Paint.NET :: Black Border Be Placed Around Edge Of Canvas?
Jul 20, 2012
I have some small rectangular drawing of different sizes (about 3" x 4" or 5" at 200 pixels/inch).
I want to place a simple solid black line border around the edge of the canvas. These drawings have a white background.I do not want white showing past the outside edge of the border.I want the border to show with an even smooth width on all four edges of the drawing.I want to specify the color and the width of this border. Here is what I have unsuccessfully tried: Using the Rectangle or the Line tool on a layer assigned for the border is a hit and mostly miss proposition.
For the Rectangle tool, once the rectangle is placed on this layer, I do not know how the adjust this rectangle. I erase the rectangle and try again. Sometime what I see is okay, but most of the time what I see is irregular and poorly positioned. For the Line tool the lines drawn often show as a stepped line, not a single width line. I do not know how to not have these steps occur, and I of course do not want curved lines. Can you instruct me about how I can create a simple solid black line border around the edge of the canvas?
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Nov 8, 2012
I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)
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Mar 28, 2011
Any way to change canvas color from white to black?
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Jun 2, 2013
Using Paint shop 'pro' ( apparently ) X4
ALL I want to do is..
place a photo on a page and then give it a border..a 'transparent' border - aka..perhaps a softened edge / or one which looks like its 'merged' into the background. Im doing a dvd cover so ideally not wanting a ''photo simply stuck on page' look. A more subtle effect.
Easy enough ( with previous versions..Photoimpact 11 per say ) on a fancy design and hey-ho it appears...the effect of a photo with a blended feel into the background.
NOW - all i've managed to do on this program is, SELECT IMAGE>PICTURE FRAME> ( a choice appears) once click on..say..EDGE FUN 03..the effect ( of some flowers ) does appear..but alone with it a massive great white border...shrinking the image etc...ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO TURN THAT MASSIVE WHITE BORDER INTO..SAY.. ANOTHER COLOR. or perhaps just blend it into my original background.
I have set my original layer to ..transparent.. ( i think )...but have colored this purple.
( How the heck do you get the right-hand categories to appear in my main editing page. Having to go to EFFECTS>EFFECT EDGES..or show a small thumbnail of an effect isnt great..much perfected Photo impact when you ran your mouse along the effects and by and large the effect changed on your original large image so you can see what the effect was better. )
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Dec 14, 2011
Okay I'm making an image and I want to create a black border around a freely drawn selection but then feather it in so the opacity of the black border starts at 0 and ends at 100. How would I do this?
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Nov 11, 2012
I have some black and white photos from my wedding and I want to add some colour to them. It looks like it will be too much effort to recolour the whole photo so I might settle for just colouring the waistcoats for a splash effect.
I have read lots of tutorials for Paint.NET and for GIMP [URL] Essentially I do the following:
Add a new layer
Use lasso to select the waistcoat
Use bucket fill with the purple colour
Select multiply for the layer.
This gives me the result I am looking for, but only in the region that I have selected.
Not surprising really, but something that I can't get right and that seems to be skipped over in all the tutorials is: how do I select the area correctly?
Unless I go down to a really high zoom and spend ages with the selection, I end up either not selecting everything or I end up with leakage into other parts of the clothes.
This tutorial [URL] for a paid for product seems to let you just roughly choose your selection then it uses some algorithm for edge detection to make the correct selection.
Is there anything in Paint.Net to choose the selection like this? I have tried the magic wand, but the since the picture is greyscale, it chooses random selections all over the image instead of just the waistcoat.
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Aug 24, 2012
When I go to crop or move an image close to the edge of the canvas it jumps to the edge. I am having trouble especially with cropping the space between the image and the edge of the canvas the way I want it. turning off this jumping to edge problem I'm having?
Also, I've used CS4 a fair bit and haven't come across this same problem but in PE when I'm editing things like adjusting text on a layer and I'm changing options with hotkeys to resize the text box for eg, Elements seems to jump to the background layer quite alot and then I have to click back on the layer I want to edit between changing tools. Is it something to do with the Esc key?
