In earlier versions I was given the option of enabling the Auto Save feature, and choosing the time intervals between saves. I chose every 2 minutes. If it crashed or was shut down in a reboot, the images on which I was working were recovered with their layers intact. Nothing was lost. I do not have that option in Version X4.
Auto save, in my opinion, is a pain, so I have removed the tick from the box and hope never to see it again.
Are these temporary files? Or are they saved to an unknown location to build up into a every increasing file. I have inspected the X5 folders and files, but can't locate where these files end up.
I was working with a RAW photo and attempting output to JPEG when it seems that the original RAW image was corrupted somehow. It seems that the original image data is still there as I can open the original RAW file in Windows Picture viewer etc. but if I try to open it in PSP X4 it shows up as a grey box with an X and I get a dialogue saying "The specified file cannot be identified as a supported file type". If I try to open in my camera's software; Pentax Camera Utility (Silkypix) again it shows up as a broken image. how to recover this file? It seems that somehow the metadata attached to that file is broken, if I could strip that away it would probably be fine.
For some reason I've lost all of the keyboard shortcuts. When I pull down a menu item, for instance FILE, the "Save As" item no longer has "CTRL-A" next to it. These shortcuts are gone for everything in PSP. Is there any way to get them back without either adding them all by hand or re-installing?
While evaluating a few "Instant Effects", the orginal image file was overwritten with one of the altered images. The original image file, which I need, cannot be found.
I did not "Save" the altered image. Autosave is turned off.
I was using the warp brush tool (Paint Shop Pro X4) and for a stupid manipulation the tool bar where I had the value related with the brush tool slipped away. Now I 'm not able to recover it and I cannot change the dimension of the brush of the warp brush tool. I don't know what to do and I'm in trouble. I have tried all the tool bars but it doesn't appear anymore. How can I change the dimension of the warp brush tool without that?
psp x4. how to get the tool bar back. i don't know why it disappeared but it did. anyway this is the toolbar that allows you to change the thickness of a line or the thickness of your paintbrush. i think it normally would be just below the printer icon.
I've had PSP X3 for a while but it was too much for my old XP machine. With a new Win7 pc, I've installed PSP X3. The "auto hide" function is missing from the palettes. I have PSP8 and PSP10 so I've used the feature before.
I have been using PSP since jasc released version 4. I was a long time user of 7, 9 and then X2.
Beginning with X3 and now X4 the Auto-Preserve function does not work. I especially miss this feature when running batch process. This is my primary reason fro skipping over X3 waiting for X4.
The function works fine in x2, but it never did in the trials of X3 or now the trial of X4. The feature is enabled. I selected "Yes, do this every time" the first edit I preformed. Verified in preferences as well.
In the past week or two, I took time to re-create the tool button config in PSP14 that I've used for many years in Paint Shop Pro. However, the next day I see PSP14 has reset to the DEFAULT toolbars!!
Why did this happen? Was it failure to SAVE the configuration? Are my toolbars lost now? any way to restore besides button-by-button reconfig?
I went through a system restore yesterday. Im not sure how maybe somebody scheduled it without me knowing. Anyway I have tried and tried to reinstall Paint Shop Pro X5 but something pops up saying "Your system has not been modified. To complete istallation another time, please run setup again."
I'm just getting started with PSP. In a book I bought it saves that, after I enable the Auto-preserve function, the dialog box should come up after I click on file, then save.
The Box isn't coming up. Why is this.
Also, what's the best way to save a RAW file before I stare working on it?
Every time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
I can open PSP X4 and edit and process images as desired. My workspace opens to Edit, as I've located that menu selection. I do not have any saved workspace configurations/files. Based on what I've read in the few hundred messages so far, I'd like to avoid a full reset of the program defaults, but if that's the only option, so it goes.
What is happening is that in as-yet undetermined situations, I get an automatic load of an old image. I've been able to recognize that the image that happens to load is the first one in the tray on the Manage tab. I don't use the Manage tab at all and only ventured over there as part of the preliminary diagnostic process to posting this message. Once I discovered that, I renamed the image in the tray and the sequence repeated with the next image in the tray, which repositioned itself to the first location.
I can "force" an auto-load in the edit window simply by starting with an empty edit window, clicking on the Manage tab and then back to the edit window. The first image in the tray magically appears. This magic also happens when I've closed another image that's been loaded. Of course, now that I'm posting this, I can't make it happen other than in the manner described above.
