Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Selective Color On Black And White Photo
Nov 14, 2011
How to create a photo that has a specific area of a photo containing the original color and the rest of the photo be black and white. I am using Corel Paitshop Pro X4 Ultimate.
I'm having a problem printing out a black and white photo. This is the first time I'm tring to print from PSP 3. When the photo is printed out, instead of looking like what I did in PSP 3, it looks like it was imbossed and black pencil. I have done a search and played around with PSP 3 with no luck..Even reinstalled PSP 3. If I go to the photo file, both the saved and the original, and print it directly, they comes out near perfect, except for a purple tint in both. You do not see the purple tint in the photo when in PSP 3 or the saved file untill it is priinted out.
JPG 102 KB 773x1000 pixels original size 72 dpi 8 bit depth Resolution 2 EXIF 0220 Off the internet Canon PM 620 printer Kodak paper No error codes PSP 13.00
I'm having trouble changing a black and white map to filling it with a color. In the materials palette the foreground and background remain in the greys/blacks and will not accept the change to a color.
I'm not sure if you can do this but if any of you have seen the Itunes Color Effects app, I'm wondering if there is a way to keep color in one part of a photo while making the rest B&W? I know how to make it B&W & I can't get it to work with the paint bucket or anything like that.
I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that?
Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?
I started with a tif image that's a black & white drawing and used the fill tool to fill in some black areas that were supposed to be solid, but weren't. I also did a lot of cutting to get rid of specks on the image. It looked fine when I closed and saved it, but when I went to convert it to a PDF, all my tif's have a black background and white lettering--should be just the opposite. I have gone into the images and they all look that way (apart from the PDF). I'm guessing this is a layer issue, but I'm new to this program and can't figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it. I really don't want to start over. So, to restate, everything that should be black is white and all that should be white is black.
I am using Photoshop 6.0 and would like to know (in stupid people terms) if there is a way that I can make my photo black and white, but still have one color in it (for example, a black and white face except for green eyes).
I took this photo which was OK but not great, and set the saturation to -100, and worked on the contrast and levels until the sky was very dark. Then I cloned the photo and applied a Linear, Stained Glass transparency to make the sky even darker.
The effect in black and white is so much more dramatic than it is in color.
I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.
I want to covert a color photo into black and white but bring back a certain color. How many ways are there to do this? Which method is the most professional (as in provides the most professional finished product) I've read about doing it using the paint brush to bring back the color, also the color selection tool.
The particular image I'm trying to achieve this on is not so simple. The part I want to bring color back into is a dripping pink ice cream, so there are small drips and blobs, often with fair skin color in the background. Ice cream is dripping down face and hands and body and I want to preserve these details accurately. The bits I need to bring back aren't large blocks of color so I'm finding it very difficult to achieve a professional look.
How do I make a certain object in a color picture and make just that object black and white? Or even vice versa? Take the the object of a black and white pic and have it in it's original color?
I would like to know how to add a little color back onto a black and white photo? For instance,.... a color photo of a car, that I then turned to black and white, but I then would like to add in the original color of the car and keep the rest of the photo B&W?
how you take a color photo turn it black and white but keep a part of the photo its original colors. Such as making the picture black and white but keeping a flower colored. I am working with cs3 if that makes any difference.
I would like to get some variety of photos looking like they were taken during the civil war era. This would include white specks, black splotches, blurred edges, irregular black edges, etc. I have looked for ways in which to accomplish this and have not been successful at this.
Currently, I am using the following to varying degrees: Sepia Toning/Black and White, Blur, Salt and Pepper noise, and Vignette.
I'm totally new to Photoshop and I was wondering if there was any way to get only part of a color photo black and white but keep the rest of it in color. I want to highlight some people in my pictures.
After converting a color photo to black and white, the image that prints out has a sepia tone to it. The image looks black and white on my screen and when I print a black and white image directly from the internet, it prints out in good black and white mode. What adjustment is available to get rid of this sepia tone?
I'm trying to take a black and white photo of a flower and ONLY make the flower in color.. like a layer.... I've tried using the adjustment brush, but that doesnt work well..
I've used Paint Shop for years but can't seem to find an easy way to do selective coloring. My raw converter allows me to use a color picker to select the color I want, then I inverse the selection and reduce saturation to leave the selected color still showing.
Modifying selective color range in Paint Shop is not as effective. Does Paint Shop have something similar? I have X3, but still mostly use X2.
I want a plugin that make the black and white (pic. 1) pictures to color pictures (pic. 2) like RED or what hex you add in. Opposite of Black and White addon (pic. 3).
What format would I need to save a scanned in black and white line drawing so that I can color it in using the Fill function (like a comic book)? I used to do it with earlier versions on PhotoPaint (6 and 9) but haven't done it in a while and now cannot find the right format.
Now what happens is when I use the fill function the whole image turns to the selected color, it wont recognize the black lines as borders.
I am trying to remove two people from the background of this old B&W photo of my Grandpa and Great Uncle. how to get them out and keep the photo looking realistic? I don't mind changing the background, I just can't figure out and easy way to get this done, aside from zooming in really close, cutting them out, and pasting them on another background. I just don't know how realistic this will look.
See Attached photo. I can do the color black on top yellow on the bottom half. what is the best way to do the red line that separates the yellow from the black.
I have tried to use Steve Pattersons color grid design tutorial to place a grid over a photo. When I drag my color photo into the new document it turns black & white. What I can try to keep this from occurring? I am using CS6 with Windows 7.