I just switched from the GIMP and I am not accustomed to some of the ways in Photoshop. I wanted to ask how to change a layers size only. I don't want to change my whole images size, I just want a part of the image changed. I've been using Image - Image Size to do this,
Everytime I open a document in Photoshop CS5, these 2 dialog boxes (Image Size, Script Alert) would pop up. to cancel 2 times to start editing. Is there a setting I can disable this?
I've been using Photoshop CS2 for several years to enhance my photographs, but just now have encountered something simple I cannot find out how to do. I have on the background layer a picture of a room interior with the exposure set mostly for the open window, but the rest of the room is very dark. On the only other layer, the upper one, I have the same shot exposed correctly for the room, which overexposes the window area. The upper and lower layers are perfectly superimposed, and the upper layer is at 100% opacity.
I have selected the window on the upper layer and want to change the selected area's opacity to blend properly with the window on the bottom layer without changing opacity of the rest of the layer. No matter what I do, changing opacity seems to affect only the entire layer, and I haven't figured out how to isolate the selected area for the opacity change.
I can cut the selection to reveal the darker window on the bottom layer, but this doesn't give me the flexibility I need to balance the two exposures. An opacity change would be ideal.
I'm using CS4. I have multiple layers of text and I want each one to have a different drop shadow effect. When I try to chnge the settings of one layer's shadow, all the layers change. Is there a way to stop this?
I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?
I want to change the size of the image in Gimp to 3957x4429 px (67x75 cm) at a 150dpi (the image we have has a 300 dpi.) When i do this in image - print size it keeps changing the width.
The system is not allowing me to get the picture a few cm larger. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
When I have an PSD icon set and I want to size a layer to a size that looks good. How do I see the dimentions of that layer so that I can select another layer and make it the same size.
I've just installed the Kerio firewall that also alerts when one application starts another application. When I start PS, the firewall tells me PS is trying to start rundll32.
I'm having trouble with the alert windows that should be popping up. The problem is that I can't see them on my desktop. For example, I click on file>new and then a box should pop up but I can't see it. If I press enter it creates the new image but if I click in the photoshop window then it won't let me do anything else because the other window above it is still open.
How do I make cursor size the same as paint brush size in CS6? It isn't and it makes selecting more difficult. Preferences>cursor does not seem to fix.
I have watched a few videos, on changing image size, in cs6, since when I tried it, the photo didn't change size at all. I could change it to 1 million inches tall, and it will stay the same size. I don't really know what to do. I've tried unlocking the default layer, and changing the canvas size and nothing seems to make this image change size.
I want the image in the picture bigger, am I even doing it right by going under image, and changing the image size, and hitting ok? That is all the tutorials say to do, yet nothing happens for my image.
I'm trying to change the size of a certain object in my image. It's a simple clip art that I got off the web and pasted into Photoshop. What I'm trying to do is select it with the select tool and then resize. None of the resize options I'm using seem to do exactly what I want though. Here's what I've tried:
1) Image -> Image Size -> do my adjustments. This changes the size of the whole image, not the selection.
2) Image -> Canvas Size -> do my adjustments. This changes the size of the canvas and has no bearing on the size of any of the objects within it or the entire image.
3) Select -> Modify -> Contract/Expand -> enter the number of pixels. This changes the size of the selection box, but not the contents within it.
4) Select -> Transform Selection -> do my transformations -> hit enter. This changes the size and shape of the selection box, but not the contents within it.
What do I need to do in order to change the size of a particular object within my image?
Using PS CS3, I opened a few JPG images taken with a Nikon D100 a few years ago. I copy/pasted one image on top of another, flattened it and saved as a PSD. Later on, when I double-click on the PSD, PS opens and I get a script alert: "Nikon Corp, Nikon D100, was used to shoot this file!"
The original JPEGs were of course shot with the D100, but the PSD certainly was not.
if I leave PS open, close the file and double-click it again, the same message does not appear. But if I close PS and then repeat the above, the message re-appears. Which leaves me with two questions:
When changing brush size in CS6, I've noticed that it is has granular resolution from 0 pixels up to around 500pixels, incrementing in size very slowly. However, above 500 pixels it increases in size very rapidly, jumping to 800, 1200, 1500 and then into the 2000s.
As most of the photos that I work on have a high pixel count I find that my ideal brush size is between 400 and 1000, occasionally I use it at around 100 pixels, and occasionally at 2500.
Is there any way of changing the scale of the brush size so that it allows greater sensitivity in the 400 to 1000 range?
i have used photoshop for years now. However, I still have CS3 or 4 still. Anyway, my brackets ( [ ] ) aren't changing the brush size any more. Instead they're changing the opacity. I can't figure out how to change it back. I desperately need it to change my brush sizes again. It takes way too long doing them manually ;)
II need to cut and paste an image from one photoshop doc to another. This I can do just fine, but when I do, it resizes the image I pasted and makes it smaller. Since I'm wokring with scans that need to retain their exact size, this is not good.
-Also, the piece of the doc I'm cutting from is a little bit bigger than the 8..5 x 11 letter size doc I'm pasting into.
I have a photo 36" x 24". I have cropped to 18.5 x 12.5" yet the document size remained the same. Now when I go to print on 13" x 19" paper, only a portion prints because the photo is too big. I shouldn't have to "scale" as then I have no way of confirming that it really will print to the crop dimensions.
Since upgrading to CS6, I have had issues with how the crop is done. For example, why when I open a photo in CS6, the crop tool is already selected by default?
Theres a screen in Photoshop where you can change size of a picture from large to medium to small by sliding a scale. I found it once but now cant find it.
I'm a seasoned Photoshop/Bridge CS5 user who recently upgraded to CS6. I'm operating on windows 7 64 bit. In Bridge I just ran my first Image Processor batch, trying to convert a set of RAW .NEF files to .PSD files with a basic editing action I created applied to them. Photoshop CS6 opens the files from Bridge and applies the actions,
but then I get the "Script alert" error message "Sorry I could not process the following files" and a list of all of the files in the batch I was trying to run the script on. The files all remain open and are saved on my hard drive in a folder created by the Image Processor script, but do not close unless I manually close them. I never had this problem in CS5 where the image processor would apply the desired actions to the batch of photos one at a time, then save and close.
With CS6 i loved the addition to combine vector layers into 1 new vector layer but when i do this in PS CC and then try to enlarge it it only enlarges the first shape.
I create 3 squares, vector shapes, i cmd+E the layers to combine them, and then i want to enlarge the new shape..what happens is, only 1 square becomes larger..
I've just gotten an ASUS Zenbook ultrabook, and I have to say that it runs PS (CS5) beautifully. Just one problem: with the 1920x1080 resolution, the menus, tools, etc. are tiny. Is there any way to change the size of the font in PS itself without changing the resolution on the whole computer?
I have to process a couple of thousand photos. What I need to do is get PS to resize the canvas so that Height=Width, no matter which is the larger. In the area where it increases the canvas size, it should then have white space.
So that for a 10x5 landscape picture, it resizes to be 10x10 canvas, for a 5x10 portrait picture, it resizes to be 10x10 canvas, etc.