AutoCad 3D :: All Objects In Drawing Not Hiding?

May 12, 2011

Using the hide command and only some of the objects stay hidden while others do not and it changes with every mouse zoom click. hide.gif

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AutoCad 3D :: Hiding Objects Before Printing?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2011. Is there a way to hide 3D objects in a viewport when printing without using Solview/Soldraw? When I use solview/soldraw it thaws out certain entities that I need to not be shown and then I am having to go and erase a bunch of lines that I do not want to be there..

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AutoCad 3D :: Objects Hiding Literally?

Aug 2, 2012

i have attached 2 photos. picture 3D is how it should look, but once i hide it to get solid lines 3d hidden happens and the pieces disapear. i have tried to bring the objects to the front and it does not work.

i have had this problem more than once and can usually get away with it by moving the objects that are hiding a little bit any way and usually they will show but its not working this time

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xref Text Mask - Hiding Objects

Mar 5, 2012

I have some xrefs that have text masks that mask out my objects, moved the sort order to rear (back) but they still hide my objects.  Is there any way to simply disable them in the original xref?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hiding Bodies In A Drawing?

Jun 28, 2012

I have created a part with multi bodies (concrete block with reo bar), in the drawing I want a view that shows just the reo bar - concrete hidden.  Can this be done?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hiding Solid In Drawing For A Single Part File

Feb 1, 2012

I have a part file  that contain 7 separate solid. But in the drawing i want to show only 4 solids.

 For this reason i put invisible command  to other 3 solids in the part file . but in the drawing,  i still see  all the seven parts. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selecting All Objects In Drawing

Sep 7, 2011

I want to select all the objects in the drawing and then based on the linetype it should be moved to a specific layer.

I can do this per type (circle, line, etc) but that will be a hell of a job and a lot of code. In Vba I check inside the selection on linetype and then change it to the correct layer. But in .NET i don't figured out a way how to do it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Move All Of Objects In Drawing

Apr 13, 2011

I have a program that creates a drawing.  I want to move all of the objects (lines, blocks, arcs...) from one point to another.  I was using the SendStringToExecute, but it doesn't seem to work.  Here is the section of code I have:

Dim newCenterX As Double
newCenterX = (rightXCoord + ((leftXCoord - rightXCoord) / 2)) 
startpt = New Geometry.Point3d(newCenterX, 0, 0)
endpt = New Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0)
' Move the objects from newCenterX to 0
acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._move all startpt endpt ", True, False, False)
acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._zoom _all ", True, False, False)

This will select all of the objects in the drawing, but it just doesn't see the start point and end point.  It just keeps prompting me to enter the start and end points manually.  Is there a way to pass the variables to the command?  Is there another way of moving the objects?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Attaching DEM To 3D Drawing Objects

May 4, 2011

I am preparing 3D model of a 354 acres campus area. I am using AutoCAD Map 3D 2011. I have extruded all the building as AutoCAD drawing objects. I have also imported DEM of the area into AutoCAD. Now, how can I use this DEM to specify the Earth surface elevation or surface profile of my 3D building models so that all my 3D buildings read the Earth surface profile information from DEM.

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AutoCAD VB :: Copy Objects From One Drawing To Another

Mar 19, 2011

I'm using this function to copy blocks from one drawing to another. It works in AutoCAD 2004, 2006 but I need to know whether will it work in AutoCAD 2010. This is the code that I use and my question is if I add these lines to check version is the method will work or not.

If Left(Application.Version, 2) = "18" Then
    Set oDbx = GetInterfaceObject("ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.18")
End If

Here is the full program:

Private Sub CopyBlock(BlockName As String)
     Dim oDbx As Object
        ' 2007 - 2009 ver.
        If Left(Application.Version, 2) = "17" Then
           Set oDbx = GetInterfaceObject("ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.17")
        End If

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AutoCad :: X-REF Objects Move To Other Drawing?

Oct 22, 2012

I have a weird issue with basic use xref in AutoCad 2012. There are two files complementary, (an elevation , one is masonry, the other windows). One is refering to the other with x-ref for a complete view (in overlay). From time to time some objects from the xref file are brought into the master file. This seems to happen randomly, like not all objects from a layer are moves for instance. These are usually blocks that are taken from the xref file. And when I discover them in the master drawing they are exploded too. So I have to clean my drawing up from all that scrap. It happen like twice a week.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Copy All Objects To New Drawing Template

Nov 10, 2010

I've tried this one Autodesk Developer Guide. But it hangs.

