I am having trouble "resetting" an animation I made in PS CS6 using the 3d Scene Position tab in my timeline.
I set my key frames and made the movements and made a decent little video, however when I went to rework the timeline, removing the key frames did not remove the "movement"
How to remove all of the "moves" so that I am starting from a static 3d image again? This image is a can I made myself with the lathe and has a label wrapped around it.
When I expand a selection or move and image/object around then deselect the edges/parts that end up falling outside of the canvas area get deleted. How do I stop this? When I go move the layer around or resize it I can't because what ever parts landed outside of the canvas area have been deleted. This is on Photoshop CS6, I never had this problem with CS5.
I accidentally deleted some photos from a memory card. I recovered them using software called "Recover My Files". This software recovered the files but now I can't open them in CS3. I took these with an old Canon Rebel DSLR and they should not need converting, they opened fine before I deleted them.
when I paste a picture from the internet with a white background, I use magic wand on the white then press delete. AND IT LEAVES A WHITE LINE. Disabling anti aliasing does nothing, it will still show.
After I delete it I have to go through with the eraser tool along the whole thing and erase. (Which I did everything so far 'cept the top right of him.
I want to cancel deletion of certain Part Feature (where PartFeature.Name starts with ''I_''). In my dll, I capture « DocumentEvents.OnDelete ».
private void PartDocument_OnDelete(object o, BeforeAfterEnum beforeAfter, NameValueMap context, out HandlingCodeEnum handlingCode) { if (beforeAfter == BeforeAfterEnum.Before) { if (((PartFeature)o).Name.StartsWith(‘’I_’’)) { MessageBox.Show(‘’You cannot delete ’’I_*’’ part features.’’); // MISSING CODE HERE TO CANCEL DELETION !!! } } }
First I thought that putting « handlingCode » to « HandlingCodeEnum.evtCancelHandle » would do the job, but when I read the API, it says that Inventor doesn’t care about that output argument. Then, how can I cancel the deletion of an object when capturing ‘On Delete’ event ?
I am drawing an as-built plan and utilizing a scanned image of the plan as a go by. The image is referenced into the drawing. Sometime I want to turn the image off by selecting it and clicking "show image" icon on the show image > options tab. After turning the image off, if I forget to unselect the image before continuing, I risk deleting the image and creating an unreferenced image.
I thought i could solve the problem by locking the layer the image in on, but then I can not turn the image on and off!
In Lightroom 5 and 5.2, when using the X key, then Delete Rejected Photos, the central display box no longer displays an image. If I switch back to Library mode an image will appear but if I go back to the Develop module, again it's a blank screen! If not, how do I report this directly to Adobe?
I am travelling to the UK and wish to export my photograph collection as a catalogue to my laptop (without the original photos) and work on organising them, deleting unwanted photos, etc and then reimport the catalogue on my return. My question is this - if I delete a photo whilst on my laptop, on reimport into my main computer will lightroom then go and delete this photograph from my original collection as I hope it will do?
I create animated gifs frequently using the Frame Animation pallet. The default frame rate starts out as 10 seconds, so I always have to change it to 4 seconds. Is there anyway to reset the default frame rate that I start out with to 4 seconds, so that I don't have to change it every time?
Preferences did not yield any promising menus
I know the standard default reset with many Adobe products is to change it without a document open, but in PS CS5.5 if you do not have a document open the frame rate option is greyed out ______________ CS5.5 MacPro Tower Mac OS 10.8.2
I am trying to add a frame to some pictures, but when trying to apply a frame from the content section, the frame goes on top of any picture...and not directly on to the picture.
I am editing a short avi clip converted from a 1959 8mm film in the timeline. The telecine conversion results in as sharp an image as I have manged to get using PPro 5.5 unsharp mask. I tried mocha planar tracking to automatically remove a fixed spider web on the top edge of each frame in the clip.
Because the web is not distinct and the background does not progress at a steady fixed pace, the mocha procedure was not successful. Previous feedback recommended methods to mask the edge. Using various masking attempts to automate the procedure was also unsuccessful for the same reasons as mocha.
I have the time and decided to replace the spider web on each frame edge using photoshop tools e.g. clone stamp etc. - although other tools such as healing brush do not appear to work in the timeline as I expect.
My saves so far have resulted in a whole clip being saved with all following frames being modified similar to the first edited frame. Perhaps I am not using the editing procedures in photoshop from the timeline correctly.
My band has just recorded our first music video. We are very happy with the result except that the glasses on me (the lead singer) during the close-ups look very funny, they are very skew, and the "frame" does not go behind the ear.
What I would like to do is to import the video and edit these clips frame by frame, where this is showing. There is about 15 seconds totally of me in close-up - 15 x 24= 360 images. The clips are about 1-3 seconds long. And I want to edit all of these short clips of me and then make it a full-length video again.
I made a quick edit on one of the images from the video. The shades still look a little funny but it gets better when the frame goes behind the ear. If it's possible to correct the "glass" part of the shades as well.
I created an extruded aluminium profile (attached file: Item Profile 8 80x80) which I published into the Content Center. When using this profile in a frame design, and using the Trim To Frame command, the profiles are trimmed at a weird angle (attached pdf file).
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800 Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
I'm designing some photo frames and as they come in loads of different sizes, I'd like to be able to make the frame design bigger, in illustrator, but keep the width of the actual border. i.e. at the moment it's for a 10cm x 15cm photo with a 3cm wide border going all the way round - I want to keep it 3cm for larger photos.
and here's a link to the .ai file: [URL] I have loads of other frame designs which will need similar treatment so I'm looking for a general solution rather than something that is totally specific for this design.
It used to be that whenever i would move the cursor in adobe premier with either the left or right arrows or by simply clicking and dragging it, it would play the audio from that frame. But it is not doing it anymore, I think i must have accidently hit a shortcut key or something to change it in settings i dont know. But it would be good if I could get the setting to change it back. I know for a fact that my laptops speakers do work, so its not that.
I'd like to do some animation in photoshop, especially frame to frame animation. (such as editing images from stop motion)
But I'd like to import big quantities of images to a psd file, and which each image would automatically be imported to 1 different layer. Is it possible to do that?
The photos are fairly too high resolution to export as video (3456x 2034) so i don't want to make a video out of them and import the video sequence...
I've been hearing very much about this frame by frame thingy but i just dont know what it is or where to find it.i think it is a tool or button to edit a frame without getting the other frames modified or i just dont know. i simply want to know how to edit a frame without getting the other frames modified or a good tutorial because i dont understand the adobe help.
i'm running cs6 under windows 7..yesterday i was watching a video tutorial about application frame feature but where is it? under window there is no mention to application frame , there is only options and tools..
So when I unlug my MacBook Pro from my Cinema Display, the bottom of the app chrome (application frame and palettes) on the MacBook's display cannot be adjusted. At all. Impossible to grab them with the mouse and readjust for the new screen.
I've tried restarting Photoshop CC. Restarting my Mac. Nothing. Wouldn't there be an option to resize to the current display? Shouldn't this be automatic?
The only thing that seems to work is turning off the Application Frame, and using PS in this mode.
I use this software to extract some graphics and animations. But when i export an animation to .gif it slow down. So, i export each frame to .bmp. I open in photoshop all the .bmp, create an animation, but when i export it...yeah the same problem... the .gif is slower.
I record a video as an example. [URL] ..........
I don't know why this happens.
Note: This is an example. This happens with almost animated gifs i create with photoshop. I use Photoshop CS5.5)