, and put it on the PSD.

1) The file size goes from 2.7mb to 112mb. ... WTF?

2) When i try and save it, it will only save the current layer/frame of what it sees. Therefor no more animated gif.

3) Also, how do I change the opacity of this? I would like to layer mask the finished product, then reveal using the brush with an opacity of about 75%, but the option is not available with linked-layers.

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif

Jan 26, 2006

I downloaded a gif and opened it in Image Ready and proceeded to modify the nine frames it had to show a different face than the one it had.

After every frame mod I ran it in ImageReady to make sure it was working ok.

Once I had completed the mod I ran it again and it worked perfectly I then "Save Optimized As" and gave it a title and downloaded it to my desktop.

From there I opened it up in Safari to see if it worked ok and it worked but the face which had been so clear in ImageReady was now all spreckled with dots.

I tried to open it in ImageReady again and got the same results it was now spreckled with dots.

The original image was a black and white and the face I added was in colour but not sure if that would cause a problem seeing as it worked ok in ImageReady. I have added 2 pics so you can see the difference.

I am using a G4 Mac with PS-CS2

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif

Mar 8, 2007

I am working on a art project where the main theme is human anatomy, and I am using Adobe Photoshop and Imageready to help me. I have made a animated gif, but am having trouble fading the layers into each other.

I was unable to upload it to imageshack or similiar due to its large size.

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