Lightroom :: Upon Creating A New Catalog / All Files Are Renamed With A Postfix -2?

Jun 5, 2012

My catalog was corrupted, and i decided to create a new catalog from cratch.To my big surprise alle falenames was renamed from IMG_xxxx.cr2 to IMG_xxxx-2.cr2. This is i problem sice i still god the old catalog, and try to recover some of the old editorial settings, but since alle files are renamed the are no longer visible in the old catalog. just about 15.000 files are renamed!

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Lightroom :: 1.3 Renaming Files - Some Photos Will Not Be Renamed?

Jun 28, 2010

I had a second shooter for a wedding who uses Nikon (I'm Canon) and now I'm trying to rename her files in LR 1.3 Library mode and I get the following message:"Some photos will not be renamed because they are missing or not writable."I know they are not missing because I have them and have edited and worked on them in LR, so that leaves "not writable."What does that mean and what do I have to do to be able to rename these files?I've never had this problem before (she worked another wedding for me and gave me .NEF files and I had no problem).
PS: I know I need to change over to LR3, but right now I'm still in LR 1.3 until I can upgrade.

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Lightroom :: Renamed Files In Picasa And LR3 Can't Find Them

Sep 1, 2012

I still use Picasa and LR3 (new to LR3, havent made the full switch as I'm still trying to get a grip on the LR3 learning curve)
What I did was change the folder names in Picasa (and found out I cannot undo folder name changes). I can locate the files in LR3 by keyword, but dont know how to reassosiate the files to their new folder.
Whats the the best way for LR3 to find these files again? I dont want to have to delete and reload the images, but will if its easier

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Lightroom :: How To Relink Files Moved And Renamed Outside Of LR

Mar 20, 2013

When I first started using LR, I converted several folders full of CR2s that had been imported into LR to .dng using the stand-alone DNG Converter and then used the OSX Finder to move those folders to my archive drives. (For those beginners following along - don't do this!!)
I want to re-link LR to those files but find that I need to do the relink routine one file at a time (instead of being able to use the "find nearby missing photos") because LR is looking for an exact match of filename + extension instead of just filename. The problem is that the files on the archve drive have a .dng extension and LR is looking for a .CR2 extension.
Is there a way of having LR look for just the filename? Perhaps a script of some sort?
3000 files to relink - one at a time is not a happy prospect.
(Of course, now I do everything from within LR. Live and learn!)
LR 4.3
OSX 10.7.5
lots of ram

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Lightroom :: Files Renamed When Importing To LR4 And Now Can't Find Them In LR3

Jan 11, 2012

Yesterday I installed LR 4 Beta.  I had a folder with 300 images in it on LR 3, obviously all files had names.  I imported these photos into LR4 to work with LR4 and they were renamed in the process.  Now in my LR3 folder, all the files still have there old names and the "missing photo ?" and I assume that's because the name has been changed and LR3 can't find them. 

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Smart Collection Or Filter To Display Non-renamed Files

Sep 26, 2013

I always rename pictures after import with YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SEQ-NR, now I would like to find out, which pictures were not getting renamed or where the filename is equal to the original-filename.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Creating New Copy Of Catalog

Apr 21, 2012

I use to have all my pictures in a single catalog - "MyPics". It contains around 50.000 photos.
Last week, LR4 has silently created a new copy of my catalog: "MyPics-2". No warning, no message. I did not notice immediately.
The 2 catalog files have roughly the same size, but the preview folders are very different: old: 350MB, 100 files, 115 folders new: 280GB, 47000 files, 34000 folders I assume it moved the preview files from old to new.
Is my assumption of moved preview files correct? Is this related to the upgrade from LR3.6 to LR4?
LR4, Win7x64, 8GB Ram

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Lightroom :: Could It Be That Metadata Changes Inherited When Creating New Catalog

