Photoshop :: Anyway To Get Rid Of That Canvas That's Hiding Desktop
May 19, 2012
I got CS6 (OS 10.6.8) yesterday and am having a problem with windows containing an image. When I drag an image onto the PS6 icon, the image opens at 0.456%. I enlarge it to 100%, using cmd-1 (actual pixels), the image resizes to 100%, but the window does not also enlarge, so I have to resize the window to see the entire image. If I press cmd-0 (fit on screen) the image goes back to 0.456%, just the opposite as it should behave. This occurs with all images and is making PS6 unusable. Also, is there anyway to get rid of that canvas that's hiding my desktop?
I was sitting here using PSCS4 and I noticed that as I was rotating the canvas I no longer had that huge compass rose appear. I rather like it this way. I don't know if I hit something or if there is just a graphical updating glitch going on. But, is there a way to turn the compass rose on/off? If not, Adobe definitely needs to implement this along with the ability to make it smaller, or more translucent,
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
I work on computer forensic investigations and I am currently working a case where there is evidence that a person has possibly hidden an image using Photoshop, Gimp, or something. The things I need to know is what image format do I need to be looking for? There were no .psd's on the hard drives but what other formats? Can a .bmp, .,jpg, or .png for example be manipulated with layers, masks, or anything else to conceal an image. Also, I am not a big photoshop user but I need to investigate this further. I will be using Gimp. What would be the process of importing an image and showing the layers. I have tried but failed miserably in working with layers, trying to show different layers, etc.
I teach in a middle school computer lab...imacs and use CS. On some computers every image that opens with the lines...I apple-H to hide it but why does it come up and how can I avoid it.
I used to be able to 'hide' PS CS6 when for example whilst it was batch processing. Now PS CC will not allow me to hide it away from the screen so I can get on with other work...Do I have to changes settings/preferences? I am on a MAC quad core with OS 10.7.5
I work on computer forensic investigations and I am currently working a case where there is evidence that a person has possibly hidden an image using Photoshop, Gimp, or something. The things I need to know is what image format do I need to be looking for? There were no .psd's on the hard drives but what other formats? Can a .bmp, .,jpg, or .png for example be manipulated with layers, masks, or anything else to conceal an image. Also, I am not a big photoshop user but I need to investigate this further. I will be using Gimp. What would be the process of importing an image and showing the layers. I have tried but failed miserably in working with layers, trying to show different layers, etc.
I know some people are familair with this technique where you highlight an image and the picture turns out to be someone/thing else from what was before it was highlighted. Anyone know of this technique? I know it requires the filter/render/checkerboard plugin but I can't find it anywhere. It involves opacity and masking.
I have an image with a text layer and another text layer. The text on one layer overlaps an area of the text on the other layer (which I want to do).
But what I really want is for one of the two overlapping sections to be behind the other to give the appearance that the two text objects are intertwined. I have attached the image to this post. The items I am talking about are the two sections of the large orange "C" that cross over the large blue"C".
I've been a PSD user since v1.0. I'm on Mac OS-X running CS6 via the cloud.I've realized I cannot stomach anotehr hour of working in PSD using a mouse/stylus to navigate to a drop-down menu, to VIEW > SHOW > SELECTION EDGES in order to temporarily hide the macrhing ants.
I am in disbelief that Adobe has once again messed with keyboard commands which are/were older than the hills!I've visited the EDIT > KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS to add "Cmd + H" to toggle the marching ants (show / hide) but I cannot add that combination of keystrokes.
I've adjusted "Hide Photoshop" to be "Opt+Cmd+H" which is working just to make "Cmd+H" a hide/show command for the marching ants?
I would like to create a printable document that would allow a text message to be hidden by a red textured top layer until viewed with "decoder" red glasses. Any help in creating this or pointing me in the direction of a sample that could be broken down and the hidden text edited would be appreciated.
Does any version of Photoshop Elements or Photoshop support a feature that would let me hide a selected region by blending in the colors and textures around that object?
Traditionally, people will copy and paste parts of a photo on either side of an object that they want to hide, but this usually results in a discrete line in the area of the object and close inspection usually shows the object was covered. I read somewhere that some version of Photoshop has a feature that would try to blend in the surroundings to remove the selected object, which results in a slightly more professional result.
I have 2 photometroc lights in my scene. I have a simple animation going on and I'm trying to keep the viewport clean while the animation plays. Is there a way to hide the lights (wireframe circles)? Without turning the lights off that is.
I would like to be able to hide an object within a layer while I'm testing to see if I like it there or not. However, there doesn't seem to be a "eye" icon to do this for objects - only at the layer level. Is there a way to hide an object "within" a layer?
Drawing a 2D wall including bricks and mortar - when i add color the original outlines are hidden - some bricks have black outlines and some don't - how can i get it all the same?
I am using the default Revit break lines in a few of my plans, and they work great. But when I insert them into an RCP, the masking region does not mask anything. Tried send to front/back, copying, inserting new. My other masking regions will still work as they are supposed to, but this break line does not.
Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.
I have a script that runs through multiple modifiers (extrude, Quadify mesh, and Turbo Smooth) on multiple spline objects and I would like to hide these modifiers when I send the file to a friend. In my current script, I convert each object to an editable mesh, which does the trick, but it drastically increases the size of the file.
Is there a more efficient and size saving way to disguise or hide these modifiers in my script?
Is there any way to hide an object for just one frame of animation? Actually, I want to hide it for several-- I'm doing renderings for a game, and at one point I want to render the character's hands without the object he's holding.
But when I hide an object, it hides everywhen. How can I say "this object doesn't appear between frames 17-30?"
I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2011. Is there a way to hide 3D objects in a viewport when printing without using Solview/Soldraw? When I use solview/soldraw it thaws out certain entities that I need to not be shown and then I am having to go and erase a bunch of lines that I do not want to be there..
i have attached 2 photos. picture 3D is how it should look, but once i hide it to get solid lines 3d hidden happens and the pieces disapear. i have tried to bring the objects to the front and it does not work.
i have had this problem more than once and can usually get away with it by moving the objects that are hiding a little bit any way and usually they will show but its not working this time
I seem to have hit some key on Illustrator CC which turns the canvas background from white to a grey graph grid. I've now done it on two files and it's driving me crazy trying to figure how to turn it back to white.
i created three circles which overlap at certain points, and each of the spaces is filled in with a different color. i need to hide the thin, black outline of the circles. i have made sure that there is no stroke, but it's still there.