Maya :: Human IK Channel Box And Graph Editor
Aug 7, 2013
I've been using Maya's HumanIK function for my model for a game I'm building. I began doing some animation, but I'm running into multiple problems. I've noticed for a while now that moving the IK handles with values from the channel box is a complete waste of time. It is unresponsive to the Channel Box numbers and how I can make it so it is. The only way to make the IKs move is to move or rotate them directly on the model with the basic manipulator tools.
Not only that, but did the animation, which for now is an idle breathing stance, between frames the animation moves on its own, beyond the scope of what I told it to move, even when its between two of the exact same frames. I haven't animated in a while, so I can't remember how I used to fix this, but since I know a bit more about animation now, I dabbled into my Graph Editor. Moving the curves have no effect on the animation either and I can't change the tangents nor use the smoothing handles.
The closest thing I found was something saying to change my Animation Settings in the Preferences to make the HIK curve default to Independent Euler-Angle curves, but that doesn't seem to work either.
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Mar 20, 2012
This happened recently. No matter what preferences I reset or options I click it wont show all the attributes. I go to the school, file is fine. I can see everything when I select control handles.
I uninstalled everything, cleaned registry. rebooted. reinstalled. Still have the problem. It should show all the attributes for translate and rotation. I tried the same file on different computers and it shows them all selected.
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May 30, 2013
I am using HumanIK with Graph Editor to animate my character. First I create pose to pose and then I go to the Graph Editor to set the timing of the animation. In the Graph Editor I drag select multiple keys to get the timing correct. Then I go to the timeSlider and copy/paste keys to make some tweaking. And here we have the problem! When I copy key/keys all are good, but when I am going to paste key/keys Maya give me a fatal error!
Make a default skeleton from the Character Controls menu and then make a Control Rig. Select HipsEffector set keys on frame 1, 12 and 24. Then in the Character Controls menu go to the Controls tap and left mouse click in the empty space next to the Character image to select all. Now open up the Graph Editor and select all the keys on frame 12 and with the Move Tool shift middle drag the keys to the right.
If you at this point go to the timeSlider and copy key frame 12 and paste it somewhere in the timeSlider Maya gets a fatal error pop up.
If the action shift middle drag with the Move Tool hasn't been used then Maya haven't popped up with the fatal error!
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Jun 1, 2011
I've got a problem with the graph editor in 2012 changing the values of my curves when I retime the curves. Basically, when I select all the controlers in my character rig, the go to move each set of keys over 2-3 frames, the curve values change. So the walk cycle essentially breaks, and my feet end up further in front, and the y trans value flattens out.
I've just installed hot fix 2, and that hasn't changed it. This has worked fine in every version of Maya i've used since version 3. Is it an 'new option' that i need to turn off I don't know about?
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May 11, 2011
I have this scene with two characters, if i select a node (i.e. the hip control) and go to the graph editor it only shows one tangent. Even if i select a bunch of them in the left panel it only shows one! It seems like a bug to me because this file works fine in 2011.
I'm an Animation Mentor student and the staff have no clue of what's going on. They just advised me to stick with a working maya version for the moment, but maya 2011 is very slow for my computer.
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May 13, 2011
I'm doing a walk cycle. and I have 2 feet. I have to manually switch in the numbers that result in a graph that is basically identical but with a horizontal and vertical flip.
instead of manually typing in the numbers I'd like to copy one set of keys and paste it onto the second foot. I know I can get a vertical flip by doing *=-1 but is there a way to get a horizontal flip also?
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May 6, 2013
I'd like to know if it is possible to add multiple keys on multiple curves in one step in graph editor as marked on attached image.
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a object divided to multiple parts, nearly 150, and when animating the rotation or any attribute I want some spacing between the keyframes, so that the second part starts moving after the first one by 5 frames, and it's about 150 objects, and i don' t want do it all manually, Is there any script or technique that could speed up my workflow.
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Sep 23, 2013
After animating, controls will not show up in the graph editor for fine tuning.
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Oct 5, 2011
Say I have a series of keys, and I want to add exactly 1 or 2 spaces in between each key. is there a way to do that? rather than selecting chunks at a time and spacing them apart... like +=2 will move all the selected keys over 2 spaces all together. maybe theres a code that moves them with an offset?
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Mar 5, 2012
My Animation Graph Editor is only showing one animation curve (for one attribute) at a time after I have set multiple keyframes for the character set and various attributes. I select multiple attributes, and hit View-Frame All, and it only shows the top attribute of the selected attributes as one curve.
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Apr 4, 2011
in C4D i can move the bezier to make the animation softer but in maya i can only move the point i click, try do middle mouse the bezier to move and i cant i know.
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Feb 1, 2012
I tried it by cycling U-value through graph editor, but not getting cycle.
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Apr 10, 2011
I have a hard time copying/pasting graph editor curves from a scene to another, since it`s only a specific part of the timeline, is there some basic rules that are to be observed for things to work properly? Yes after a thousand tries i`m going to have to edit every darn ecking curves accordingly to those i wanted to copy.
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Apr 7, 2011
This is a pretty basic function in the Graph Editor.
All I want to do is copy some keyframes at one point to farther down the timeline IN the graph editor. Basically, select some keys, move to a new time and paste those same values. When I paste, all it does is add keys to the existing curve. I haven't used maya in awhile (2008 version), but I'm PRETTY sure this function was available. Why doesn't it work in 2011?
I've searched online, I've tried copying, moving to new time, create some keys, select them and then paste over them, but still doesn't work. And yeah, I know about the middle mouse button time slide trick, which is a workaround but doesn't work if you're copying multiple keys over time. I want to be able to do this BASIC function. What's the deal? On a Mac.
