Photoshop :: CS 2 Total Training DVD

May 3, 2006

anyone see it full of worthwhile info?

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Photoshop :: About Training For CS2

Jul 23, 2005

I bought a new computer and the salesman convinced me to add Photoshop CS2 to the deal. I have previously worked a lot on my old computer with (lo and behold!) Photoshop 5.5. I feel I know it as good as a hobby enthusiast needs to, but I am not a pro (nor do I need to be). I admit I bought CS2 more for being uptodate with software and from the *feeling* I was missing out on features rather than *knowing* it to be so.

Now, I guess a lot of things have changed since 5.5 so I wonder if I will be ok with just the manual or if I should get something else as well for training purposes (bear in mind, this is a hobby endeavour and I am not setting out to work professionally with PS, just build my personal websites and making hobby graphics). But since it took me 5 years to find out how to create a square wich is not filled but simply stroked (I never understood that I should be reading about stroking paths, I was just angry there was no 'create non-filled square' tool), I would like to avoid similar restraints on my creativity when switching to CS2. This anecdote may indicate a very superficial knowledge of 5.5, but I think rather that my problem is that since I never bothered trying to learn 5.5 from the beginning (since I am just a hobby enthusiast) I know some things quite well, but there are also elementary things that I ignore.

I saw a great deal on ebay for the CS essential training dvd, which was so cheap I consider buying it, because I have not found any deals on the training dvd for CS2, and I certainly won't fork out the retail monies for it, I am not that keen on learning. But would this be stupid, I mean using CS-training material to get to learn CS2?

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Photoshop :: Looking For Recommendations On Training...

May 27, 2008

I'm not complete newbie to Photoshop, but I know there is so much more I could get out of it.... so I'm looking for a good tutorial book. One that isn't going to cost me an arm & a leg.

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Revit :: Unable To Unzip Training Files?

Apr 20, 2012

i have downloaded revit archi 2009 and all four training files. but i am unable to unzip them as it says its already exists and cannot replace them. i think by default there are two folders in RAC 2009- common and metric- and i have saved the zip files on RAC 2009 folder. how do i get to them to unzip as i am missing express workshop training files when i started to do the tutorials. i have files upto worksets but nothing after that.

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Photoshop :: Total Crash - Error - 600

Nov 28, 2008

I am running Photoshop CS3 extended on a Mac. Working fine last night. Today every time I try to open something (FILE, OPEN) the program crashes with an error - 600 message. Any ideas?

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Photoshop :: Counting Total Number Of Layers In A PSD?

Jul 31, 2007

Is there a quick and easy way to get the total number of layers in a photoshop document? I've searched high and low, and everything I've found involves scripting, which I haven't gotten into - and don't really want to spend much time on this.

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Photoshop :: Adjust Ink Limit (total Area Coverage)

Aug 26, 2010

I've done this a number of times and have seen excellent results and after a few times running through it I can do it in my sleep. I also feel that this is the least damaging to my image and keeps the file from changing visually too much.
1. First, open the offending image and save as so that you have an original file to go back to if you have to. Here is my example image. I am being informed by the publication I am sending it to that my ink limit should be under 300. But when I check my image with the eyedropper set to "Total Ink" I am seeing 320-350 in many areas.
2. With this new file open, duplicate the file so that you now have two images open. In the "copy" select the black channel and duplicate that channel within the file. In most cases, your high total ink areas will be found in the "darkest" parts of your images. By duplicating the black channel, I will be using this as a selection mask.
3. Now on the "copy" image, you want to choose Edit > Convert to Profile. Here you will choose Custom CMYK and in the next dialog box change the Total Ink Limit to the desired amount, in this case 300.

4. After this conversion, use your eyedropper and check the Total Ink in the areas that previously you discovered was too high. You will now see much lower numbers, and actually the numbers may have gone too far and you'll see that your converted image looks very different from your original image. But, not to worry, the following steps will solve that.
5. In the "copy" image, with the CMYK channels active, select all pixels.
6. Go to your other, "original" image you have open and Select > Load Selection. Choose the "black copy" channel from your "copy" image and also choose invert. This will load a selection mask in your image of just the "darkest" parts of your image.
7. Now with this selection active, you want to Edit > Paste Into. You are now pasting into the selection your converted image, but it will be only affecting the darkest parts of your image. The result will also create a new layer and layer mask. If you turn off the view of your bottom layer, you can see what you have actually pasted into your image.
8. Now what I do is use my eyedropper to check the Total Ink with the top layer turned on and then off. I then use the Opacity slider on the top layer to get my image so that the Total Ink meets my desired 300 level. Once it's where I want, I flatten my image and then all is done. Your "copy" image you can just close and no save.

