I'm trying to create a border for several pictures that is amorphous and just has the picture fading off to black in a nondescript shape. This is my attempt, but I'd like to not have the blur, but rather a fade from the color of the picture to black.
I don't know how I can add to what the title already says. I would like a photo to have a soft border that feathers to invisible. I've tried to set an absolute invisible border (select invert followed by a background erase of the selection) and feathering that, but I inevitably get feathering that starts at the outer edge, crosses over into the photo itself leaving a sharp edge showing, and extends too far into the photo.
I simply want all four of the photo's edges to "disappear" into nothing.
I used the magnetic lasso tool and need to soften the edges of the picture. My tutorials and book tell me that under the selection brush tool I will find the option for a soft-edge brush. Well when I click on the selection brush tool nothing comes up.
i have been using PS cs6 for the last 1 month n have never encountered any problems or errors, but today when i started to paint a problem for Soft Brushes is appearing..it works fine for hard brushes, but when i switch to soft brush the edge of the soft brush appears grainy.. i have reinstalled the software, but doesn't work...i m using the same setting for CS5 and it works fine in PS cs5, don't know why suddenly this problem occured. (sys. config.: Win7 64bit, 1gb NVIDIA graphics card, 6GB ram, core i3 processor)
I just can't make it work.. I need to use QUICK SELECTION TOOL to select part of image and then cut it out and paste it exactly in the same place. But whenever I do it, that tool automatically add feather to the edge so I can't paste it in same place again!
I already turn on hardness to 100% and I don't see any other options I can alter to eliminate it.
Im using photoshop 6, and Im trying to apply an effect for a banner photo, that will be consistent for other banner photos of the same size.As you can see the gradient (which contains the text) starts with a grey color then transitions to white. The right edge that meets the blue sky isnt a hard edge but rather a soft edge.
Im not sure how to create that soft edge. I used a brush in this case, and as you can see, the line is uneven.Also I believe the Filter used here is Ripple or Ocean Ripple.
What are the correct steps would be to create that effect, so that I can use this consistently for several photos.
I've been using Paint.NET. I've installed a plugin or two, and I'm very happy with the results I'm getting. But one problem is bugging me, and I can't seem to figure out how/if Paint.NET has a way to meet this need.
I want to be able to use the clone stamp tool with a soft edge rather than a sharp dividing line. I was thinking this might be doable with a custom brush, but after a bit more reading, I don't think it can. Is there a way to clone with a soft/feathered edge?
I would like to add a white highlight to the eye of one of my images like the one in this image......so that it is white in the middle then gently fades to black without having a line around the edge. Been trying to do it but can't get the same effect.
I would like to cut out an oval shaped photo and insert it into the corner of a larger photo. The question is I would like the edge of the oval photo to fade away so it has a soft edge. How to I achieve this edge.
the soft edge feature of the eraser and the brush no longer work. I can go into the pallet and choose a soft edge eraser or brush, but it comes up hard edge. When I try to use the marquee box with a feather to get a soft edge, I again get a hard edge. I've used this technique a lot, so I think I'm doing the method properly. I have removed the preference files a number of times and have trashed the old Photoshop and reinstalled Photoshop 3 or 4 times,
place a photo on a page and then give it a border..a 'transparent' border - aka..perhaps a softened edge / or one which looks like its 'merged' into the background. Im doing a dvd cover so ideally not wanting a ''photo simply stuck on page' look. A more subtle effect.
Easy enough ( with previous versions..Photoimpact 11 per say ) ..click on border..select a fancy design and hey-ho it appears...the effect of a photo with a blended feel into the background.
NOW - all i've managed to do on this program is, SELECT IMAGE>PICTURE FRAME> ( a choice appears) once click on..say..EDGE FUN 03..the effect ( of some flowers ) does appear..but alone with it a massive great white border...shrinking the image etc...ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO TURN THAT MASSIVE WHITE BORDER INTO..SAY.. ANOTHER COLOR. or perhaps just blend it into my original background.
I have set my original layer to ..transparent.. ( i think )...but have colored this purple.