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Jun 3, 2011
When I go to create a File/New Canvas, sometimes the canvas area shrinks a lot.
Is it possible to keep the original canvas size ?
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Jun 12, 2013
Gimp needs the features found in ms paint. Lots of people do pixel art. Just add some new buttons. Specifically the features I am looking for:
-Re-size canvas using border nodes instead of using menus.
-Uncluttered save feature. Remove export completely. The save file list should include all file types. A bmp should end up a bmp. Let the user set their preference to the default.
- an all in one: select, float, move, anchor select tool( with background transparency toggle). For rapid manipulation of simple objects. (the select tool as used in ms paint)
Gimp has the potential to include each and every feature from ms paint. I see no reason not to. The video game market share alone should be enough incentive to take pixel art seriously. Ive tried inkscape and pencil and graphics gale etc. Gimp is the closest one so far.
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Sep 3, 2012
I have PS Elements 9. Wondering if in a non-compressed image (in this case a tif file where there are several layers) why I cannot create a 1-inch black border in the background layer. Instead of creating a black border around my image, it simply adds 1-inch of the background layer color -- in other words "bumps it up" 1 inch, but does not create the black border I would like.
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Sep 21, 2004
It occurs on all canvas size, small to large. Alot of the pixels across the bottom and up and down the right side basicaly arn't working. For example I take the pencil too and attempt to fill a singel pixel on the bottom of teh canvas. The history records the use of the pencil tool but nothing appears on the canvas. The same is for the marquee tool. If I go a few pixels above the bottom row and select by draging down it will go to the bottom. But if I try to only select the bottom row the marquee outline does not appear and I am told no pixels were selected.
However when I use the fill too those same pixels along the bottom and up the right side are filled. After becoming extreamly agrivated and going nuts with the pencil tool I noticed that if I hold it down and and slide it toward one of the pixels I can eventualy get it, but only after penciling the surring 60 or so pixels.
I have restared photo shop 4 times with no luck. I'm not drawing on the background layer and the color i'm using is not the same as a color below it.
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Feb 10, 2009
I have created a snow scene and added a wide black background.
I have been trying without any luck to add a bevelled edge to the background where it meets the photo. The idea is to make the black background look like a card frame around the photo. I think the bevelled edge would be referred to as a pillow bevel with chisel corners.
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May 3, 2012
I can't seem to find a place to set an edge padding or bleed value when I'm painting with Viewport Canvas. I'm using it to paint out seams.
The options I've come up with on my own are to either dilate those areas in Photoshop after I paint in Max, or use RTT to bake from one texture channel to another after I paint with Viewport Canvas and set the edge padding value in RTT.
Ideally I'd like the edge padding to happen as I paint though.
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Feb 25, 2014
Today I came across with a visualization library named as processing.js. As far as i learn, to use this library we have to create a tag like "<canvas id= "processing-canvas"> </canvas>".Now, i wonder that; how can i create this element in Adobe Edge? I'm sure its possible, but how to do a little demo with processing.js in Adobe Edge.
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Jun 10, 2013
When I work on a job in Photoshop Cs6, the canvas turns totally black until I click outside the work area.
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Jul 21, 2013
Everytime i select with any of the marquee tools in photoshop cc the canvas goes black. If I move the cursor it occasionally flashes on and off but it is impossible to select areas within an image. Deslecting or selecting another tool stops it.
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Nov 28, 2013
Every time i try to use the type tool my canvas turns black as soon as i make a text box. It goes away if i click on a new layer but if i then try to edit the text it comes back, its makes it very diffifcult to make any form of text. I am on Windows 8,
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Dec 27, 2013
how do i get a border on a google map
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Nov 19, 2008
I used an outer glow layer style to make a curvy gradient but it fades towards the edges of the canvas. Is there any way to get rid of the fade short of making the style larger than I need and then cropping it, or is there a better way to make a gradient like this?
