Lightroom :: Workflow / Matching Different Cameras And Lenses?
May 9, 2013
I'm currently trying to match six cameras and all their different lenses to produce identical images and I need fine tuning my workflow on making the camera profiles.
Me and my team are shooting weddings. We have Nikon D3s, Nikon D3, 2x Canon 5D mk III, Canon 1D mk 3, Canon 5D mk II with 17 lenses and I'm in the middle of the process of matching their colors so when we shoot together I don't go crazy trying to match the white balance between all the cameras in Lightroom.
The issue I have is that I managed to make all the colors, contrast, saturation and brightness for all cameras and lenses on daylight shots identical (with minimal differences) but shots under 2800k light are very different.
I bought a 24 patch color checker and took photos with all cameras - once with a 2800k halogen lamp and then with a 5500k strobe (Nikon SB-800 @ 1/16 power). I shot in RAW. The exposures are good - no blown highlights or unexposed parts. In Camera raw I applied the "Camera neutral" color profile for all cameras. I exported the shots in DNG. For each camera and lens I imported the halogen and flash lit file into DNG Profile editor.In the chart section I created a color table for the "2850 K only" halogen lit shot and then for the flash lit shot choosing "6500 K only".
So far so good. The colors are good but to achieve them for the different cameras or lenses I need to input different color temperatures and tint. What I want is to set identical color temperature for all photos (say 5500k) and to get identical colors regardless of camera or lens.
So the next step I took to get at least the daylight shots identical is to play with the "White balance calibration" under the "Color matrices" tab. For instance - DNG Profile editor determines that the flash shot should be set to 6050k +8 tint. I move the "white balance calibration" sliders until I reach the numbers I want above the flash shot (5500k). Because the colors shift I press the "Create color table" button again. My goal is to show the program that I want these (calibrated) colors to be achieved at 5500k +0 tint and not 6050k +8 tint. I get the result I want but that affects the 2850k shot. If I readjust the "white balance calibration" sliders for the 2850k shot and use "create color table" again, that ruins the 6500k adjustment.
So using this workflow I get either the daylight shots right or the tungsten lit shots, but not both.
So in short my question is - How do I create proper profiles that produce identical colors among all cameras and lenses under all white balance settings?
I have noticed using my Canon lenses that LR provides lens profiles for most of them when I am working on RAW files. However, only some lenses have a profile available if I am working on a JPG file. Some newer lenses have profiles for both and some older lenses have profiles only for RAW. Why is that? Will Adobe eventually provide non-RAW lens profiles for all the lenses that have RAW profiles. If not, why not? Is there a rhyme or reason to deciding which non-RAW lens profiles Adobe offers? Is there any policy or Adobe explanation?
Yes, I know many newer cameras can make auto-corrections for jpegs. But that doesn't explain why Adobe offers non-RAW lens profiles for some lenses but not others.
And yes I know there are additional profiles created by users in the Lens Profile Downloader. But the question is why doesn't Adobe supply more non-RAW lens profiles? And what is that decision based on?
I often use a couple of lenses when I am out shooting. When I return I import all my photos into LR. I would like to apply LENS CORRECTION to all photos so I selected all the photos that I have imported (CNTL A) and then go to the lens correction area in the development panel. I then "ENABLE LENS CORRECTION" and SYNC the photos.
When I do this it applies the lens correction from the len used in shooting the first photo in the series of photos that I have selected. It DOES NOT recognise when I change lenses. HOWEVER, if I go to any specific individual photo and enable lens correction it does apply the correct lens profile.
WHY does the sync not recognize a change in lenses?
Recently bought into the m43s system because of the compact fast primes (Lumix G 20 1.7 and Olympus 24 1.8) and it looks like there are no "built-in" lens profiles for either in LR4 when I check "enable lens corrections". I thought I read somewhere that the 20 1.7 requires correction as it has a significant amount of (barrel, iirc) distortion if not corrected, yet the RAW images look fine upon import -- is Lightroom doing something that does not require a profile?
I refer to Lightroom version 3.6. I have purchased a panasonic-gx1 plus 14-42mm & 45-175mm lenses and would like to add the lens profiles to the lens correction module.
