Photoshop :: Rough Water Tutorial Needed

Sep 13, 2004

Does anyone know of a tute for doing water with large waves and spray?

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Photoshop :: Looking For A Water/Waves Tutorial

Nov 9, 2004

I have searched all over for a tute or techinique for making waves and realistic water in PS. And to show waves breaking on the bow of a ship as it passes through the water, but I can't seem to find anything. I have tried it myself a hundred time without much sucsess. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Photoshop :: Fixing Bright Green Water.. Into Clean Water

Jul 4, 2004

I have a pic that has a really pretty view of a bridge over a little stream. Only problem is the water is covered with slimy green algee.

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Photoshop :: Transform Brush Of Water In (water Authentic)?

Mar 7, 2012

any tutorial to transform a brush of water, in "water authentic"? Color, brightness, etc .........

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3ds Max :: Make Water Particles To Collide With Water?

Jul 7, 2011

I want to make a fountain that has water jets that cause ripples when they hit the water. I have tried the basic reactor water and Pflow setup, as well as super spray, but neither seem to work. Is there any way to accomplish this without "faking" it by doing something creative with the water's texture?

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Photoshop :: Are Added Files Needed For CC

Nov 29, 2013

Keep getting an error when trying to create the object reference using Excel 2011 and VBA macro. Are added files needed for Photoshop CC?

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Photoshop :: HELP NEEDED W/ Genuine Fractals

Sep 1, 2002

I have installed Genuine Fractals to try out. It is supposed to be a PhotShop plug-in.

But now I can't find it listed under filters or anywhere else.

Although by default it installs into the Plug-ins>File Format directory, after not being able to find it in PhotoShop I also copied into the plug-in folder too in case it needed to be there instead.

It does show up in the Help> About Plug-Ins list although it offers no help. It just shows that I have 20 uses left on the trial.

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Photoshop :: Script Needed File Name

Jul 7, 2005

I'm looking for a script or action that will put the file name on the bottom of the picture. NAAP has a good one today but it puts it in a PDF file. I just want it on the JPG.

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Photoshop :: Technical Tips Needed About CS2

Apr 27, 2006

I just installed my new Photoshop CS2 and transferred all my plug-ins and other stuff from Photoshop 7 folder, but I cannot seem to transfer all the saved actions that I have on the 7 and that's bad. I have saved quite a few important for me sets of edits that I most frequently use with my images as actions and I apply them with a single click. I need to find out how to transfer them into my new version if possible.

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Photoshop :: Mac Mirror Plug-ins Needed

Jan 14, 2005

i desperately need a -free- or -shareware- photoshop plug-in for mac that does the mirror effect, you know like splits the image horizontally or vertically and flips it to mirror it, or make multiple mirror images kinda like a kaleidoscope?

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Photoshop :: Text Is Rough

Jul 29, 2006

I need help with smoothing my text cause when i make it bigger it goes pointy with sqaures ! :S is there a way of making it smoother?

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Photoshop :: Rough Fonts

Apr 27, 2008

all my fonts are very pixilated when I print out my invites.
Photos look good, but even the simplest fonts are rough.

What do I need to change?

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Photoshop :: Rough Edges

Aug 25, 2004

how to achieve the effect of rough and worn.

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Photoshop :: *Rough* Metal

Mar 8, 2003

how to make rough metal. To be more exact, a rough metal border, with screws in it and such.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Has Many Rough Spots

Nov 13, 2008

trying to get CS4 Design Premium to install. I finally managed, with the considerable help of a tier three Support Engineer. Since then I've had about a week's exposure to Photoshop CS4. Here's a list of things I don't like and/or those that don't work:

1) Program always crashes when I try to save a GIF file or try to use any of the new 3D tools.

2) I like two-across tool palette. When I drag workspace to left, it covers up this palette.

3) I like to leave three palettes open on the right, History, Characters and Layers. For no earthly reason that I can fathom the Layers palette has gotten considerably wider, and it cannot be reduced horizontally. Oh yes, I could reduce these three to icons, but then I'd be constantly clicking to open them and clicking to close them.

4) Open palettes have foreground precedence. This means that when I try to enlarge my workspace to the right, the workspace scroll bar disappears underneath the palettes.

5) The essentials button is destructive. I found this out the hard way when I clicked it and it wiped out a newly customized workspace. Now I know to save my customized workspace immediately upon completion.

6) Why did Adobe add the Adjustments button. It just creates an extra step when making adjustments. CS3 was smart enough to pop up the correct controls when adjustments were being made. Example: create New Adjustment Layer > Threshold. On my copy of CS4, I have to click Adjustments before the control shows up.

7) The new toolbar (at top of screen) wastes considerable space and is not deselectable. Hint courtesy of Support: Save your custom workspace with a very short name 2-3 characters; then this toolbar will combine with the menu bar.

8) Scrolling through highly magnified images is abysmally slow - much slower than it was on CS3.

9) The clone brush is less accurate in CS4, and it doesn't always turn off when one is finished cloning.

10) None of my CS4 files installed with responsive, indexed Help files. Now, every Help request sends me to a sluggish web site where there are no indices, poorly organized information, and in some cases just a message that Help area is under development.

11) I haven't been able to get the Patch tool to work correctly.

12) When program crashes (not always while attempting to save GIFs or 3D), it does so with generic, uninformative error message. In one week, I have had more Photoshop CS4 crashes than I ever experienced during the lifetime of CS3.

13) Why did the installer leave 34 superfluous language items (ones in anything other than US English in my case) in both the Legal and Lmresources folders? The product is bloated enough without oversights like that.

