I have a JPG which is a black and white line drawing I want to drop this on a collage where the line drawing shows, but the background must be transparent so other things come through. Essentially, I want to turn the color [ or lack thereof] white to be transparent, and black to be black.
I didn't realized that as I'm importing images, the 'background' was defaulting to white. I'm working a couple images right now, in which the transparent setting is really needed. I found where to change the default, but not how to change it for existing images in PS already.
This is probably really basic but... I'm a printer and only really use Photoshop for changing RGB to CMYK, clear cutting (with Vertus fluid mask) and things like that. However a lot of the photos I have to clear cut have been done already but not saved (or given to me to use) with the transparency still there. Is there some easy way to turn all the white pixels into transparency? Obviously you'd have to mask any white pixels in the image you wanted to keep. A sample is attached.
I have A background Image I want to make transparent how would I do this I know how to make the background behind the image transparent but not the image its self.
I want to be able to make the whole thing transparent/translucent.
I do have this in png but it is 2.5 meg and only aloud to post up to 256k
I started trying to mess around on paint.net trying to make a new background. I have the start of my design but it is all on top of white and that ruins it. Is there a way that I can either make the white transparent or change it all to a different color? It is the only white in the whole picture, but it is divided up into a bunch of places.
It looks like merged-image-data in PSD files contains RGB data which is blended with white color (based on transparency). Is that correct for all versions of Photoshop/PSD? Can I disable it or change that color?
as you can see I was able to make the background transparent by 'select by color' + 'add alpha channel' + 'remove selected area' but I also need to remove the white behind the 50% opaque reddish orange flames as well, i cannot select the white by 'select by color' or 'magic wand select' or any of the selection tools because of the issues of the white / reddish orange mix of opacity, so I need removing this white behind the part opacity color.
I'm sure there must be a way of doing this but I've been fiddling with it for hours. How can I remove, or make a background transparent so that I don't get the white box when I use this on a coloured background.
I need to create white letters on a transparent background, but don't know how. You can't see white letters on a white background, and if I set the layer to invisible I can't see the letters either.
I'm trying to make the attached icons have a transparent background. Tried just selecting the white space but this causes the edges to look awful on dark backgrounds.
I've also tried the Grim Color Reaper but cannot find a setting that keeps the icon as it is, only making the edge semi transparent.
I've looked all over, and can't find what I'm looking for. It might be a feature that doesn't exist. Is there any way to "define" a color as transparent? It would be easier on me than erasing the pieces that I don't need.
A year ago I used Paint.Net for a map. I remember that I could select a freeform area by just clicking several dotted/dashed flickering points around the border so the lines were straight afterwards, when the dots were connected again. After that I could fill this area up with a transparant coulour. Now, off course, I can't seem to find how I did it.
Can I use a the color replacer tool in PSP 7 to replace a color in an image with a "transparent" color or is there some other way of doing this using the eraser for instance?
I have an image that has a white background. I want to change this background to be transparent.
I can of course select everything around the image and delete it, but the pixels near the edge are a combination of a colour and the background colour. I want to be able to change these to the colour semi transparent (ie remove the background colour portion of the pixel). Is there some easy way to do this?
I have a picture which contains a color gradient from white to light blue. How can I set all white parts transparent so I will have a a color gradient from transparent to light blue?
I want a plugin that make the black and white (pic. 1) pictures to color pictures (pic. 2) like RED or what hex you add in. Opposite of Black and White addon (pic. 3).
I was wondering how do I change the white background color to another color? I do enjoy using Paint.Net very much, it does suit my needs, in fact it's better than the windows paint program, far better!
I'm having trouble changing a black and white map to filling it with a color. In the materials palette the foreground and background remain in the greys/blacks and will not accept the change to a color.
I have 1 picture with a blue background and a metal steel basin. I would like to remove the background and change the color to white.
Background is a material so it's not all perfectly the same color, very slight different shades of blue in the picture. The tutorials say outline it but this is a circular metal object. I tried using the circle tool but I can't get it exact and there seems to be no way to select a circle.
i am tryen to make my picture black and white with some color.. I figured out how to do it by going to duplicate layers, then blck and white then eraser to what i want colored...BUTTTT when i mess up and i get color in the parts i dont want color HOW DO I fix my mess up?