I downloaded a gif and opened it in Image Ready and proceeded to modify the nine frames it had to show a different face than the one it had.
After every frame mod I ran it in ImageReady to make sure it was working ok.
Once I had completed the mod I ran it again and it worked perfectly I then "Save Optimized As" and gave it a title and downloaded it to my desktop.
From there I opened it up in Safari to see if it worked ok and it worked but the face which had been so clear in ImageReady was now all spreckled with dots.
I tried to open it in ImageReady again and got the same results it was now spreckled with dots.
The original image was a black and white and the face I added was in colour but not sure if that would cause a problem seeing as it worked ok in ImageReady. I have added 2 pics so you can see the difference.
*tl;dr- Easy way to take the frames of a GIF and change them to a BMP (there are about 40 frames per Action) So- My friend was learning Java to build a game on Android while I would create the graphical resources. It will be a fighting game- so I went ahead and made animations for the moves and all the characters.
understanding the language so I thought I would go ahead and teach myself as well. I read faster than him- and I got to a point where I find out that graphical resources have to be in BMP (or so the author tells me) and that each frame in gif is a seperate BMP. So- is there an *Photoshop CS6 Willing to get on the cloud or something for the other CS programs.
I want to have my website and phone number rotating on the x-axis as an animated GIF. Is there a simple way to do this in Photoshop that I'm just missing?
I'd like to be able to insert the GIF in a movie project I've started in Sony Vegas.
I know there are probably countless topics regarding animated gifs and i search for them but couldn't find what i was looking for. I want to make a AIM Buddy Icon. I'm semi-experienced with Photoshop but I realize i need image ready to make animations.
I am trying to make an animated gif where an object starts at one end of the logo text and moves across and back. During the across and back I want to use the motion blur filter to simulate motion on the image.
I want the at symblol below to move across the logo text and then back. On the far right image and the far left image I want it to look regular (no effect) then all the tween ones I want to have a motion blur.
I have a video (.mov) and I opened image ready, made the animated gif. So i have a functioning animated gif of a hockey fight. I also have a pre-made .psd for my signature which includes a background, and another image. I have several problems.
I can transfer the gif over, and put it on the PSD.
1) The file size goes from 2.7mb to 112mb. ... WTF?
2) When i try and save it, it will only save the current layer/frame of what it sees. Therefor no more animated gif.
3) Also, how do I change the opacity of this? I would like to layer mask the finished product, then reveal using the brush with an opacity of about 75%, but the option is not available with linked-layers.
I am working on a art project where the main theme is human anatomy, and I am using Adobe Photoshop and Imageready to help me. I have made a animated gif, but am having trouble fading the layers into each other.
I was unable to upload it to imageshack or similiar due to its large size.
I have been trying to create a animated .gif with photoshop cs & imageready cs. I get all of the frames and everything the way I want and when I go to save as a Optimized .gif I only have options to save as "html" & "images only .gif"
This animated .gif occupies the upper-left corner of a web page on my site. It is tabled to connect perfectly with a horizontal menu bar (you can see part of the menu bar in the image below). I created the ripples using Redfield Plugins.
I created these ripples because the corner of my web page needed something. I initially experimented with Greg's Plasma Effect inside various shapes, but decided to try for something a little more mellow. I settled on these magic ripples. Unfortunately, they need some help. I'm not sure what's missing. They need to be a little more glossy, perhaps. Or maybe some highlights, and possibly some reflections. I'm asking for your feedback and/or suggestions for improvement.
I made an animated gif in photoshop and saved it and made sure it worked. My problem is that I have a psd file that I am trying to put the animated gif into. When I try to paste it into my psd, it say that it will lose information if i save over it. I do not know what to do?! How do i put an animate gif into a psd?
I tried to go into image ready and save the psd into an html and then open the html in dreamweaver and replace the pic but it doesn't let me either because it saved the psd as a jpg and created an html and I cant put an image of the jpeg that was made in dreamweaver.
problem with a series of animated gif files. They're all japanese Kanji.
so there are 3 frames (as you can see), a white frame, a frame with the first stroke, and a third frame with the final stroke.
Now i want to edit the frames, but when i open it in photoshop i can only view the first frame (the blank screen). And i can't get to the other frames in imageready.
I just joined and have a few questions. Does anyone know of a site or can tell me how I can use photoshop to animate things such as the wheels on a car?
Is is possible to create the look of the headlight beams as well as the "animated" look of the car in Photoshop? I don't think animated is the right word, but that's the best word I can come up with to describe it.
Imagine the dog is an animated gif made from an MP4 video in PS CS5. I want to put the dog in the black box with text which is a jpeg. I want the dog to still be animated.
1 image, animated dog on black jpeg with text. I've been banging away at it like a monkey with a baseball bat, no luck.
I made an animated gif in CS6 and trying to save it for the web. The duration of the animation is pretty long, about 44 seconds. After 17 seconds the animation stops while the saving was completed. How can I solve this problem? The file is too large to attach (725 x 225 px) unfortunately.
Is it possible to create animated gifs with photoshop CS3? Is so, how? I have played around with my sisters version on her computer before I purchase my own version and cannot figure it out. If not, which version of photoshop would you recomend I upgrade to? I am familar with version 7 on my old computer which crashed a while ago. I have since purchased a laptop, but since I didn't have the cd of photoshop 7.0 from my original license I have to repurchase.
Does anyone have a tutorial on how to create an animated banner. All I want to do is have a banner that shows a business name and then another banner that has the logo and take turns displaying them
how he got this guy to look so amazinly fake or animated. Its looks alomst painted. Any help would be great. P.S. His graphic is on a freeserver so may be down a couple times bare with it please
I am making a pretty long animated gif, is there a way i can make a few animated gif's seperately to keep the layer count down, then merge them together into one big animated gif in the end?
I have an animated gif that I would like to edit. Basically, I just want to add one element that stays in one spot. For some reason I can't achieve this. My element moves. Let's say, you have a person walking and I want to add sun to the picture which doesn't move. How would I do that? I tried to do that in ImageReady but my sun becomes a separate layer and it moves so it's always the same distance from the person walking, but I want the sun to stay and therefore the distance between the sun and the person change.
I know a lot of people have had trouble with opening animated .gifs in photoshop cs3. I had that problem until I learned the little "trick" you could do (type *.* in "import video frames to layers") and then simply open the gif. This has worked one my computer for some time, but then all of a sudden it stopped working.
I thought it was odd and then I formatted my computer and installed a few windows updates and then installed adobe photoshop cs3 and then quicktime. But it still won't open GIF as it used to do. And it's very odd, as my laptop can do it (and it has just been newly reformatted too).