Always when i cut a photo in Corel X3, save it and look to it in a other photo program, Then i have on the left side and the bottom side a white line of 1 pixel.
When i cut a photo from (for example) 1200x1600 and cut a piece from it (for example) 500x500 and i save it, i must always again cut the white line and again make it tot 500x500 pixels.
I am using live paint to paint cartoon character illustrations. The artwork is brought into Illustrator CS3 and live traced. Then I convert it to a live paint group and use the paint bucket to fill. Everything looks fine no matter how much I zoom in. If I bring the AI file into Photoshop CS6 I can see a thin white line between the black line art and the fill. This is most noticeable where black meets black. I can also see this sometimes in file previews while browsing through files. If the white line cannot be seen in Illustrator is the file ok? I did just upgrade to CS6 if that would make a difference.
place a photo on a page and then give it a border..a 'transparent' border - aka..perhaps a softened edge / or one which looks like its 'merged' into the background. Im doing a dvd cover so ideally not wanting a ''photo simply stuck on page' look. A more subtle effect.
Easy enough ( with previous versions..Photoimpact 11 per say ) on a fancy design and hey-ho it appears...the effect of a photo with a blended feel into the background.
NOW - all i've managed to do on this program is, SELECT IMAGE>PICTURE FRAME> ( a choice appears) once click on..say..EDGE FUN 03..the effect ( of some flowers ) does appear..but alone with it a massive great white border...shrinking the image etc...ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO TURN THAT MASSIVE WHITE BORDER INTO..SAY.. ANOTHER COLOR. or perhaps just blend it into my original background.
I have set my original layer to ..transparent.. ( i think )...but have colored this purple.
( How the heck do you get the right-hand categories to appear in my main editing page. Having to go to EFFECTS>EFFECT EDGES..or show a small thumbnail of an effect isnt great..much perfected Photo impact when you ran your mouse along the effects and by and large the effect changed on your original large image so you can see what the effect was better. )
I'm having a problem printing out a black and white photo. This is the first time I'm tring to print from PSP 3. When the photo is printed out, instead of looking like what I did in PSP 3, it looks like it was imbossed and black pencil. I have done a search and played around with PSP 3 with no luck..Even reinstalled PSP 3. If I go to the photo file, both the saved and the original, and print it directly, they comes out near perfect, except for a purple tint in both. You do not see the purple tint in the photo when in PSP 3 or the saved file untill it is priinted out.
JPG 102 KB 773x1000 pixels original size 72 dpi 8 bit depth Resolution 2 EXIF 0220 Off the internet Canon PM 620 printer Kodak paper No error codes PSP 13.00
I use a Pentax K-r and the white balance icon above the EXIF data panel only shows if I have used Auto White Balance. If I have used any of the other modes available in the camera, no icon is shown and the EXIF data lists the shot as taken with manual white balance. The other two icons (metering mode and JPG/DNG) work correctly. The white balance issue means that I have to note the white balance setting of each shot while the card is in the camera and put it by hand against the shot in PaintShop Pro. This is very time-consuming and seems to be a serious omission.
I have since found that the white balance icon works with my Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-150 camera, although the EXIF data still shows the shots as taken with manual white balance, so it seems to be a compatibility problem that needs to be resolved.
I'm having trouble changing a black and white map to filling it with a color. In the materials palette the foreground and background remain in the greys/blacks and will not accept the change to a color.
how to fade to transparency by myself I am left with a residue problem when saving to a different file format.
I took my square image and pasted as a layer. Behind this is a raster layer flood filled with black (As the image will be going onto a black t-shirt). I used a rounded rectangle selection tool to make a mask somewhere just inside the image borders. I then applied a Gaussian blur to the mask and it faded the edges of the image beautifully. I checked with the black background layer off and again it faded nicely into transparency.
Now my issue is that when I save it as a PNG file (with background set to transparency of course) and try to use it against various coloured backgrounds there seems to be a white glow around the edges where it is meant to fade out.
I have checked my settings from PSPx3 with PSPx4 and everything seems the same when using the paintbrush tool but yet every time no matter the hardness level of the brush i end up with a white border on my texture .. NOT visible inside the program itself but becomes visible once I apply the texture to avatar.
How to create a photo that has a specific area of a photo containing the original color and the rest of the photo be black and white. I am using Corel Paitshop Pro X4 Ultimate.
I started with a tif image that's a black & white drawing and used the fill tool to fill in some black areas that were supposed to be solid, but weren't. I also did a lot of cutting to get rid of specks on the image. It looked fine when I closed and saved it, but when I went to convert it to a PDF, all my tif's have a black background and white lettering--should be just the opposite. I have gone into the images and they all look that way (apart from the PDF). I'm guessing this is a layer issue, but I'm new to this program and can't figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it. I really don't want to start over. So, to restate, everything that should be black is white and all that should be white is black.
I want to print an image on a DVD with a white printable surface in PSPro x.I want to be able to gradually feather the white edge given to the image (what is the best way to do this) so that it blends into the white background of the disc and therefore the square edges of the image do not show.
