Lightroom :: Metadata - Import Settings From Disc - Colour Code Disappears?
Oct 12, 2013
I'm going to try this again. Using PS CC for photographers, that is Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5.x, new iMac running Mavericks.
Having processed an image in LR and PS, and saved as TIFF back to LR. All is well.
If and when I subsequently take the TIFF back into PS for further tweaks and again save as TIFF back to LR, replacing the original TIFF, I then get the Metadata Conflict warning, the exclamation mark.
As far as metadata goes, I don't want to lose what I did in LR....that is, keywords, color codes, captions, gps data, etc. I do want to retain the additional adjustments I made in PS.
I've noticed that when I choose to 'import settings from disc' that the color code disappears and I have to re-do it.
If I select the 'overwrite with LR settings' option, my concern is that I lose those PS adjustments.
My questions is: WHAT settings could have been changed in my round trip to PS that trigger the warning?
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Apr 25, 2012
Is there some way to save a standard set of metadata (photographer name, copyright status, website, other unchanging stuff) that I could apply to new/old sets of photos?
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Aug 10, 2013
I will like to find out the colour code for the background colour on a particular web address. Unfortunately I am new here so not allowed to post links so will say this as creatively as possible. the address is theregentlagos (with the usual prefix beginning with w and suffix beginning with c for all websites). I am referring to the colour where the menu items like logo, home, brands etc are on.
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Jan 31, 2013
Is it possible to import metadata into LR3 that I've created in Bridge CS4? Another thread here said it's possible, but there was no explanation on how to proceed.
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Nov 4, 2012
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
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Apr 30, 2013
I'm creating a catalog with images from a group of photographers. Their image files already include metadata. I want that metadata to be imported with the images so I have the keywords, captions and other info that the photographers have already added to them.
I'm using Lightroom 4
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Sep 15, 2013
I shot using an eye-fi card. The card autmatically generates a xmp file with geodata in it. LR auto imports these images and adds lens correction and a copy right tag.
What I can't do is automatically is get LR to read the xmp file and include this in the catalogue. I am having to right click images and select read metadata from file.
There must be a better work flow then this.
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Apr 1, 2012
I just imported several photos into my catalog using a preset metadata import. After Import I edited all the photos and then was set to export. Unfortunately it was the wrong metadata preset and I want to change it on all my photos. Is there a way that I havent been able to find yet that would allow me to easily change over the metadata copyright info on all the photos without having to start all over again?
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Jan 21, 2013
For over 15 years I've been using a cataloging system written in VB6, as the writing is well and truly on the wall for VB6 I'm considereing moving to LR, but it's not clear if I can import all the existing data.
The data is not embedded in the images for the most part because we are talking old 5x4 neg scans etc.
I have access to the source code of my existing program and can therefore export the database fields in any format, CSV being the most obvious choice but I suppose I can write the code to export to anything.
So my question is, is there a mechanism to import such data, either when the photos are originally imported or assign the data to them post-import. And please don't suggest cut & paste, there's 20,000 pics
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Aug 24, 2012
How to import metadata user presets from another Lightroom catalog?
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Oct 15, 2013
Upon entering File Info and saving the image in Photoshop, all metadata disappears. However, If I apply a metadata template in Bridge, the metadata stays. What may be causing the File Info to not save with the image in PS?
Usig Bridge would be okay, however, I want to create layered images and keep all the metadata. If I attempt to do so in PS, the metadata for all image layers disappear.
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Mar 31, 2011
When the 'up' arrow appears in a thumbnail and comes up with the message:
The metadata for one or more of these photos has been changed by another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?
What exactly does that mean? This seems to happen every time I export an image to PS (CS5) and return to LR. What exactly has changed? What settings are being imported if I choose 'import settings from disk'.
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Oct 16, 2012
I've got strange subtle color shift from reds to yellows when I'm doing the following:
1) import my raw files as DNG into LR
2) edit them in LR
3) ctrl-E them to edit in PS
4) edit them in PS (just drawing a dot with the brush tool somewhere, so the file could be saved and re-imported to LR)
5) save (not "save as") them in PS which bring them back as tifs to LR
This final tif from PS has some color shift in comparison to the original DNG file. Nothing is edited in PS.
- if I'll open to edit the resulted tif with the color shift in PS once again with the option to use LR adjustments, I'm getting color shift in PS
- if I'll open to edit the resulted tif with the color shift in PS once again with the option to open the original tif without LR adjustments, I'm getting correct color in PS, as in my original DNG
LR - ProPhotoRGB
PS - ProPhotoRGB
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Aug 26, 2012
I moved from Windows to Mac. Today I imported a set of photos from my camera to my disk. After rendering all of my photos became B&W (LR4 changed color treatment of my RAW files). It surprised me a lot. I did it again and again. All my photos are B&W. I have to change color treatment in all of them. I would prefer my old importing scheme (photos are color after rendering). I did not use any preset and all oprions were as usual (only changed a name of photos).
