Photoshop :: Are Added Files Needed For CC
Nov 29, 2013Keep getting an error when trying to create the object reference using Excel 2011 and VBA macro. Are added files needed for Photoshop CC?
View 2 RepliesKeep getting an error when trying to create the object reference using Excel 2011 and VBA macro. Are added files needed for Photoshop CC?
View 2 RepliesWhen opening certain JPG images in Photoshop, they look different (worse) than when opened in any other application. They get some kind of additional distortion / artifacts.
If you look closely at the right side of the following screenshot, you will notice that the edges between the color areas are kinda jagged (less smooth) in comparison to the left one. When zooming in, it appears that every second pixel line at the borders of the red areas is distorted in horizontal direction:
left side: image opened with JPEG View, Windows Photo Viewer, Google Chrome or Paint Shop Pro X5 right side: image opened with Photoshop CS6 (also tested on an old CS4 version - same result)
The image retains those distortions when saved from Photoshop. No matter if saved loss less (PNG) or not (JPG). However, when opening the image with an image viewer (i.e. JPEG View), taking a screenshot and pasting it into Photoshop, there are no such artifacts. Even when then saved as JPG and reopened, there is still no distortion.
Therefore the issue must be related to the format the original files are saved in. According to the metadata stored within the JPG the image was edited with "Adobe Lightroom".
You can find the image in question here:
(it happens to other related images from this photo stream too)
Can video files be added to a slide show in Elements 5 or 10?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust installed my free trial for video studio pro 5 and I'm attempting to creat a time-lapse video using 200 jpeg images taken from my dslr camera.After doing the following;
Click File> Insert Media File to Timeline> Insert Photo for time-lapse/strobe and browsing for my images I get the following message "These files cannot be added to this project.
These files may be of unknown format.The computer does not have enough memory Or the file is copyright protected"
Each images is about 750kb in size and are jpegs.I'm using XP home.
I'm running Paint Shop Pro X. I create a 100x100 pixel JPG using only black and white, then use Alt-L->M->M to collapse down to a single layer, and save the file. When I reload the picture, the black and white are accompanied by several pixels in varying shades of grey. I'm guessing it's trying to apply an anti-alias effect when I load the image but I'm not sure. I've looked through the preferences but haven't found anything. How do I set PSP so it only saves/loads exactly what I created without changing any pixel colors?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to prevent Illustrator from adding numbers to the end of exported files? It's really annoying because I end up with a bunch of extra files and only need the single exported version that I overwrite when making changes to the AI file. It's also annoying when I have an exported file linked in a Premiere or Indesign file. I was last using CS3 wich didn't have this 'feature.'
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have recently 'downsized' to a sanyo xacti vpc-cg100ex camera to lighten my load on holiday! this produces mpeg-4 video files which I copy straight to a folder on my laptop from the SD card.
I can put these into the vs library and tranfer them onto the timeline and add trnsitions, titles etc. however VS is closing down with increasing frequency.(same files on my old xp machine seem to work ok albeit depressingly slowly!)
I have been searching the forum and wonder if I should be converting the files to some other format before doing any editing....does that involve using the share option straight after loading the files, and if so, how?
the properties of the original file are
Type mp4 video,
1920 * 1080,
59 frames/sec, bitrate 252,
audio sample rate 48kh
the properties given for the file on the timeline are
Format Mpeg-4 file,
Vid Type H.264 Main profile video, Upper Field first,
Attributes 24bits 1920*1080 16.9
Frame rate 29.970 frames per s
Audio type MPEG AAC 48000 hz 16 bit stereo
I have not been doing any video at all for quite some time so am definately somewhat rusty.
I installed Lightroom 4.4 recently. I have been using 2.x for years.
I exported a number of jpg files into a JPG subfolder. These jpgs were generated from cr2 files. The "add to catalog" option was selected. My problem is that not only the exported files/pictures were not added to the catalog but that I cannot add them manually (by syncing the upper-level folder).
