Lightroom :: Catalogue Icon Is Disappeared In LR4 Menu
Sep 5, 2012I have lost the cataloge icon in lightroom 4 menu. How can I resort?
View 9 RepliesI have lost the cataloge icon in lightroom 4 menu. How can I resort?
View 9 RepliesUnder 'Edit' I clicked on 'new catalogue' and named the new catalogue 'Lightroom Sanbonani'. I am not too sure what I did after this (maybe pressed the 'enter' key) but suddenly Lightroom closed down. When I re-opened Lightroom, I saw that all of my photos that were on the left hand side in date folders had disappeared, INCLUDING all of my 'Collections' and work that I had done on the photographs.
The photos are obviously all in my 'backups' folder on my harddrive, but all of the work that I had done in adjusting the photographs in Lightroom are no longer to be seen. I now have to do the adjustments all over again.
Why did I 'lose' all of my photographs inside Lightroom?
Some of my thumbnails/files are missing from my catalog but it won't let me import them because it says they are there. They are not hidden and the links aren't broken. They don't show up at all in any view. The jpg files are still in the folder on my desktop just not in the catalog. When this happened before, I just deleted that catalog and started fresh but now I have too much work in this one to just delete it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am installing LR4. I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom. When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website. I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7.
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View 9 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the awesome 3ds Max for my film projects.It was good for a few days, it was good in the morning, but in the afternoon something happen. Desktop icon, disappeared. I cant get into the software. I tried going to program files and autodesk folders, got nothing.
I had safelifeapp virusing my comp so i may have tampered with something and it probably messed it up.I'm looking to find a way to get back into the program somehow.
I have been using Photoshop elements for many many years and am now looking to use Lightroom as an Interface.
At the moment, I have a Folder structure on my computer. At the Top I have Photos. Under Photos I have 43 additional Folders such as ( Cindi/Ivan Pictures, Cory & Jess Pictures, Barry & Janie Pictures, etc..) Now for each of these folders, such as Cory & Jess Pictures, I have a set of folders basically broken down by month/year. Now in a Given Month/Year Folder, I have a set of folders with each one containing the pictures of a given event that occurred ( birthday, trip, etc…). Guess my initial question is how do I get these pictures into a Lightroom Catalog and do I continue to use the same Structure.
Another example - Under the Barry/Janie Pictures Folder, one of the many Folders in this Folder is called Trips. Inside the Trips folder, I have folders for every major trip that Janie & I have taken since 2004 (21 different folders) (For example there is an Isreal Folder). The Israel Folder is made up of a set of folders, for each individual event or place that we visited during our Trip - i.e. 59 different folders. How would this Trips Folder be brought into Lightroom?
Got the <Unexpected error opening catalogue> dialog when starting Lightroom 5.2. Will not allow me to save a new catalogue. Deleted old catalogue thinking that might prompt Lightroom to create a new catalogue or allow me to create and save a new one.Create Folder with New Catalogue allows me to enter a new catalogue name but then Select Catalogue dialog box is empty. Program wont open!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'd like to move my existing LR catalog and keywords from 2.7 to my LR 5 catalog. I am using a windows PC, my mac stopped working last month.
What I want is to end up with 1 catalog with all my photos in LR 5 with all my previous edits from LR 2.7 and the keywords as well. By the way, my LR 5 has photos in it as well.
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How do I get that paragraph text tool to show up in menus, bars and the toolbox?
The smudge tool icon has disappeared! I am using Photoshop Elements 10. How do I get the icon back?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm on a Mac, OS X 10.8, CS6. Some random accidental keystroke caused the Typography adjustments (on the right bar) to disappear.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem very obvious about how to get those back. Now it's a blank square with no options listed. How to get this back?
I was working in Arch 2011, it crashed. When I opened it back up and clicked on the Big A to try and open the file back up, nothing happens! It looks like the program is active, if I don't try to navigate to a file everything seems to work.
Also, I can navigate to the file using Windows and 'Open With' which also works and the program opens the file and seems fine. I really need the navigation menu back though.
I have Elements 10 on a MacBook Pro with Mavericks OS. The "Organizer" menu bar which shows forward/back buttons, Search function, Organize, Fix, Create, Share functions etc. has suddenly disappeared. The program has been working fine for 3 years. I uninstalled the program and re-installed it but it did not fix the problem.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy system crashed and it apparetnly effected AutoCAD 2006 LT. All my toolbars disappeared, etc. I now have it all back the way it was except for my right-click menu is all mess up.
Regardless if an object is selected or not, the Snap Menu appears, instead of the one I was used to (that included Erase, Move, Copy Selection, Scale etc. ). How can I get that back?
My decor filter has disappeared from the filters menu. Was using it yesterday, no problem. Today, it's just gone. I have uninstalled Gimp and reinstalled it several times and that does not work.
The version I am using is 2.8.4 and I have a PC with Windows 7. I have been using the program for the last two months with no problems and the more I use the more I like it.
Just to add the issue, I installed Gimp 2.8.4 on my wife's computer, and the filter is there.
is there a menu which has the icons for endpoint and midpoint. If not is there a way to create and icon that corresponds to these commands? I use these commands continuously and get tired of typing them in.
View 2 Replies View RelatedPS CS5 had icons in the top menu bar where the "Arrange Documents" icons were located. Now I can only find them in the Window drop down list. Are they still available in CS6? It was nice not having to find them in the "Window" drop down list.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am now running Acad2006 and I cannot seem to find a good instruction tutorial on making Icon menus like I did in R14.
I tried the Palettes menu and was not very impressed, seems to take a dogs age to make one up if you have many, many blocks, and the icons appeared too small?
Is it possible to make up decent Icon menus in the new CUI menu.
The line tool icon has disappeared from the tool bar and I don't know how to re-activate it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedive been having a number of issues with an imported drawing which i have now resolved. however i cant now see my icon menu when im trying to open or save a drawing.
Dim Menu As AcadPopupMenuSet Menu = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0).Menus.Add("No.")Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "1", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "2", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "3", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "4", "^C^C_open"
i created a menu called "NO." with 4 items under it "1","2","3","4"
my question is :How can i insert icon for items under this menu?
Recently updated from 2000 to LT2013. In 2000 I could Modify Text. So far I have found nothing that allows me to Modify Text."To Replace Existing Dimension Text With Alternate Text" it says to "Click Modify menu > Object >Text >Edit." The only Modify menu I can find is the Modify menu at the top showing 12 icons then it's drop down showing 14 more icons. There is no Object icon in that menu. how to Modify Text in LT2013.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to remove the text from this image (an RPG menu) so I can make my own game menu out of something completely different? I would also want to remove the character icon... + all current text.
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