Lightroom :: How To Eliminate Duplicate Copies After Doing A Sort

Nov 18, 2011

I did a filter/sort across 100's of folders then exported the results to a separate folder. I later noticed way too many duplicates in the new folder. Does Lightroom have a feature to automatically remove or eliminate duplicates when doing such a process?

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Lightroom :: How To Display Virtual Copies To Respect Sort Order With Different Capture Times

Oct 11, 2013

Scanning old photographs, with multiple photos in each scanned image.  I've created a virtual copy for each individual photograph and then crop appropriately.  However, photographs have different dates and I want to be able to sort them chronolgically.  Ideally I'd set the Capture Time on each virtual copy and use that as the Sort order, but LR doesn't separate images co-joined in a Virtual set, so to speak.  It seems like it looks at the Capture Time of the Master copy of a virtual set.
The only way I can see how to do this is to export, re-import into a different catalogue, and then apply Capture Time metadata.  This is quite a cumbersome workaround.  I'd like to do this all in the same catalogue...also exporting / importing re-compresses the image and would like to avoid that.
how to sort on date with virtual copies?

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Lightroom :: 3 Making Duplicate Copies Of Recent Imported Photos By Itself?

Jun 4, 2013

I use Lightroom 3 and recently it has started making multiple duplicates of recent imported (and exported) photos without me doing anything.... what happens is I import a batch of photos, make adjustments to them, export them... close lightroom.
Then when I reopen lightroom, the previous imported set of photos have all been duplicated and sometimes there is more than one copy of each photo.
Is there anything I can do to stop this? I'm pretty sure I didn't change any settings to make this happen.

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Lightroom :: How To Sort Duplicate Photos So They Can Be Deleted In LR3

Oct 8, 2012

How do I sort duplicate photos so they can be deleted in Lightroom 3

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies In LR4 - Page Turn Icon / Copies Not Appearing?

Jan 13, 2013

I am having an issue that cropped up as of late - I try to create a virtual copy of a photo, but instead of the normal page-turn icon in the bottom left and it auto-expanding to show the copies, it just creates a stack, and says "2" or "1 of 2" and the double line bars on both sides of the preview in Grid Mode. Is there a setting that I changed that caused that?

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Illustrator :: How To Duplicate Multiple Shape Copies Using Transform Dialog In CS6

Apr 18, 2013

Create shape > Transform > Move horizontal or vertical > select number of copies (missing!)
This was one of my favorite tricks but it looks the ability has been removed in CS6!  So now if I want to make a sequence of shapes how can I do it?
Adobe fail? or am I missing something?

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Lightroom :: Eliminate Background When Printing To JPG?

Aug 26, 2012

Is there a way to eliminate the background surrounding the image before printing to a jpg?  Currently, I print to a jpg then use another app to crop all the black (my background color) from around the actual image.  Surely there's a way to not print the background and limit the file to just the image without having to resort to using the fixed image sizes.  Does such a thing exist in LR4.1?

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Lightroom :: How To Eliminate Proof Preview

Nov 2, 2013

How to I return to the original workspace without PP?   I've pressed "reset all settings" along with a number of other failed attempts and the white background screen is still there along with the dialogue box giving me options, none that I am interested any longer.  

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Lightroom :: Can't Delete Virtual Copies 3.6

Apr 28, 2013

On the v.c.'s I've already made (in Develope) I get no "Delete Virtual Copy" option, only get "Create Virtual Copy" with a right click or "Delete Photos" (which then deletes all copies and the original!).

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Lightroom :: Importing Copies Of Photos?

Mar 9, 2012

I am using Lightroom 3 on a Mac OS. I wanted to download "Focus Magic", but apparently that is an impossibility. I installed it on my PC, on which also have LR3, made the adjustments I wanted in "focus Magic", then copied them to a disc. When I go to copy them into LR on my Mac, it won't allow it, as the photos "already exist" on the system. I have also tried this on different occasions for different reasons with the same result.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Won't Make Virtual Copies

Apr 6, 2013

I installed LR4.4 and now it won't create virtual copies. It says it did but none show up. The show badges is still checked in view options.

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies Are Invisible In 4.3

Dec 15, 2012

When I create virtual copies, the total number of instances of the image goes up but I don't see any of the virtual images. I unstack and it shows they're unstacked and "1 of 2" but I still can't see the other. I've turned off all filters and still nothing.It was happening in 4.3rc and is still happening in 4.3. It is only present in certain catalogs.

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Lightroom :: Soft Proofing Copies Gone?

May 30, 2013

I soft proofed several photos for printing. I came back to print another copy and the virtual copy proofing copy was gone. There used to be 2 side by side. Now to print do I have to readjust?

