Paint.NET :: Change White Background To Another Color?
Feb 20, 2013
I was wondering how do I change the white background color to another color? I do enjoy using Paint.Net very much, it does suit my needs, in fact it's better than the windows paint program, far better!
I have 1 picture with a blue background and a metal steel basin. I would like to remove the background and change the color to white.
Background is a material so it's not all perfectly the same color, very slight different shades of blue in the picture. The tutorials say outline it but this is a circular metal object. I tried using the circle tool but I can't get it exact and there seems to be no way to select a circle.
just downloaded a week ago. I am trying to convert a color logo from it's original design to a white log over a solid background, like the image attached. I need the solid background separate from the logo so I can change the color.
I'm new to PSE10 and can't figure out layers and/or color. I have a photo with a white background. I want to change the white to a color. I have 4 text layers on photo with no problem. How do I change the white?
I'm testing the trial of X4, and it opens in an unpleasant window which has a dark gray background - is it possible to change the color of this background?
I took a pic of my kitty against a pretty white wall but it was late at night so the wall came out very gray. I had to catch it before she moved. Can I change the color of the background and not the kitty or the hat?
I have an image that has a white background. I want to change this background to be transparent.
I can of course select everything around the image and delete it, but the pixels near the edge are a combination of a colour and the background colour. I want to be able to change these to the colour semi transparent (ie remove the background colour portion of the pixel). Is there some easy way to do this?
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
i have attached the file of my simple work. I have done everything, still only one thing is to change the background color from white to a transparent. All layers are theirs and the work is very simple to understant. I use filter->Render->Cloud and filter->Noise->Add noise for the last layer + setting it to screen option.
I would be happy to explain to me ho to change the background to transparent if possible of course.
The image below has been touched up (i have cleaned up the lines with the "line/curve tool"), and even redrawn some lines.As you can see, the background is white. How to use the background (all the white) as a "stencil". this way i can use a bold brush to "airbrush" some shading and shadows onto her body, without having to worry about it spraying outside of the lines. i know it can be done, i have done it myself in fact, i just can't remember how. I have the plug-in called "isolate lineart", just FYI.
i have been trying to cut the white background out of a picture. But when i select the picture after cutting the white background out of it and putting it on a black background the picture surrounded of a part of the white background.
<--- this is the picture cut off the white background. <--- this is the picture when i put it on a black background
just downloading Paint.NET v3.5.9(Beta Release build 3.59.4278.36311).
I have a PNG file for which I would like to remove the whitebackground howto do it in this latest version. I found an answer for this issue in the webhowever I cannot find the "Alpha Mask" under "effects" instep #2.
bestand easiest steps to complete this task in v3.5.9.
I just started using, and while I love it, I am functionally useless with it as of now. I am making a pair of shoes on another website, and I need this image as a picture for the shoe, but no matter what I try, the image always saves as a white background, when all I want to save is the picture itself WITHOUT the white background.
The application background (the color that appears behind the image) should be set to grey, black or a custom color. No matter what is chosen, it is white when changing between images. I have to click on the background space to get it to change back to my selected color. If I again switch pictures, it is white again.
I am running CS5 in Windows 8. It was not an issue on my Windows 7 PC.
I recently decided to use LR to catalog all my images (instead of Bridge). I love that PNG is now supported. Ran into one problem...all the snowflake and white frame images are viewed as a white rectangle due to the background white. I know Preview and other "viewers" don't have this issue. ACDSee has a setting to change the background. Can I do this in LR5? If not, is there a link where I can submit for a product enhancement to the Product Management team for a future release of LR?