Jul 27, 2013

LR seems to remember what I have done previously to a file, i.e. if I have edited the metadata of that file, and then it shows this added or changed information after importing the same files all over again, even if I create a completely new catalog. Is this normal? It's as if the new catalog inherits my previous changes to that file. But how? Isn't it so that Lightroom saves any edits and changes to the file inside the catalog? So if I am starting off with a new catalog but I import the same files again, it should not be aware of any previous changes? In theory?... right?
Right now I have a catalog named Experimental 5 with 8 CR2 files in it. Now if I change capture time for these files from say 08:00 to 07:00, create a new catalog named Experimental 6 and import the same 8 files in it, it would say "07:00" as capture time?... how? When I view these files in Windows Explorer it would still say "08:00". If I used the Save Metadata to file option from the Metadata menu I might just have sidecar XMP files. Is this where it's getting its information from when creating a new catalog?
Could this have anything to do with the option "Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" found in Catalog Settings?

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Lightroom :: Creating Preset New Catalog Setting?

Mar 15, 2012

My workflow is such that I create a new catalog for each shoot I do. This way it doesn't get sluggish with thousands of photos and such, files don't get orphaned when they're backup up to external drives and so on.
I create a new folder for the shoot in which the RAW files to and the catalog, catalog previews and everything that goes along with that.
I was wondering though, is it possible to adjust the settings so that when you create a new catalog, it AUTOMATICALLY loads your identity plate settings, develop user presets and so on? I have to copy them manually each time now...

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Lightroom :: Lost Edited Photos After Creating A Catalog?

Apr 3, 2012

I edited a bunch of photos and then created a catalog.  I can no longer find the edited versions of the photos.  The catalog when opened does not show any pictures. 

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Lightroom :: Creating Smart Previews To Images In The Catalog?

Dec 23, 2013

I'm wondering if it's possible to create smart previews for images that were imported into the catalog in a prior version of LR.  As my catalog continues to increase in size, I'm considering relocating my images to an external drive (currently on the hard drive).  I'm obviously concerned about doing any unintended damage to the catalog and workflow. 

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Photoshop :: Renamed Files And Unable To Open

Aug 3, 2007

need to recover these images!
I use Photoshop CS and am on Mac OS X 10.4.10

I have 700 odd wedding images in 5 folders, went to rename them as usual - but for some reason didnt check the "extension" option so now all of my jpegs are renamed but without a file tag - which means photoshop browser doesn't see them and none of my programs will open them! They are of course still in the folder - but not visible.

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Lightroom :: Retrieve Printable Files From Catalog Files?

Feb 21, 2014

I recently lost some original files to a hard drive failure.  Is there a way for me to retrieve some printable files from LR catalog files?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Relink Reference Files When Folder And File Have Been Renamed?

Jul 7, 2013

I knew how to use Reference Manager to replace xref saved path. Otherwise, if we change the xref file name also, RM could work?

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Lightroom :: Can Folders Be Renamed In LR4

Oct 16, 2012

I've been unsuccessful in LR4, although I always did this in LR3. 

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Lightroom :: Some Photos Will Not Be Renamed As They Are Missing Or Not Writable

Nov 24, 2013

I am trying to rename  some old photos in lightroom but I get thismessage:  some photos will not be renamed as they are missing or not writable.   the photos are not missing and I can work with them in the develop module.

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Lightroom :: Renamed Folders Won't Appear In Library Module?

Aug 21, 2012

I attended Matt's Kozlowski's LR4 seminar a few months ago. He talked about not using dates to organize your folders but instead use a meaningful description.
So at the time of IMPORT, I add the metadata, keywords and rename the folder to something meaningful. He said the folders cold still be found by date.
So.....on a recent trip to NEW HAMPSHIRE, i did some work, imported files into LR and renamed the files at import into my PICTURES directory on my laptop.
Now that I am home I am exporting as a catalogue but only the dates and not the names I gave at IMPORT for the folders appear in the library module.
DOI now have to go back at the destination and rename all the folders
I must be missing something.
I want to transfer all this work to my main computer but I will just be going back to bad habits using dates to name files.

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Lightroom :: How To Catalog Old Files That Are Not Edited

Jul 31, 2013

Knowing that a retouched photo is stored in a specific folder, how to catalog old files that are not edited? The goal is to have a full match in the catalogs.