( How the heck do you get the right-hand categories to appear in my main editing page. Having to go to EFFECTS>EFFECT EDGES..or whatever...to show a small thumbnail of an effect isnt great..much perfected Photo impact when you ran your mouse along the effects and by and large the effect changed on your original large image so you can see what the effect was better. )
I have some small rectangular drawing of different sizes (about 3" x 4" or 5" at 200 pixels/inch). I want to place a simple solid black line border around the edge of the canvas. These drawings have a white background.I do not want white showing past the outside edge of the border.I want the border to show with an even smooth width on all four edges of the drawing.I want to specify the color and the width of this border. Here is what I have unsuccessfully tried: Using the Rectangle or the Line tool on a layer assigned for the border is a hit and mostly miss proposition.
For the Rectangle tool, once the rectangle is placed on this layer, I do not know how the adjust this rectangle. I erase the rectangle and try again. Sometime what I see is okay, but most of the time what I see is irregular and poorly positioned. For the Line tool the lines drawn often show as a stepped line, not a single width line. I do not know how to not have these steps occur, and I of course do not want curved lines. Can you instruct me about how I can create a simple solid black line border around the edge of the canvas?
It seems that I have accidentally changed a setting but I don't know how to fix it. I am trying to create a circle with a thick edge/border,like this My link I am going to have text in the border. It worked fine as in previous pic but gimp wont let me do it anymore.
When I try to create a circle with wide edge now the shape completely changes to a diamond type shape My link It's not a circle anymore! I am guessing that I must have changed some setting but don't know how to fix it. I am using windows vista and gimp 2.8.4.I
How to use Smoke make Dark Edge Border effect. I have tried wipe, make a mask and enable the advance gradient, but not happy with the result. Is there any other method to make a Dark Edge Border effect?
I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)
What technique should I use to make the edge of a video reel border the speech bubble, like in the attached sketch. I've already traced the speech bubble and the exclaimation mark.
I have switched my "mouse" over to the number keypad like it says to do for the touchpad computer. I go to tranform image size and the outline surrounding the photo only moves up/down or side-to-side. How do I get the outline to move at the corners so I can easily manipulate the size? Either way - FN, CTRL, Win or other buttons do nothing to enlarge photo to where I want to set it. How can I accomplish this - any experts on touchpad conversion to number keypads out there? This is Win8 with PSE11. I just want this computer to get up to par to do some photo editing.
I use Photoshop Elements on a Mac and I would like to know how to extend a photos edge so that they sort of fade into nothing. I hope I am explaining it ok!
Just to make sure you have enough info! I have a picture of a bridge and I want to keep the picture itself whole but extend the canvas by a certain length and then let the picture sort of fade into the extended canvas.
Any ideas anyone please. I wish I could find a picture to demonstrate but I can't, I have just seen the technique.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
I'm trying to create a collage, will be my 10th high school anniversary soon and I really want to do this calmly before hand *ie. not in a rush as i do everything else*
the thing is i like this type of blending: photo blending type on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
but can't seem to replicate it with my own photos. I've tried reading up on various tutorials all over the net but most usually say to either use a soft eraser or vignette effect and i don't think the latter was used here and i tried the eraser and that just turned out ugly! Anyone with any suggestions on how to replicate this blending type ....
I should like the attached image to fade seamlessly into a black background. The image is actually to be put onto a DVD disc label which means (I guess) that the resultant image shape should be either circular or oval.
Im using the pen tool and stroking it with the brush tool and clicking the stimulate pressure setting but I still get hard edges at the end of the strokes.
I'm having with profiling my monitor/printer. I use an i1 Proof which includes the ability to profile my printer but my printer at the moment is a small Epson desktop printer - R220. "Near-as-damn_it" is my usual standard and suits me for general photography. At the moment I am photographing paintings with more exacting standards for reproduction.
I callibrate both monitor and printer. I have read and re-read instructions and use genuine paper/ink. My prints are appear a little darker than my monitor and in fact, the original painting. So can Soft proofing give an idea of the accuracy of the profile? (that's my main question).
Here are my settings
Device to simulate - myPrinterPaperProfile Preserve RGB numbers - Not checked REndering Intent - Perceptual Black Point Compensation - checked Simulate Paper - checked (which also auto checks the simulate black ink option)
Now, if that's my sofr proof setting and I toggle ctrl-y I am flipping between an impression of my printer profile and the actual display profile - is that correct? If I could put a screen shot of the two on the web,