What i need to do is copy all objects into a new drawingtemplate and automaticaly run some code over this.

And close the drawing where i started the program.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Programmatically Add Labels To Objects On A Drawing?

Mar 6, 2013

My requirement is to programmatically add labels to the objects on a CAD 2013 drawing in one operation (as opposed to typing them in).  The labels exist in an external excel spreadsheet.  I am new to CAD development.

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AutoCAD LT :: Objects Disappearing When Opening The Drawing

Dec 13, 2013

we are having a problem here at our office. this revolves around one file. When I open the file, some objects (text, hatch, lines - all different layers) disappear. This happens before any command is made, and the object that disappear are on layers that are active and not frozen on all viewports. Also, the rest of the objects on the layer are visable.  Other objects on these layers are visable, and the objects that disappeared are not visable on the model space or paper space. On top of that, when someone else opens the file, different objects turn invisable, and they can see the things I cant. The drawing takes about 5+ mins to load, dispite it being not a very large file. I tried purging unused items, reconciling layers, unhiding everything, freezing and unfreezing all layers and restarting autocad. 

Coincidentaly  the x-ref dwg is having a very similar issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Template Objects

Jun 21, 2013

On my company's default drawing template, I have a text block on there with some drawing notes. We often edit some of the notes on the end at each drawing so I didn't create it on the "title block" layer, rather it's on the "top" layer. I also added (in the template) a revision table with Rev. A being "Released for Production" (because we are weird). How can I constrain those on the sheet so when I change sheet size, they stay in the same position relative to the corners of the sheet?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Saving One Or More Objects In Drawing

Aug 29, 2012

ACA 2013: How to get the 'One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created' why this is coming up?

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AutoCad :: Select Certain Objects Within Drawing And Label

Apr 25, 2012

I've created my drawing but now I need to select certain objects within the drawing & label them as a certain layer.

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AutoCad :: Drawing Objects Not Fully Loaded

Jul 9, 2013

One of our AutoCAD drawings circa 1990 on only one of our machines (our newest, 64-bit, Win 7, see more specs in attachment) opened only partially in ACAD 2008. If saved in this state, the drawing permanently loses whatever information was not loaded, so I’m pretty sure it’s not a display issue. All of our other machines are much, much older, running Windows XP Prof, none of them have exhibited this phenomenon. It happened regardless of whether the file was on the hard drive or on the server. Any way to fix this so that 2008 works correctly on this machine with all drawings. BTW, this did not happen with two drawings dated 1989.

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AutoCad :: Rotating Drawing Without Selecting Objects?

Feb 2, 2012

is there a way to rotate my whole drawing without actually selecting the objects in it. ? i.e to say, the drawing rotates itself according to my viewpoint [my eyes] and i dont have to rotate my neck to view the tilted objects in drawing.

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AutoCad 3D :: Drawing Around Other 3D Objects To Create Another Object

Aug 7, 2013

I am trying to draw a boom for a sprayer and I have the 3 main tubes extruded. I need to draw plates every 48 inches in between the main tubes. I wanted to draw each plate to make sure it would fit and then use the drawings to cut the plates on my CNC plasma cutter. However, I can not figure out how to draw on the same plane right around the main tubes. I have a screen shot blow showing the tubes and I have a small 2D sketch similar to the plates I need to draw in every 48 inches to the right. The plates will be perpendicular to the top tube.

Cad Shot.jpg

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AutoCAD Architecture :: All Objects In Drawing Locked

May 13, 2011

On a large 2012 drawing, suddenly the entire drawing is half tone and every object is locked. When you try to select an object, the little lock symbol apprears next to the cursor. I must have done something inadvertantly to lock the entire drawing, but I can not find any command or reference to unlock the drawing. This problem is also unique to this drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Gray Scale Objects In Drawing

May 31, 2012

Is there a proper way to gray-scale objects in a drawing? What i have done is turned off layers and point groups that I want to remain in color and selected the rest and changed the color in the properties box. Any way to move back and forth from gray to color. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: One Or More Objects In This Drawing Cannot Be Saved To Specified Format