Last week I sold my Panasonic GH2 and bought an Olympus OM-D E-M5. My 14-45 Panasonic lens shows some nasty purple color fringing with the OM-D (not your ordinary green-purple chromatic aberration, but purple fringing on both sides of highly exposed items, such as steel wheel covers). This I never(!!) saw with the GH2. Fortunately I can correct this in Lightroom. I go (in Develop module) to lens corrections - color - remove edge (purple). This works really well, and I know I can synchronize all affected images. But I would like to have this done automatically, just as Lightroom automatically removes all color faults when using micro four-thirds Panasonic lenses with a micro four-thirds Panasonic body. This is done through special data supplied by Panasonic which are read and implemented by Lightroom (I believe).
Unfortunately this doesn't work when using a Panasonic lens on an Olympus body, which is my reason for this question. I can make my own profile using Adobe Profile Creator to automatically remove chromatic aberration. Reading the tutorial I get the impressions these profiles only remove normal chrom. aberration, not the special purple color fringing I am talking about. So: is there any way to automate this fringing, or do I have to work on all affected images in Lightroom using the technique I described?
I am attempting to shoot with both of the above cameras tethered to lightroom, but when I swap cameras it won't shoot as the display on the camera states that it is busy. So is it possible to shoot with two cameras attached to lightroom at the same time?
I'm running the latest version of LR on Mac OSX, shooting tethered.I'm product shooting, I need to shoot 1 shot from the front, then from above, 1 shot from the front, then from above, and so on, i'll have 2 cameras in position.
My question - can i tether both cameras into LR at the same time.
I recently tried to compare images taken with a Nikon D300 (12.3 mgapixel-small sensor), D800 (36 megapixels-large sesnsor) and D4 (16.1 megapixels - large sensor) using the LR4.1 Compare function with not very satisfactory results (iMac 27, Lion). I took 4 images each of the same subject with a 60mm f2.8 Nikon lens on a tripod at F8, at 200,400,800 and 1600 ISO and imported the images into LR. Selecting images of the same ISO and using the Compare function, they all looked pretty much the same so I viewed them at 1:1 and 2:1 trying to get a closer look at the fine details to check for sharpness and noise. Regardless of how I cropped the images, I couldn't get any of them from the different cameras to be the same size on the screen in the closeup views. I presume the combination of sensor size and megapixel capture on the sensors caused this problem but I don't have the technical expertise to either understand (or care). Is there a way in LR to overcome these differences?
How do you sort by captured time all the photos that came from 2 different camera but they're in the same folder? I've tried to use view -> Sort by -> capture time. But all the files from Canon got sorted first, and then all the files from Sony got sorted second. Two cameras time has been synced prior to shooting.
I started to get problems with Lightroom not recognizing RAW files from my Fuji XE-1 and Canon 5D Mark 3 cameras but I thought it was a problem with RC. After downloading some files today in 4.4 without a problem I encountered the same error message (unable to inport listed RAW files) again. The files open fine in Bridge.
I recently used a second shooter for the first time at a wedding I shot, and I have tried in vain to get them to be sorted in Lightroom using Capture Time. I've changed the times to match up already, and that worked, but when I sort those picture by capture time, it only sorts camera 1 by capture time, followed by camera 2. It will not sync the two cameras times together.
I accidentally combined my Canon 30D 2011-12 folder with my Hp 850 2011-12 folder, now one camera's images show missing, and so does the folder for the missing images. Since they have all been keyworded and developed, how can I recover the appropriate ones back into the right missing folder?
I'm importing pictures from different cameras into the same catalog. I set the world time on both cameras so they could seamlessly integrate into one catalog by time. What setting do i need to choose in the catalog to make the pictures from the 2 different cameras integrate by time shot?
When I do a Edit in Photoshop, LR creates a TIF file. I process this in Photoshop and close it saving it back to LR. It saves in the same folder as the original on the hard disk. Is there any way I can get these files to save in a new folder under the originals automatically? (all the files for processing should go in this folder)
Lightroom 4.3 runs smoothly if I work on unmodified images.
However, if I apply modifications on an image, retouching it afterwards becomes much slower, even if I render a preview AFTER I made modifications on the image.
I tell you an example: I import a raw file to the program and I render it`s preview. Then I retouch the image - it works very fast, no waiting time, no Loading overlay.Where the problem starts: I import a raw file, I apply some modifications on it (for example a preset), then I render it`s preview - then I want to do more modifications on the image, which becomes very slow.
I was monitoring the cpu usage of the computer. In the first case, the cpu usage during modifying the image is normal.In the second case, it goes up to 100%. It seems that applying modifications on an image makes working on it slow, no matter if you have the most up-to-date preview or not.
