Lightroom :: Upgrade To LR5 - Can Not Get The Disc To Run?

Mar 5, 2014

I have just bought a copy of the LR5 upgrade disc on the understanding that I can upgrade from LR3 without the need to go via LR4.
However, I can not get the disc to run at all, it is not recognising the disc as having any content.

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Lightroom :: Burning Photos To Disc?

Nov 30, 2012

I have around 500 photos of somebody tagged that I would like to burn to a disc. What is the best way to do this in LR? Just drag the photos to a folder on my Mac to burn them or is there another way?

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Lightroom :: Pictures On External Disc

Mar 5, 2013

I'm thinking of moving all my pictures to an externa drive with usb3 (2,5", 5400), so I can use my laptop, and another computer with lightroom.
My first concern is if it's a good idea to keep the catalog on the drive, so that I have the same catalog when I use my second computer. Is there a risk with this and will this affect the speed using lightroom? If I keep the catalog local, can I then work work (rate, add keywords etc) with the pictures without my disc connected (when traveling)?
Will the work be much slower compared to multiple internal 7200 discs as on my stationary pc? I have a lot of photos (45000, DNG) and prefer to keep all om the same drive, (but using my laptop I will have more time to reduce)I have a Dell xps12 (touch), with windows8, 256 gb SSD and i7 with 8 gb ram.

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Lightroom :: How To Export And Resize In Percentage To Disc

Sep 26, 2013

i have some smart folders of my fav. pics. i want to export them to disc for my mobile devices the pics have different resolutions.

I want to resize them in %. I saw only the option in pixel.
if there is no option in LR, can you recommend a freeware tool for mac or win?

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Lightroom :: No Rendered Photo Exists On Disc?

Jul 23, 2012

I'm using LR4 and trying to export a .mov file. I have 4 files all taken the same day and two of the files export correctly and two give me this pop-up in the title. I have successfully played these videos as a quicktime movie on Windows Media Player before and after I received this message. I am exporting using H.264 at max quality setting.

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Lightroom :: Slideshow HD Quality Export To Disc?

Jul 14, 2013

in LR5.0 one can export Slideshow as video to file in 1080 p quality . However , unlike in ather ADOBE products like Photoshop elements , one cannot export to Disc . So what is the easiest way on getting the exported .mp4 file burned onto a blueray disc preserving the HD quality.

I can see that Adobe offers ENCORE in the creative suite, but that seems overkill as I just want to burn the file onto disc. A plug-in for LR5 would seem the best solution to me , but I have not found it.
What is the easiest way to achieve a burn to disc out of LR5 in HD quality ?
PS : of course there is third party software that does allows blue ray authoring and disc burning ; But they all seem to come with photo or video editing software which I do not need . I want to stay with Lightroom , just burn the slideshow to disc

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Lightroom :: 4.2 - Copy Existing Catalog To New Disc?

Sep 26, 2012

I have installed a new primary disc (C: in Windows 7 Pro) and re-downloaded LR4.2 release candidate. Can I simply copy the existing LR catalog (which I have on old disk, still accessible via USB, or from several backup copies) to the new disc and LR will work as it did previously. The drive letters of the locations of the actual image files (on other internal drives) have now changed so how do I tell LR to now use the new drive letter locations.

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Lightroom :: 3 - How To Get Photos In Order For Burning To Disc

May 16, 2013

I am new to LR 3 , after downloading photo's from 3 CF cards from a wedding then editing I put chosen best shots into a smart collection and all seemed in order numbers wise etc, when I burnt to a disc they are now not in order of the days event, how can I make sure they are of the following : -

1  - All the same size photo's ready to be printed or put in an album.
2 - How can I make sure the order in which I see them in the library smart collection is burnt in the same order onto a disc, as I have burnt from library and they are all out of order of the wedding event when looked at on the disc !!

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Lightroom :: Photos Out Of Order When Burned To Disc?

May 17, 2013

my photo's are in numbered order in the library but when burned to disc are all random, they have been edited from 3 cards and saved as a smart colllection, how can I get them to burn in order as library shows them !