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Photoshop Elements :: Calculating Total Media Size

May 20, 2013

When I try to backup my catalog the program locks up during the "Calculating Total Media Size" process at 33%?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Tell Total Number Of Photos In Organizer 11

Sep 4, 2013

I have used PSE 9 and there was a line at bottom that told the total number of photos in the Organizer.  I now have PSE 11 and I can find no such line, and I have not found a way to tell the total number of photos in my Organizer.  Where is this information hidden?

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Freezes When Calculating Total Media Size During A Full Backup

Nov 11, 2012

Like many other users on these boards, I am unable to complete a full backup of a particular catalog on my machine using PSE 11 (or PSE 10 for that matter). I have four catalogs on this machine and three of the four complete the full backup process without any problems. That last, non-cooperating, catalog is much larger (7,389 photographs) than the others, but I do not think that this would pose a problem.
I have removed all videos, audios, projects, PDFs, and audio captions (in other words, all media types other than photographs) from the catalog. The only files remaining are photographs (that is, JPG files). I attempt to complete a full backup and, when calculating the total media size, the PSE 11 application freezes at five to six percent. I have attempted this in PSE 10 as well, but with the same results.
The only other item of note is this, when I search for the various media types, I see the message "no media to be displayed" in the middle of the organizer window. However, when I search for video, I do not see the message--the organizer window is blank (no text message as seen for the other media types).
Lastly, I have reconnected all missing files. (None.) Optimized the catalog. Fixed errors in the catalog anyway. (None.)
how I can complete a full backup of this catalog? A large cash reward awaits.

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Photoshop :: Evaluate Total Relative Area Of Part Of Photo Image Selected By Its Color

May 22, 2013

How is it possible to evaluate the total relative area of the part of a photo image selected by its colour in Photoshop (in % to the whole image)??

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VideoStudio :: Pro X6 - Total Three Transitions

Aug 8, 2013

I just downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X6 - in the transitions panel, there appears to be a total of three transitions. This seems to be really lacking, but I wonder if I am missing something?

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Revit :: Total Area Of ​​the Same Material?

Nov 13, 2013

How can I calculate the total area of material similar to a project.
For example, ceramics, In my project I want to calculate the total area of ceramics, but I do not want a separate display
Instead, I have only one row show the total area of ceramics.

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Revit :: How To Get Total For Columns Duplex

Apr 6, 2013

The attached schedule is all good except that I want to get a total for  the columns Duplex, Duplex GFI, Fourplex and Simplex. The schedule only shows the (1) column at the moment Duplex Total created as an additional paramter with calculated totals in the project.  I am trying to link that to the Duplex column etc...,
Please note that those columns Duplex, Duplex GFI, Fourplex, and Simplex are graphical yes/no paramters for my all in one outlet family created using the annotation symbols separatey loaded in a 3d wall hosted electrical family then turned off and on accordingly.
 It's all working nicely expect  that the different heights are counting separately, when I want a total of just Duplex's, Simplex's and so forth.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Total Scale Of MLeader

Sep 9, 2013

How to set the total scale of a mleader in C#?

In German it's called: Gesamtskalierung

I had no Problem with this....

_mLeader.LandingGap = 6;
_mLeader.TextHeight = 60;
_mLeader.MLeaderStyle = _mleaderStyleId;

but the total scale is also very important for me. I try to add a picture with a red frame so you can see what I' missing.

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Lightroom :: Match Total Exposure

Jan 29, 2013

I am getting an Error message stating "There was an error calculating the effective exposure for the target photo.  No photos were changed. The files are jpegs.  Is this an issue?  I have been successful using this Develop feature on a few files, also jpegs, but more often than not, I am getting this error message.  The selected file has an exposure adjustment done in the Develop module.  Does MTE only work when the originals are significantly different in their original exposure?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Transfer From Total Stations?

