I was using the Grim Color Reaper plugin for when I needed to merge a shadow map and regular texture. Now it seems that with the new release of Paint.net the plugin has stopped working.I need something that merges the shadow map and the normal texture, that works with the new release.
I am creating sprites and recolors and i was wondering if it was to recolor an entire image and make it only use the colors you have in the palette this would make recoloring much easier.
I was trying to recolor an image using the appropriate tool. I followed the instructions on getpaint.net, but when I used the tool, it gave me the inverted version of the color I wanted. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice. I even went so far as to paint the color I wanted, invert the photo colors, use the picker tool, and set the inverted color as my secondary. It turned out the actual color I wanted.
new to PaintNet. I have a Hex Grid PNG file where the Hex outlines are in a shade of grey. I want to "recolor: the grey lines black. Thought the RECOLOR tool would do that but I can't seem to get it to work. The Hex grid PNG is attached to this post.
I am making an adjustment to my "LOGO" for business. I am trying to recolor the bottom half of a circle, that has a thick border, split in half by TWO colors.
When I enlarge picture to 2400%< i see all kinds of "shades" of colors that line be more "Definitive" ..I am guessing?
When i try changing the color fron a "TAN" color to a "DARK RED" , then Zoom out, the lines are VERY CHOPPY and "SQUARED".
Is there a way to create a PERFECT LINES on a circle, by using a specific tool, or i have to do a lot guessing and do "FILL-IN" colors to get the line more definitive?
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
I'm trying to change a template from black, to a shade of blue. Rather than just filling everything in and having it look choppy, I'm selecting each pixel with the global Magic Wand and matching the exact transparency. Is there a more efficient way to do this? A plugin, maybe?
I have two photos, shooted probably the same day, by the same photograph in the same place !But the pose is a bit different.
first one is in high resolution and in black & white nuance. second one is a small resolution and in full colors. I wish re-color the black&white photo using exactly the same nuance from the colored one.
can i "copy" all the colors from the color-one to the b&w one ?
Got a issue I have spent way too much time on already. Have match lines and view ports set up. I have dragged the matchline to places that they will appear on either view port frame. when I save and close then reopen it is like I never did anything. This is making the matchline text disappear of of my sheet I have set up as well. What is causing it to now honor and keep my drags?
The recolor tool does not recolor shades into shades but only shades into a fixed color. Eg if I have a gradient blue to green and recolor the green into red, then it won't be a gradient anymore. Also, using eg. antialiasing for lines you get lighter shades of the chosen color, again maing it problematic to change the line into another color. What to do?
Most of the GIF is a solid color that I want to change from one color to another. I know the before background color (in this case blue) and after background color (in this case green). However, there are many shades of varation in the gradient that I hope can switch from a shade of blue to a shade of green automatically.
I've played with the Image > Adjust > Replace Color options, but can't seem to figure out how to exactly change the background color from the old one to the exact new one that I want.
Way back I did this but now cannot duplicate it. I'm using PS 5.0. I changed a photo to B&W and then I think I used the eraser to change my granddaughter back to the 'colored' version. It's like what is done in a TV commercial.
I have a file with a number of artboards on which there are objetcs filled with 100% Magenta and some with 100% Magenta and 0,34% Yellow. I want to get rid of that 0,34% but Illy is refusing to cooperate.
Even selecting just two or three objects and trying to recolor using the Edit/Edit colors/Recolor Artwork dialog has no effect. I can change the color manually though, for one or more selected objects.
I recolored a set of emotion icons to yellow without any problems. The example is attachment 01.png. However, I failed to do the same with the icon 02.png. I'm struggling with the gradient. I'm using Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer but I don't know how to set it properly so the icon itself is yellow but the blushing is retained reddish.
I want to change the color of a stroked shape but only partially (see attached image):
I tried using the Circle as Clipping Mask for the red Rectangle. When using a Clipping Mask, the red rectangle is clipped to the Fill of the Object, not the Stroke as in Step 3. Is there a way to keep the Stroke and not Expand the Stroke into its own Shape so that I can later change the Stroke from 10 points to 20 points, while retaining the partial red coloring?
I also tried making two Stroked Circles on separate layers and coloring/clipping the top one but having two Strokes stacked creates jagged edges instead of a smooth vector look. The top Stroke never perfectly covers the Strokes below, regardless of Color Mode. For example dublicating the green Stroked Circle and changing its Color to red should make it disappear on the red background, but parts of the green Circle still show through:
I have a lot of black and white photos and most of them have just got very faded in just a few spots,how can i re color just these faded spots? I have tried to recolor the whole area but but the faded spots are still there !
I have a picture that i'm trying to recolor. I'm going to image, adjustments, replace color. I'm choosing the color I want to replace and then choosing a color out of my swatch to replace it with and when the color loads onto my image it doesn't look anything like the color i chose. I don't want to use the saturation, hue, and lightness bars. I have a specific color that I want to use and it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm using X5. I need to recolor the attached image from its current color to CMYK 15, 85, 53, 54. Is there a simple way to do this and retain the light colored styrations throughout the image?
Is there any way to apply transparency to a color when using the recolor artwork box? I am dealing with a lot of puppet warp and gradients so it would be nice if I could use the recolor artwork box, instead of looking for all the colors manually.
As you can see from the screenshot, there is a lot of colors to go through.
How do I change the base color in the recolor Artwork settings? I know this seems like a silly thing but I really need to figure this out and I have read and gone through the manual to no avail.