Lightroom :: No Rendered Photo Exists On Disc?

Jul 23, 2012

I'm using LR4 and trying to export a .mov file. I have 4 files all taken the same day and two of the files export correctly and two give me this pop-up in the title. I have successfully played these videos as a quicktime movie on Windows Media Player before and after I received this message. I am exporting using H.264 at max quality setting.

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Lightroom :: Photo Named Xyz Could Not Be Rendered

Sep 16, 2012

I am trying to make a book (and eventually send to blurb) but I cannot render any of the photos as I always get the same message "photo named xyz could not be rendered" where xyz is a generic name for any of the 15 different photos I have tried
at first I thought it was a problem bc some of hte photos are saved on a portable drive, then i tried all the photos on my hard drive, still no resolve

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VideoStudio :: Saved Rendered Project In Library - Create Disc In X5

Sep 28, 2012

I have somehow managed to save a rendered project in another projects library.In the share tab I cant find a way of browsing to this rendered (vsp.mpg) file in order to open it and continue in the create disc process.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Export Error - This Photo Was Not Rendered

Jan 27, 2012

I get this error when trying to export fom lightroom 3.6. It happens when exporting to disk or using one of the plugins. What causes it? How can I fix it?

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Lightroom :: Deleting JPGs Before Importing When Raw File Of Same Name Exists

Nov 11, 2013

I shoot raw + JPG and wish that LR 5 had an option not to import JPG when there is a same-named raw file. Lacking that, are there suggestions perhaps for Windows utilities that would do the following (I am on Win7 64-bit with LR 5.2):
I delete all the JPG images before proceeding. That's easy enough; in Windows Explorer, one can sort by type, then delete all the JPGs, or one could open up a command prompt in the directory and "erase *.jpg". But there's a complication; in some modes of the camera, no raw file is generated. In those cases, I just have one .jpg that I want to keep. Here is an example:
I want to process this directory and end up with one file of each filename, as follows, before doing my import:
The pseudocode would go something like this:
Sort files by filename fname
IF fname.jpg and fname.cr2 both exist THEN delete fname.jpg
How can I easily do this?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Cannot Export Selected Photos To Outlook / Files Already Exists

Nov 27, 2011

LR3.5, Windows 7 64bit, Outlook 2010.  After selecting several photos in LR3 to be exported as JPEGs to Outlook, the latter shows but one photo as an attachment.  Trying to export those same photos again, I'm greeted with the following error, "Problem Exporting Files".  The error message further states that the files already exist.  I've had to send each photo separately to get around this hurdle.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Won't Photo Album Transfer To Disc

Feb 11, 2013

Why won't my photo album copy to a disc or another folder on the hard drive.  It shows that it copied but when you try to open it it says no files found.  For some reason adobe element 11 is blocking my album from going anywhere but to shutter-fly or to stay in the create of 11. I have worked 2 day on my album and not i can't get it published into a book.

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Photoshop Elements :: Best File Format To Use When Saving Edited Photo To Disc

May 13, 2013

What would be the best file format to use when saving an edited photo to a disc for the customer to view.  JPEG?

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Lightroom :: Photos Don't Get Rendered In 4.2 Before Opening?

May 5, 2012

I have two very annoying bugs that are wasting a lot of my time.
This is LR 4.2, Mac OS 10.7.3
When I try to open a selected batch of photos from LR (usually around 30 photos) and right click on the filmstrip and click on preset that I have made to open in Photoshop CS5 as Tiffs, sRGB, 8-bits 300dpi, no compression (same as I had on LR3), the photos DON'T GET RENDERED in Lr before opening, they will open one by one in Photoshop, which is a pain because during this tme the computer will be unusable. AND most of the time, one photo of the batch won't open at all - if I select 30, only 29 will open.

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Lightroom :: Compare Embedded JPEG With Rendered NEF

Dec 15, 2011

I have been comparing the embedded JPEG images with ones generated using the various profiles supplied with Lightroom.  I expected the embedded JPEG to "agree" with the one generated using Camera Standard but that has not been the case with Nikon D700 and Nikon V1 files. I am now wondering if my expectations are too high.
A possible difficulty in making the comparisons is not knowing what control slider settings and Tone Curve I should use. What is the correct procedure?

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Lightroom :: 3 / Watermark Not Rendered When Exporting JPG File

Jan 1, 2012

I have Lightroom 3 and using Windows 7.
I have a watermark created that I use when I export images using "File > Export with Preset". The watermark is rendered when I export to a TIFF or PSD file. It is not rendered when I export to a JPG file. How I can have a Watermark added to an exported JPG file?

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Lightroom :: Rendered Pictures Differ From Raw Files Too Much?

Aug 7, 2013

i'm using Lightroom 3.6. I recently bought a new camera, Pentax K-30.
I photograph raw files in sRGB.
When i take a picture, it looks perfectly fine on my camera display. Colours, exposure etc. everything is just as i want it to be.
Then i import these files to Lightroom. At first everything looks fine, just until Lightroom renders the pictures. After that they appear way too dark, colours do not match and in total the result is absolutely not good.
How can i change the settings, so that the rendered pictures look just as on my camera display?
And i know that displays differ in colours presentation. It's not that, it must be the rendering (development) from raw to preview.