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog And Files?

Feb 10, 2012

Currently my Catalog and photos reside inside a directory c:/Current (path shortened for simpliicty!) and I want to move the whole lot to a new location on the same drive, c:/NewLoc.
I see many explanations of moving to other drives or machines but cannot find an explanation of a 'simple' move to another directory on the same drive!

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Lightroom :: Catalog Won't Synch Files

Jun 20, 2013

Files don't show in catalog. Synchronization shows that the files need to be synched. Whe synchronizing, the files do not import or they show that they are already in the catalog. Yet they do not show in the catalog. How do I fix and not lose my edits.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Catalog Files Are All Locked?

Jun 4, 2012

I turned on my computer this morning and am un-able to access my 3.6 catalog files in 3.6, LR 4.1 rc2 has no porblem.

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Lightroom :: How To Add Files To Same Catalog From Different Folders

Dec 31, 2013

How do you add files to the same catalog from different folders?

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Lightroom :: Connecting Catalog To Original Files?

Sep 8, 2013

i moved my original files to a external hard disc. now i can't export files from the catalog. how can i connect the katalog to the original files again?

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Lightroom :: Using Another Computer To Access A Catalog Or Files?

Aug 3, 2013

I have LR installed on my MacPro and the Mac just died (graphics card issues). I'm going to just buy a new Mac, though I'm trying to figure out the best way to access everything in LR until then. All of the images and photos are stored on a separate internal drive that I can take out and access via a docking station.
1. Does the license for LR allow me to install a 2nd copy on my Mac notebook?

2. If I place a copy of the LR catalog file on my Mac notebook and plug the photos/videos drive into a docking station connected to my notebook, will everything open up?

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Lightroom :: How To Export As Catalog And Convert RAW Files To JPG

Feb 5, 2013

I’m teaching a college class and a couple of my students are shooting RAW. When they complete their assignment in Lightroom, they Export as Catalog, compress that folder and submit it to me through Dropbox. This worflow works great with students who shoot .jpg but the kids who are shooting RAW have files that are too large to upload.

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Lightroom :: Catalog Should Keep Track Of All Visual Files

Feb 27, 2013

Lr 4.3 seems to reject (video) files it cannot open, in a Catalog. 
A Catalog should contain ALL files, pictures, photos, videos alike.

I do not like the concept of rejecting files. This way e.g . old video files are excluded from a catalog.

How am I to catalog the rejected files?

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Lightroom :: DNG Files In Trash - How To Get Back In Catalog

Jun 30, 2012

I just mistakenly deleted all my 5000 dng files, and some xmp files are in the trash too. How do I get them back in the catalog? My last backup says it was after I had deleted them (apparently I set it to auto backup?) My only excuse is that I was in an accident 2 days ago. Maybe shouldn't be doing much in Lightroom~!

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Lightroom :: 2 - Reconnect Missing Files In Catalog

Oct 9, 2013

I am using Lightroom 2.  I have many photo folders on an external drive that show as off-line when I open Lightroom.  I can see the photos in Lightroom but can not do anything with them.
How do I reconnect this folders that show off-line and have a ? mark?

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Lightroom :: Select / Show All Files In Catalog NOT Currently In A Collection?

Dec 31, 2011

Is there an easy way to show all files in a catalog not currently assigned to ANY (non-smart) collection?
Can i set up a Smart Collection to do this?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete LR2 Catalog - Data And Journal Files

Jan 26, 2013

I'm using 3.6. Can I delete LR2 cat, data and journal files?

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Lightroom :: How To Safely Convert CR2 Files To DNG After Import From Catalog

Dec 8, 2012

Images on my laptop from 2 photoshoots in the studio today were EXPORTED from laptop as catlog and imported to desktop as catalog.
I imported without moving the files anywhere since I was instructed to move that folder to its final resting place.
The 125 images were importred into LR4 but I see they are still CR2 files.
Is there a way to convert these to DNG inplace? or is it safe to re-import these. I don't want the side car gig.

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