I am running LR4 ver4.3. All of a sudden I receied an error message stating cannnot switch to module. I have tried all the usual stuff before going out to the web to look for fixes. On adobe's site they recommended 6 things which I did exactly as instructed and still nothing..I am running iMac mountain lion and everything on my computer is up to date.
I know this is gonna be hard to believe after 4+ versions of LR, but, I just tried slideshow on the 4.4 RC and the timing issue which has been the bain of the slideshow module seems to have been adjusted. I have just tried 6-7 different slide shows, added music of various lengths, changed the fade durations, changed the type of music, source of music, and greatly varied lengths of music and it has actually worked in a manner that would be acceptable to view with a client in a face to face presentation. This includes using an intro and exit screen. I am using a mac with SnowLeopard. I will try this on a PC with Windows 7 Professional later today. You still can only use one soundtrack and make sure the sound track does not start or stop too abruptly, but what a big difference! I could not get it to mess up regardless of changes I made.
I experience a lot of annoying waiting time watching the progress bar while Lightroom is "preparing the previews in advance". In previous versions you could skip this process and the previews were built while the slideshow was running, which was performing very well.
Please bring back this "feature". I know the previews don't have to be built if you already have 1:1 previews but it's not very convinient to have 1:1 previews for every image you might want to show in a slideshow. Especially since LIghtroom 5 invented the Smart Previews I don't understand why these previews can't be used for the slideshow module as well.
Is there a bugfix coming or any workaround within LR (no 3rd party software)?
When attempting to access the SLIDESHOW module I get the error message "an error occurred when attempting to change modules. This occurrs when using either the main task bar at the very top of the page under "WINDOW" or the horizontal list of modules near the top right of the page.
yes I did get a error message but it was too long to copy here.I've paid good money for Lightroom. I'M spending a lot of time using it and perfecting my stuff. If it crashes all the time, what's the point? I am about my work and I don't feel very much respected by this version of Lightroom.I'm using the most recent version, 4.1 .
in Lightroom 5's Slideshow module, i use the Overlay panel (you decide if Identity Plate or custom text appear in the slide show). I've seen screenshots and tutorials where you could add shadow to those overlays - there was a Shadows section at the bottom of the Overlays panel.
But that was Lightroom on the Mac. In my Windows version the Overlays panel does not show the Shadows section that i clearly see on screenshots taken on Macintosh versions.
The lightroom slideshow module appears to only allow one picture or one video per screen. I would like to put everything within one folder (usually 4 pictures) on one screen.
In LR5, Slideshow module, the arrow keys do not move to the next or previous image in the auto mode. They do work in the manual mode, but I need them to work in the auto mode as well.
For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!
Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT". With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
After making changes to an image (sharpening, exposure, contrast, etc, etc) in the develop module, when I head over to the library module, the image does not show the latest changes. What's worse is when I export a JPG of the image, it exports the original! What's the point in having LR?
When I move photos from the develop module to the web module they get a garish/reddish look . I want the photos in slide shows to look like they do in the Develop module. How do I do that?
I just clean-installed PS CS6, previously coming from heavy PS CS4 experience. I extensively use tab to go to full screen for optimal viewing conditions, and I also used alt+key combinations to access the menus via keyboard and edit while in full screen. CS6 no longer allows me to do this. Is this a new limitation of CS6? Is there a way to make ALT+key menu access work again? since the tab fullscreen view is something I use very very often for undistracted analysis of my work.
I am running Corel x4, and have a floating colour palette docker that has 'slipped' off screen. Because I cant access/reach the title bar, I cannot redock or move it. I have tried closing the program & restarting, even in Corel x4 default Workspace, but when I open the program the docker is still partially off screen...
I'm trying to import a AVI file (its not DV) into VS but it comes up with the error message "xxx file is inaccessible" followed by the message "This file cannot be added to the project due to unknown file format or not enough memory or copyright".
I tried to play it in Windows Media Player but it came up with an error message about missing the required Codec. I installed the required codec (using MediaInfo advice) and Windows Media player can now play the file but VS still can't import it. The video stream of the AVI file is MPEG-4 (DivX 5). I would have thought that once I installed the correct codec for the Windows Media Player that VS should work with that file format?
I had to reintsall elements 6 and now the print button is not highlighted.. cannot click on it. Order prints is clickable. How can I fix this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled many times.
Once I had completed working on a project in PSE9, I 'saved as' my work.
I then closed the program and went to re-open the file however, the file appears with the extension 'File' and is un-accessible in all of the photo viewing software I have available. The file is however, still a large file - 85MB - which would suggest all of the file information is still in-tact.
I tried opening the file in several different programs, I've tried re-nameing the file, opeing the file properties to change the file type, backing up the file then restarting the computer and program. So far nothing has worked.
I use Adobe Elements 12 Organizer on Macbook Pro. When I open Organizer, the window is too large, and the top and bottom are hidden behind the Mac menus so they are not accessible. I can´t reach the top menu, and can´t resize the window, or move it around on the screen.
Co-Worker was in the process of moving his mouse, accidentally clicked, catching PN and began draggin it. Upon unclicking, PN moved to what I can only describe as the background.
Currently have MdiTab18.arx loaded in my applications to provide drawing tabs. PN appears BEHIND THAT. Toolbars and pull down menus are in front of it. unloading app, moving toolbars,....nothing allows me access to it to drag it back.
Tried restarting, but PN stays put. Tried different work space, but PN doesn't move.
I'm very unfamiliar with any but the most basic stuff in Library and Develop. I've attempted to create a slide show, decided I wanted to change it and start over but it seems the unsaved slideshow is still hanging about.
I don't see how to get rid of it, I continue to see an 'Unsaved slide show' written near the top left/center of slideshow screen.I want to just ditch that attempt and start over.
I have a 66 image slideshow sorted from a collection.
LR will only export 11 images.
I have tried from the original images (not in a collection), have saved a slideshow, have previewed and played, everything works fine on screen but I can't export the slideshow as jpegs.
I am trying to select music for my slideshow in LR 3. When I click on "select music" in the Slideshow Module I am able to select a song but because of the number of photos in the show I need more than one song or else find a much longer song. I need to add three songs to get adequate length. This is on a PC laptop. I have tried holding down various buttons while clicking on an additional song to add. including the shift button, Alt button, Ctrl, Window button, and Fn. It still keeps unchecking the selected song and then checking the next song I click on.
How do I get more than one song into the Slideshow?
In LR 4, you should skip the previews and just start playing a slideshow (it would render as it played). It looks like that's been removed in LR5? How can I restore the LR4 functionality?