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Lightroom :: Highlights Are Rendered Unevenly In 4.1 And In Outputs

Sep 11, 2012

I am using LR 4.1 on a Mac with OS 10.6.8, and my highlights are showing banding or steps in the highlights as they gradate from bright to pure white. Seems to happen no matter which camera was used. Also, tiffs and jpegs output from the raw file exhibit the same banding. I do not remember this being an issue in LR 3.6 which I just upgraded from, but when I just now opened the same image in LR 3.6 I see the same problem. I just upgraded the OS before installing LR 4.1. Is there a known issue with this in LR4? The only local adjustment I have made is spot removal.

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Lightroom :: Upgrade To LR5 - Can Not Get The Disc To Run?

Mar 5, 2014

I have just bought a copy of the LR5 upgrade disc on the understanding that I can upgrade from LR3 without the need to go via LR4.
However, I can not get the disc to run at all, it is not recognising the disc as having any content.

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Lightroom :: Grain Totally Wrongly Rendered In Develop Module

Jan 19, 2014

I'm using 1920*1080 jpg images (frame captured from video) (but it seems i can have the same problem when i use bigger photos)

I'm editing them on a mac laptop (MPB), with a 1440*900 screen, in fullscreen mode, but with the editing column on the right side. So while i edit them, my images are about 1000pixels wide or a bit more. (It's fine for me since it's for being viewed on computers)

I apply a light grain but then i can't really see it in Library module or when i export the jpg... It appears that the Grain is actually rendered much more present in Develop Mode than in Library module. (When i zoom on the image to 100% then it's the same, but i don't want to edit my pictures in 100%...)
See crop of the images here, Develop Module on top, Library module bellow:

This bug is really annoying because all my NR/Grain fine ajusts on my pictures are wrong when i then export my pictures. So for now, the only workarounds are either to take 'screenshots' of my pictures while i'm in Develop Module using cmd-shift-4!! (This is what i'm doing at the moment, but then i would also have like to have them in bigger resolution) or i would have to switch continually to Library module while editing my photos....

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Lightroom :: Burning Photos To Disc?

Nov 30, 2012

I have around 500 photos of somebody tagged that I would like to burn to a disc. What is the best way to do this in LR? Just drag the photos to a folder on my Mac to burn them or is there another way?

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Lightroom :: Pictures On External Disc

Mar 5, 2013

I'm thinking of moving all my pictures to an externa drive with usb3 (2,5", 5400), so I can use my laptop, and another computer with lightroom.
My first concern is if it's a good idea to keep the catalog on the drive, so that I have the same catalog when I use my second computer. Is there a risk with this and will this affect the speed using lightroom? If I keep the catalog local, can I then work work (rate, add keywords etc) with the pictures without my disc connected (when traveling)?
Will the work be much slower compared to multiple internal 7200 discs as on my stationary pc? I have a lot of photos (45000, DNG) and prefer to keep all om the same drive, (but using my laptop I will have more time to reduce)I have a Dell xps12 (touch), with windows8, 256 gb SSD and i7 with 8 gb ram.

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Lightroom :: How To Export And Resize In Percentage To Disc

Sep 26, 2013

i have some smart folders of my fav. pics. i want to export them to disc for my mobile devices the pics have different resolutions.

I want to resize them in %. I saw only the option in pixel.
if there is no option in LR, can you recommend a freeware tool for mac or win?

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Lightroom :: Slideshow HD Quality Export To Disc?

Jul 14, 2013

in LR5.0 one can export Slideshow as video to file in 1080 p quality . However , unlike in ather ADOBE products like Photoshop elements , one cannot export to Disc . So what is the easiest way on getting the exported .mp4 file burned onto a blueray disc preserving the HD quality.

I can see that Adobe offers ENCORE in the creative suite, but that seems overkill as I just want to burn the file onto disc. A plug-in for LR5 would seem the best solution to me , but I have not found it.
What is the easiest way to achieve a burn to disc out of LR5 in HD quality ?
PS : of course there is third party software that does allows blue ray authoring and disc burning ; But they all seem to come with photo or video editing software which I do not need . I want to stay with Lightroom , just burn the slideshow to disc

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Lightroom :: 4.2 - Copy Existing Catalog To New Disc?

Sep 26, 2012

I have installed a new primary disc (C: in Windows 7 Pro) and re-downloaded LR4.2 release candidate. Can I simply copy the existing LR catalog (which I have on old disk, still accessible via USB, or from several backup copies) to the new disc and LR will work as it did previously. The drive letters of the locations of the actual image files (on other internal drives) have now changed so how do I tell LR to now use the new drive letter locations.