I have installed Genuine Fractals to try out. It is supposed to be a PhotShop plug-in.
But now I can't find it listed under filters or anywhere else.
Although by default it installs into the Plug-ins>File Format directory, after not being able to find it in PhotoShop I also copied into the plug-in folder too in case it needed to be there instead.
It does show up in the Help> About Plug-Ins list although it offers no help. It just shows that I have 20 uses left on the trial.
I'm looking for a script or action that will put the file name on the bottom of the picture. NAAP has a good one today but it puts it in a PDF file. I just want it on the JPG.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed my new Photoshop CS2 and transferred all my plug-ins and other stuff from Photoshop 7 folder, but I cannot seem to transfer all the saved actions that I have on the 7 and that's bad. I have saved quite a few important for me sets of edits that I most frequently use with my images as actions and I apply them with a single click. I need to find out how to transfer them into my new version if possible.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi desperately need a -free- or -shareware- photoshop plug-in for mac that does the mirror effect, you know like splits the image horizontally or vertically and flips it to mirror it, or make multiple mirror images kinda like a kaleidoscope?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a tute for doing water with large waves and spray?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am experimenting with radial gradients and also elliptical selections with feather applied later via de Refine Edge command.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm curently using PSCS6 just for photo editing. My files typically never exceed 250MB(with layers) and rarely in excess of 8-9 layers.I plan on sinsatlling a 120 GB SSD scratch disk in a MacPro so just wondering if a 120GB scratch disk is sufficient - unfortunately I'm unaware of how to calculate or determine how much scratch space is required for oprimal performance.
My other option is a 1 TB 7200 RPM drive. my boot drive with Mac OSX will be on SSD as well.
I currently use only 2D applications. I'm having a problem with text. No matter what font I use the text comes in as a block, if I need to make a correction I have to explode the text before I can edit it.
In my much earlier version of AutoCad I didn't have this problem. I can't find anything in the text settings windows to change this. Is there a setting or flag in 2013 that will just use text without having to explode each occurence of it for any editing?
I'm using VideoStudio proX5. Previous versions of the VS program have allowed me to opt out of using a preset image template for the menu pages and instead to choose a background image of my own to put behind page headings and video thumbnails or text titles. I can't see how to do this in VSproX5. Any background image I introduce is always partly covered by unwanted areas of template and the right-click menus won't let me delete or move them to the back. I just want a plain uniform background and to be able to choose the coolur.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have some assemblies that are made of iLogic parts. The code within the assemblies causes a common external rule to run in each of the parts to update the part's metadata (descriptions, part numbers ect.) to relect any changes to the part.
However, when a change is made to the assembly, not all the parts are effected and yet my code will still run the external rule within the uneffected parts. This slows things down some, but more problematic is the fact that the uneffected parts need to be checked out/revised, even though they themselves haven't changed.
Is there a way of reorganising my code so that external rules are only run in parts that are effected by the assembly change?
I want my pencil to be different in size from the eraser. Is there any other way other than to assign a new brush every time the tool is needed? I thought of maybe writing a script (possible?) to add another menu bar with my tools preconfigured.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a method to load images into an animate animation shortly before they are needed? My animation is (and has to be) really big (already 7mb and growing) so I want to find a way to load my images just before they are showing up in the animation. The process is sometimes known as lazy load and I would like to do something like this to my animation.
The standard preloader is not really an option as it takes ages till the users can see the start screen's content.Are there any preloading alternatives?
I would like to know about the permission needed to edit the autocad file. In my folder there are many autocad files. I need to give the edit permission to one particual file to a specific user.
First i tried with folder level security. But i failed.
1. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete,Write Attribute) in the folder level. But when i tried to open the drawing file, it throws an error. Error: "File is currently using by the user1. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
2. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete) in the folder level. Now i could open the file successfully. But after editing, when i tried to save the document, it throws an error: Error: "Unable to save to drawing D:TestTest.dwg as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to "D:Testsav460B.tmp"
3. Now i have given full permission for the particular user including Delete permission in the folder level. Now i could save the drawing succesfully after editing.