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Apr 3, 2012
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
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Dec 5, 2011
imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar. With maya constrains not work fine and don't know why.
How i do? i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?
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Jan 2, 2013
I'm making preparations to rig a quadruped (toad character) and am wondering if it could be done using Maya 2013's Human IK system.
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Aug 20, 2010
How to create a Human IK control rig from a pre-made skeleton? I have matched the hierarchy and naming conventions of the pre-made skeleton to the that of the Human IK Skeleton Generator, but I keep getting an error that says, "Invalid skeleton or no skeleton. Can't create new rig."
Can even gotten the Create Rig function to work? If so, how did you set up your skeleton?
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Aug 28, 2012
I am having trouble with setting rotation to other then linear for the IK Controls, the FKs work fine. Is this some limitation, or option that I am missing ? Also, the keys are displayed as diamonds instead of the usual squares, so I guess there is some lock which I cannot find.
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Jul 8, 2009
How can i take a sample of human skin on an image and give a different image the extact same skin, i know you can replace the colour, andr HSL, but the skin never looks like the skin does on the other image, you dont get the shaes and blemishes etc.
If i cut out a sample of the skin and overlay it on the image, again this just seems to lightnen the image.  Is there some kind of plugin that will sample the skin on an image and strech it onto another image and hence give some image the extact same skin as from where the skin sample was taken?
Say i wanted to give nicole kidman, britney spears face skin what most advanced, realistic way of doing this, without just trying to matching one colour and replace the whole skin with one colour?
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Sep 20, 2012
I've just installed Maya 2013 and when i try to run hypershade i get this message: line 631: Designated Work Area graph tab not found!
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Oct 31, 2013
What exactly should I click to view Channel editor full screen or in a resizable view port?
Currently it is displayed at the bottom put of the UI only and it is not possible to do anything on such a small view of the editor....
Brian Mulligan wrote in this blog:"If you hold SHIFT and double-click in a numeric field that has a keyframe set, then the Channel Editor will open up full screen at the top of the UI and switch to 1 up view. The numeric field you clicked on will be highlighted and framed."
Where is "numeric field that has a keyframe set" actually located?
When I shift and double-click on the numeric field in "Channel hierarchy" (on the left of the Animation curve window) a CALCULATOR pops up.
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Oct 26, 2012
I just transferred my Maya software over to a new Mac, It works normally except that the channel box shows nothing when an object is selected. If I click in the blank fields the values show up, but I cannot see the descriptions of what those values are for. I have tried the following: Dumping the prefs, reinstalling, contacting support (since it is a student license the y do not provide support, but did suggest the prefs idea), followed by deleting all Maya files and folders, library prefs and reinstalling from scratch. the result is the same. I am running Mac Snow leopard, which is new to me.
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May 30, 2013
Illustrator can make graphs with lines and bars / columns, for example from the docs: [URL] .....
However, when I create a graph like this, I seem to lose the ability to manually set the value axis using "override calculated values".
To reproduce this problem: Create a graph like the example, with bars and an axis on the left, lines and an axis on the right. Unlike the example, don't fix the numbers so the lines match up neatly - have one side go up to just under 20, one up to just under 250, so there are mismatched markers and numbers of divisions on each side.Try to make the markers and numbers of divisions match up, so the side that goes up to 20 actually goes up to 25 and has the same number of divisions as the other side.Everything I've tried doesn't work:
If I select the whole graph and go to 'Graph Type', I can't set Value Axis options. In earlier versions it's greyed out, in CS6 I can access it but clicking 'Okay' does nothing.If I select the whole graph and chose one graph type, I can set the Value Axis options, but that selected graph type then applies to the whole chart,If I use the Group Selection tool to select one of the series, and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select all series that share an axis and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options still has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select the axis ticks group itself, or the axis line and axis ticks groups themselves, or the axis labels, axis line and axis ticks, or the axis labels, axis line, axis ticks and associated data series, etc, changing the Value Axis options also has no effect
It seems like this feature is broken and it seems like the example in the manual was carefully chosen to use a rare combination of numbers where it would actually look right.
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Jun 25, 2013
When I insert new data on an existing graph (for example, just adding a new year of data) and press insert, it just deletes the graph entirely. My only option is to recreate the entire graph which is frustrating because I lose its format and colors.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a column graph. I want the data values to display in the columns. How do I do that? Here's what I have now:
I want the values 270018, 283148, etc. to display in the graph. Is that possible?
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Oct 9, 2012
I'm totally new to Illustrator and want to use the line graph tool to insert a graph that passes through 0,0 and runs to 24,24. I want the x and y axes to meet at the origin. As it isn't working as you can see. I've used 0, 0 and 24, 24 as my data points. Is there any way I can change how this is presented so it's clear that it's at the origin?
I'm using CS6, if that matters.
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Oct 30, 2011
I've come across a weird problem. Whenever I select a channel in the channel box ("Translate X" for example) it is immediately unselected. This prevents me from selecting a channel and middle-mouse dragging in the viewport to adjust its value.
This only happens in particular scenes. But if I start a fresh scene, I do not have the problem. Is there a button somewhere that I need to deactivate to fix this?
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Apr 18, 2011
All labels and values in channel box are not rendering UI seems to be "damaged"?
Don't know if the following error message is relevant.
// Error: menu: Object 'MayaWindow|MainChannelsLayersLayout|ChannelsLayersPaneLayout|ChannelBoxForm|menuBarLayout1|cbShowMenu|FilterUIAttributeFilterSubMenu' not found.
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Apr 18, 2013
My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.
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