Yes, my monitor is an LCD and it is bright. It is not a proofing monitor. It was calibrated. I've been printing B&W from LR on an Epson printer (r1900 & r2400). I know proper color management. Turn off Epson Color Management, let LR manage color with the correct icc profile
Obviously I can do trial and error, brightening the photo until it looks correct.My thought is, is there a way I could print on one page Thumbnails or like in the film days strips with different "exposures." Then with one print I could pick how much of an adjustment is needed?
What I'm actually looking for: a "workflow-checklist-plugin".
This plugin should be a plugin visible in the develop module of Lightroom.It (the plugin) should show me a list of checkboxes (which I could define). These Checkboxes contain the different steps of my LR-Workflow (to make sure that I don't forget one of them). Also, the "TAG" Metadata of the photo should be edited within the plugins-windows (with this feature, there's no need to jump back to the library to add a TAG). All data might be saved in the photos metadata.
To describe a bit more in detail what I mean, I generated a "sample picture" if there's somewhere such a workflow-plugin? And: is it possible to modify the TAG of a photo in the develop module (without jumping back to the library)?
Will the current plugins for Sigma DP1/2 RAW files work with files from the DP1/2 Merrill cameras? And if not, is Adobe developing plugins for these cameras?
1)When I view the same raw file with both Lightroom 2 & Photoshop CS3 the PS version is darker with a slight colour shift. All metadata synchronised & ACR 4.5
2) When I export a photo (from LR)as TIFF (with profile) this same photo viewed on both PS and LR shows the same difference as 1 above. When same photo viewed with ADC pro, result matches LR not PS.
3) When I print photo (as TIFF above) with PS & LR the prints from both match the LR display and not PS's
I use a calibrated display.
What is the problem here anyone? Does PS use display profile differently from LR? which is correct?
I saw a technique in Ps for enhancing the colours of a sunset using a circular mask on an adjustment curve. They then inverted the mask to only show the colour adjustments. I'm wondering if I can recreate this within PP. From playing with it, I can't yet see how so I just through I'd ask here. The video I was watching for this technique is here.
When I soft proof an image in Lightroom (5) and in Photoshop (CS6) on my external display there is a noticeable difference between the two proofs.
This is the case both with "simulate paper & ink" on and off (with matching settings in both applications) and with a variety of different profiles being used. On my laptop screen the proofs always match (between Photoshop and Lightroom).
On the external display with soft proofing off there is an exact match between images in LR and PS. With soft proofing on saturated areas of images (particularly reds, greens and yellows) become noticeably less saturated and blocked up in LR as compared to PS. Subdued colours appear to match. It's almost like they are both using the same profile but Lightroom is squashing it into a smaller gamut. I'm fairly sure PS is correct and LR is the one with something going wrong.
I'd like to sort it as I'd prefer to soft proof in Lightroom as that's where I print from. I've read up a lot on colour management and can't find a solution.
(I'm on a Macbook pro running 10.8.4 and the external display is an NEC Spectraview 271 (euro version of PA271W), the display is calibrated and profiled with Spectraview 5, with an i1 Display Pro. Working space in PS is Prophoto RGB and it's set to preserve embedded profiles. I've checked with various test images but mostly been using Bill Atkinon's printer test image. I set up the image in LR and PS to match on screen position and with the same colour (white) background, I can then flick back and forth and there should be no change but there is and it's very obvious.)
"through the years" "kelly through the years" "mike through the years"
I want to create a smart collection which only matches if the keyword is "through the years". I do not want the smart collection to match the other two.
For certain shoots it would suit me to have my pictures import and look like the embedded jpegs which are created using Canon's standard picture styes. Is there an easy way to create LR develop settings to match the popular Canon styles such as Standard, Portrait and Landscape so that I get approx the same amount of sharpness, contrast, colour balance. Perhaps someone has already done that and they've shared the Lightroom Presets.
I have Lightroom 3 and just this morning noticed that all of the preloaded lens profiles are missing. I've been using the program for 3 years now and they've always been there previously. The only one available is SIGMA. I have a Canon, so all of those are gone. At the bottom of the box in "Develop" it says "Unable to locate a matching profile automatically."
I am running on Windows and tried repairing, but it seems to be missing the installation file that it needs.Is there a way to download and install the profiles for just the lenses I have? Or, do I need to completely re-install? If that's the case, will all of my libraries stay in tact?
just shot a interview using two cameras and now I am a little lost to edit them in Video Studio X6, how I can add a new track for video so I can mark and split those sources in the same way? I cant find a way to work with onbe source at Video track and another in the Overlay track... I need to sync both files and do the cuts for the show to work better.