From this , i guess, it needs delete permission in the folder level to edit and save the drawing (I understood this is for creating/deleting tmp/.bak files during saving the document.). But giving delete permission in the folder level is very risky.
When I export as a jpeg the images obviously are compressed, however, they also get darker and more saturated. Is there anyway to compensate for this without having to overcorrect the image before exporting?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen you're working on a sketch in the part environment the status bar shows the number of constraints needed to fully constrain the sketch. For example "2 Dimensions Needed".
How do you retrieve this value using Visual Basic Net?
I have a simple sheet metal part that does not require explicit bend radii. We leave it up to the shop to fab this part up as long as it's final outcome is within tolerance. We don't normally include a flat pattern, simply because it could cause confusion when cutting a blank. I use the default bend allowance and bend radius, which gives the exact blank size and bend locations. But our local fab shop probably doesn't/won't use the correct tooling to provide the exact bend radius, so this will throw off the final outcome if the blank was cut using the flat pattern dimensions.
I can apply the flat pattern to my drawings, because there is some sheet metal components we have that require the flat pattern to show cut profile features.
What are the folders of my current CorelDRAW installation i can back-up and use them to replace the folders of a new installation so to retain all my settings (workspaces, customizations, shortcuts, settings, plugins, etc)
I need to uninstall and re-install my current installation
where I can find script/plugin/software for making images composed of images. I'm desperately needing this for an non-profit assigment. Any help would be very much appreciated!
I'm looking for a script, software or photoshop plugin or anything that could help me with this.
What I want to do is this: Out of ~ 1000 pictures I want the software to arrange them into visualizing an image which I have choosen.
Main question: I need the user to be able to type a command. Then use it or cancel it. Then i need them to type another lisp command. In the second command i need to know (have the string of) the previous command they typed in. How do i get that string?
What I have tried.
I have looked at "LASTPROMPT" though not extensively, and i believe it would just return "ineedhelp" if i tried that.
I have looked at "CMDNAMES" but that gives the command you're currently in.
And I have found one page on this forum titled: Command Line History Macro, but there was no answer on that post.
I could create a global variable for that string, but then I would have to put the set code in every function I create. Nope, will not.
There's a person that is going to make how-to videos on how to use some of my lisp routines.
Anyhow, I need the user to be able to type in "ineedhelp" and the lisp that runs must get the last command's string go to the shared drive and pull up the video file for that command.
I have made a lisp that opened a word file before, and if i could get the string of the previous command, i'm fairly certain that I can get the videos to work.
There will be approximately 60 lisp routine video's.
I am a screen printer and us photoshop regularly and that feature is a ver important part of my serparations when I make my film. I am also sue that thousands of screen printer also use this feature. Why can not such a simple already installed feature not be kept? Maybe off set printer do not need this but screen printers need this feature, we must be able to adjust our DPI , dot style and angle.
View 12 Replies View RelatedJust got CS4...and cannot figure out where to find and how to add actions, such as framing actions.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have added about 30,000 extensions just to have a nice healthy choice of design options; however, now PS takes about 5 minutes to load. Since the .atn, etc. files have to be placed in the Presets area of the local installation in order to be loaded into the various palettes,
View 20 Replies View RelatedThe installation...seamless if slow (45min at least to install from the get-go). A bit of confusion over the fact that Bridge is now independent from PS.The first thing I noticed is that the workspace is really clean, almost elegant. It it a joy to my eyes to use. Next I went to my favorite tool about which I have had severe criticism in CS6, the crop tool.
It now works far better than CS6. You fixed the major objections I had. The only thing to catch may attention is that there is a switch to not center the crop. It doesn't work. Or maybe I don't understand what it actually means. Also, the additional crop proportions I added to CS6 did not transfer to CC.
But then I saw there is no Close or Minimize button! Not being able to minimize is a problem as I frequently have 2 or more windows running.