I am trying to create a CD cover and the back side is one solid color with the visual of a page turning down. How can I do this. I have been working with the 3D transformation, but not sure if this is the best way.
Also, the only way I can choose Filter - 3D Trans is when I am in Mask. At home I can choose it under a regular layer. Does anyone know why this is happening. I get the cone the way I want it, but when I hit OK it is in mask and not a solid cone.
What happens to the image when I transform (Ctrl +T) the image regarding to its re-sampling interpolation aspects? By transform I mean make it bigger or smaller.
In the image size dialog you can determine what gonna happened with the pixels when you change the size of an image by check or uncheck the re-samping. But what happens to an image when I commit a transformation operation (Ctrl + T)?
I have an image and I would like to animate it's transformation into a skewed and distorted shape, e.g.: I'd like to show the steps of a rectange being distorted into a non-isosceles trapezoid. Is this possible?
I'm trying to warp a rectangular shape into something more arched, like the image below. There doesn't seem to be any transformation options under the Edit -> Transform menu. Can this be done? Can it be done to at least 180 degrees?
When I transform a smart object, its filter mask doesn't get transformed as well. The same holds true for the mask for the smart object itself, but one can put the smart object into a group and add the mask to the group as a workaround. But what should I do with the filter mask ? The only workaround I was able to think of, was to copy the filter mask to another layer in the same group as the smart object, transform the whole group and put the filter mask back to its original place. But I can hardly imagine that this is the suggested way to work by Adobe, or is it?
All I could find in the help is this:
> By default, layer masks are linked to regular layers. When you move the layer mask or the layer using the Move tool, they move as a unit. Masks applied to Smart Object layers, including filter masks, arent linked to layers. If you move a filter mask or a layer using the Move tool, they do not move as one unit.
Every time I rotate a layer, that layer is copied and then rotated. How do I just rotate a layer without making copies? i'm using CS5 with the latest updates.
I downloaded a trial of Adobe Photoshop CC and when I started it up I noticed these dotted lines on the transformation control lines. I sure it's not a new feature because I did not see this in videos of people using Photoshop CC. My computer also meets all the requirements for the application and it runs really smoothly. This really bugs me because it glitches sometimes too.
I have a 72 dpi smart object with text & images inside another 72 dpi SO and need to transform it (distort and/or perspective). Once I do so the anti-aliasing becomes very poor thus making the SO's text almost illegible. Is there a way to improve this? Maybe change the way the SO is being anti-aliased?
I have a sample 3d eCover and I want to fit an image over the front part. However, I'm having a hard time transformating my image to perfectly the front layer. Is there any option to apply the same transformation of my front cover layer to my image?
Additional info:
1. The front cover layer of the 3D eCover is not yet merged with the other layers. So, I can still edit it.
CS6 This is going to sound confusing. While using transformation tool you see the frame for it or (points for use), is there any way to hide that while using it, make it transparent on screen,in other words.
I am giving a drawing containing all the contour objects in a NAD 83 coordination, I need to transfer them to a project coordination system. I am given with the origins of both system. For NAD 83, it is N6360000 E467000, for the project it is N50000 E8000. I tried to do the transformation using Toolspace->Settings->Drawing Settings->Tranformation, and changed the Local Northing/Easting and Grid Northing/Easting, but does not seem to solve the problem.
In Maya, how do I do a transformation sequence. my plan is to have the character transform into a tiger human hybrid that is at least twice the size. (also its texture changes as it morphs)and can there be a bone rig that grows along with it?
I have Lidar files both IMG files and LAS files. I work in Civil 3D so have most Map 3D functions. We also have IDSP 2014 so I have a full version of Map 3D 2014 in there. The Lidar is in UTM - Meters. I need to create a Civil 3D Surface in State Plane - Feet.
Civil doesn't work with IMG files. I have no problem creating a Point Cloud from the LAS files using that to create a Surface. With the Zones set correctly in the drawings I can get the horizontal aspect of the data into State Plane. However the Elevations are still in Meters. If the LAS files were in ASCII. I would convert them directly, but they're not.