Sep 2, 2012

How can I transfer (download) measured data from total stations 'Trimble' and "Leica" to AutoCAd Civil 3D 2013? Must I find a module from the sites of these manufacturers? Or how can I change from  total stations formats to the Feald Book format?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Total Layer Offset

Feb 11, 2013

Is there a way to operate an offset to an entire layer?

I have a layer that has all the trees in the area. I want to do an 8 foot offset of every tree that is plotted. But there is like 2000 trees. Is there a command to do them all at once?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Total Length Of Objects

Dec 5, 2013

How Do I find the total length of several objects or separate lines without having to click on each one individually and add them up.

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AutoCAD LT :: Total The Length Of Multiple Lines?

Nov 5, 2013

I have a large group of lines that I want to get a total length of. Right now the only way that I know how to do this is to highlight them all and use the list command but then I have to go through the text box and write down each line length and then add them up. This is fine if I have only a few lines but when you get into the hundreds or thousands it becomes a monster task.

I tried copying the text box data into a Word document, removing all of the text except for the line lengths and then dumping that into Excel to calculate. This works ok for a hand full of lines but is not really practical.

I know that there are LSP routines that can do this in the full version of AutoCad but LSP is not supported in AutoCad LT.

Is there a way to automate this process in LT?

Or maybe extracting just the length data from a line to a text file where I can send it to Excel and use Excel to add up the lengths?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Total Inflow / Outflow

Aug 22, 2012

why my model shows an event mean storage of 20396 cf when I don't have any storage nodes? How is the model storing that amount of water? I'm thinking this is why my total inflow doesn't match my total outflows? 

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3ds Max :: How To Make Total Darkness Inside Objects

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to make a pyramid in which there is total darkness, this is for testing self illumination effects and lights without outside influence. So i made a pyramid and gave it a shell and material, but if i look inside, every object inside of it is fully illuminated! How to keep light from reaching the inside of an object?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calculating Total Volume

Apr 11, 2012

I want to know if it is possible to calculate the water displacement volume of an assembly if it were immersed in water.

In other words,  I want to create a file in which ALL hollow spaces inside structural members, valves, pipework etc are assumed to be solid so that when that assembly is dropped in water, the total volume of water being displaced will be equal to the iProperty value for volume.  I know its possible to hole patch when creating a shrinkwrap,  but this is only effective for 'circular' hollow spaces and does not fill obscure or rectangular shaped empty volumes.

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AutoCad :: How To Calculate Total Length Of Walls

Oct 18, 2013

how to calculate the total length of walls.... by one command or i just calculate it one by one.....

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AutoCad :: Calculating Total Area Of Windows

Oct 31, 2012

I have a building like this and it has a lot of windows.

I know how to calculate an individual window area by using 'area' or 'ls' command. But this is just partial drawing and the whole building has hundreds of windows and it will take forever to calculate one by one and add them together to get the total area. Is there any way to get the whole area easily?

windows are just rectangles (and solid hatch inside the rectangle).

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AutoCad :: Total Length Of All Polylines In Page

Jul 10, 2012

I use poly lines for wiring, after completing all the routing, i need to calculate the total length of poly line, then wont calculate if line is broken at a point.

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AutoCad :: Count Total Length Of Elements?

Nov 24, 2013

I don't know if it's good place to post it but finally there's a plugin in Autodesk exchange to count total length of elements. It names 'Tlen' and I've found it very handy.

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Illustrator SDK :: Total Ink Coverage Of Raster Images?

Jan 18, 2014

I have the requirement to calculate total ink converage of embeded raster object in EPS. Is there any way to get min and max value to ink used in raster image.

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Lightroom :: Move Total Content Of Catalogue?

May 14, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit
The total content of my single catalogue file is in sub-folders in my Picture Library. I have grown out of my 1TB drive and have just bought and inseted a 2TB disk. Now, I want to move the content of my total Pictures library to my new HDD but my LR catalogue must keep track of it.
How do I undertake this? (To me this is a huge undertaking and I cannot afford to make a mistake.)

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AutoCAD LT :: Area Command Not Ending And Not Offering Total

Jan 23, 2013

Area Command Not Ending and Not Offering Total

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Total Weight Of A Part List?

Nov 22, 2012

i have an already edited part list (because there are parts that come from different assemblies and other ones that don't have to appear in that part list) and i like to show the total weight of my drawing, that doesn't correspond with any assembly.

So, there is any possibility of summing up the values of a part list column.

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