Photoshop :: CC Updated - Can't Save Changes To Files
Sep 10, 2013I just updated photoshop CC and now I can't save changes to my files.
View 4 RepliesI just updated photoshop CC and now I can't save changes to my files.
View 4 RepliesLightroom 3.6 and Windows 7.Imported 164 source files that are in a specific collection. Updated the metadata. Now need to replace the source files with these updated files. Sounded like sync folders is what I should do. how do I get the collect in a folder so I can use the sync folder process?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhen working on Indesign, Photoshop files, and I save changes, the new date isn't saved, the file always retains the original date. I am using CS4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing PSE9 on 2 PCs. Files are stored locally on each, and updates synced via Windows Mesh.
1) Add tag to jpg on PC1 using PSE.
2) Execute PSE "write to file" command before closing app
3) Confirm on PC2 via Windows Explorer that tag info is updated on local file
4) Open PSE on PC2, bur additional tag info is not recognized by PSE.
5) Tried to re-import test files in PSE using "Get Files" function, but tag data was still not read by PSE.
6) Manually added new tag to tag list, reloaded PSE, but new tag info still not read on file.
7) Ran Optimize and Repair catalog functions, but problem persisits.
How do I get PSE to read tag info on updated jpg files without rebuilding the entire catalog every time I edit a file?
Can PSE 9.0.3 be updated to read Nikon D600 NEF files?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLR 5.3 has been running fine since I updated several weeks ago--Mac Mavericks
Is it safe to uninstall the old 4.4 App,catalog and previews ?
When will Lightroom be updated to accommodate Canon 6d RAW files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy my photoshop CS6 64 bit in windows 8 can't SAVE and SAVE AS any files?
it's ok for my Photoshop cs6 32bit,but there is not reaction when i use command file->save or file->save as ,also CTRL +S and SHIF +CTRL+S in Photoshop 64 bit
I'm running Photoshop CC 14.1.2 on Mac (OSX 10.8.5) and whenever I use "Save As…" Photoshop marks the original file as edited and asks me to save it again before I close it - even if I have not made any changes before or after using "Save as…". This behavior is breaking some of my actions and bothering me quite a bit.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI seem to be having trouble "save" or "save as" with jpg files.
View 12 Replies View RelatedHow to save files with spaces insted of dashes in Save for Web dialog window in Illustrator CS6?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhile "Draw" of Coreldraw X5 is working well, Corel Photopaint X5 does not "Save", "Save as..." or "Export" files. It just does nothing, when I choose to save a file under "something.cpt". It works, as long as it is a JPG, but not as a CPT. I am working on a Win7, with CorelX5 in german. Support told me to reinstall.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have just recently installed AutoCAD LT 2014 on Windows 7 (Running on an intel iMac through Bootcamp). Ever since then i am receiving notifications when performing a save.
AutoCAD is telling me it cannot perform the save and is creating a .tmp file in the same location on the server as the file should be.
this is causing major performance issues and happens almost every second time I attempt to perform a save. The issue is that we are getting multiple versions of the same file duplicating on the file server which is very quickly going to cause capacity issues considering most files are 2-4mb in size.
When will ACR be updated to accommodate the Pentax K-3 and all the other new camera models just released in the past couple of weeks ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI save a CS3 .psd file with text layers (they are actively installed on my XP system, they appear in the Photoshop type tool's drop-down list).
I close the file. I reopen it three minutes later (because I found a typo).
Upon opening, PS says:
> Some text layers might need to be updated before they can be used for vector based output. Do you want to update these layers now ?
When I click on "Update", the file opens fine, all text layers display properly and can be edited.
Have the latest Macbook Pro 17" with i7 processor, 8gm memory, all that stuff, running all updates on everything. I've run into a first for me. I updated the OS this evening to the newest update from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4.
Now Photoshop won't work. Gives the following on start up: "One or more files in the Adobe Application Support folder, necessary for running Photoshop, are missing. run the Photoshop installer and re-install Photoshop."
Used the whatever it is called downloader. After several hours and several attempts, it never finished and seemed to hang what I thought was near the end.So I chose to just do a straight download. After a couple of minutes, I have the Photoshop_12_1_LS1.dmg in my download folder. Moved it to the desktop. Tried to open. Gives me the following error: The following disk images couldn't be opened: Photoshop_12-1-LS1.dmg (reason) invalid checksum.
Anyone seen this problem? real hassle, and says may effect searches.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have the latest version of photoshop CC. Since updating to mountain lion 10.8.5 from lion PS CC doesn't work properly. Several of the tools gives me 'unable to use tool due to program error'. This is useless! I have installed the latest version of photoshop CC. It worked fine before. I can't use the eyedropper but the clone tool is fine. The brush tools are fine. Several of the other tools give this error. I can't see why some would work and others don't.