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Oct 17, 2012
One of our biggest concern right now is animation made with Adobe Edge can't scale and resize like Flash or Canvas (and we are not talking about fluid or responsive design) Is that true? Our animations need to allow user zoom in or zoom out without any restrictions, can we build our animation with Adobe Edge?
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Jul 9, 2013
I created an animation which was working just fine within animate and which I was also able to successfully export as an oam file to then be used on Wordpress.However when I reloaded the animation within edge the next day to make some adjustments, the majority of svg images I used are not showing on the canvas. Theyre present on the stage, elements and assets but when I select, only the box is visible and not the image. Theyre set to be visible (the little eye thingy) but aside from that, theyre a no-show.
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Dec 19, 2013
i've an image of a tyre..100x100 pixels.when i import it in edge, i get something like 1000x1000 and the tyre is left side 100x100 the rest is empty and i cant get it away??
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Sep 24, 2013
I am editing some artwork in PS. I use quick keys to go between: b,e,g...(brush, erase, paintbucket). As I move through the image I zoom in and out with key strokes. I haven't figured out just what combination brings up a compass, but when it appears my canvas (not the image, but the whole canvas) kants to one side or another. If I see it in time I mess with it to get it back, but as I don't know what it is called I'm having a terrible time looking up how to control it and set it back to square. It seems like all the layers are okay within the image, so nothing is out of registration, but I don't know what is happening.
Any tool that is activated? Then I can figure out when to use it for real and how to undo it when I don't want it. I'm on a Mac Book Pro using Master Collection 6 and the touch pad. It seems like my finger motions might be triggering it. I have tried to step back, but it wasn't an option. Undo didn't do anything.
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Jul 24, 2012
I can't seem to remember how to do this although I am sure I have done it before. I created an image on a black canvas. Now I want to use this image as a brush but I can't seem to remember how to get rid of the black background.(I am working in PS5)
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Nov 26, 2013
I recently downloaded Photoshop from the Cloud. When I try to use the text tool the whole canvas turns black. I can turn it back on by toggling the eye open and shut on the layer but when I try to write text again the screen turns black again and soon as I click the image.
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Aug 8, 2012
I am trying to export a DWG as a WMF in AutoCAD LT 2008. Every time I export it, whether from model or paper space, a black border is placed around the exported image. Is there any way to get AutoCAD to stop adding this border?
I was opening it in Adobe Illustrator to delete the border and exporting as a WMF from AI. However, this last export was distorting the image i.e. in AutoCAD the distance between points A and B were equal, but in AI the distance between A and B were NOT equal. It is critical that the image is not distorted in any way.
It must be a WMF because it is being used by a piece of software my coworker is coding. The software cannot handle any other vector graphic formats. A vector graphic is necessary because the software has a zoom function.
Finally, I cannot use BetterWMF or anything similiar because I am unable to install software on my work computer.
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Sep 15, 2011
i'm new with Autocad & im using 2010 version. pls how do i setup my autocad to give me a black model with border.
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Feb 9, 2013
I need to get rid of the black border around the artboard. The two images show my drawing lined up with the art board and then inside the artboard. The dark gray is not the artboard.
As you see, the artboard has a black border. I need to get rid of it. It shows up in my project when my color key is green. The black won't go to transparent.
So how-to get rid of the border?
I figured it out. View > Hide Artboards.
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Feb 10, 2012
I have a vertical (rectangular) photo that I have pasted into a square canvas. I am looking to expand the photo to the edges of the canvas in a specific way: I want to stretch the edges of the photo (not the whole photo) such that the closer the photo edge is to the edge of the canvas the more stretched it is.
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Apr 16, 2009
I'm trying to create a border for several pictures that is amorphous and just has the picture fading off to black in a nondescript shape. This is my attempt, but I'd like to not have the blur, but rather a fade from the color of the picture to black.
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Aug 17, 2013
How do I go about creating a jagged edge as is the case of the white background to the photo(strawberry and kiwi)? Image is attached.
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