Maya :: How To Create A Group Of Vertices Edges Or Faces
Jul 28, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way to create a group of vertices, edges or faces and somehow create a reference point or attach them to some kind of locator so they can be referenced at a later point. I want to be able to select a group of edges, model them and then move on to another task within Maya and have some kind of reference point so I can go back to the original group and not have to select them individually every time I want to work on that group of edges, faces or vertices, is this possible? I will post a picture shortly to this post so you can see an example of a specific group of edges that I would like to set a reference point or locator for.
I'm not new to modeling, but new to Maya. I'm trying to extrude a group of faces, but it is making me extrude them at the same angle they are at in the model(local I think). How do I change the axes to extrude the faces straight up instead of at the angle they are at?
I know this is easy in Max, but I can't find it in the Help File of Maya.
Is there some way to make the Scale Tool stop when multiple selected verts or edges are aligned, like in Max? I've noticed that you can overshoot when trying to align this way. I suppose there is always snapping to grid..
I worked for some time with the free program blender to create my scenes and objects. Because I want to study the subject 'Technical Directing' I started learning how to work with Maya, the more "professional" software.
Although I read through the considered topic of the GettingStarted tutorial, I've still a question to you:
How can I create a face between already existing vertices? This would really improve my workflow.
Is there an easy way to copy a line of vertices and have it create new faces on the same object?
I have a rectangle, viewing from the side, that I have already modified extensively. I simply need to create additional vertices / faces along the length of the rectangle.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ • 24 GB RAM • Samsung 256 GB - SSD • NVIDIA GTX 295 • 3ds Max 2013 • Windows 7 - 64 bit • SpaceMouse Pro
I have table, several chairs and some glasses and plates on table. I want to group them and instance that group, hundred of times. Problem is that I do not have materials implemented and I will not until client is satisfied with arrangement. I have problems later, even using many scripts I found, to add material to all instances. Only way is to select one by one.
Other thing is that there might be new objects added into set, so best way would be to add to master group and that will be added in instances of that group automatically, but that does not work with Maya.
I have attached a pic of the problem in question . I am new to 3ds Max and am following a tutorial on YouTube in order to model a car. As you can see in the picture I need to combine the two vertices circled in red and the edge lines which are highlighted yellow. I cannot figure out how to do this. In the video the guy just snaps the vertices together using the 'Snaps Toggle' tool and boom there is no gap between the polygons.
Is there a way to do this? After perusing some threads on creating edges from vertices, the "Create" tool under "Edit Geometry" doesn't seem to solve my issue. In Blender, you can create a face by selecting at least three vertices and pressing "F". Is there anything similar to that feature in 3DS Max?
I'm trying to snap a head with it's neck with the merge edge tool, but somewhere along the way, the edges lost there border edge characteristics and now I can't merge the edges. Is there a way to make the edges back to the way they were?
I would like to insert the group of faces below into a larger image with a black background. I would like to give the impression that they are underwater and we are looking down on them through the water. (Imagine a setting where we are standing beside a stream and looking down into the stream, where we see the faces.) I find several tutorials for creating underwater scenes in which the camera position is underwater, but none in which the camera position is above and looking down into the water.
Why the heck does Inventor arbitrarily orient sketches as it sees fit? I often create my first sketch on the right (YZ) plane and Inventor, stupidly turns the sketch where "RIGHT" in the viewcube reads from top to bottom.
I know all the things to do to AFTER this happens, but it shouldn't happen in the first place. If I turn my sketch so that up is up, like it should be, I then have to remember that vertical is horizontal, which is now vertical. I can't change the sketch coordinate system. It's the first sketch and there is nothing to align it to.
How to prevent the above example from occurring in the first place.
This, and the fact that I can't dimension to any existing vertices or edges without projecting them first, really make me hate using Inventor sometimes. To me, these are huge problems, neither of which Solidworks has. At worst, both of these behaviors should be configurable.
In the initial part of the simulation promotional video [URL]....
the internal space of the valve is selected by first selecting faces, then selecting Part Priority and then Isolation, producing the combined total flow volume space. Despite repeating this procedure many times I find I am unable to create and isolate the required volume space. The inner surfaces of the valve are selected but when selecting Part Priority, part of the valve solid part highlights and the selected inner valve surfaces disappear.
I have managed to derived the volume space by subtracting a new derived part, however the example provided in the video suggests the process of defining the air space can be achieved a lot quicker.
I just installed softimage 2012 on my pc and I've been having several bug problems. I can't select faces on models. Points, edges, etc. are available but not faces. also, when I change to textured view mode, no textures appear, it always shows as shaded mode. finally, xsi always opens with the layout messed up and on robot mode.
I 'm running it on administrator mode on windows 7 x64 also I tried disabling windows desktop styles etc. I have an NVIDIA GEFORCE 9600 GS video card 8gb ram 700 gb hd
I don't seem to be able to increase the number of control vertices in an IK Spline. The number of bones in the chain upon which the Spline is set doesn't seem to affect the number of control vertices I have to work with when creating the spline and I can't find a way to increase the number. I'm trying to animate a fish but finding it difficult to get a smooth wave to travel along it's length with only four control vetices.
When I am selecting objects, even in object mode I am getting this onslaught of bright yellow vertices, as though I had vertices selected in preferences or hotkeys... but I don't. All that stuff is off in my preferences. I can't seem to make it go away. Can't see faces for all the vertices cluttering up the view. Happening in all the panels.
My problem is that i have a curves but i need to add more vertex in it and i now that is possible but i forget how and another thing if any tutorial about curves and manipulate.
I noticed that when a face is selected, vertices and edges in the near vicinity glow orange, and are affected when the primary selection is translated/rotated. Is there a way to modify only the primary selection without any secondary effects?
I know in other 3D modeling software it is possible to transform individual faces without deforming the surrounding geometry. Is there a setting that I need to change?
Is there any other method for scaling an object in it's position using the vertices?
For example if you modeled wires or cables or bars and deleted the history but now you think they are too thick or too thin and you want to scale down without compromising their positions.
Look how I found 2 solutions, the cluster option takes more time.
I could not make a single cable on a floor thin out uniformly with the scale tool option. It did work with cluster on each bend but is a bit tedious.
lets say I marquee select the vertices on a cube in an orthographic view (top view or side view) only the vertices facing the camera get selected. And to clarify, CAMERA BASED SELECTION IS TURNED OFF. Also, not sure if it is related, but backface culling in preferences is also turned off. This usually will not happen in perspective view; but yesterday it did start happening in perspective view as well. And even more strange, it does not affect all meshes in the scene. Only some will react this way.
This bug only recently started happening and it is driving me nuts. I have been running 2013 on this machine since it was released, but not until recently did this bug start to occur; so I am wondering if I accidentally turned something on/off?
how to reorder vertices in a flipped head so blendshapes will work properly (I've modelled left side expressions and would like to just mirror them across if that's possible).
I'm having a huge problem trying to select the vertices both in the front and the back of my object. I am familiar with backface culling, and the option is not working. I have tried toggling backface culling in the viewport, preferences, mesh component display and polygon display options. None of these options work. I want to be able to select all the vertices on a model, regardless of certain objects/faces being in the way. However, if there is a face in front of the vertice I am trying to select, Maya won't let me select it.
I want to connect two sheet metal faces with a bend. Bend works if two parallel edges are selected. Is there a way to connect two faces with a bend if the two edges are not parallel?
I'm working with a polygon plane and I've moved the vertices on the edges to where I want them. Now I want to set all the non-edge (interior?) vertices equal distance apart from one another. Is there a function or an easier way to do this or do I have to do it manually?