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Lightroom :: Make Adjustments To Images And Save To Disc

Jun 16, 2012

I am a novice with PSLR 2.When I make adjustments to images in develop ie, exposure, color etc. the changes show in LR but not when I display them on my Apple TV from my "photo file".  I save the changes to disc but this does not work, they show unadjusted in the "photo file".  When I edit the image in PS Elements and save they display corrected on Apple TV.

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Lightroom :: Film Scans - JPEGs From Disc To LR Folder

Jan 30, 2014

I just started shooting film again. Having just received back my first few rolls back scanned as JPEGs on to CD, I wanted to import these into my Lightroom library (LR5), but have been unable to do so.
I am trying to import them the same way I import RAW digital files, but when I try that way, they won't import. The only way they import is when there is no destination file set and they are simply stuck in a general "New Folder". Even when I try to simply rename the "new folder" to something more specific I am unable to do so.

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Lightroom :: Metadata - Import Settings From Disc - Colour Code Disappears?

Oct 12, 2013

I'm going to try this again. Using PS CC for photographers, that is Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5.x, new iMac running Mavericks.
Having processed an image in LR and PS, and saved as TIFF back to LR. All is well.
If and when I subsequently take the TIFF back into PS for further tweaks and again save as TIFF back to LR, replacing the original TIFF, I then get the Metadata Conflict warning, the exclamation mark.
As far as metadata goes, I don't want to lose what I did in LR....that is, keywords, color codes, captions, gps data, etc. I do want to retain the additional adjustments I made in PS.
I've noticed that when I choose to 'import settings from disc' that the color code disappears and I have to re-do it.
If I select the 'overwrite with LR settings' option, my concern is that I lose those PS adjustments. 
My questions is: WHAT settings could have been changed in my round trip to PS that trigger the warning?

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Lightroom :: Can't Export From V5.3 After Upgrade From V3.6

Jan 31, 2014

I've been using v3.6 on a windows 7 PC for about 2 years. I've recently upgraded to v5.3 on the PC and at the same time have installed v5.3 on my laptop also running windows 7. On the laptop using a few new images: the smart preview, exporting and web functions work fine. On the original PC which has my original catalog of c17K images these three functions do not work. As far as I can tell the association between the masters and the images in the library has not been lost. The library and develop functions in v5.3 are working on all the c17K images in the original catalog.I've set the Export dialogue box up using recommendations from answers I've gleaned form other discussions in the forum eg; making sure the 'do nothing' flag is active in the post processing section and reducing the quality of the JPEG image. Still when I export nothing happens.

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Lightroom :: Direct Upgrade From (v.3.6) To 5.0 Possible?

Jun 10, 2013

Is a direct upgrade from LR 3 (v.3.6) to LR 5.0 possible?As a rule, how many versions can a user be behind? 2, 3?

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Lightroom :: How To Upgrade Catalog To LR4

Mar 28, 2013

Since upgrading to LR4, I've not figured how to upgrade my catalog to LR4 also - currently it's labelled as 'Lightroom 2 catalog-2.lrcat". I'm slowly working through updating changes to 'render to LR4' but I'm uncertain if this will then automatically turn the catalog to LR4, or if I need to do this separately - and when?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Upgrade Does Not Load And Freezes PC?

Mar 25, 2013

I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, LR currently 4.1. LR has been nagging me to update to 4.3. I downloaded it (twice, thinking that maybe the first download was corrupted) and everytime I try to run the installation, it does not load and basicaly everything freezes. No error message whatsover.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Unable To Upgrade Catalog From 4.4

Jul 12, 2013

I installed my upgrade to LR5 last night but it keeps giving me an error when I try to upgrade my LR4 catalog.   It goes through the initial steps, stays at "preparing new searchable data" for a long time, then eventually stops and pops up the error message:   "Unable to upgrade catalog.   Lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom".     I tried upgrading a smaller catalog that I don't use anymore and it worked fine. how I can get this catalog converted?   Its my main catalog with all of my current years' images.   For the time being LR 4 is working fine but I'd love to get 5 up and running. 

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Lightroom :: Missing Catalog After Upgrade?

Jan 26, 2013

I just opened Lightroom and was prompted to do an upgrade (4.3) now my catalogs are all gone. How can I get them back?

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Lightroom :: Old Develop Module In New Upgrade LR5

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying out the 30 day LR 5 trial to see if I would like to upgrade.  For some reason my Develop Module contains the same tools as my older version, though I know I shouldn't even see a "brightness" tool.How do I fix this and get the new tools so I can continue my 30 day trial?