I am creating an image, mostly text and color. I want to create words with letters that have been turned cw and ccw, alternating. After that, I plan to flood fill the words. Unfortunately, I get some white inside where I flood filled.
I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.
I didn't realized that as I'm importing images, the 'background' was defaulting to white. I'm working a couple images right now, in which the transparent setting is really needed. I found where to change the default, but not how to change it for existing images in PS already.
I would like to get some variety of photos looking like they were taken during the civil war era. This would include white specks, black splotches, blurred edges, irregular black edges, etc. I have looked for ways in which to accomplish this and have not been successful at this.
Currently, I am using the following to varying degrees: Sepia Toning/Black and White, Blur, Salt and Pepper noise, and Vignette.
I've been using PSP 7 for many years and over the last year or so I can't seem to get a straight line to show up using the Draw Tool (I think the kids may have messed with a setting).
In the Tool Options I select Single Line, a width of 4, solid line and anti-alias. Create as vector and close path are left unchecked.
The problem is that whether I use my left or right mouse button to drag the line, the line does not show up, it just disappears (I'm using colors different from the background, of course).
I know how to get the text on the cirle line but when I type in the text, it will only read from left to right. I want to put my text at the bottom of the circle and have in go left to right with the text right side up. But every time I try and put the text at the bottom of the circle the text is upside down and right to left.
Up to now, I have been unable to find a tool within PSPX3 to do the following:
Suppose I have loaded a .JPG file into PSPX3. Now I want to draw a smooth curve on this picture by picking a suitable set of points in the picture that will be connected smoothly with a nice curve. All I am able to perform is drawing a somehow ragged curve by (approximately) moving the cursor along the envisioned curve, but this ends up just looking awful. From my math studies, I remember something that is called a (B-)spline curve. Is there any version of PSPX... that allows (B-)spline curves? Similar/easier: simple polygons?
When I make a selection in a picture, the selection dotted line shows a coloured border, which is the colour of the second choice in the Materials palette. Especially if I make an addition to the selection, this coloured line runs right through the selected figure. If I copy the selection, undo the selection and then paste as a new layer, the coloured border, especially in added areas, remains visible.
how I can get rid of this strange artifact? I didn't use to have it, it emerged a few days ago.
I have drawn hundreds of straight lines with arrowheads (in PSP X2) in the past.But now I need the first time to draw a round line (approx half of a full circle).I tried a couple of variants and expected a three-step-drawing:
First click to place a start node then click a middle node and finally third click the end node.Afterwards I should be able to move the middle node and PSP should complete a round arrow line.But I cannot achieve this.
It happens e.g. always that an area is created and filled with red color.I don't want to fill an area - just one line.What exactly do I have to select in the parameter toolbar for "Mode" "Contour" "Connect segments" "Miter Join",.
PSP X4 was just updated and now I can't catalog any images. I can navigate via "Browse more folders" and select my main pictures directory, but in the Organizer I see no thumbnails. i have more than 4,000 files (almost entirely .jpg files) and now I can't see any of them unless I access them via <File><Open> This is very frustrating, as I had a system that was just fine 24 hours ago, but now I'm essentially hamstrung.
After working with some pictures in PaintShopProX4 I saved them as jpeg and tif, but the brightness of the pictures is different ( they are darker) outside PaintShop. Is there something I should do to keep the original brightness?
Am I better off using the Olympus software to develop my images, then using PSP X4 to edit them? Regardless of which software I use to develop, why make any editing changes before I develop if I can then edit after I convert to a Tiff or JPEG?
As you can imagine, I've just upgraded to X3. I just saved a .tiff image as a pspimage, without any editing. When I close it and go to re-open it, I can open it in X1 and in X3, BUT NOT IN Paint Shop Pro 9, which is and probably will remain my workhorse. The browser in PSP 9 doesn't even show the pspimage, only the .tif image. I've tried to open it in PSP 9 via Windows Explorer, but get one of two error messages: "This is not a valid pspimage" or "no preview available". Monkeying around with the File Associations in PSP 9 doesn't seem to work.
The problem arises if I want to do the bulk of my editing/restoration in PSP 9 and then bring it up in X3 in order to use one of the newer tools, such as the Makeover tool. Once I do that, I've lost the ability to re-open it in PSP 9.
Is there a way that you know of to make an X3 pspimage available in PSP 9, or is it inherantly not possible?
I'm trying out PSP X4 on the free trial. I'm on a Dell laptop with Windows 7. The camera is a Nikon D70s. I was trying to use UFRAW to transform the images from NEF format to PNG, and then GIMP to adjust and crop and resize. I've found GIMP to be really frustrating to use, so I'm dropping that for something else, hence the PSP X4 trial.
For the most part, I need it for digitally editing the documentation photos that I take of my paintings, and as well for managing our family photos. I've been using ArtRage for digital painting.
So mainly for my painting photos, I need to adjust the color balance to the gray card, adjust for lens distortion, crop, and resize.
When I open my folder of NEF files, the NEF files look really over exposed and washed out, especially compared to the PNG files that I made earlier using ufraw. They appear that way in both the viewing bar and when they're in the edit mode.
Does PSP have some kind of default viewing auto-adjustment going on? Am I missing something?