Computers today are including more and more cores. I am looking to upgrade my machine and I have looked at an AMD quad core processor and their new FX 8 core processor. The computers I have looked at are are the same expect the processor (Quad vs 8 core). From my understanding the more cores doesn't mean more speed unless the software can actually use the power. So can Photoshop (CS6) actually use and benefit by having 8 cores than 4?(For that matter can other Creative Suite products also use that much power?)
I use Inventor tube and pipe heavily for my job, and work with very large models that incorporate architectural data imported from a Revit file, as well as using Navisworks (both are 2014 version). Since Inventor doesn't support mutiple cores on a muti-core processor (except for when rendering in INventor Studio), would using a NVIDIA quadro and Tesla card combo would give me more processing power. I know there are other programs, (3dsMax, Showcase, FEA, and CFD) that can off load some of the processors number crunching to the Tesla GPU. But I haven't been able to find anything as to whether Inventor or Navisworks cand do that under there "normal" modes.
I just updated my old Power PC G5 to Leopard 10.5.8 - which Photoshop Softwares can I use on it - I tried a CS3 Extended but it would not install - CS$, CS5?
I have 2 computers. Let's say I have a LAN and i'm sitting and working with photoshop on my maincomputer, is there a plugin wich lets me grab some CPU power from my other computer?
I have 100mhz on each computer, when I start a filter rendering my other computer help the maincomputer with the rendering so I get 200 mhz total.
I have 2 computers. Let's say I have a LAN and i'm sitting and working with photoshop on my maincomputer, is there a plugin wich lets me grab some CPU power from my other computer? So just for an example, say I have 100mhz on each computer, when I start a filter rendering my other computer help the maincomputer with the rendering so I get 200 mhz total.
I know there is a terrific new feature in PS CC (I have used it before!) but I just can't find any explanation on how to to do it!
The question is how do you remove, from an image, a power line, or a telephone line by simply clicking on both ends of those lines in order to remove them?
I have a performance monitor for my graphics card, and it told me that the card used to run at 270MHz for 2D applications under XP.
Now I have loaded Vista, the card is running flat out at 3D performance levels of 666Mhz, all the time. This is despite the fact that I have disabled all the Vista mega graphics.
I manually underclocked the card to 335Mhz, and there is no difference in Vista performance. Especially, there is no difference with Photoshop.
But of course, running at the lower f, the GPU will be consuming less power and have alonger life, etc.
I mean the running temperature dropped a fair old bit!
why Vista is running the card in 3D mode all the time?
I am trying to make a custom texture for Half-Life 2. The image has to be a power of two, how do I resize it in PS to a power of 2? The image is 2558x1886. Is it possible? I tried resizing it just by typing 1024 in the box but it automatically changed the other value to correspond with my changes. How do I do this? I want it to be 1024x1024.
I have some text titles that I have created with a transparent background and saved as JPEGs. When I insert them in my power point presentation, they have a white background which I don't want. How can I insert text without getting a background.
Just recently I tried to open my Photoshop CS2 and received a message saying cannot open no longer supported by PowerPC. What does this mean? Is this version officially defunct? If so what can I do so I won't have to buy Creative Suite again.
Been working on a file with a few layers, then the power goes out so my computer "crashes". When I reboot my computer, I am unable to open the file I was working on earlier and instead, get the message "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." The file is still .psd and I don't have a preview for the file anymore:
There was a major power outage while I was exporting files from Organizer 10. Now when I try to open Organizer, it opens momentarily, and then a a notice pops up that says: "Elements 10 has topped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." Obviously, Windows hasn't found a solution. I can still get into Elements Editor, but I do use Organizer for all of my organizing activities. Is there a way that I can repair PSE/Organizer program files without uninstalling the entire program and then reinstalling? Also if I have to do that, will I have difficulties deactivating and reactivating PSE? I'm using a Windows 7 machine with 12 GB Ram.
I have just installed CS5, and all components work except for Photoshop, which will not open. I am on a new Macbook Air running Mountain Lion 10.8.5 with 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5. The error message reads: "You can't open the application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I have already tried reinstalling and deleting the library file: and restarting. What can I do?
I watched a video created by Adobe Product Manager Brian O. Hughes titled Adobe Max: Hidden Gems in Photoshop an excellent video (see link below). I have been trying his easy method of removing power lines from an image using the pen tool and stroke path method defined as follows:
Using the pen tool create a path of the line to be removed. Making sure the brush tool is small and set at 100% opacity; click on the Spot Healing Brush making sure it is set to "content aware". Then in the path panel click "stroke path" and it removes the line.