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies Not Visible

May 30, 2013

1. Made virtual copies, count goes up, can't see them in grid in library, develop, or in loupe.  Thought they were stacked, but when I went to Photo>stacking> the rest is all grayed out...can't do anything.  "set as master copy" also grayed out,.  Read somewhere "preferences for lightroom might be corrupt"????   I tried to do the thing in the library to correct the preferences,:(on moubntain lion 10.8.3), but in the user file there is no I then looked up how to find the hidden library, but I can't  find the stuff to do THAT!!!  And, there IS a library on my hard drive, but when I open THAT up, there isn't anything about preferences.
I JUST bought this 2 mos ago--how can it have corrupt preferences when I only just started using it???--used it once, then discovered diddn't have right processor in old computer...bought a new computer...took several weeks to get (bought increased ram) I am just using for first time today.  Started importing, but they are all coming up missing photoi (when I had lightroomn installed on old computer, I deleted uit and pics), then reinstalled and it was migrated over to this new computer.  I looked up how to massive transfer missing photos and there is NO folder with a question mark, so I have to do hundreds and hundreds manually--can I tell you I am really hating LR4.4?

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies Naming

Nov 13, 2012

When I created a virtual copy of an image in LR3, and then I renamed the images, the virtual copies would have the new name with a hyphen.i.e if there were two virtual copies associate with the file, the renamed sequence would be as follows jcp0001, jcp0001-1(vc), jcp0001-2(vc), jcp0004
This had the advantage of keeping my file numbers in sync when I uploaded them to my online lab (Pictage) and the client gave me a file name. In LR4 renaming sequencing doesn't take into account the virtual copies in terms of the chronological # and compensating for the vcs. So the same sequence would be jcp0001, jcp0001-copy(vc), jcp0001-copy2(vc), jcp0002..This has the affect of misalignment my files with those of the online host.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Drag N Drop Only Creates Copies

May 31, 2013

Setup: Lightroom 4.4 on OSX (Snow Leopard), 24" iMac.

Situation: Imported a large number of RAW files from camera (Canon 5D Mk III) into LR4. Several of the photos are a series of HDR shots that I want to MOVE to their own subfolder. Create the subfolder (HDR) under the date-labelled folder that the files were originally imported into. Select all files in the HDR series, and from the filmstrip, center the mouse pointer over one of the thumbnail images, and then CLICK and DRAG the files over the HDR subfolder.

Well, this where the process fails.while hovering the files over the subfolder, I get the classic "COPY" plus sign, and no key or sequence of keys will change if from COPY to MOVE. If I drop the files as is, they copy over into the subfolder. Ok, this wouldn't be such a bad thing; I can do like any other copy operation, and go back to the original folder and delete the files, right?! WRONG!!! Evidently the copied files are aliased to their originals, and if I delete from either location, they ALL go away. I had this exact problem two years ago with LR3, and had found a solution to it that fixed things so a move was an actual move. Unfortunately whatever I did to fix it went bye-bye with the upgrade to LR4, and yes, I've searched and googled myself silly trying to find the answer again, to no avail.

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Lightroom :: Multiple Copies Of The Same Catalog 3 Different Drives?

Oct 26, 2012

I want to have multiple copies of the same catalog 3 different drives

i have 3 drives , I want to have the same catalog on all 3 drives along with the photos.

1 drive would be my main catalog
2 drive would be back up with all the photos
3 drive is my traveling presentation drive with all the photos

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Lightroom :: Make Copies / Duplicates Of Photos?

Jun 21, 2013

if there is a SIMPLE way to make a copy or duplicate of a photo in LR4. In otherwords, you have a photo image in one folder and you want to make a copy and move it to another folder or subfolder and that copy is identical in EVERY aspect to the original photo and can be edited, manipulated, etc. without affecting the original. I can find nothing on this subject - all I keep getting is this VIRTUAL COPY which is NOT like the original and cannot be moved without the original (Master) going along with it. What's the problem? Every image program I know of can do this. BTW this in on a Mac Lion (10.8.4).

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Lightroom :: How To Make Virtual Copies Of Photographs

May 23, 2012

I am currently making virtual copies of all my photographs converting them to black & white I am then choosing which one to keep. If I keep the original no problem, I can remove the virtual copy however if I choose the virtual copy I have to keep the original copy or export the virtual one. Is there a way I can make the original the virtual copy and the virtual the original. As things stand I have loads of photos showing in lightroom that I do not want.