I worked fine in Lion so there is no reason it shouldn't work in mountain lion. It's so frustrating as it means I cannot use the software I've paid for. I updated via the adobe update manager as the CC desktop system doesn't work.
Everything is identical to what was there before - late 2011 imac with loads of memory and a wacom bamboo tablet driver with an older graphire tablet. No hardware has changed so it has to be a software error of some kind. The tablet driver is the latest one that works with the tablet I have and that works with mountain lion. I can't alter the version of that.
Due to some issues, I was told by HP support to update my display driver. I now have AMD Radeon HD 7950 but since installing this, Photoshop CS5 Extended and 64-bit keep crashing. I'm given the error:
Photoshop CS5 has stopped working
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU Enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software.
GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of preferences?
Using Photoshop CS2, when I open files with text layers (also created in CS2, just a few minutes earlier) I get a message: "Some text layers might need to be updated before they can be used for Vector output. . ."
I'm new to Photoshop and am wondering what this means and why it's happening? Is it normal?
I can't save files in adobe Photoshop. I've tried different variations of save & the screen just blinks & nothing happens?
View 3 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop CC will not allow me to save any files. It will bring up the "save as" window, but then it immediately disappears when trying to select a save location. No error messages, it just disappears. Running it on a Mac OS X Mavericks. Have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, created a new profile which worked for a few saves, but started doing it on the new profile as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen saving files using Photoshop CS6 I randomly receive an error message that states 'Could not save image_name.tif' because of a program error'. Sometimes a save-as works but not guaranteed. The file is being saved to a mounted server volume and sometimes the only way to get the file on the server is to save to the desktop and then copy the file back to the server. The error message does not appear on any other Adobe applications, just Photoshop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere do I save the *.ttf files on photoshop? Those are the fonts, right?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSome of our employees are using Photoshop 7 to do some work. We just installed a new server 2 days ago (Windows Storage Server 2003) and when trying to save files from Photoshop 7 we get the error "the disk is full" now the server has 1.27 TB of space left so we know its not that.
Now the strange part of this problem, its only going on with Photoshop. the users are able to save the files to their desktop and drag them in the folders on the server with no issues, and can save from other programs to the server without issue so we know its not a permission problem.
when trying to save a file to an external hard drive directly connected to my mac g5, I get an error message sating that Photoshop can't save the file. The only way around this is for me to save the file to the desktop and then copy it to the external drive.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using PS 7 for a few years and have never experienced this problem. I received a CD of client photos today (JPGs) from one of our photographers, a photographer I've been working with for a couple years. I'm able to open the files in PS 7, but when I try to save any of them after adjusting, it gets to the final SAVE prompt, I click SAVE and get an error saying "Could not complete your request because of a program error". This happens with every file on the CD. I checked the file properties and they're correct. Nothing locked.
I tried opening one of the files in PS 5.5 and was able to save with no problem. Then when I opened that file in PS 7, I was able to do a save. But none of the others will allow a save...just that one file I'd opened and and saved in PS 5.5.
Also, in PS 7 I'm able to save the files as TIFs, but when I try to resave the TIFs as JPGs, I get the same error. Odd
I'm not having problems with other JPG files on other CDs, just this one. Our salesman told me the photographer said he's using "new software", so I'm wondering if it's possible the new software could be doing something to the files that PS 7 can't handle but PS 5.5 can?
I'm using WIN XP Pro.
I have NVIDIA GeForce 520 which does support open CL and is officially tested by Adobe.I have the most updated driver installed from Nvidia.
I have win 7 64bit
I use Photoshop CS6 64bit
and still in preferences->performance->advanced settings I see "Use OpenCL" grayed out.
I've read threads on drawing a tile or something of a certain size, then using the offset filter, but what I'm wondering is - is there anyway to draw within a certain bounding box for the tile, and have that same tile updated and drawn realtime next to the tile you're currently drawing? My project is a 2D platformer game, and say we have a block of grass that's 128x64. I need the left and right borders of this tile to blend so that I can place multiple tiles of this kind next to each other and they'll loop nicely, but it's extremely difficult to draw a tile, and then copy and paste it next to the tile every single time I make any change to the original tile to test and see if it'll blend seamlessly as it loops.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhy my saved for web files in CS6 are appearing as a blue box with a question mark. I'm using the trial version.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI work on Mac OSX v10.8.2. Full system/crash report.
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