Well I have followed these instructions several times, very simple, but it doesn't remove the line for me. I can manually shift click the start and ending point and it removes it but using the stroke command within the path panel doesn't work. I am making sure the path is active.
Here is the link to the video, his technique is listed near the end, @ minute 56:
Within the last 18 months, I've run across an Adobe TV tutorial describing how to eliminate power lines in an image but I'm unable to find the show. method besides just using the cloning tool? Or, know of the tutorial?
My problem is when I use Corel video studio pro x4 and load a high definition video, in a few minutes it will turn off "power saving mode". What is the problem of my computer?
why my After Effect render so lousy???When i finish my rendering,the video play very slow and keep stopping....I've tried for many times,but it's still the same result..
I am completely baffled by what is happening to my text. I am using a Windows 7, 64 bit computer and CorelDraw X6, and am trying to create a 3" round button graphic. About two weeks ago, I created a photo button and wanted to put white text on top of the button. This worked fine, and I sent the proof to the client.
They wanted to change the text and so I went in to change the text to what they wanted. That's when things went weird... Now, when I retype the text to insert it on the round path, I position it and then when I click off the text, the text is no longer white, but rather it has an orange outline and no fill!
I look at the color boxes and yes, the fill is white with no outline. I am no expert by far, but have been using Corel for many years. I do notice that whenever Windows does their little "updates" my computer gets wonky and they did about two of those updates in the last two weeks.
Today, I did a system restore back to 9/12/12, but it is still happening.
I have Corel Draw 12 on one computer and Corel 5 on my lap top - After following the simple video instructions to place a background image ( imported photo - jpg or tiff) into a set text the message box ...The object you selected is invalid - do you wish to try again pops up.
I'm having a lively discussion within my department over the use of Power-Clips within multi-page files.We are working with X3 on systems running Win 7. Some believe that files containing images that have been placed in containers become corrupt, leading to exceptionally slow file-open and PDF-publishing times (up to 5 minutes). Is this a culprit?
Do they always need to be Converted to Bitmap after clipping?
I have been made one load schedule for distribution panel by using table command in autocad. In that table, I have to mention load with units(watts) for each circuit in cell. (example: 6000w).
If I put like 6000w in a cell, the sum formula's is not working. These formula's used to get total load of panel. what should i do to rectify this problem? How to mention this units in a cell?
I am working on a photo layout of new students. This year I'm using X6 and am having some, uh, issues.
I'm using last year’s file (X3), and open it in X6. I click on an old photo and edit with PowerClip, instead of first editing several photos in Photo-Paint. I just drag and drop the new photo into the PowerClip and resize/resample it there. Next, I hold down the Shift key, click on the original photo, press C then E, and the two images are on top of each other. In X3 (and for as long as I can remember using PowerClip), I press F4 to zoom to objects (i.e. the two photos). I can then make any minor adjustments to fit inside my rectangle and delete the old photo before finishing my editing.
Upon pressing F4 in X6, however, it zooms to the entire page’s objects instead of the two selected photos. Is this by design? I now have to click on F2 for the magnify tool, and then click 'n' drag my mouse around the photos in order to get the same thing that took only one key stroke in X3.
Regarding those minor adjustments, the effect I want is to get all of the student heads about the same size: lining up the tops, chins, and eyeballs. In X3 while editing in PowerClip, these guides are visible; I can adjust the size and/or nudge to get things exactly where I want them.
It's different in X6: I can’t see the guidelines! They are BEHIND the PowerClip's photo and useless! If you switch to outline mode you can almost see them (along with the ghost of a photo), but then you have to switch to outline mode and if you don't switch back before getting out of the PowerClip, the photo doesn't show up. And it’s not a stacking order thing in the layers either: it does not matter where the guides layer is relative to my photo layer. Order is irrelevant.
So in X6, in order to use the guides layer I have to edit in the PowerClip, right click > finish editing, assess where I need to resize and/or nudge, then get back in and edit the PowerClip. Repeat until I get the look I want. Or just get it done in X3.
When I have the design ready and it's just busy work, I like to see how much I can do with keystrokes and not touch the mouse. I am so glad I still have X3 loaded on my machine. I want to get these two composites clipped and done. X6 is just not the same.