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Lightroom :: Editing Virtual Copies In Photoshop CC

Nov 30, 2013

I can't determine if I've encountered a bug or operator oversight. From within LR 5.2 I opened an adjusted [NEF] file in PSCC (not as a smart object) and added adjustment layers, etc. With file still open in PS, I returned to LR, made a virtual copy, changed LR adjustments, and attempted to "Edit in..." I simply get referred back to the existing canvas. I'd like to work with both, side by side, and save when I'm ready.
LR 5.2
OS 10.8.5

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Lightroom :: Split Metadata Across Two Copies Of Photographs

Mar 7, 2013

My metadata for the catalouge has become split across two copies of the photographs on different hard drives. Is there a way of recombing the two so that lightroom only uses the photographs at one location? It is difficult to work out which copy of the photo on which disk has the metadata asigned to it.

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Lightroom :: Importing Virtual Copies From Another Catalogue?

Oct 5, 2013

I recently upgraded to LR 5 and discovered that many of my virtual copies were missing.I've found them in a previous library backup and was wondering what the best way to import them was considering that the images are dispersed over dozens of different folders.

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Lightroom :: Export Catalog - Virtual Copies

Sep 5, 2013

If you export a group of photos as a Catalog, does this export all virtual copies including their own repsective xmp data? I need to send a batch of RAW files to someone but need them to be able to see all the virtual copies as well.

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Lightroom :: How To Find Virtual Copies In Smart Collections

Mar 20, 2014

Is there any way to find virtual copies in smart collections without using "copy name is not empty" ? Basically I am trying to use copy name as a version number for all images, include the base image which is the original. But this then makes it difficult to find the actual copies themselves.

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Lightroom :: BW Virtual Copies Revert To Color When Exported?

Jul 26, 2013

BW Virtual Copies revert to Color when exported and then the BW adjustment disappears when i reopen LR.Has not happened before and i am doing a lot of BW Virtual Copies using the V shortcut, so its incredibly tedious to can back and redo each one.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Find Virtual Copies In Windows Folder

Jul 29, 2012

I can not remember to have encountered this before, so here I go: I just created a virtual copy of some photos from my summer holiday, and all works well. But when I needed to access these photos going the Windows' way (Windows/My Pictures that is), the virtual copies do not appear in my YYYYMM folder. Going back to LR though, they will appear there with a /Copy 1 extension. RIghtclicking the VC, then "Show in Explorer" will highlight the original in the folder, the VC still not being there. Part of the frustration is that I can not remember this happening before (or maybe it has), so I'm wondering if I by accident have changed any settings.
Running LR 4.1 on Windows 7 64-bit.

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies Didn't Import With Images

Jan 11, 2012

I imported a large group of images from last October and 14 of them had virtual copies created from them, mainly the final copies of images I was using. When imported into a new catalog I created in Lightroom 4 beta, only the raw files came over, not the virtual copies. I do notice that they have all been updated to the 2012 process and I did not tell it to do that. I need to remove and reimport them? This could be a big problem for me as I really like to use Virtual Copies.

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Lightroom :: Applying Individual Filenames To Virtual Copies?

Oct 1, 2013

I'd like to give various virtual copies different filename (or add an appendage to the name) to describe their use. But changing one virtual copy changes all from the same original image. Is there any way to rename them individually?

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Lightroom :: EXIF Data Not Updated In Virtual Copies

Mar 9, 2012

My cameras have, over the years, misidentified a few lenses in EXIF. Most notably Sigma lenses, but naturally also older optics without built-in electronics.
I use Exiftool to rectify this, and then re-import metadata from file within LR. It works like a breeze both DNG, TIFF and JPG, but for the life of me I can't get those changes effected in existing Virtual Copies.
System details:
LR version: 3.6
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate x64

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Lightroom :: Naming Presets For Virtual Copies And PS Edits?

Jul 13, 2012

I'm new to Lightroom 4.1 and have been setting everything up... I'm having trouble with figuring out an efficient, clear naming system  to distnguish  Virtual Copies and Copies Edited in Photoshop. I tried using the "File Template Editor in the external Editing window... system and the way to enter it as a Preset in the File Template Editor.

My Image File Naming is as follows:   KOBRIEN_YY_00001.dng 

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Lightroom :: How To Get Additional Virtual Copies And PSD Files To Register In Collection

Mar 23, 2014

I accidentally resume my photo editing from the "folder" location instead of the "collection" location.  So now when I go back to my collection, none of the virtual copies and PSD files created are there.  The physical folder location has more files than the collection because of the extra PSD files.
I even tried to "Import" from the same folder location to see if LR would pickup the new virtual copies and PSD files.  But the crazy thing is LR does not register any "new photos". 
how to get the additional virtual copies and PSD files to register in my collection?

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