Photoshop :: Drawing Looped Tiles That Are Updated Real Time?
Mar 21, 2013
I've read threads on drawing a tile or something of a certain size, then using the offset filter, but what I'm wondering is - is there anyway to draw within a certain bounding box for the tile, and have that same tile updated and drawn realtime next to the tile you're currently drawing? My project is a 2D platformer game, and say we have a block of grass that's 128x64. I need the left and right borders of this tile to blend so that I can place multiple tiles of this kind next to each other and they'll loop nicely, but it's extremely difficult to draw a tile, and then copy and paste it next to the tile every single time I make any change to the original tile to test and see if it'll blend seamlessly as it loops.
Is there a way to create realtime updated Digital Copies of drawings? Our File Structure has our base drawings in one folder and our Plot Drawings in another folder.
The reason why I ask this is for lower draftsman Who should not be changing anything in the drawing. The people above me want to create drawings with all the sheets setup on layout tabs in One drawing.
Basically just having our Existing Site/Topography as separate files x-reffed into our Proposed Site.
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
re: NEW color picker stroke color not updating in real time (previewing).
Is it me or has the stroke color preview been removed in CS6 or is there a setting that needs to be changed to enable it?
The problem: When I create a shape layer, press enter and then chose a stroke color from the color picker, I select a color but it doesn't update the stroke color until I press enter. I'm sure it used to change in real time as you clicked on the color picker panel before accepting it.
Further update: This is when creating a shape but using the new stroke feature in the properties bar at the top (the one which gives you the new fancy options like having a dashed, transparent or gradient stroke) and not the traditional method of adding it as an effect. This still shows a real time update, but the new method doesn't.
Video playback of camera videos is very choppy on older computers, AKA my computer. I know if I disable audio I can get smoother playback )although slow motion. Is there anyway to view camera MOV files in real time on an older computer.
I am trying to locate information on how to achieve a real time display of the Gaussian blur while painting with the brush.
Google is not being useful, nor does Adobe's own forum searches yield anything useful.
I have seen mention of Smart Filters and designating the layer as a Smart Object in order to enable a Smart Filter but I can't seem to get the real time display of the filter when painting so I'm not sure if that proccess is at all useful for me or not as I can't locate information specific to what I'm trying to do.
I'm incidentally using CS5, so if this option doesn't exist, that would be useful to know so that I'm not spinning my wheels.
I would like to use AudoCad 3D to do real time pit geology mapping. I have a AudoCad 3D on a tough which is equipped with Bluetooth. I have a Tremble 5800 rover which is also equipped with blue tooth, and I would like to connect the Tremble with AudoCad so I can see my position in real time while I'm mapping with AudoCad.
I'm programming a tool handling with width profile and width markers. I would like to see a preview while I'm editing the width marker values (in real time).
I'm editing the width of strokes during dragging the mouse in small steps. Each mouse drag event means a small adaption of the widths. The problem is, that I do not see the change during I drag the mouse. I see the change after I release the mouse. Is it possible to update the artwork during dragging the mouse? So that I see the art object changing during I drag the mouse.
Is there a plugin that allows real-time rotate/scale of a selection (like in photoshop) ? The way it works stock is the only annoying thing in gimp that makes my work unnecessarily harder.
LR 5.3 suddenly has stopped showing changes and adjustments and so on in real time. In order to see a change, I have to click on a different thumbnail pic and view that, then back to the one I'm actually working on. I can't get anything done like this, and I can't figure out what I might have done to switch off a live real time view!!
I am looking for a way to render a 3d model that reacts to an audio in real time. I know processing does the audio reacting in real time but I was wondering if this is possible to render a 3d object that react to the audio via after effect as well?
I'm on a MAC PRO with the OS 10.6.8 and 8Go Ram, the problem is when i turn on my preview video on the Blackmagic the video monitor is not in real time and the after effect is so slow. When i put it off (computer monitor only) it's ok but i havn't my video monitor of course....and i need it. Is there some tricks for having my black magic (1080 i 50) ON and a RAM Preview in real time ? My drivers Black magic is the 9.5.3 it's the highest driver for MAC OS 10.6.8 + ADOBE CS6+ FCP7. ( i tried update adobe, change qt library, change aspect ratio, pixel, preview ram settings, change drivers black magic and other but nothing work )
As a pixel artist, I could not find the following:
1) I have been searching for a way to edit my color pallette indexes in real time (preferrably through a RGB/HSV slider). Is this currently possible through any means?
2) Is there a way to cause a pixelated effect with the gradient tool (or any tool)? This can be used for quick background effects, speeding up a process for a piece.
3) Turn off the dimming from the navigator window when I zoom in.
4) (See attachment) Adjust the status bar to be more useful than just simple tips. I also don't need a scaling indicator if the navigator window forces me to have one. It would be nice to turn this off for the navigator window as well. Being able to maximize the space for that window would be ideal for more detailed previews.
I already use GIMP for stilled pixel art, and would like to maximize my speed and efficiency doing so.
Is it possible to import real time gps coordinates from Leica CS10 to Autocad? Is it a function in Autocad or will i need a third part software to accomplish that?