I noticed that LR4 changed a few other options: decreased highlights by 100, increased shadow by 100, increased clarity by 50, changed tone curve to strong contrast, increase sharpening to 100, noise reduction to 40, and so on. Increadible! How can I came back to my way of importing?
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Aug 14, 2013
Here is the story: I have batched out a folder of JPGs from Photoshop and would like to import them into Lightroom to Resize them . I'm resizing so that I can post them on my website.
I have double and triple checked to insure I have no "Develop" settings to be applied. I import the photos, and they look fine in thumbnails. Then they update one at a time with a washed out color to a bluish / b&w type color. I exported one of the photos to see if it was just a preview and sure enough the color is gone.
It doesn't happen on every import as I just resized a different folder of photos that I had downloaded from elsewhere a week ago and they worked fine. It's somewhat random. I am attaching links to before and after.
Original exported from Photoshop with no special settings:[url]....
Imported into Lightroom and Exported right back out with no changes:[url].....
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Jun 15, 2013
I do most of my work on my desktop, and all the files are held there with xmp files. On my laptop, I import the photos in their folders, but leave the files on the desktop, and I am now going to be doing that more with the new smart preview option.
The one problem I have, though, is that the pick flags are not in the metadata, and therefore don't cross to the laptop. Is there any way this can be done? I use the laptop to show others, and to allow them to choose the photos they want, so it would be good to have the flags and the colour badges, and for the traffic to go in both directions.
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Oct 1, 2012
At home I still have the trial version (I wait for 4.2 to see if it will be much faster before buying it) and today I do some photo development at work (we also have 4.1 version).
What I'd like to know is it it's possible to import the processings settings of each photos to my own catalog ????
Here is how I did my work:
At home my raws are on an external USB drive and I import my pictures from this disk: path is I:Mes photos<subject + date of the photoshoot> My Lightroom catalog is in it's default path (user profile, my pictures).
At work, I put my photos on a temp director c:MyRawPictures and import them into lightroom.
Now how can I export the development settings from the lightroom at work and import them in my home setup ?
I saw a menu "import from another catalog". can I use this one ? If yes, do I need to copy the "Lightroom catalog" folder ?
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Mar 21, 2013
I just started using LR4.3. After importing about 1000 photos and establishing my collections of chosen images, I noticed that every image had the same settings already in the Basic panel. These are temp:5500, tint:4, exposure .28, contrast: 24 and Vibrance: 6. All other settings are 0 or some other LR default. I do not recall telling LR to do this on import, and in fact, don't know how to do that. Am I forgetting that I did that? Also, I set preferences to use the default specific to my camera serial number. MIght LR be making these settings based on that selection?
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a user preset I apply to import and its not very sticky, meaning it will work a few times but others it will not.
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Oct 16, 2012
How do I import tags from another catalogue but not the develop settings of each image?
Here's whats going on:
I started with 5000 images on a hard drive. I gave a copy to someone else working on the project.
I physically moved images into real folders and edited all the shots.
She left all the images where they originally were and tagged each image.
I want to combine her tags with the edits that I've done, with the images in their new locations I've made.
I have a copy of her catalogue file.
I tried importing her catalogue into mine- which will pull her metadata tags, but only also with pulling her develop settings which resets all my work.
How can I import ONLY her metadata tags?
I can't open her catalogue and write the tags into XML sidecars because I've moved the images from where her catalogue says they are.
I realize we should have done this differently from the beginning, but with that being said- if I could import only her metadata tags then that should work. But Lightroom 4 only gives the options of importing BOTH metadata and develop settings.
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Feb 1, 2012
I have been copying a number of pre-recorded video clips onto a DVD-R disc and playing them on my DVD recorder. As my Panasonic DMR-XW380 DVD recorder only plays DivX or XviD video files I have to convert the files I have to this format.
We have a Sony Bravia 40" TV and I was wondering about the best settings I should use for the Frame Resolution and bitrate etc. When I render anything to DivX with VS I use a Frame Resolution of 720 x 576 and a bitrate of 56kbps and this seems to play okay in my setup. Do you think these settings could be improved?
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Mar 23, 2012
As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing. Is there a difference in what they do?
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Feb 15, 2014
Can I import (or create) default Lightroom settings from an existing document and save them? Make them a personal default set opening with all future LR catalogs?