Is there any method in Map 3D to do a vertical transformation on either of these file types?
Civil 3D 2012 SP 3 / IDSP 2014 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
When I converted to using the transformation matrix of PlacedArt, the target art could not be converted to expect. I could convert in case of the RasterArt. (The reference point of the transformation matrix of RasterArt is (0,0).)
In the PlacedArt, preference point is not (0,0)?
The tx/ty of the transformation matrix of PlacedArt is not correct?
In the transformation matrix of RasterArt and Placed Art, how are those two different?
In X5 I had it set up so I could re-size proportionally and it was right under where object properties is now in X6. How I can get my workspace so it's there again? Or at least where I can find the tool that re-sizes proportionally?
I noticed that in CDX4 under the tranformations docker we had the "apply to duplicate" feature under the rotate option. However, I do not see it in CDX5.
Is this a change that was made to CDX5? Or am I missing something when I loaded CDX5 to my computer?
My group is trying to convert a dwg from one coordinate system to another. The original drawing contains points, blocks, etc. in 1 system and we need it in a different one. We tried attaching the dwg to a new map with the new system using a layer query, but this did not appear to bring in the objects into the new system.
"Structures" is in the original system (OR83-NF), "StructuresHarn" is in the desired system (ORHP-NIF)
P.S. C3D 2011 Civil 3D 2013, HF3.0 Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1
I have some points in a drawing set up in a coordinate system and using a specified point file format, I successfully exported them to another coordinate system for use by our surveyors. I also wanted the pipe route in my destination drawing so I created a shp file from a polyline representing the pipe route in the original drawing using Map 3D Export. When I imported the shp file into my destination drawing there appears to be a slight horizontal difference from the point locations. The shp file doesn't land directly on the points.
To try another comparison, I ran a query on the pipe route to perform a manual coordinate system transformation. The result of this is the exact same as the shp file.
My questions are, which method (exporting points vs. shp files) results in the correct coordinate transformation and why are they different? When exporting points I am not using any specific transformation settings, I am simply selecting the destination coordinate system. When exporting a shp file, Map 3D creates a prj file from the specified coordinate system in the drawing. Are there any other settings I need to adjust to get the same result with both processes? The only thing I can think of is I only have the coordinates out to 4 decimal places in my point file format, do I need to go out farther?
I have a created a TIN surface with a DEM file. Drawing coordinates are State Plane NAD 83 feet. DEM file coordinates are UTM NAD27 meters. Surface is shifted approx. 835 miles east.
I have the common problem to resize the artboard to standardize technical illustrations to the format 50x50mm.
I would like to group the objects for further transformationsI would transform the group to 45mm and scale stroks and effectsN.B.: here It should be a test on landscape format
I would align the group to the page center
Public Sub copy_paste_with_transformation () 'Duplicates grouped items in a new document with landscape sensitive transformation Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
'calculate the size of objects do define if it's landscape or not Bounds = appRef.ActiveDocument.VisibleBounds
I know it is easy to tile objects using the Transformation - positioning and then click on the "relative position" and choose the direction.
But if I want to only shift it half the width to create something that may looks like bricks tiles.
One way to do it is to look up the width and height of the object, bringing up the calculator and divide it with 2 and then enter the result into the positioning manually.
On my tool barin transformation bar i had position - absolute (coordinates) and size of a selected object.
i changed something and now i have position like 0.00 x 0.00 (i think its relative position) and when i write something in position it moves relative to previous.
when i press alt+f7 i can change position relative and absolute but toolbar don't change. How to set toolbar to show me always absolute position?
The transformation settings are changing every time a drawing is reopened. The computation method is switching from "reference point" to "unity" - see attachment. This is causing the software to use a scale factor of 1 instead of the computed scale factor at the defined reference point when scaling our points from state plane to our local ground system. This completely screws up our entire survey workflow that we have been using for almost 2 years. We had no issues like this in the 2012 or 2013 versions.
If you have a dwg that is, say, done in west zone but some agencies want you to provide a table of west and east zone coordinates is there a transform function that will do this in a label?
I would still wan everything in the dwg to be in west zone but be able to display coordinate values in other zones.