Lightroom :: User Sort In 3.5 Ceases To Work

Oct 30, 2011

I've been a LR user since before 1.0. Never had any sorting problems. Now using 3.5 on a 2009 24" iMac, running Lion. Today I'm trying to sort for a web gallery in a collection, as I always have done, and cannot sort. User Sort is selected when I move a picture, the black bar appears where it should, but when I release the mouse, the picture goes bact to where it was. I have tried deleting preferences, and restarted several times.

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AutoCad :: 2011 - View Cube Ceases To Work

Nov 26, 2011

In AutoCAD 2011. After a little bit the view cube stops working. Ill click for ,example, left side, and nothing happens untill i close out and reopen.

I sucks big time when your modeling and you use it constantly while drawing on different axises.

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Lightroom :: Importing Ceases During The Rendering Preview Process At Image Set

Jul 28, 2013

Importing ceases during the rendering preview process at image 2 of set.  Same if using SD or Flash Cards, small or large import.  No problems using Bridge so reader is operational.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sort User Parameters By Code

Apr 10, 2013

I work with Inventor 2011.

It is possible to sort Parameters (user parameters) by code (simulating a click on column header) ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Work Plane - Axis And Points Become Visible

Dec 17, 2012

Currently using 2012 and I had the same problem in 2010.

When I turn visibility off and on in an assembly, all previously constructed user planes, axis and points become visible.

Is there a fix available to download?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adding Tool Palette To Work Space Using Customize User Interface

May 10, 2012

Is there anyway to add a tool palette into a work space using the customize user interface?

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Lightroom :: How To Sort Images Manually

Apr 11, 2012

How to sort images manually in Lightroom.
Before an import I try to drag around images and they don't drag.
After an import, I try to drag around images and they don't drag.
No images are selected. I'm at a loss.

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Lightroom :: Sort Alphabetically Not By ASCII Value

Nov 24, 2013

In LR5 I wish to sort by file name. However my camera names files as ABC123, ABC124, ABC125 etc etc. Lightroom sorts such names as ABC3, ABC2, ABC5 etc because the numeral part of the name is looked as as an ascii not a numeral. I think!!
However whatever the reason, sorting such file names doesn't work. As each import may consist of several hundred files, renaming manually to avoid numerals isn't an option.
Is there a naming system that can be automated that would result in this type of sorting resulting in what a human would expect?
Filenames such as Garden(1), Garden(2) etc are no better by the way.

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Lightroom :: Sort By Develop Adjustments?

Jun 2, 2012

I would like to be able to sort a set of photos by those that have Develop Adjustments and those that do not.  For now, I don't want to sort by the type of adjustment.....just whether or not an image has one.

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Lightroom :: Can Sort / Rearrange Photos

Aug 23, 2013

I am tired of my zillion of photo's scatered over my harddrive. I have backups of backups of my photo's, and sure have duplicates. Maybe even 6 times. Who knows.I used picasa to sort things out, but I am beginning to dislike this way of working.
So I looked at some reviews of lightroom. Can I sort/rearrange my photos. And how. As the folder is 30gb big with subfolders and subfolder in that. Most of the 30gb is duplicates.I want to have it sorted by date. I can always manually change a folder name. But need to get rid of the duplicates and have it sorted.I downloaded the trial, and tried to import photos. But is get to 199 pics and then it stops.

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Lightroom :: Using (P Or X) To Sort Images In Version 5

Jun 23, 2013

I have just downloaded a batch of images into LRM 5 - with earlier versions in  'Library' I have been able to go quickly through all the images using P or X. 

I have just found that in 5 when P or X are used, the image either shoots to the start or the end of the group.  So to move on to the next image you have to sort back to where you were previously - this is a real PAIN and makes a mockery of Quick Sorting'
i am using  a PC with Windows 7 - upgraded from LRM 4 - at the moment everything else seem to be working OK!

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Lightroom :: Get Slideshow To Sort By Filename?

May 21, 2012

The default always seems to be by capture time and I often rearrange and rename slides.
I have searched the menus but how do I get the slideshow to sort by filename, not capture date?

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Lightroom :: Sort Folders By Date

Jan 13, 2010

In the thumbnail view the newest pics are at the bottom, the oldest at the top. But in my list of folders on the left panel, they're sorted by name, and I get figure out how to sort that list of folders so the newest ones are at the top. Like it is in Picasa basically.How do I perform this elementary sorting operation?

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Lightroom :: Sort Images In A Collection Set

Nov 5, 2011

I'm using nested Collection Sets and Collections in LR 3.4 to manage image selections for a large book project. I'd like to create web galleries from groups of images (a Collection Set) to share with others working on the project.
Is there a way to have LR sort the images in a Collection Set (all lower level sets and collections) by the collection and/or set name? When I display the top level Collection Set all the images show up sorted by file name. I can change that to any of the sort options under View | Sort but none of those are at all useful.
Here's the tree structure of part of the Collection Set (these are all Latin plant names):
Rosaceae                          [collection set]
   --- Rubus                      [collection set]
   |     |
   |     --- Rubus arcticus       [collection]
   |     --- Rubus armeniacus     [collection]
   |     --- Rubus chamaemorus    [collection]
   |     --- Rubus idaeus         [collection]
   |     ---     etc.
   --- Sorbus                     [collection set]
         --- Sorbus acuparia      [colleciton]
         --- Sorbus scopulina     [collection]
         --- Sorbus sitchensis    [collection]
I'd like to sort all the Rubus images together, in named sequence by Collection, and then within each Collection sorted by file name. Then all the Sorbus, etc.
Am I missing something in how Collections work? Is there a way to sort within a Collection Set as I need to?