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Jan 23, 2014
If I shoot RAW + JPEG, and I add EXIF data to the JPEG files outside of Lightroom, when I import the RAW + JPEG pairs will the metadata I added to the JPEG files still be there?
I'd try it myself, but I don't actually have the equipment to do this right now.
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Jan 13, 2009
I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4 and of course, there will always be a few "improvements" that will take time to get used to. But one thing that is really bugging me is entering metadata in both Photoshop and Bridge. When I export or import a template I keep getting an extra dialog box with 3 choices about replacing or appending existing metadata. I am REALLY getting tired of clicking this away. Does anybody know of someplace that I can set a global preference for this?
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Nov 29, 2011
I'm using the currently the VS X4 trial version for evaluation purpose. So first I want to modify a BluRay-Disc in 3 Steps:
- import material from disc
- cut some scenes
- re-create disc (or finally burn it)
Unfortunateley I'm unable to finish task one: I didn't found out, how to import the BluRay-Disc: I tried with 'import Digital-Media' but whatever I choose in selection dialog (drive where the disc is located, a dubdirectory from the disc, etc.), VS always respond 'No valid content found'.
How can I accomplish to import the movie materials from the BluRayDisc?
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Jan 20, 2012
I have created default settings by serial number for my Canon Mark III 1ds which include enabled lens profile corrections. I then created a user preset with these default corrections. Next I imported a folder of RAW images shot with this same Canon camera with the user profile checked as part of the import. When I switch to the Develop module and check the Lens Corrections panel, I see that although it is checked for each file, the actual make, model and profile are not populated.
Is this a bug or am I overlooking something on import? I understand that in LR 4, you can apply specific lens and camera calibration profiles to camera serial numbers (noise reduction etc too).
MacPro 2.8 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 16 gigs of ram running OSX 10.7.2.
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Oct 1, 2012
I'm having some trouble with .fbk files disappearing after I import them. I'm sure I am missing a setting somewhere but I don't know where. I have a (slightly clunky) workaround on setting things up correctly.
We went straight from LDD 08 to Civil 3d 13 so it is a bit of a learning curve.
I am trying to use Civil 3d 2013 with Trimble Link. My procedure is to download the file with trimble link and then follow the wizard from there. My .fbk imports fine, but if I need to edit anything I find that it is missing from the folder that I just imported it from.
If I copy and rename the .fbk prior to importing it I can import and edit the re-named file no problem, it just seems to be the initial import done by the wizard that deletes the file.
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Oct 27, 2012
I changed my Color Settings in the Edit menu to 'Best Workflow CS4' which apparently synchronized my color settings, but the printed colors are now muddy and have lost their vibrancy.
It is a US orientated setting for US inks. I am in the UK and use Ilford Smooth Pearl Paper with the appropriate color profiles loaded. What are the recommended color settings for printing in the UK?? Is it Europress 2 which is what I'm now trying out?
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Jan 29, 2007
I am trying to set up my colour settings as a recommended profile supplied by a commercial printer.
The problem is under, - Colour Settings - "Working Spaces"- "CMYK" - they recommend the setting should be "Euroscale coated v2" but, i am not given this choice in the dropdown menu. All that is available is - "PS 5 default", "PS 4 default", "Custom", "Load CMYK", "Save CMYK" and, a greyed out "Other".
I have also noticed that under "Colour Settings - Settings" - there is not the same choice that I have seen discussed in forums, eg I have seen "North America General Purpose 2" or "Europe General Purpose 2" mentioned, these choices do not appear in my drop down menu, only "PS 5 default spaces", "Custom", "Untitled" and a greyed out "Other" are visible.
I suspect that the reason behind this problem is that somewhere else in CS2 i have inadverently changed a setting which affects my choices in the Colour settings.
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Jan 29, 2007
CS2 Colour Settings? I am trying to set up my colour settings as a recommended profile supplied by a commercial printer.
The problem is under, - Colour Settings - "Working Spaces"- "CMYK" - they recommend the setting should be "Euroscale coated v2" but, i am not given this choice in the dropdown menu. All that is available is - "PS 5 default", "PS 4 default", "Custom", "Load CMYK", "Save CMYK" and, a greyed out "Other".
I have also noticed that under "Colour Settings - Settings" - there is not the same choice that I have seen discussed in forums, eg I have seen "North America General Purpose 2" or "Europe General Purpose 2" mentioned, these choices do not appear in my drop down menu, only "PS 5 default spaces", "Custom", "Untitled" and a greyed out "Other" are visible.
I suspect that the reason behind this problem is that somewhere else in CS2 i have inadverently changed a setting which affects my choices in the Colour settings.
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