How many more will I find during the next week? I don't know, but I'm sure there are more to be found. How many of those that I did notice are due to the dreadful suite installer? I don't know the answer to that one either, but I suspect the installer may well have played a role.

I'm sure many will disagree, but IMHO Photoshop CS4's user interface is godawful compared to its predecessors. I can't find a single thing that can be accomplished with less mouse activity or keystrokes than earlier versions, but I have found quite a few things that demand more.

I was fortunate enough to have my installation issues addressed by one of Adobe's top support engineers. Had it not been for that, I'm reasonably certain I'd still be trying to install CS4. I've been using Photoshop since version 3, and the Creative Suites going back to the first one. This is the first time I've ever felt that quality assurance was completely ignored for the sake of meeting a self-imposed release schedule.

As I remarked in one of my earlier email exchanges with Adobe support, "I wish that every software Product Manager would study the reasons why Vista and Office 2007 have gotten such lukewarm receptions." I'm afraid the CS4 team didn't learn from Microsoft's mistakes.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Rough Edges

Jun 5, 2004

Well I am new here and this is my first post. Anyway, I made a shape with the "Polygonal Lasso Tool" and the edges are rough and I am wanting to know of a way to smooth out the roughness so I have good looking edges.

If you can give me some tips or advice.

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Photoshop :: Text Looking Rough After Arcing

Nov 1, 2008

I am using PS7 to create a logo. When I add a layer with text and use the tool to arc the text, the text appears to look very rough around the edges. If I do not arc the text, the edges of the text is smooth. I've also tried to arc the text in MS Word using WordArt and it retains its smoothness there, but once copied and pasted into PS7, it becomes rough again. This makes the logo look a little unprofessional.

Is there a specific type of font I should be using as opposed to a TrueType or is there something else I can do?

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Photoshop :: Rough Textured Background

Feb 25, 2006

How do they produce a rough textured background like it this image...

Background Image

Am I right in assuming some noise filters need be applied?

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Photoshop :: Ray Of Light Tutorial

Nov 19, 2008

A long long time ago I saw a tutorial on a site that has disappeared it was called 'Ray of Light 2' on Now I have gone looking for the tutorial again and cannot find it anywhere unfortunately.

So on that note I was wondering if anybody knew of some good techniques or tutorial to create a light burst behind text/shapes. Now being the awkward git that I am heehee, I am looking for something as realistic as possible.

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Photoshop :: Tutorial For Grunge?

May 24, 2003

Are there any tutorials for makiing a grunge sig? I want to make one but don't know how.

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Photoshop :: Rasterize Tutorial?

Dec 23, 2005

Can anyone give me a tutorial on how to rasterize an image? Sorta of like this one...

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Photoshop :: Wallpaper Tutorial

Dec 1, 2005

Can you point me to a wallpaper tutorial. I already have the image that I want. I just need to create wallpaper from it.

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Photoshop :: Polaroid Tutorial

Oct 13, 2003

i am interested in creating a realastic polaroid in ps. i have seen a few tut's online, but the end result is so....

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Photoshop :: Watermark Tutorial

Oct 19, 2005

i made a watermark with text and circle around of it and then use soft light to blend it in the picture

but here is the problem if the part of the picture are white the watermark doesnt show.

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Photoshop :: Tutorial Recomendations

Aug 19, 2005

Okay, I've spent too much time in google looking for a site with tutorials or something I can learn to CG engough so that I can make this hand look better than it does...

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Photoshop :: Tutorial : RGB Colors And More

Apr 21, 2004

I thought as a nice gesture, I would write a little tutorial here on understanding the many faces of colors, and how they are used online and in print. RGB. It stands for Red, Green, Blue; the 3 colors used in combination to produce every color on your computer screen. On your computer there are 256 shades of each of these colors.

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Photoshop :: Tutorial Database

Dec 20, 2004

I just spent a week coding this nice little tutorial script. Currently i have very few tutorials, but with your help i am hoping to have more. There is no requirement to link to me. Just upload a 40x40 icon, and the URL to your tutorial and your done!

My hope is to have a nice little spot for people to come for photoshop tutorials. It's more like a portal than anything. Personally I love photoshop myself, and would love to see my site grow. But this isnt possible without you guys' help.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Vignette That Can Modify As Many Times As Needed

Jun 3, 2013

I am experimenting with radial gradients and also elliptical selections with feather applied later via de Refine Edge command.

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Photoshop :: Specific Scratch Disk Size For CS6 - How Much Is Needed

Oct 23, 2013

I'm curently using PSCS6 just for photo editing. My files typically never exceed 250MB(with layers)  and rarely in excess of 8-9 layers.I plan on sinsatlling a 120 GB SSD scratch disk in a MacPro so just wondering if a 120GB scratch disk is sufficient - unfortunately I'm unaware of how to calculate or determine how much scratch space is required for oprimal performance.
My other option is a 1 TB 7200 RPM drive. my boot drive with Mac OSX will be on SSD as well.

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Photoshop :: How To Make A Rough Edge For Paper

Mar 11, 2005

how can I make the roughened edge for the digital scrapbook paper shown in my attachment?

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Photoshop :: Create Rough Border For Actions

Feb 26, 2009

I have a technique for creating a 'rough' black border on photos, but it can't be used with actions. (By rough I mean a similar effect to that which used to be reproduced when darkroom printing from a full frame 35mm negative).

Can anyone please suggest a technique to produce such an effect which I could record into an action, it would have to work with both horizontal and vertical photos, though the longest edge size would remain the same.

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