Nov 16, 2011

In 2011 every so often I get this error "One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created." This happens and I just go and click file or regen and sometimes it just saves the file other times it does not.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Inserting PDF Into Drawing To Trace Over The Objects

Oct 12, 2011

I am using AutoCAD 2012.   When I use Paste Special to insert and object as an Image Entity AutoCAD shuts down. I used it for years on older versions of AutoCAD with no problems.  It is good to use when inserting a PDF into a drawing to trace over the objects for CAD use.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: This Drawing Contains Newer Versions Of Objects

Feb 15, 2013

I'm trying to work in some drawings that we got from another employee working in a different office using Civil. When I open the drawing, I get a message that says:

This drawing contains newer versions of objects

To work with the newer objects in a limited fashion, enable proxy graphics and then resave the drawings in the current version. You can also export the drawing to AutoCAD; however, be aware this permanently converts AEC objects to basic AutoCAD objects.

I tried typing in PROXYGRAPHICS and turning it to 0, then resaved it and closed it. When I opened it again, it still gives me the same message. I had the person that sent us the drawings resave it to different versions of AutoCAD. I still get the message.

The biggest problem I'm having with these drawings is that the units are set incorrectly for our use. They are set to civil standards. Like, when I xref in our titleblock, it comes in as being 3 inches long instead of 3 feet long. When I type in UNITS into the command line to change them, I get the message: Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application. I tried usnig the -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, but I get the same message.

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AutoCad 3D :: Zooming In To Drawing Makes Objects Disappear?

Aug 14, 2012

I try to zoom into an object with my mouse and it disppears. I zoom out and it reappears but it's too far away, I zoom in again and it disappears. Why is it doing this? I click zoom object and that works but I don't want to do that every single time and even that isn't zoomed in enough.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: XRef Objects Not Showing In Drawing

Dec 11, 2013

I have a drawing done in AutoCAD Architecture 2013.  Most of it is just lines, but I have a couple of Walls with Doors.  It looks fine in the base drawing but when I xref into another file the walls revert to their original color and the doors have disappeared.  The opening is there but no door.

I tried xredit and the doors are there but when I close that they are gone again.  Tried detaching and reattaching...still have the problem.

After I posted this tried Display Configuration.  Clicking all options for Doors gives me the a closed position, not the same as in the base plan.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: One Or More Objects In Drawing Cannot Be Saved To Specified Format

Jan 29, 2013

Users: Windows 7, AutoCad 2011 update 2 applied

Windows Server 2008 r2

Data stored on a network share

Network licenses on a separate server

My problem started when we moved all of the users data to a new Windows 2008 r2 server.  Searching and file navigation was slow so we turned on Windows Search service.  Greatly improved network searches (users do content as well as file name searches).

Then Autocad started having errors when trying to save or create dwf files.  The error "One or more objects in the drawing cannot be saved to the specified format.   The operation was not completed and no file was created."  Users can save the drawing to the local drive without the error.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete All OLE Objects From Drawing

Nov 26, 2012

how to delete all OLE objects from drawing by most efficient way.

There are abt 150 drawings, each has from 2 to 20 or so OLE objects which need to be deleted. OLE objects are on many paper spaces.

I tried to use qselect but it selects only what is in current space.

Would need some lisp or some other methode than all can be deleted (excluding those which resides in blocks).

Tried also yto use ssx and then erase but still it deletes only what is on current space.

Just as additional info, those OLE are all pictures, not xls files for example.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Using Database Function To Report Objects Within A Drawing

Jan 1, 2012

My master drawing includes things like network information, drops, V-lans  and bandwidths,

I want to use a database to count various objects/blocks in a drawing. Ideally I want to write a macro button that enables me to export the information in the drawing straight into a database.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Globally Change CELTSCALE Of All Objects In Drawing

Feb 3, 2011

How can I globally change the CELTSCALE of all objects in my drawing?  Using PROPERTIES, I can change one element at a time, but when I choose multiple objects in the drawing at the same time, PROPERTIES does not allow me to change their CELTSCALE to (say) "1".  Also, this doesn't appear to be possible using the CHANGE (Properties option) command either.  The latter only allows the LTSCALE to be changed (not CELTSCALE).

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