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Lightroom :: Sort By Name Or Time Added

Apr 22, 2011

I don't mind starting with a sort by name or time added. But then I'd like to move a few around. I'm going to make a web gallery, and sometimes want to tweak the order of presentation. is this possible?

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Lightroom :: Sort By Capture Time With 2 Cameras?

Apr 24, 2012

How do you sort by captured time all the photos that came from 2 different camera but they're in the same folder? I've tried to use view -> Sort by -> capture time. But all the files from Canon got sorted first, and then all the files from Sony got sorted second. Two cameras time has been synced prior to shooting.

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Lightroom :: How To Eliminate Duplicate Copies After Doing A Sort

Nov 18, 2011

I did a filter/sort across 100's of folders then exported the results to a separate folder. I later noticed way too many duplicates in the new folder. Does Lightroom have a feature to automatically remove or eliminate duplicates when doing such a process?

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Lightroom :: How To Search And Sort By File Size

Oct 16, 2013

How would one search and sort by file size? I don't see a way to do that. I'm trying to delete the largest files that have no future in my catalog.

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Lightroom :: Random Sort Order For Pictures

Nov 28, 2007

I am missing a feature to sort pictures randomly in Lightroom. Often, when I compile photos from different times/locations etc I would like to show them in a slideshow randomly. Today I don't find this sorting option in LR.

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Lightroom :: V5 Will Not Sort Scanned Photo Properly

Oct 28, 2013

Light-room 5.2, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
I have some scanned photos from a trip to England in 1996. I have assigned to each photo the date it was taken. Lightroom clearly displays the date taken. But two photos will not sort properly by date, as you can see in the screen capture; the highlighted photo was taken August 31, 1996, and sorts between photos taken Sept 2, 1996 and Sept 3, 1996.

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Lightroom :: Sort By Keywords In NEW Smart Previews

Sep 21, 2013

Can I sort by keywords in the NEW Smart Previews in Lightroom ?

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Lightroom :: How To Sort Duplicate Photos So They Can Be Deleted In LR3

Oct 8, 2012

How do I sort duplicate photos so they can be deleted in Lightroom 3

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Lightroom :: Capture Time Sort / Video At End

Jun 3, 2013

why is it that my videos are located at the end of a reel when sorted?  when the pictures and videos are imported into LR, the import sort is perfect, but when i nav to the folders the sort places all the videos at the end of the day's captures.

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Lightroom :: Get Sort By File Name Not By Added Order?

May 28, 2012

When I import, LR for some reasons seems to always default the sort to added order, not filename. Its a real nuisance, anything I can do.

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Lightroom :: Define Custom Sort Order In 5 Similar To 3?

Jun 26, 2013

In LR 3 I defined custom sort order in Library mode at the bottom of window. Where and how can I do this in LR 5?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can No Longer Sort RAW With JPG Files Together By Capture Date

Nov 15, 2012

Suddenly I can no longer sort  JPG and RAW files together by capture date. I have two Canon SLR's shooting in RAW and one Canon point an shoot shooting in JPG and want to collate the photos in LR4, which I was able to do up to now. I cannot find out what I did to make this happen or correct it in LR preferences.

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Lightroom :: Two Cameras Will NOT Sync Together Using Sort By Capture Time

Sep 29, 2013

I recently used a second shooter for the first time at a wedding I shot, and I have tried in vain to get them to be sorted in Lightroom using Capture Time. I've changed the times to match up already, and that worked, but when I sort those picture by capture time, it only sorts camera 1 by capture time, followed by camera 2. It will not sync the two cameras times together.

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Lightroom :: Sort Order Reversed When Uploading To Facebook?

Oct 12, 2012

I submit a set of photos for an upload to Facebook in ascending order by capture time.  In Facebook they show up in reverse order.  Is there a setting I am missing or do I need to sort the photos in descending order in LR to get them to show up in an ascending order in FB?

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Lightroom :: Sort By Rating And Color Label For Images?

May 13, 2013

I can select a rating and a color label for my images, but I can not sort by rating and color label. when I click on the filter drop down, color label is not one of the options.  how do I get both ratings and color lables as an option to sort with.

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Lightroom :: Function To Sort Images Based On GPS Position

Oct 12, 2012

I would need a function to sort images based on GPS position, north to south or vest to east. Is that possible or an function that will come in the future.

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Lightroom :: How To Sort Or Filter Only The RAW Files In A Library Folder

Feb 16, 2014

Is there a way to Sort or Filter only the RAW files in a Library folder that have had adjustments made to them in the Develop Module?   Not by date, key words or flags etc.  Only develop adjustments.

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