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Lightroom :: Lost Images In Upgrade To LR5?

Aug 6, 2013

When I upgraded I did not have my back up disc connected . Many of my images in LR4 did not show up in LR5 .

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Lightroom :: How To Upgrade LR4 Develop Module To LR5

Jan 8, 2014

My LR 5 is developing with LR4 processing. How do I upgrade so I am developing with LR 5 develop tools?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Open After Upgrade To MAC OS 10.7.4?

Jul 16, 2012

I just upgraded my iMAC to OS 10.7.4 and started getting the following dialog box message when I tried to open Lightroom 4: "The Lightroom catalog cannot be used because the parent folder “/” does not allow files to be created within it. Please fix the folder permissions or choose a different catalog" I have changed the permissions to read/write for the drive, parent folder and catalog file.

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Lightroom :: Can Install LR4 Upgrade And Still Keep LR3 Installed

Mar 6, 2012

I have LR 3 and I would like to upgrade to LR 4. Can I install the upgrade to LR 4 and still keep my LR 3 installation intact so that I can switch back and forth between the two versions if I want to?

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Lightroom :: Can't Import ANY Images Into 4.4 Since OS Upgrade

Apr 23, 2013

I can't import ANY images to LR 4.4 since upgrading my Mac OS to Mountain Lion 10.8.3 this past week. I downloaded LR5 Beta and all works well. I deleted LR5 Beta to see if it was conflicting with LR4.4 somehow and rebooted. Still no change. I can't import from my card reader (that says it can't even read the files) or from a location on my hard drive. The error message for importing is "Could not copy a file to requested location."

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Lightroom :: 4 - Cannot See All Images In Library After Upgrade

Apr 22, 2012

When I used LR3.6 The Library option listed all my files on the left hand side under 'Folder' and showed a sub-folder for each year 2009-2012. I have now upgraded to LR4, and all I can see is 2011. During the install process of LR$ it asked me if I wanted to upgrade the process model, which I said yes and it did. Then, because I had read that 4.1 fixed a lot of issues, I downloaded and installed RC4.1 which I am running now.
How do I make LR4 show me all my Folders? I don't think I should be re-importing them all.

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Lightroom :: Watermark Not Working After 4.3 Upgrade

Jan 4, 2013

Somehow our watermark function on the library>export process is no longer working after the 4.3 upgrade today.  We created a new test watermark and that did not work either.

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Lightroom :: 5.4 Upgrade - Map Module Is Blank

Apr 8, 2014

Since upgrading to Lightroom 5.4 this morning, the Map Module is blank. Nothing appears in the Navigator box or the main map area. Nothing appears even for those images with GPS coordinates present in the file. I'm connected to the internet.

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Lightroom :: Images Disappeared In 4.1 Upgrade?

Jul 12, 2012

I upgraded to 4.1 form 4. When I restarted I connected to my catalogue. I git a message asking if I wanted to convert images for 4.1. I said OK. Now I cannot see any images in the catalogue. The image information (ie, name of image and a blank space where image would be) are there.

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Lightroom :: Photos Missing After 3.5 To 3.6 Upgrade?

Dec 13, 2011

I upgraded from 3.5 to 3.6 this morning and now 3/4 of my photo's show as gray boxes in the panel at the bottom of the screen. I click on the little question mark near the box and it tells me that the photo is missing. the box next to the question mark tells me the previos location and asks me if I want to locate it. This is new as of the upgrade. What should I do? This is happening with a couple thousand photographs.

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Lightroom :: Loss Of Files During Upgrade?

Feb 19, 2014

i have lightroom 4 and would like to upgrade to lightroom five. will i loss any of my files when i upgrade or will the be loaded in automaticly after the upgrade.

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Lightroom :: Upgrade From Elements Not Working?

Mar 7, 2013

I'd like to upgrade from Elements to Lightroom.  I'm currently using Elements version 11 for Mac.
With my free trial download of Lightroom, I've attempted multiple times to upgrade my Elements catalog, but it will only recognize about 1100 of my 45000 photos.  If I cannot import the catalog I will not be able to switch to Lightroom.

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