I like to think of myself as pretty competent in AutoCAD but I can't figure this one out for the life of me...
I hope I can explain this clearly: When I rotate an object using grips, the object is not shown spinning in real time. I select the object, pick the object's grip, hit <Enter> <Enter> to go into the rotate command and the object will rotate maybe 45^ or so and freeze (visually).
If I use the command line "Rotate" command, the selected object(s) spin in real time or if I use grips to rotate but then use an object snap, it begins to spin in real time for some reason.
I would like to use grips to rotate my objects and be able to see them rotate (like I used to in previous releases).
slow copy to clipboard? I have pinned it down to my virus protection. I use McAfee and I notice that my CPU goes up considerably when I do a copy to clipboard under mcshield.exe. When I turn off the McAfee, copy to clipboard in X6 works fast and perfectly.
What I am trying to accomplish is to make a 10-sec video that has a real time countdown clock to a certain part of the day (Ie: 5 hours and 10 secs left till 8 pm). Designing the clock is simple, what I cannot figure out is what program i should use and how to make it link to real time. Is this possible in after efects or do i need to use flash professional or something else. To give you a little bit more information, typically I design ads that just run on a loop, this ad has to be different because it needs to run in a loop and somehow go and get the countdown according to real time and not just the videos length. (I've heard of somehow making a flash SWF file that either links to computer or RSS file, but how to do that in aftereffects.) This is what i can find, but NOT what i want: [URL].... I want it to use real time for countdown.
The media player running this 10-sec video ad is apparently compatible with Flash SWF.
I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to DRAW tiles. Not to generate tiles from an existing picture. This rules out plugins like those : [URL]
Such plugins usually work this way: When you draw, what you're drawing is automatically repeated X pixels away and Y pixels away from your cursor (you're drawing in several places at the same time, like you had several mice moving exactly the same way).
I am working on Dynamic Simulation. I ran the simulation for 4 secs, in real time it took more than 4secs but on the screen it was showing it ran for 4 secs. Is it correct? Can we edit settings to make it run for real time 4 secs?
I am trying to synch several biped characters to an HD background video I have placed in the environment slot. The problem is that when I scrub the animation slider or hit the play button, Max cannot play the background video in real time. When I hit play, the video remains frozen on whatever frame it was last on, but then updates to the correct frame when I hit the stop button.
It is pretty difficult to get the timing right on the foreground biped animation without a real time background reference. I also tried a lower res version of the background video (standard 720 x 480 DV), but that also does not play in real time. Is there any way to get max to play the background video in sync i.e., updating the frames in real time? Is there a way to improve max performance (ideal settings?)for a background video? Would a Tiff sequence play quicker than a .mpg or .mov files? If so how do set up an .ifl for playing an image sequence?
I receive drawings from others and do material take-offs. I need to learn how to make real measurements electronically in a drawing so I can stop having them plotted so I can use a scale.
Currently I'm converting one of our machines from AutoCAD to Inventor 2009.
This machine can vary from 1200mm to 1600mm and has a couple of options to choose from for our customers.
These dimension changes are all driven by a single excel file and the options are controlled in the an IAssembly.
Some of the 2D drawings will have a variable width, in our ERP system they are marked width dependable as followed: "partnumber/1200" or "partnumber/1410" in which 1200 or 1410 is the machine width.
Is it possible to have the 2D drawings automatically update the partnumber? so if I configure my machine as a 1200mm machine it automatically changes my drawingnumber to the actual machine width?
I have an animation with several small looped objects, which move and fade in/out (using opacity on the materials). Near the end I want to be able to fade them out permanently. When I try this just on the main timeline it has weird effects, but I haven't been able to find a proper method if there is one. They're all set on the Loop out-of-range type.
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
I have a site access road that extends from highway into site and then loops around and intersects with itself. Would like to keep this as one alignment in order to make Super Elev and master alignment easy to control across project team.
Issue is, we would like to use Intersection wizard at the intersection but cannot, as we ony have one alignment. We could model the intersection the old way, using kerb returns with design profiles, but as the design is still in early stages the intersection is likely to be frequently revised.
how we could utilise intersection wizard in this scenario?
We have our pipe networks set up in our template. But in actual use, we don't use them in every project. Even in a project where we're using them, they will be d-ref'd around, so I don't need the actual network set up in each drawing.
I was deleting my unused, empty pipe networks from a drawing (to reduce file size and to avoid getting the "8 Objects not selected" dialogue when using quick select.)
I deleted 3 or 4 networks, then on the next one I got this message:
C3D was apparantly not content with merely informing me once of this interesting fact. No, the message was obviously considered so important that it had to be repeated. Many many times, for emphasis. So many times, that after I'd keept my finger on the Escape key for a minute or two, the program still felt that I needed to see this important dialogue box.
how I would lay out my photos to be printed onto tiles.
For instance, printing a photo, to be printed onto 9 4" square tiles, to be placed together as one large tile mural on wall or as backsplash, that would be 12" x 12".
How would I go about 'cutting' the photo in 4" squares and pulling them apart, to get the look I want?