I'd like to have it so when I close the image in the edit window that I'm left with a blank edit window on a consistent basis. If I can determine how the image auto-loads in a manner different than described above, I'll add it here.
PSP X3 crashes when starting up in WinXP Pro. It crashes at "Activating tracker", or something. PSP8 also crashes. I removed PSPX3 and installed it again. The same thing happened. So I downloaded PSPX4. The same thing happened. Other programs, like Panter 12, still function.
A file seems to be corrupt on my system, that is used by PSP since PSP8. auto saves my files as PNG. This is VERY annoying because I am saving many, many files. Each time I save I have to switch it to JPEG. If it is PNG I cannot see the file on my PC (it will be invisible). Plus, more programs use JPEG than PNG. This auto choosing PNG is a big waist of my time/energy/effort. is there an option to change this?
Vischeck is a color changing tool that simulates various forms of color deficiency. I have used this plugin in previous versions of PSP, but invoking it in X4 causes a crash to desktop (Win7 64 bit).
Recently I have a problem with PaintShop Photo Pro X3. When I want to use the tool text, the screen becomes white and PSP crashes! Over and over again.I have the same problem on the laptop.
After almost perfectly working about 1 month long, PSP X6 now crashes in both versions, 32 and 64 bit, right after start. It displays the manager with the pictures from the folder used last time, then the HD is turning some 5-8 seconds more, and then comes the crash.
System: Win 7 64-bit SP1 german
Problem Event: BEX Module: MSVCR90.DLL Version: 9.0.30729.6161
It did work until a week ago, when I last time used it before today, since then the only software installed were updates for Adobe Reader and Flash, and the usual Windows defender signatures update, nothing else was changed on the system.
Reinstalling Visual C++ 2008 SP1 32-/64-bit (above DLL seems to be part of it) didn't work, uninstalling and re-installing PSP X6 neither, nor playing around with the DEP settings, as advised by some MS MVPs on the net. PSP X4, still on my machine, does work.
Seems to affect both x64 (my usual use) and x32. During the startup phase (before loading command libraries, etc), the program frequently crashes IF I am not hooked up to the internet. If I am hooked to the internet, it starts OK, and if, after starting, I disconnect from the internet all is OK as well. I presume it may be checking for updates at startup and running into trouble without an internet connection there, and there seems to be no way to turn auto-check feature this off.
Since I can usually hook up to the internet-- using an air card, if naught else-- this isn't a fatal problem for me, but it is an annoying glitch. I mostly want to somehow get this into the Corel system as a bug report.
When I apply the mura copies, PSPX3 crashes.I tried it before updating PSP. I then installed another update, tried mura again, crashed, updated PSP to notify.Tried DEP in both settings.FM patcher wouldn't work with it. Tried several versions of mura.
My Paintshop Pro X4 was working great, until I registered it today, then all hell broke loose. It crashes and also I cannot get the "Computer" tab to open, only the "Desktop" tab will work correctly. Tried restarting it, same results. I use Win XP Pro SP3 and computer does not have virus, nor malware. Hard drive is 500G. Graphics card is updated and more than adequate.
I edited a lot of pictures and saved them somewhere in my external hard drive, but don't know where, i'm afraid i might have overlaid the folder with a previous version of it so, my question is, is there any way to see where you've saved your edited pictures, or, does Photoshop save it in somewhere else besides the folder that you've "save as…"'ed ?
I have many images (entire folders) with question marks and the statement that the images or either offline or missing. I know they are on the hard drive in raw format but I cannot reconnect them to edit them.What am I doing to cause this and I how to I recover them in Lightroom?
Two days ago, in attempt to clean up my computer, I transferred all of my files to an external hard drive, including my LR files with a document ending in, ".ircat".
When I tried to open LR yesterday, none of my files appeared. I put the file back on my computer (from the external hard drive). I reopened LR and only a few of my files are showing (my most recent import and some random files). However, the majority of my almost 5,000 files are gone. I can see the names of certain galleries, the color labels, and I can even see if I've edited the photo or sent it to quick collection. However, I cannot see the photo itself. There are question marks next to folders that are completely empty. Is there a way to get my files back or did I damage them in the transfer?
I have migrated to a new PC with Windows7 64-bit. I installed my copy of PSPP X3 and it works fine except for two issues. The File Open dialog always crashes the program when I use it although Drag&Drop and Recent Files work fine.
Another (related) issue is that I cannot use Customize Scripts either.