Lightroom :: Unsupported Or Damaged But Can View In Picasa
Sep 3, 2013
I just came back from a long trip out west and almost all (a very few do open) .nef images in Lightroom 5 64bit give me the "unsupported or damaged" message.
I imported the files using Picasa and can view them just fine on there and can see the EXIF data.A lot of searching online led me to try converting the files to .DNG using the DNG converter 8.1 but I get the same "unsupported or damaged" message.
Why do my .JPG files "appear to be unsupported or damaged" in LR 4? I've never had this isssue before, just (attempting) to import files from my snycomatic folder (taken with my iphone). I've been doing it exactly the same as usual, but this time when I attempt it I get "the files appear to be unsupported or damaged."
All are jpeg files, all open in finder just fine, and it did allow 8 of the 30 some odd pictures to be imported? preview image(s) were unavailable in the thumbnails, though the ones that worked were visable.
I did double check and the folder permissions are all fine and I seem to be able to import other files from other folders with no issues.Running Lightroom 4.4 & OSX10.7.5 on a Mbpro.
I can drag these same pictures to Lightroom and work on them but I can't import them for catalog. They preview in any viewer but I can't import for catalog.
I'm synchronizing my LR files with my Hard Drive files. I get an Import Results page that says: Some import operations were not performed. The files appear to be unsupported or damaged. It then lists the files that could not be imported. When I look at the files, some are .CR2 (Canon RAW) files, some are .TIF files, and some are .PSD files.
I don't know when the problem originated, but I was able to open them earlier. There are hundreds of files that cannot be read.
I still use Picasa and LR3 (new to LR3, havent made the full switch as I'm still trying to get a grip on the LR3 learning curve)
What I did was change the folder names in Picasa (and found out I cannot undo folder name changes). I can locate the files in LR3 by keyword, but dont know how to reassosiate the files to their new folder.
Whats the the best way for LR3 to find these files again? I dont want to have to delete and reload the images, but will if its easier
I have recently purchased Lightroom 4. I have edited my photos and saved them as JPEG. I exported them to my computer and wanted to select some for my Picasa web album. I have never resized previously and uploaded full size as I thought they are my back up if I lost everything here.
Anyway when I tried to upload to Picasa it said the image was too large. Some were around 3-4MB which i thought was ok?
I've just inherited a 500GB HDD from my Dad and I'd love to be able to work all his photos through LR, although there's no way I'm sitting there and importing each and every directory!
As Google Picasa can be told to monitor a directory (eg My Pictures) and each time a new directory or directories are added, on startup it scans for and locates these new dirs and imports the pictures.
Can LR3 be set up to do this please as it would save me hours if I could just leave it overnight to import all of his pics straight into LR.
I have lots of folders on my Mac that have been imported into LR, however, there are lots of files inside these folders that LR does not support like .png files so they never were imported. If I go into all of these folders and remove the files that LR doesnt like, Will it cause a problem since the folders have already been imported?
I've just moved to a new computer and also I've just started using LR4. Since moving I've had a few of my imported images display the 'The image appears to be damaged' message when in develop mode.
The image appears undamaged and I can edit and export without issue, if I copy the image on disk the copy will also cause the message to appear however when I copy the image to another computer (running Windows 7 and LR 3.3) and that doesn't report the image as damaged.
I'm not too sure what causes LR to report the image as damaged also I don't know why the image would appear damaged on one computer and not on another.
===== The files appear to be unsupported or damaged. (2) DSC01351.ARW DSC01352.ARW =====
Actually there are 41 files with this message. They happened on one day; all other days the files had no problem, so I don't think it is a card error. Every day I back up the card twice before deleting files for the next day. All copies have the error problem for that one day. I'm using a Sony a580. On the day in question, the playback function worked and I could see the photos I had taken.
There is lots of software for recovering deleted files, but that's not the problem. I need to fix damage, and although I wouldn't mind paying, I can't find any programs that give you even a hint that they will work without the money down first.
I had a blue screen while working with Lightroom and now I can not open catalog. I got this window: recover data from the directory? Option "Import from another catalog" also does not work.
A drive I kept my photos on corrupted and some of my folders of photos went missing.
I have a reasonable sized preview, I can go in and look at the image, the only difference is I can't zoom in to 1:1. I want to export the preview image from lightroom, its still better than losing the whole image.
Is there anyway to do that? the usual export throws a missing file alert.
I have several raw images that were imported directly from the memory card into LR5 as DNG files. They look fine in the Library mode - both in Grid and Loupe view, but when they are opened into the Develop module they have gray and pink boxes as if information is missing and I get an error message saying "image appears to be damaged".
Is it really damaged or is there a way to resolve this? When I look at the file itself through Finder it shows the damage, so I'm thinking it's damaged but somehow the previews aren't?
Just want to understand before I import again or start editing only to lose more pictures. Is it a bug?
We recently installed extra RAM only to find out it wasn't compatible with the Mac. We have the correct RAM in there now, but I don't know if I should uninstall and reinstall LR5 or if it should now be fine with the new RAM or if it's totally unrelated to the RAM.
I've got a catalog that work fine in LR4.4, but when I try to upgrade them to LR5 I get the error, "Lightroom couldn't update the format of its catalog file because the file appears to be damaged." The catalogs aren't damaged as they work perfectly in LR4.4. I urgently need to update them to a new mac with LR5.
That's how I thought it would work but unable to connect to Picassa icon on my desktop for files - nothing shows! Can connect to everything else on desktop! Control Panel /programs etc. does not work either! If I email image, then click on little icon in attach and move it to desktop, only then I can move pic to PSE 12 Organiser. Something went wrong in download perhaps? Need to download again?
This is an InDesign/Photoshop error but the problem itself is coming from Photoshop.
I made a silhouette pic in Photoshop CS6 after rasterizing some layers and what I have is a black background with a white figure in the foreground. I could not convert it to a JPEG, but I opened it up in Bridge and I wanted to import it into InDesign, but then I got an error message that said:
"This file uses an unsupported color space. Only RGB, CMYK, L*a*b*, grayscale, indexed and bitmap formats are supported by the Photoshop filter"
I tried to fix it in Photoshop but there's no way to unlock the Background layer in order to edit it.
I've just bought Sony Vaio Duo 11 i7 edition with Windows 8 Pro, but I found pen pressure isn't working on neither Photoshop CS5.0.4 or Photoshop Elements 10, while its pen pressure works on Fresh Paint and Artrage 3.5.5.
I have a folder of tiffs that were recovered from an sd card out of a Canon T3i. The only recovery software that worked saved them as Tiff files. I can view the thumbnail, I can even view the full res version in Windows Picture Viewer, but the files cannot be opened by Lightroom, Photoshop, Infranview or Gimp. The all spit out a message to the tune of "unsupported tiff format".
I'd be happy to just get these things into jpeg format so that I can edit them,.
I am currently on X6, but have had every version prior produce the same problem. When I create a Video File using the "Custom" avi (Xvid) option, it doesn't matter which Audio format and setting I select ( and I have tried them all !) when I play the file on my TV ( Panasonic - New) I get a message that the Audio file is unsupported, and there is no audio.
the TIFF output from our large office printer cannot be opened with photoshop? im just told its unsupported. how can a £2000 design suite (dont even get me started on why the english have to pay more than double the US pay for the same product) not open basic TIFF files? the basic windows one can open them fine and i have to print them to pdf to import into photoshop
this is ridiculous - is there a work around or do i just not use TIFF from that printer/scanner any more?