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Lightroom :: 3 - How To Get Photos In Order For Burning To Disc

May 16, 2013

I am new to LR 3 , after downloading photo's from 3 CF cards from a wedding then editing I put chosen best shots into a smart collection and all seemed in order numbers wise etc, when I burnt to a disc they are now not in order of the days event, how can I make sure they are of the following : -

1  - All the same size photo's ready to be printed or put in an album.
2 - How can I make sure the order in which I see them in the library smart collection is burnt in the same order onto a disc, as I have burnt from library and they are all out of order of the wedding event when looked at on the disc !!

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Lightroom :: Photos Out Of Order When Burned To Disc?

May 17, 2013

my photo's are in numbered order in the library but when burned to disc are all random, they have been edited from 3 cards and saved as a smart colllection, how can I get them to burn in order as library shows them !

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Lightroom :: Video Export Fails With Error Hard Drive Does Not Contain Rendered Images

Feb 8, 2014

I am using Lightroom 5 also to color grade some of my short videos as it seems to be pretty handy. Unfortunately, for some videos the export fails with the error that the hard drive does not contain rendered images. The screenshot below shows the error message in German.
As I was using the same options for many other videos before, I was wondering what causes this error. The hard drive where I have the lightroom catelog is an external USB3 hdd with lots of space left.

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Lightroom :: Make Adjustments To Images And Save To Disc

Jun 16, 2012

I am a novice with PSLR 2.When I make adjustments to images in develop ie, exposure, color etc. the changes show in LR but not when I display them on my Apple TV from my "photo file".  I save the changes to disc but this does not work, they show unadjusted in the "photo file".  When I edit the image in PS Elements and save they display corrected on Apple TV.

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Lightroom :: Film Scans - JPEGs From Disc To LR Folder

Jan 30, 2014

I just started shooting film again. Having just received back my first few rolls back scanned as JPEGs on to CD, I wanted to import these into my Lightroom library (LR5), but have been unable to do so.
I am trying to import them the same way I import RAW digital files, but when I try that way, they won't import. The only way they import is when there is no destination file set and they are simply stuck in a general "New Folder". Even when I try to simply rename the "new folder" to something more specific I am unable to do so.

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Lightroom :: Metadata - Import Settings From Disc - Colour Code Disappears?

Oct 12, 2013

I'm going to try this again. Using PS CC for photographers, that is Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5.x, new iMac running Mavericks.
Having processed an image in LR and PS, and saved as TIFF back to LR. All is well.
If and when I subsequently take the TIFF back into PS for further tweaks and again save as TIFF back to LR, replacing the original TIFF, I then get the Metadata Conflict warning, the exclamation mark.
As far as metadata goes, I don't want to lose what I did in LR....that is, keywords, color codes, captions, gps data, etc. I do want to retain the additional adjustments I made in PS.
I've noticed that when I choose to 'import settings from disc' that the color code disappears and I have to re-do it.
If I select the 'overwrite with LR settings' option, my concern is that I lose those PS adjustments. 
My questions is: WHAT settings could have been changed in my round trip to PS that trigger the warning?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Get Same Cropping Tool In ACR Which Already Exists In LR4 And CS6

Feb 13, 2013

Is it possible to get the same cropping tool in ACR, which already exists in LR4 and PS CS6?
When Photoshop CS6 was released the crop tool within Photoshop itself was updated with a new interface, similar to that in Lightroom. Why did Adobe not also update the crop tool in ACR, Adobe Camera Raw? As it is an essential part of Photoshop CS6?
Basically, why does ACR 7 still have the old crop tool interface, while the Lightroom and Photoshop products both are having the new crop tool interface?

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AutoCAD LT :: Group With Same Objects Already Exists

Oct 31, 2013

I am not able to use the "group" command in AutoCAD LT 2013. Instead, I get the message "group with same objects already exists" when there is no existing group.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: No Canvas Exists

Jun 6, 2013

I have been getting the "no canas exists: please select a new canvas" error message for a couple days now when trying to run my LISP code. The objective of this section of code is to place a new title block and border into a drawing. 

(command "expert" "5") (cond((= letnum 1) ( (command "cmdecho" "0") (command "attdia" "0") (command "attreq" "1") (command "clayer" "0") (setq dnm (ts_dname));CURRENT DWG NAME (command ".insert" "COMPANY_AB=COMPANY_AB" "0,0" fact "" "0" ) (command ".insert" "COMPANY_TB=COMPANY_TB" "9.75,0" fact """0" "" "" "" """1" "1" "" "" """" "" "" "" ) (command "attdia" "1") ;;(command "cmdecho" "1")

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VideoStudio :: Make Another Button On DVD MENU Other Than One That Already Exists?

Oct 4, 2011

Is it possible to make another button on the DVD MENU other than the one that already exists?

Say that one will be PLAY and the second PLAY CHAPTERS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check If UserParameter Already Exists

Nov 8, 2005

The following code adds three user parameters to an .ipt:

Public Sub AddUserParams()
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument


If I run this on a part that already contains any of these user parameter names I get an error. Is there a way to first check for each name and skip to the next if it already exists?

Also, how the heck do I set ExposedAsProperty for each of the parameters added?

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