Paint.NET :: Changing 1 Whole Color Transparent
Jul 12, 2012Is there Anyway to make a whole single color (without attaching to other colors that are not that color) turn transparent?
View 6 RepliesIs there Anyway to make a whole single color (without attaching to other colors that are not that color) turn transparent?
View 6 RepliesHow can I change the color of the background in an image from white to transparent?
I am using PSP v7.04
How to change the color of an icon (ex: from black to grey). My problem is that the end result is sometimes an icon that is partially transparent.
Here is what I am doing:
1) I open the image of which I want to change the color (black icon over transparent background)
2) Create a new layer and color this in white.
3) Merge the two layers
4) Create a new layer and color this with the color I want for my icon
5) Go to Colors -> Color to Alpha
6) Select the current color of the icon
7) Click Ok - Now icon color is the wanted color over a white background
8) Create a new layer and leave this transparent
9) Go to Colors -> Color to Alpha
10) Select the white color (current background color).
11) Click Ok - Now icon background is transparent, but icon color is also partially transparent.
Is there a way how I can change the color of an icon without getting the icon color transparent.
I want to remove only semi transparent pixels in a image. I want to keep others without changing them. How can i do that?
And is it possible to increase/decrease of all semi transparent pixels at one time?
For example: When i choose the increasing tranparency-alpha value at 20
if a pixels transparency is 120, it will be 140
if 75, it will be 95
if 255, keep it same
if 0, keep it same
How do I outline an image so I can change the background color without changing the image color ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've looked all over, and can't find what I'm looking for. It might be a feature that doesn't exist. Is there any way to "define" a color as transparent? It would be easier on me than erasing the pieces that I don't need.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to make a forum signature, and I am using an effect that as a "side effect" makes the background black.
Is it is possible to turn the black background into transparency using a PDN feature or a plugin?
A year ago I used Paint.Net for a map. I remember that I could select a freeform area by just clicking several dotted/dashed flickering points around the border so the lines were straight afterwards, when the dots were connected again. After that I could fill this area up with a transparant coulour. Now, off course, I can't seem to find how I did it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a JPG which is a black and white line drawing I want to drop this on a collage where the line drawing shows, but the background must be transparent so other things come through. Essentially, I want to turn the color [ or lack thereof] white to be transparent, and black to be black.
How to do this, or if it can be done.
Can I use a the color replacer tool in PSP 7 to replace a color in an image with a "transparent" color or is there some other way of doing this using the eraser for instance?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an image that has a white background. I want to change this background to be transparent.
I can of course select everything around the image and delete it, but the pixels near the edge are a combination of a colour and the background colour. I want to be able to change these to the colour semi transparent (ie remove the background colour portion of the pixel). Is there some easy way to do this?
I have a picture which contains a color gradient from white to light blue. How can I set all white parts transparent so I will have a a color gradient from transparent to light blue?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded I want to change the color in a picture but i dont know how. Do i need a plug-in or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to take a selection, see all the colors listed within my selected area, and be able to tweak each color to whatever other color I want. I hope that makes sense, if it doesn't say so and I'll see if I can come up with a different description.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to change 'solid color background" image to Transparent?
View 4 Replies View RelatedInstalled the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to change skin color in a picture, without disturbing the detail/features of the face.
for example, see attached picture.
I would like to change the dark skin face at left to a lighter color skin, something like the other persons. what are the steps i need to take with to achieve this?
Attached Thumbnails
I post a picture of the coins and needt to cut around edges... usually wand does get it all and it is time consuming to finish it..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to change the Dark color working area for a lighter one such as grey used in old Paint Shop 6 or 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to change my screen color. It opens in white. For a lot of my work it would be easier for me to see what I am doing with a darker screen color. Can I change the screen color from white to a darker color.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI' have an image that I've created using layers. I want to add text to the picture. But the text comes up grey and there seems to be no box for selecting the text color as there is say in word or other windows programs. I can only see a choice for font and size. I can't make a color window appear to give me a choice of colors. The only thing on the left of my window is the tools panel with the 22 tools in it. I don't seem to be able to use the color picker tool because I want white text and there is no white in my photo to pick on.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI selected interesting areas of raster using color mask so I have about 300 areas masked. I'd like to change their color (from 100% black to 30% black). How can I fill them all together with new color (not painting them one by one)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI tried searching the forums for "Transparent Grid" and "Transparent Hex", but I could not find anything.I would like to create an image which is a Transparent Grid or Hex which I could lay over other images, like maps for roleplaying games.
I tried to use the eraser tool to remove all the white space from the image "TransparentHexes.png" (see attached). It was long and labor intensive, but when I tried to copy the image and lay it over another image, it removed the transparent parts and made them white space again, completely covering the underlaying image.
Perhaps there is a way to use the "Paint Bucket" to replace white with transparent? And how do I lay a mostly transparent grid over another image?
Is there any way in Elements 9 to convert a color or color range to "transparent"? I want to change a white background of an imported image (a map) to transparent so only the non-white objects (lines and shapes) are present. The image is way too complex to select each area individually.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I pick one color (white) and make it transparent. I am importing .tiff images and need to make the white background transparent.
View 1 Replies View Relatedas an example using a earlier post "Changing a white background to transparent (.png)" I have zoomed part of the edge of the logo.It varies from white through grey then up to the logo colour.My Query how do you decide at what point in this change do you stop the transparent section? As when you put colours or pictures as a background you would I think have to reblend the edges for each type of background.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a .png file of a WordPress logo that has a white background. I would like to take the white background and convert it to a transparent background. I am having a spot of trouble making it happen.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there a simple way to change the white background of a jpg image to transparent?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a solid green rectangle.
I would like to create several similar green rectangles at various levels of transparency that will perfectly match the color of the solid green rectangle. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have tried matching it by eye, and can get very close:
the original solid green rectangle is R:135 G: 174 B: 155
after making a copy of the solid green rectangle, say, 90% transparent, I can play with Hue/Saturation to get around R:136 G:175 B: 154, according to the eyedropper. But I don't see any way of fine tuning the RGB/HSB/etc. absolute values in the transparent version.
OK I am stuck. I have created a new image. Created a new trasnparent layer and deleted the background. I pasted an exising PNG (with transparency) into the layer. All my tools do not work. I can paint onto the exsiting image but when I try to paint over transparent parts of the layer nothing is shown. There must be some simple setting I dont know about right?
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